Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary


Trade marketing is one of the marketing segments. It consists of a set of events that are designed during the implementation to stimulate sales growth, affecting the entire distribution network. This direction sets new, innovative trends in the competitiveness of companies, is a tool for promotion and development. Trade marketing puts its long-term perspective growth of consumer loyalty to the brand, companies and goods.

Features of the profession

The main task of the trad marketer It is to implement the promotion of the company's goods at points of sale and forming the concept of their increase. The effectiveness of how to achieve such multidimensional purposes is a feature of the profession.

Trade marketer comes in his work from a key orientation - Promotion, that is, the maximum possible informing about the benefits of its goods and motivating target consumers to purchase. By participating in this process, a specialist initially puts the following goals of its activities:

  • The conviction of the buyer or trading partner to make purchases of goods;
  • provide high-quality service for partners and consumers;
  • form the image of the submitted brand;
  • Work on the perspective and get the loyalty of brand consumers.

Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary 7499_2

In its work, the marketer is based on the analysis, marketing analytics of the Digital system, high-quality and quantitative research, information opportunities for project growth, sometimes on consumer insights.

TO undoubted advantages of the specialty trad marketer You can include the prospect of work in large companies, career promotion, stability and self-realization, attractive wages and the ability to receive income from sales. It is important to take into account the available flaws. - Non-normalized working day, quite complicated in emotional work, a blurred list of duties defined by the company's management.

The manager of this area should be aware of the degree of responsibility for the final result of the activity. In most cases, brand owners and business partners want to receive returns and the maximum result in a short time. Therefore, only a person with certain personal and psychological characteristics is becoming a successful trad marketer:

  • stress tolerance;
  • discipline;
  • developed communicative skills;
  • demanding;
  • initiative;
  • diplomaticity, the ability to share friendly and business relationships.

Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary 7499_3


The objectives of effective trad marketing are concluded In achieving maximum sales results when minimizing the cost of the trademark. Performance and savings - two whales, on which the responsibilities of the marketer are based. At the same time, in the work, he must be guided by the principles of ethical and take into account the consumer's psychology. The list of functional requirements of a specialist is wide enough.

  1. Trade marketer is developing a general plan of proposals, forms the budget of marketing activities, analyzes sales volumes by clients and product categories, conducts an audit of sales sites, creates loyalty programs and motivation of consumers, introduces elements of active incentive and non-standard promotion forms.
  2. A specialist of this profession often conducts presentations of its projects.
  3. He explores the movement of POS materials. In the preparation of advertising events interacts with BTL companies.
  4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the work done, the trad marketer is engaged in auditing points of sale, controls the return on the developed promotional materials. According to the results of the quarter or year, reports are necessarily formed by management and key clients.
  5. For the marketer, collective participation in the overall work of the team of merchandisers, analysts, brand specialists is important. Therefore, trad marketers attract the monitoring of the price market change and the control of the sales strategies created.

Official instruction of specialists Contains the means of controlling the means allocated to the successful promotion of products and the compilation of the estimation. Given that the primary responsibility of the marketer is to obtain a qualitative development strategy with a maximum sales, in its work he uses knowledge in the field of SEO, sociology, economics, psychology, design, widely uses various tools in aggregate with sales techniques.

Important competencies of the trad marketer are the developed Soft-Skills skills, the ability to record documentation and business correspondence.

Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary 7499_4


The preparation of marketing communications and marketing research professionals are engaged in many Higher educational institutions with specialized departments in the Economics and Sociology . Also on the formation market is widely represented Courses for this specialization.

Task learning programs It is to teach students to effectively solve the business tasks formulated by the management of companies, to put marketing tools, strategic planning, branding and molds. Future trad marketers are mastering the integrated tools of brand management, nemining, brand architectures in the course of training, and learn to create visual identity of the brand and goods.

In practice, students are mastering the necessary skills Corporate communications and reputation management of brands sold. During the training, future marketers master the rules of work in a team, building the KPI system, learn to create external and domestic connections, which leads to the future to develop a comprehensive promotion strategy.

Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary 7499_5

Where does it work?

A highly professional trad marketer, which has experience of effective work with confirmed and realized targets, is very valued by employers. Marketers will be in demand in manufacturers of any field - Industry, food products, cosmetic business, children's products.

Also in the future, the marketer can work in teaching and use the experience of its practical activity.

Salary level

The profession of a trad marketer belongs to the group of highly paid specialties. The level of wages varies in the regions, depends on the functionality of the specialist and profitability of the company. Thus, in the capital and major cities, a professional can count on salary in the range from 50,000 to 120,000 rubles, regions can offer marketers from 25,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Trade marketer: What is the work? Responsibilities in job description, salary 7499_6

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