Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it?


Supporters of healthy food are already in anticipation of delicious and useful natural summer products, among which fresh cabbage occupies one of the leading places. However, with massive cochanists, it is difficult to manage, many dishes require thin bumps. So that the cutting looks smooth and neat, it is important to buy the right knife for this purpose. It can be like a universal classic kitchen knife and a special tank tool.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_2

Which to choose?

The main feature of the knife suitable for cutting Kochan is its sharpness. The blade should be Wide and correct shape. It must be thoroughly shaped before work. Under the handle must certainly be a protrusion. In fact, if there is such a universal knife in the kitchen, then it is quite combined for the batch of this vegetable, but, for example, the bread knife will not cope with the task.

Other tools are useful for cutting Kochan: a grater or a special cut ax. We will get acquainted with such devices in more detail in the next section.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_3

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_4

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_5


The simplest solution for shallow cabbage is the use of grater. Wood or plastic board has built-in blades that crushed the product. It is recommended to chop cabbage into several parts that will be comfortable to compress in the palm of your hand, and only after that rub each share. Cabbage gets long and thin slices.

It is more convenient to acquire graters equipped with an additional container for collecting grated vegetables.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_6

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_7

Another way to store - Multifunctional kitchen combine . This is a pretty productive option for a neat, prompt and simple cutting of vegetables, however, it is not suiced, and therefore some hostesses are twisted from the situation in this way: with bumping of cabbage leaves, use rotating breads or vegetables.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_8

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_9

Another popular product - Cabbage Metal Topor . This specialized attribute, however, judging by user reviews, it is not too comfortable and quite heavy for young owners. To get used to work with this item, it will take some time.

After purchasing a skill, working on cutting cabbage is greatly facilitated and accelerated.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_10

Especially for fast and neat cutting of Kochan are now sold Knives with two blades. With the form they also resemble the toporists, on the blades of which are 2 sharp holes serving for cutting. This attribute also at first seems uncomfortable. The forks should be captured with the whole palm, and not with one fingers, the hand needs to be slightly rejecting forward so that the upper part of the device comes into contact with it. The advantage of such an instance is not only simplicity and comfort when working with cabbage, but also safety.

When using a special knife with two blades, injury and scratches are almost excluded.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_11

As for manufacturers, judging by the reviews of buyers, one of the best is the model "Hostess." Users note that this is quite comfortable equipment, it is easy to work with it, it significantly speeds up the process of cutting. Also the hostesses choose devices from manufacturers Dexam and Peterhof.

Special attention deserves another variety of knives - universal tool FRICO FRU-044. It is a device with 3 knives, one of which is provided for the classic cutting of products, and the second is made of a peel for cutting cabbage coch. The intermediate blade serves to bind cabbage the same narrow straws, and can also be used to cut fruit fractions when decorating confectionery. In addition, the knife is equipped with a key for tapping covers and plugs.

The manufacturer indicates that the device is suitable for batch cabbage, cutting and cleaning fish, cutting bones, light pineapple cuts.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_12

Advantages and disadvantages

When using a special knife for shredders, the hostess mark the following advantages of his work.

  • Cut the thin cabbage more quickly than when using a conventional knife. In addition, the hostess does not have to make special efforts.
  • This is a safer option that excludes injuries.
  • In contrast, for example, from the combine, a special device does not occupy a lot of space in the kitchen.
  • Easy wash.
  • Can be used for other products.

Perhaps, only the cost of the knife is worth allocated from the shortcomings. In general, it is small, but higher than the price of a standard knife. However, taking into account the fact that the knife not intended for the bobbling can soon fade, come into disrepair when working with cabbage and therefore requires frequent replacement, the purchase of a special tool is more profitable than the annual replacement of a conventional knife.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_13

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_14

Terms of Use

When working with a knife, you need to learn how to keep the device. It should be banging his palm in this way To the index finger lay down on the handle, big - on the side, and the remaining fingers turned out to be below. In the process of work, the tip must move forward and backward, without climbing from a flat surface.

When using a special hatch with built-in blades - namely, this option is selected for cutting cabbage most often - you first need to cut the forks into two halves and move the device forward and down, enjoying the toporist over the product. The advantage of such cutting is the result in the form of narrow small slices. Even if desired, large elements of the hostess using such a tool will not work.

Clean the product is recommended across the fibers to reduce the loss of juice which is known to be required when singing.

Any knife used for cabbage batch is essentially universal, and it will be quite combined for grinding of other vegetables or fruits.

Cabbage bump knife (15 photos): choice of knife with two blades for cutting vegetable. How to use it? 25948_15

About how to use a cabbage knife, you can learn more.

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