Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs?


In our rapid century, people disagree the city, years and distances. Working by the Watch method, urgent business trips, the performance of official duties away from the home home, round-the-clock duty, a sudden illness and a number of other circumstances can prevent the timely presentation of the present of the present and close to the birthday or another holiday.

Optimists believe that you can congratulate the birthday and handing the present at any time. Pessimists and superstitious people with reference to the ancient pagan signs say that premature congratulations can bring the anniversary of large failures at work, severe illness or even death.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_2

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_3

Superstitions and causes of their occurrence

Explanations of ancient signs about why it is impossible to give gifts in advance, leave their roots for more than two thousand years ago in the era of ancient paganism. There are many options for explaining the link between the advance gift and subsequent adverse events. Let us see briefly on the analysis of each of them.

  • Such a gift scares the saints and spirits of dead relatives, who come to the birthday day at night on the eve of a significant date. According to pagan mythology, a person, having lost the patronage of ancestors, will become vulnerable to the evil, curses and diseases. The explanation is based on the ancient pagan myths and legends. It has nothing to do with reality.
  • Gifts and wishes on birthday carry a powerful charge of positive energy. There is no premature gift for such strength. Without energy feeding, the person begins to weaken and sick hard. An explanation is based on mysticism, bioenergy, theory of torsion fields and occult sciences. There is nothing in common with the traditional scientific approach and theory of probability in this explanation.
  • At the festive table around a person, except friends and acquaintances, invisible angels and demons are going. Premature collecting them will be very angry, as a result they can punish the birthday . An explanation is based on ancient mythology, mysticism and related speculations.

There is no system analysis of the system analysis and objective approach in such interpretation of events.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_4

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_5

The most logical and plausible version of the explanation of the mechanism of the adverse effects of the premature present (without impurities of mystics) approves the following: After reading the Internet posts on mysticism and signs, after watching the rollers with the gibbons and gigs, thrillers with computer graphics, reading a lot of articles on the topic of occultism, the urgered man starts Strongly nervous in anticipation of a sad outcome after the present time taken earlier.

There is a strong stress, which is the cause of deterioration of health. Ancient signs and legends have no relation to this. In this embodiment, there is a very large proportion of truth, but many aspects and conclusions are in the field of psychology, psychology and other areas of medicine far beyond this article.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_6

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_7

Superstitions, signs and mystic arose simultaneously with the appearance of a person reasonable. The lack of knowledge did not give the possibility of a primitive man to evolve elementary natural phenomena (zipper, wind, the onset of the day and night, the change of weather, rainbow). As a result, synthetic explanations arose (various superstitions and signs).

In the slave-owned era, the superstition was intimidated by reclamation slaves, inspired fear before the violation of the ancient traditions and rites. By giving tribute to the ancient traditions and trying to find a way out of a difficult life situation, in the 21st century, civilized people with two higher education are still guessing in the wax, coffee grounds and put a copper coin under the heel.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_8

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_9

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_10

How to get around bad signs?

A simple and effective way to bypass bad will accept - do not focus all thoughts on the possibilities of poor outcome. Focusing on the possible unfavorable outcome of the work started (based on bad omen and signs), a person creates a stable, distracting zone of increased excitation from the main problems. It captures memory resources for the cycle process of finding output from the situation. Attention is scattered, man begins to make rude logical errors.

Bypassing superstitions and bad will take a particular importance in the life of people who were born on the last winter day of the leap year. Strictly following the traditions, they can celebrate their birthday on time only once in four years. All other years they are forced to take gifts on February 28.

To combat prejudice and myths in such cases, it is best not to go "in the forehead" so as not to shock a close person and not put it in an awkward position. It is necessary to apply "Occlatures".

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_11

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_12

To minimize the negative impact from premature presents and bypassing badness, experienced psychologists and psychics recommend performing the following steps.

  • Hold the present in a secluded place in the bedroom room, By informing it to relatives or acquaintances, who will prevent him with an anniversary just on time.
  • Send a gift With the exact date of delivery of the addressee.
  • Present a present earlier birthday without congratulations and wishes, Having said that congratulations on the anniversary will be exactly on time. On the right day you can call the jubilee and congratulate it on the holiday.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_13

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_14

Such tactics of behavior:

  • leaves a person a pleasant impression from his attention rendered;
  • avoids conflict about the birthday failure;
  • Prevents an unpleasant situation Gift delivery is much later than the anniversary;
  • Allows you to give a gift on time If it is impossible for a personal meeting on objective reasons;
  • does not affect the canons of the worldview of a superstitious person, In order not to bring him offense or mental injury;
  • Creates prerequisites for further development and strengthening friendly relationship.

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_15

Why can not give gifts in advance? Is it possible to give them before the birthday and bypass bad signs? 18521_16

An interesting fact: the statistics collected from open sources speaks of a meager percentage of the coincidence of adverse events with early birthday gifts. A total of about 100,000 confirmed documented facts of presenting presents a few days before the birthday.

At the same time, there was no absolutely no connection between the present gift and the further development of the situation.

About why you can not congratulate in advance, see the next video.

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