Figure "Hourglass" (68 photos): Choose clothes for women by type of shape type, how to lose weight, images with skirts for thin girls


Feminine shapes of the figure called "Hourglass" at all times were considered one of the most attractive and desired. Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, moderate physical exertion, as well as correctly selected clothing can have an invaluable service in the desire to achieve ideal parameters.


Description type

Before proceeding with the description of the "Hourglass" figures, it should be understood in existing types. The female figure can be several types that can be determined by external features.

  • In the form of a rectangle. With such a physique, the sizes of the hips, waist and shoulders are practically at the same level.
  • In the form of an apple. This form is characterized by roundness distinguished by the tummy, the waist form is blurred.
  • In the form of pears. Such a type is characterized by the presence of narrow shoulders, disproportionately wide Niza. A narrow waist is highlighted.
  • In the form of a triangle base up. Such a type is characterized by widespread shoulders (wider than the girth of the hips), the waist has less pronounced lines.
  • In the form of an hourglass. This type is characterized by proportional dimensions of the upper and lower part. The waist line is clearly highlighted.


It is important to note that it is not always possible to meet any type of form in its pure form. Sometimes the types have mixed characteristics that are found in several types of forms. The situation is complicated by excessive weight loss or obesity, when the lines become more blurred.

The parameters of the "Hourglass" figures are close to all known template sizes of 90x60x90. However, in this case, it is not about such tough framework. The shoulders can be the same girth with hips, and may have a slightly smaller size. A visiting card of this type is a very thin waist, the volume of which is 25-30% less than the volume of the hips. Hands have an average size corresponding to the whole set.




This figure is characterized by elegant bends proportional to forms. Even with a weight set, fat is distributed proportional. However, in the presence of a mixed type of forms, fat deposits may largely be postponed in the hips, which is often found at the pear form. The deposition of fat in the field of the waist is more common in the triangular form.

It should be noted that there are no clear sizes in the figure resembling hourglass. The owner of this type can be very skinny, medium weight or full. Growth also varies from the smallest to the highest. This type of figure is given by nature and it is impossible to create without interference with a plastic surgeon.



It must be remembered that any type of figure can easily become unattractive, if not paying proper attention to him and abuse bad habits. Incorrect power, a sedentary lifestyle leads to an increase in weight, a decrease in tone, blurring lines, and just to poor well-being.



We achieve an ideal appearance

Under the ideal appearance, first of all, is meant a healthy look. A positive attitude is important here, shine in the eyes, vital activity, self-confidence. And if there is dissatisfaction in appearance, then it is difficult to boast such characteristics.

Before you begin to solve the existing problem, it is necessary to figure out what is the reason for its reason. If we are talking about forms, it is important to understand that natural data cannot be changed, but you can always make some adjustments that will help create your own unique style. By changing the lifestyle, abandoning bad habits, you can easily achieve the desired result.


Particular attention should be paid to the balance of nutrition, as well as an increase in physical activity.


The correct diet allows you to achieve beautiful forms at home without applying various diets, drugs. In this case, it is not even necessary to abandon your favorite sweets. However, everything should be known in everything. It is very difficult to change the established norms and must be immediately prepared for the fact that the habit of the habits can be used correctly. But as they say, the road is asset going.


So, in order to lose weight and get a cherished figure with a thin waist, you need to do the following:

  • It follows only when a realization of explicit hunger appears, but it is not worth waiting for a pre-corrosion state;
  • It is not recommended to impose large portions to a plate: it is necessary before the state when the feeling arises that the feeling of hunger disappeared;
  • It is better to eat several times a day in small quantities;
  • Chew food pieces need slowly, savoring each slice;
  • It is important to listen to your body and there is something that I want, while you need to enjoy not only the taste, but also the species, and the smell of food;
  • You should forget about the snacks on the way to work or while walking;
  • We need to eat no later than 3-4 hours before sleep;
  • The diet should be a variety of saturated useful substances, vitamins.


It should be noted that every day fruits, vegetables, greens, seeds must be present in the diet. Instead of mayonnaise for refueling dishes, it is recommended to use olive, sesame, ornate oil. They are rich in rich and monon-saturated fatty acids.

Instead of sugar it is better to use honey. However, it is important here to know the measure. Fans to enjoy chocolate. It is recommended to choose views with cocoa content from 70%. It is impossible to exclude nuts from the diet and dried fruits.

It should be limited to consuming fatty foods. As meat dishes, it is recommended to give preference to turkey, chicken, beef. Very useful cereals. In the diet, porridge must be present, buckwheat. Useful lentils, eggs, fish.




It is also better to eliminate the reception of flour, pasta, fast food, not to mention the cakes, sweets, buns. It is important to limit the consumption of soda, energy drinks, alcohol. There must be more proteins, fats and to a lesser degree of carbohydrates.

It should be more drinking fluid, but its amount is best coordinated with a doctor, especially if there are urinary diseases, cardiovascular system. Gradually, giving preference to useful products, the body will begin to rebuild. The desire to eat something on the run, before bedtime, or simply from nothing to do will disappear.


Compliance with the right rules of proper nutrition will help get rid of gravity in all body, fatigue, discomfort feelings in the stomach. Gradually, the shape of the figure will become slimmer, and the mood is positive.


With the help of special exercises, you can bring the parameters of an imperfect figure to ideal. Daily workouts give a charge of cheerfulness, positive for the whole day. The muscle tone increases, the forms will appear, fat folds disappear.



