Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge


The brain of each person contains countless images. Any heard or read words instantly retrieve certain visual pictures from the consciousness of the individual, transforming them. Any person is able to think figuratively.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_2

What it is?

In psychology, much attention is paid to cognitive mechanisms that make up the basis for the figurative of personality thinking. The ability to think images is a mandatory component of knowledge. The content of the mental task is based on the figurative material. In the vault of human memory there is a huge number of sensual images that people are used to reflect the vital processes. Based on visual, auditory, tactile, taste images, the inner world of man is being built. During solving any problems, the subject analyzes, compares, summarizes different images of phenomena and events.

Important features are characterized by figurative.

  • The understanding of the situation occurs in general, without crushing into separate details. Passion for specific elements does not give a person to see a holistic picture, that is, behind the waves, he may not discern the sea. When processing new information, this type of mental activity involves directly extracting from memory or recreation through the imagination of various images, not judgments or conclusions.
  • Unusual conformity is installed between objects and their properties. A peculiar mental picture of solving problems occurs in the form of insight. No personality can manage unconscious processes. Sometimes in the brain of the individual, incomprehensible and even most incredible images flasher. In fact, they benefit, forming and developing figurative thinking.
  • Associativity, dynamism, mobility . This is a high-speed type of thought process. Sometimes a person does not have time to climb the resulting images.

The reflection of reality in figuratively is most characteristic of works of art and literature.

Most of the creations of painting and sculptures, fiction, musical works reproduce the objective reality multifaceted, deep and generalized with the help of figurative means.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_3

How is it used?

It is the image that is the main unit of thinking kids. According to researchers, 30% of schoolchildren up to grade 6 to memorize rules and solving problems use mental means in figuratively. The support for the image contributes to the good absorption of the school material, activates the creative sides of the child, forms its imagination.

In the life of each person, the ability to think in images plays a big role. The use of figurative associations, fantasies opens up new opportunities for developing imagination, attention, memory, creative personality abilities. Fashionable thinking is used as an additional tool to expand the ability to solve any vital task or cope with the problem. It helps multifaceted and diverse to reflect objective reality.

The degree of imagination depends on the level of consciousness, life experience, internal harmony. This type of mental activity helps a person to express their ideas about any objects and phenomena, transform them in case of changed circumstances. In this regard, the subject appears the opportunity to hold the missing details of the painting, expand associative connections, mentally penetrating the problem or tasks.

In many creative professions, it is difficult to do without figurative thinking, and sometimes it is impossible. Designers, artists, fashion designers, architects, poets, writers, philosophers think images. The productivity of the use of figurative components is widely manifested in intellectual work.

Currently, scientific and technical progress largely depends on the ability to properly operate in images, on the level of figurative mental activity of a person.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_4

How to develop?

The diagnosis of children's figurative thinking is carried out by folding the split pictures. In this way, the ability to collect particles of the image into a single integer is checked. The reunification of individual details indicates the presence of mental chaoticness or focus when creating a holistic image. Adult man or teenager diagnosis can produce independently.

Present sequentially a few images and evaluate their brightness over a 10-point scale, where 1 is too weak image, and 10 is a very bright visual picture:

  • Beautiful motorcycle stands on a parking near your home;
  • The same motorcycle starts movement;
  • The same vehicle in huge speed is carried through the streets of the city;
  • Motorcycle overtakes a row of cars;
  • It is gradually removed, turns into a small point and almost disappears from the view;
  • Now the same motorcycle lies on the side of the road with the wheels turned up;
  • It is returned to normal position;
  • This time he goes carefully, slowly;
  • Motorcycle passes through a mountain serpentine;
  • He rushes in the dark with the included spotlight.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_5

It is a good outcome to be 40 points . This means that the brightness of the images is at the proper level. With the resulting less than 20 points, it is necessary to urgently take measures to develop figurative mental activity.

Start the development of thinking with the help of images is necessary from 4-5 years. Miscellaneous techniques are used. For example, the "Fairy Tale Experiment" method is used for preschool children.

The first word came to mind to be united with a different concept with the help of prepositions. For example, the words "cat" and "box": "Cat on the box", "Cat under the box", "Cat in a box." And then the children's fantasy turns on, and various images are created: the cat in the box lives with kittens; Cat in the box stores its outfits and accessories; Cat under the box hides from the bright sun; The cat on the box decomposed the existence and treat them their stray friends.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_6

To form a figurative thinking, we must give the will of fantasy. To this end, it is necessary to mentally create visual pictures, build associative rows. Psychologists are recommended to organize student in primary schools. Search for associations. The game is called "what does it look like?" She is perfectly developing figurative thinking from younger students. Children offer carefully to see the spiral, a rectangle, a circle, any rogulin, an abstract drawing and come up with their own associations.

In the learning process, the exercises are gradually complicated. To form a figurative thinking, it is necessary to include tasks requiring operating images of various levels of generalization, images themselves . Effective reflection using bright mental pictures contribute to the exhibitions of arts, travel, descriptions of a variety of landscapes.

