Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and "smart" toys for puppies


Not every owner pays enough time to his four-legged friend. The reasons for this may be different: one lacks free time to play with the dog, and the other bottle bothers. Any imbalance does not benefit, due to the lack of entertainment in life, the animal may experience severe stress. And the dogs have the need not only in physical exertion, but also in intellectual. What brain toys can be purchased with your dog, and what are their features, tell me in this article.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

What is needed for?

So that the dog was in good shape and felt perfectly, it needs to walk at least twice a day - everyone knows about this, and if possible, try to perform it. Of course, during a walk in a dog, many diverse impressions, which is why her brain gets a kind of "food". However, intellectual workouts are recommended for harmonious development of the animal.

They help maintain the mental health state of your favorite in the balance with the physical, which is extremely positively affected by the general development of the pet.

According to scientists, 15 minutes of mental load are equivalent to 1.5-hour active walking.

Of course, it is impossible to completely compensate for physical activity using games for intelligence. The dog is very important to spill the accumulated energy, communicate with other animals and people, to sniff and consider. Nevertheless, Intelligent games serve as an important addition to the daily entertainment program of the dog, and also help to adjust its behavior.

Experts assure that thanks to it, it is possible to get rid of the increased aggression of the PSA or depressiveness caused by constant separation with the owner when he goes to work. They also serve as the prevention of apathy, in which many pets are flowing, leading a homemade lifestyle.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Approximately a quarter of a century ago, Nina Ottoson was noticed - a lover dog breeder from Sweden. The woman saw the similarity in the behavior of children and dogs, as the latter also have a craving for intellectual activity. She established a firm for the production of intellectual entertainment for puppies and adult dogs, after which its idea picked up other companies.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

How to make your own hands?

Among the dog toys "for mind" there are several popular and simple models that are easy to do. About them and will be discussed.

Box with surprise

This game can easily make it easily. To do this, take your dog's favorite delicacy, wrap it into paper and put in the box. The dog will unwind the aroma of delicious food and will try to get it. Further, this game can be complicated by adding various "obstacles" in the form of additional wrappers, etc.

To make a dog with enthusiasm to raid the puzzles, the reward should be really desired.

Put the feed in the toy, which he loves the most. Dry sweets are preferable, as they do not spill a toy. In pet shops and hypermarkets you can always find Unusual treats that are created specifically for dogs.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and


If you have unnecessary tennis balls, you can please your favorite next game: Cap them and put inside the pieces of dry food. The dog will sniff a toy for a long time, think where food in it, and with enthusiasm to get it.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Nude mat

The purpose of this puzzle is to find a snack in "Thickets" from the fleece ribbons. It is designed in the Netherlands to develop a dog sense.

The rug can be made independently, ate to tie to the usual mudflis ribbon rug.

The dog will be happy to look for goodies hidden under layers of fabric. To begin with, hide their shallowly, and then you can complicate the task and burned deeperate deeper.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and


Take several candy wrappers, preferably rustling and shiny, and wrap dry food pieces in them. Spread them around the room and give a cops the opportunity to come up with a way to extract a treat outward. Some pits prefer to deploy the resulting "candy" with the help of paws and teeth, others open it right in the mouth, moving the phantil.

Such a mental load will respond to a pet if he no longer knows where to go his energy, and it acquires destructive forms: the dog nibbles furniture, breaks items.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Toys from pet store

The developers have already invented many interesting toy models, so you can just visit the store and choose the appropriate.

Dispenser-ball with holes

Such a ball refers to simple toys. When the dog rolled him, then crisp food is poured out of the ball. The dog understands: To get a snack, you need to roll the ball, and tries to deploy it in a certain way.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Dispenser on the stand

This device is several containers that are fixed at a distance from the ground, and can rotate. An animal needs to make mental effort to understand how to get food from these bottles.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Dispenser with buttons

Such a toy will force the PSA to think seriously, and the method of samples and errors find the desired buttons that will open access to food.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Glowing balls

These interactive toys glow in the dark. Playing in a safe place at dusk, you will allow the pet to include search abilities.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

Educational platforms

They are equipped with boxes, platforms, holes and other things that make the dog "move the brains". For example, to get a reward, the dog should pull over the rope or open the door.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and


Development of this company can have different models. Usually, they are equipped with a vertical cylinder, which during rotation throws the delicacies. So that he worked, the dog should be careful to push it. Since the movements of the PSA may have different intensity, Strong stream need to pick up . It takes a dog for a long time and distracts it from the "hooligan" thoughts.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and


This entertainment is suitable for walking and makes them more energetic and fun. Puller consists of two shells-rings, Training time is about 20 minutes a day. Entertainment equally like both large and small rocks, besides, the rings are made of harmless materials that do not have a sharp release odor. The mini version is designed for Pekingese, pugs and other small rocks, standard - for labradors, sheepdresses and other large individuals, and maxi will fit for the same breeds as the standard, but it is produced with thickened walls.

The toy develops a dexterity and helps the PSU to hone the teeth without harm for the gums. It will also save the furniture in a normal state, because your four-legged friend already has something to bother.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

The dog is a smart animal, loving not only to be frozen in the fresh air, but also to show its intellectual abilities. It is possible to implement its potential with the help of developing toys. Buy them in a pet store or make it yourself, and then your pet will get a lot of pleasant emotions. In addition, his psychological state will be stable, and you will receive a balanced and harmoniously developed dog.

Interactive toys for dogs: Developing puzzles and

In the next video, see an overview of the brilliant toy for dogs, which can be made with your own hands.

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