In the presence of a figure "Hourglass" of great effort in order to get the desired result is not required. Yes, and with such a figure quite difficult to engage in professional sports requiring tremendous physical exertion. In this case, it is enough to limit the long-term hiking walks. Good effect are dancing, running, swimming, cycling, skating, skiing.



Daily gymnastics for 15-20 minutes using exercises for abdominal muscle groups, chest, hips, backs, necks, legs allows you to stay in good shape, helps to strengthen posture, improves blood circulation. In front of the gymnastics make muscle preparing, heated, configure their breath. After charging, a small set of stretching exercises should be made. You can take advantage of special breathing practices, yoga.

Exercises can be performed at home. However, before proceeding with the set of exercises, it is recommended at least once to do them with an instructor. In some cases, before doing gymnastics, it should be consulted with a doctor for the presence of contraindications.


It should be remembered that when performing exercises is not recommended to rush. Movements should be soft, smooth.

Those who have other types of figures, for example, in the form of a rectangle, where the main problem is the fuzziness of the waist line, it is recommended to focus on exercises that strengthen and pull up muscles in this area. If the figure resembles a triangle, then it is important to pay attention to the set of exercises aimed at strengthening the thigh muscles. If there is a figure in the form of a pear, it is recommended to pay attention to the muscles of the shoulder belt.

Moderate exercise helps to form such shapes of the shape with which comfortably and easily. However, it should be remembered that Motor activity should be in a habit, otherwise any improvements will be temporary.



Style recommendations

When creating an ideal image, great attention should be paid to the wardrobe. The first impression is formed by appearance, the manner hold on, the ability to dress. Properly chosen image gives confidence to manners, freedom of movement, emphasizes the advantages of the figure, appearance in general. Features of the wardrobe depend not only on personal preferences, fantasies, shapes of the figure, growth, but also from age. It should be remembered when choosing one or another type of clothing.


Ideas for a girl

In the wardrobe of fashionistas, who under 30 years old, must be present both basic things for everyday wearing and things for a trip to various events.

The basic things can be attributed to:

  • jeans;
  • sweatshirts, sweaters;
  • tops;
  • skirts;
  • dresses;
  • shorts;
  • T-shirts;
  • turtlenecks;
  • Jackets.





The example shows the options for dresses and blouses that will ideally look at a slim figure.

Among things for events in the wardrobe should be necessary:

  • Pants with jacket, shirt or blouse;
  • evening dress;
  • coat.




Coloring things can be the most different. The form should be selected depending on the features of the figure. If there is a shape "Hourglass", it is better to give preference to models that emphasize the accurate forms of the body. It is recommended to choose soft fabrics.




It is not recommended to wear blouses with rushes or laces in the presence of a lush chest. Such models are suitable for the type with a small bust. If there is a lush hips, it is not recommended to wear models with lots of pockets.



In order to emphasize the figure, you can use the belt. One of the advantages of young age is the admissibility of wearing short skirts, dresses, open tops. However, and here should be neat so as not to emphasize the shortcomings.

If there are low growth, shortened trousers or jeans should be avoided. Their length should be at the level of the middle of the heel. It is also not recommended to wear trousers scattered from the knee, a low fit model. Broken things should be avoided, which make a beautiful figure shapeless.



Top clothing can be different, but more often at such age prefer sports things. With the type of the "Hourglass" figure, it is recommended to dress in things with a damned cut. Length can be different.



Options for mature ladies

In a more mature age, the choice of clothing should be approached with special care. The wardrobe must also have things for everyday socks, for example:

  • dresses;
  • skirts;
  • blouses;
  • pants;
  • jackets;
  • sleeveless.





Also, things should be available for events, for example:

  • Evening Dress;
  • business suit;
  • coat.




The example shows the shadows of models for different occasions.

For women, one-day clothing is suitable. When choosing a style, you should choose those models that will emphasize the advantages of the shape and hide the shortcomings. Therefore, most often choose dresses or middle-length skirts and below. In this case, the skirts-pencils or skirts with a wide fold at the level of knees, dresses-cases, models on the smell are ideally watching.



It is also not recommended to wear baggy things. If the shapes are full, then you should choose more free styles of blouses that can be filled under the skirt or under the strap. Dark tones give harness figure. Therefore, a black cardigan should be present in the wardrobe of each woman.



When choosing the outerwear, it is recommended to give preference to feminine, elegant models. The presence of extracts for the waist will emphasize the harness of the silhouette.



Stars with such appearance

Many celebrities boast an enviable figure in the form of an hourglass. Among them are famous actresses, such as:

  • Marilyn Monroe;
  • Monica Bellucci;
  • Kate Winslet;
  • Halle Berry;
  • Scarlett Johansson;
  • Megan Fox;
  • Salma Hayek.








This figure is also found in the model business, the model of Naomi Campbell can serve as a bright example.

It should be noted that this is rather an exception to the rules, since the models often have figures that are rectangular or triangular forms.



Beautiful images

  • Elegant onions create fitted dresses from lightly fitting fabric.


  • Gorgeous dresses are ideal for a special, solemn event.


  • Light outfits for everyday socks perfectly emphasize the advantages of the figure.


      • Examples of interesting combinations that give silhouette and femininity, for those who look completely and has a low growth (160 cm and less).


      The example is presented with an evening dress, ideally emphasizing the beautiful bends of the exact figure. This model is suitable for solemn cases. However, some elements of the outfit can be easily applied in everyday life.


      About what kind of proceedings need to be done, having a figure "Hourglass", look next.

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