The mental process using colorful images can be developed in people of any age.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_7

In adults

Training the figurative thinking adults can use the representation of bright interconnected patterns that help design images. We need to mentally visualize the upcoming action. If you are afraid to forget to make some payment, you must submit a bright picture. Draw in my head, as you enter Sberbank and come to the terminal. The brain himself will trust this action at the moment when you pass by Sberbank. He will remind you of unpaid bills.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_8

In children

Usually in childhood, this type of mental process develops actively at the expense of fantasies and plot-role-playing games. The kids form imagination using the manufacture of various crafts, appliques, origami, macrame, modeling plasticine, drawing with both hands, assembling puzzles, domino and lotto games. A very good means of developing this type of thinking is to read fairy tales using fairy tales, gestures and emotions, viewing cartoon films, drawing cartoon characters with sensing plot, resulting in anyone not recognizable, new hero. It is necessary to constantly ask the child to fantasize at the form of pebbles, clouds, corping.

Let him respond to what these items hide and write a fairy tale.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_9

Exercises and riddles

Children are well suited Scene-role-playing with reincarnation. After the role distribution, the fictional situation is played. The kids are reincarnated in patients and doctors, buyers and sellers, customers and hairdressers. They can become circus or theater artists, fashion designers, cosmonauts.

The formation of the task is taking into account the possibility of selling children's fantasy to the maximum. For example, during flight to Mars, the engine breakdown occurred, you need to urgently sit on the nearest planet. Children must tell that they see through imaginary portholes, describe in detail the unknown territory, calculate the remaining edible reserves.

To perform the following task, you need to use any familiar object and add it new features. . For example, a regular empty canned jar can be turned into a container to germinate seeds, a box for storing buttons - in a device to a head for a small snowman.

You can learn to think figuratively using the postcards on which any object is depicted. The child is offered to imagine instead of this subject of some fauna. For example, the sun can be associated with someone from a lion's head, where the sun rays turn into the mane. Another kid can imagine a spider or octopus. Children offer to orally describe an animal or insect in the imagination. Then you need to draw it.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_10

In the future, training of figurative thinking is carried out With the help of the same postcards, but this time children give a job instead of depicted items to imagine food. Then you can ask what representatives of the flora look like a print. The sun in children's imagination can turn into a cake, sunflower or chamomile.

Droodles is widely used for operating mental images. They resemble a doodle that develops the imagination well. It is necessary in each doodle, which is a graphic puzzle, invest new meaning. For the correlation of the picture and the image that arose in the head, a person has to mentally sort out the large amount of information stored in the archive of the brain. Each ride accommodates a huge number of response options. You need to choose the inscriptions to all images. What they are more, the better.

The creation of associative chains makes it possible to make the brain to generate visual images at its own discretion. The figurative rows are needed in the imagination to increase and decrease, bring up and move back, paint into different colors, change the form. There is still an interesting admission of agglutination when they mentally unite parts taken from different images. So, the idea of ​​the aircraft was taken through long-term bird observation.

Try creating a drawing of an animal that does not exist in nature. To the head of the cow, add the lion's mane, trotting the body, fish with scales, fox tail and frog paws.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_11

For children there is an excellent exercise. The artist did not have time to draw a picture. Complete his work. But the second half should not differ from the first part of the drawing. To perform the task, the child will have a second part of the picture to display the mirror. In the first steps, you can allow the mirror to apply to the drawing axis to see how the right side should look like.

Adults are recommended Exercises with a mirror location of letters. First you need to carefully consider both types of signs with different inclination. Then they show only one and only letter. It is necessary to quickly determine, there is a normal or mirror image before their eyes.

Exercise with matches is well suited for adolescents and adults. It is necessary to throw 5 pieces on the table, then 30 seconds to look at them and, without spying, decompose the other 5 matches in the same order. You need to perform this exercise until it turns out the right alignment. Then the number of matches increase.

The following task assumes writing in the center of the word sheet. It should be selected suitable definitions and write them on the right. On the left side of the leaf need to put adjectives or communities that, in meaning, do not combine with the nouns recorded in the center. For example, on the right of the concept of "dog", you can put the words: "courtyard", "beautiful", "thin", "smart", "shaggy", "spotted", "playful", "angry", "dirty". On the left it is necessary to come up with adjectives or communities that do not knit with the image of the dog: "Liquid", "refractory", "pointed", "triangular", "lunar", "laughter", "cloudless".

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_12

Sleeping rebus In which there are letters, numbers, commas, images located in a different order, allows the child to produce a mental analysis, teaches thinking by images, develops a creative personality. Search Omonimov With the leading issues also used in learning to think figuratively. Usually used leading questions. What word indicates a grape branch and an object that is used for drawing? What does part of the gun and part of the tree mean?

Riddles Formed the ability to create in the imagination an image suitable for a verbal description of the features of a particular action or subject. Riddles need to be pronounced expressively, express logical strokes and withstand pause. In suggestions intended for solving, the various phenomena of nature, representatives of the fauna and flora, the people and their life themselves are hidden.

The wit, accuracy and conciseness of phrases designed to quickly extract the desired image from the depths of the brain, contribute to the development of the mind. Thanks to which it acquires mobility.

Fashionable thinking: What is it in psychology? Mysteries on thinking by images, development and features of the figurative component of knowledge 17592_13

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