Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options


Present a gift - the easiest way, if it comes to February 23, the holiday, which traditionally congratulates all men. And often these gifts are no more than formality. Another thing is to organize a program that will be a pleasant surprise for the perpetrators of the celebration, as well as cheerful pastime for the organizers.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_2

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_3

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_4

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_5

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_6

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_7


Contests for February 23 for a corporate party - these are usually funny, not very complex tasks that can be carried out without leaving the table. Conveniently, if the place where the feast is carried out does not assume space for a more interesting program.

When you have to do everything at the table, such competitions will be outlined.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_8

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_9

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_10

We give examples of games.

  • Praise, and I will bother. A cool game is suitable for the very beginning of the feast. The task is as follows: women who participate in the game offer a container with twisted leaves. On these leaves are written the names of men-colleagues. Seeing this or that name, the woman should start praise him. For example: "He's beautiful, smart, gallant." Total - no more than 7 words.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_11

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_12

The task of a man who decided to describe it precisely, get up and work out right in place. Usually, either all modestly (which in itself causes a smile), or several men rises and spawns. Instead of epithets, it is possible to give women such a task: to compare a man whose name is written on a leaflet, with a kinoger. For example: "He is poured Baron Münhhausen."

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_13

  • Plate with a surprise. In advance, before the start of a feast under plates, where men will sit, you need to put the phantas. Simple tasks that each present man will have to perform. Not all at the same time, but one by one - throughout the program. The tasks may be such: remember (or compose) dedicated to the holiday of the poem, try to replay a comrade, who is sitting on the contrary, to come up with a code name (as if they were reconnaissance) to their comrades at the table, etc.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_14

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_15

  • Who am I? The game is standard, but always passing fun and brightly. A man on the head is put on the hoop with the inscription. The system should be such that the leaves with inscriptions can be changed. And, for example, it says "James Bond". He should guess who "appointed him" by asking questions to others. The surrounding suggests can gestures, grimaces, drowsing melodies, but not in words.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_16

  • Maple, I write down! This competition is having fun in the midst of a party. Choose a writer - his task to record the toasts that others say. The task of others is to speak their toast together, threesome or in a fisty quickly. Then the clerk demonstrates the result that he recorded.

As a rule, it is a mix of all hearing toasts, which is funny than all those present.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_17

  • He is Gogh, he is Gosha. For this competition requires preliminary preparation. An employees who know how to work in photoshop or similar programs should make something resembling a photorobot. It can be said to comply with your colleagues in one person. Then these "orientations" someone takes out and distributes the "investigative group." Several men are chosen in its composition, but the samples of "orientations" should be in all. They need to guess which colleagues become "models" for wanted. And they must guess why they are looking for. Naturally, the correct answer will be looking for the most sincere congratulations.

Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_18

And more interesting to prepare the perpetrators of the celebration to the feast, you can invite them there not words, and SMS.

    The more original they are the better. The text SMS-OK may be as follows: "Today at 15.00, arrive at the conference room for the operation" 23.02 ". To have a weapon (charming smile) and disguise means (fit in civil). Being ready to attack those present by the wonderful sense of humor and readiness for experiments. Check if the spirit of adventurism is available. If lost, urgently take a new one. "

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_19

    Entertainment in the office

    Corporate holiday ideas can go beyond the feast. For example, if the space allows you to play scenes, comic fairy tales, arrange office sports for employees, etc. We give examples of such entertainment.

    • Perfect fighter. For this competition, a board will be required, stand on the legs, any vertical plane on which a sheet of paper can be fixed, and which can be rotated the opposite side to others. Given sheet A-3 and marker. The task of the first participant is to draw the head of the Super Maker (Superman, the perfect man, etc.). Then he adds the part of the sheet that the sheet painted, fixes the sheet, and his case continues the second participant. But he draws a hero to the belt. And so 3-4 people collectively, without seeing the results of the work of their partners, draw a sample, an ideal fighter. At the end of the competition, the presenter unfolds "canvas" and demonstrates collective creativity.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_20

    • Poetic duel. To do this, you will have to practice someone in advance in writing comic poetic parodies. For example, two cult poet are taken: Yesenin and Mayakovsky (it is worth recalling that they really participated in poetic duels). Everyone has to read his passage of the poem, only converted by the screenwriter in favor of the holiday. The most convincing, expressive, similar to the original participant. Here are examples of reworked poems.

    1. Mayakovsky


    twenty third







    To this day


    Law! "

    2. Yesenin

    "I am my office of love and roads,

    Golden team,

    We will meet holidays with horses,

    Yes, in Russian sit down. "

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_21

    • Light fairy tales. Staging fairy tales with the participation of actors is always interesting moments of any holiday. What you need: script, participants, authors.

    Only men should participate on this day. For laughter, the reader can be tied with handkerchiefs so that he reminds Granny-storyteller from his favorite Soviet fairy tales.

    We give an approximate text of the fairy tale for the dramatization in the team.

    In some kingdom, yes in some state there was a princess. She was unmeasured. With a sense of humor, the girl was not all right. TNT did not let down, Comedy Club was never seen. And his father said: ah, grief-mountain, I will issue a daughter to marry the one who will laugh. And the fill in addition, by itself. Well done about this, well done from all the surrounding weighs and volosts, rushed to the palace. The first well done, Yeremy, decided to sing Nesmeyan, very fun. (The first participant really should sing something funny). I listened to his princess, said - I'll think about it.

    The second well done, Berendei, decided to dance, cheerful (the second participant dances). The third challenger, Evstigney, decided to show the circus number, well, as can, from the soul (the third participant shows). It was time to choose, thought Nazmeyan, thought, the father-king thought, thought ... And they decided to give applicants the final task. (The characters are heard the lyrics of the song "Uno Momento", perhaps - musical instruments, and they must fully execute it). As a result, unmeaspered either chooses someone alone or introduces the law on multi-minded law in the kingdom and "takes everyone."

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_22

    • Intellectual competitions are also perfect for a festive program. You can play with participants in "Oh, Lucky", where all questions will be devoted to great men in history. Questions can be like: "What is the name of the first eruptors to Everest? What year was Cialkovsky born? What depth is the director of the Titanic, James Cameron, as much as possible (and he, as you know, explored the Mariana Wpadin and took the film about it) ".

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_23

    Contests in nature

    If the holiday is organized in nature, opportunities for the fun organization of the celebration even more. And the contests themselves can be as simple as possible that do not require global training.

    Fight in nature

    Participants are invited to divide for 2 teams. For convenience, each team must have its own color. And each participant gets the right color on the ball. On the team, all men must inflate their balls, tie them and fix them on the waist. At the signal of the leading team should come together in the battle. Hands and legs to hit the opponent cannot be: it is possible to work only on the waist, with a ball ball fixed on it. The team wins, which first burst all the balls of the enemy.

    It is important not to forget about the musical design of the competition than it is funnier, the more spectacular will fight.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_24


    3 participants are invited to each team. Opposite each team put a table with a full blotted bottle, stack and lemon slices on a plate. According to the team, the participants start the relay: the first opens the bottle, pours the contents into the stack, transfers the relay to the other. The second drinks the contents, and the third snacks lemon. And so the participants vary in places until everyone drinks and does not appear. Competition can be transformed. For example, to say that alcohol in a bottle is only one team, the rest is water. But wrinkling, drinking a drink, must all - who did not do it, gets free points. As a result, it turns out that the water was at all. Win those who have been wrinkled all the best.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_25

    The second relay can be the famous contest "Complex Track". Participants should put on the legs, on their eyes - special swimming glasses. In this form, the participant comes to the table, pours into a glass, drinks, returns. Whose team coped the first, that and won.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_26


    Men in this competition will be a rhino, women - goal. A horn is attached to the forehead: you can simply take the leafoplasty, pierce it on the back side with the button and glue. The horn must be symbolic. Women on the waist should be attached an inflated balloon at the thigh level. Rhino must pierce the ball. All this is done without hands. Wins the one who will do it first.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_27

    My half

    Competition participants should be divided into pairs of "man-woman". The couples are connected on one side with his elbows with each other. That is, each participant remains one free hand. The presenter asks a couple to do something, while the couple should behave like one. We will win those who will be as harmonious as possible. What the tasks may be: to wear a hat, make lips, eat a slice of lemon, open champagne and so on.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_28

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_29


    And a few more examples of simple contests you can spend on the street.

    Light game "MCAT crying": Participants overlook the site, they are given a task - as soon as the lead calls a well-known sculpture, the monument, the participants should be depicted. For example, the presenter says: "Statue of Freedom" or "Apollo", each participant becomes this statue. The jury exhibits points. Wins the one who was more expressive.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_30

    "Eh, synoptic." History Such: The leading weather forecast fell ill, he needs to be in the frame, and his voice disappeared. There will be another, souflers to speak for him, but to open the mouth and artistic to gesticulate himself sick. As a rule, it turns out very fun. Several pairs of "Sinoptic-Suffler" are involved, the most expressive wins.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_31

    "Parodist". Everything is simple - in the center of the site. Member number 1. As soon as the music sounds, it should perceive it as a phonogram, and himself is like an artist. The brighter it turns out, the more points will get. The nuance is that unexpectedly one phonogram ends, and the other begins. For each participant - 3 fragments of the phonogram. First, he, let's say, Kirkorov, then - sharply Egor Cre, and then Tina Turner. The most artistic participant wins.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_32

    Recommendations for holding

    The clearer organization, the better the holiday will pass. It is necessary to designate the "headquarters", which will be engaged in the organization: the development of the scenario, the purchase of gifts, the organization of the festive table. Tasks are preparing in advance, printouts, musical and, possibly, multimedia-clearance.

    Be sure to appoint the chief "paparazzi" of the holiday, which will be responsible for the photo and video.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_33

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_34

    At the end of the evening, you can chase a small newspaper-zipper, which then comes to all participants by electronic.

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_35

    If someone from the authorities, partners, the favorite clients on the holiday will not be a priori, then his congratulations can be written in advance in advance. And then turn on at the right moment. This pleasant surprise will also diversify the evening. Successful celebration!

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_36

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_37

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_38

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_39

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_40

    Competitions on February 23 for a corporate party: funny games for colleagues in the office and in nature, funny tasks for men in the team, drinking options 18205_41

    The following video presents a ready-made scenario of competitions on February 23.

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