Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes


Aromatherapy is widely used to solve many health problems. Today we will talk more about what oils are how they act, how to make a healing mixture from them.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_2

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_3

What it is?

There are many variants of the use of essential oil. Aromatherapy is considered the simplest and safe. For many millennia, people used spicy flavor. The use of aroma is considered one of the simplest ways to fill their house with a pleasant smell. The lamps are at all inexpensive, and the candle light coming from them makes the atmosphere in the room warmer and romantic.

However, essential oils become not only an ornament of the atmosphere in the house, but also an excellent healing agent. People are familiar with them from ancient times. For example, residents of ancient Rome appreciated lavender oil for a pronounced sedative effect, and the fir and juniper - for the property to facilitate the state during colds.

Long experience in the use of aromatic oils for the lamp convincingly proves that they are distinguished by many useful properties.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_4

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_5

What is the essential oil? This is a liquid substance of natural origin, obtained from plants extracts by the method of their distillation with water vapor or by cold spin. As a result of such treatment, a highly concentrated composition is obtained. It can be said that this is the essence of medicinal plants, which contains all the most useful components. And such a tool received its name due to the ability to quickly evaporate when contacting the surrounding air as a broadcast.

Having released into the air, aromatic oils enter into interaction with the smell receptors. The latter are directly related to the limbic system, and it, in turn, is responsible for maintaining the rhythm of the heart, controls the blood pressure, the allocation of stress hormones and the respiratory process. It is for this scheme that oil has an impact on the human body.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_6

Review of species

Each oil has its own unique composition, therefore, the olfactory oil receptors affect differently. They contain trace elements, hormones, as well as neurotransmitters and growth factors. Let us dwell on the most popular funds.

  • Bergamot - It has a sedative action, eliminates concern, reduces stressful and depressive states.
  • Lemongrass - Another common means against excitement and anxiety. People who use it in aromatherapy show a reduced degree of tension, they are easier to cope with stress.
  • Lavender - One of the best-selling essential oils, from ancient times used for relaxation. Optimally for the therapy of sleep disorders and increased anxiety.
  • Fir - It has pronounced antiseptic and antimicrobial characteristics.
  • Sage - Another sought-after composition, reduces blood pressure and normalizes breathing.
  • Mint - Charges cheerful in the morning, gives a charge of cheerfulness and improves memory. The tool is optimally in case in the morning you get up, feeling broken.
  • Orange - Healing oil has proven itself in the fight against anxiety and stress. Numerous experiments proved that women inhaling this oil during the child's birth, feel more relaxed.
  • Rosemary - Optimal choice for those who want to increase their own cognitive abilities. It has a property to improve the concentration of attention and the reaction rate.
  • Cinnamon - It has a property to activate the brain zone that is responsible for attention.
  • Lemon - Improves the mood, will become a real chopstick in the moment when depressed is overcome.
  • Eucalyptus - A good choice for the autumn-winter period, when people often sick with colds. Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nose and reduces the mortgage. This is not surprising, because this oil is the main component of many anti-informal drugs.
  • Sandalwood - Used to remove stress. It has a positive effect on focusing and concentration attention, improves memory.
  • Jasmine - Gentle and sensual fragrance, which was widespread in perfumery. In medicine is used to fight fears and depression. It is believed that the smell of this essential oil contributes to relaxation, and also increases libido.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_7

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_8

Tips for choosing

Many manufacturers of aroma products, advertising their goods, say that it is "approved" or "certified". However, no official procedure for certification of aromatic oil currently does not exist - international standards are available, in accordance with which the quality of the obtained drug is regulated. In accordance with them, essential oils must have a natural origin and be clean, a sign of a high-quality product will be the ISO standard specified on the package.

You can determine the safe product using simple rules. High-quality aromatic oil should not have a voiced, chemical and alcohol smell. Do not save and purchase cheap compounds for its aromalamps - most likely, they contain mineral or synthetic components. Pay special attention to the country's country.

Confidence deserves only those tools that are derived from plants growing in a given area. For example, the lavender oil of the Chinese firm is unlikely to be natural.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_9

There are also synthetic compounds on store shelves, and they are much cheaper than natural. According to the manufacturer's allegations, in its effect, they do not differ from natural. In fact, this is not the case - the polymer means contain not all those ingredients that are found in natural oil. Remember - for the manufacture of high-quality aromatic oil use light fractions.

However, some unscrupulous manufacturers are used to reduce the cost of finished goods. Find out it is very simple. Apply a little essential oil on paper - a good composition should evaporate without leaving fat spots. Also keep in mind that some plants contain pesticides that they fertilize and spray from pests. They transmit these toxins of oil. Therefore, preference should be given only to brands that use environmentally friendly raw materials in production.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_10

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_11

Buy essential oils only from manufacturers with reliable reputation. Preferences need to be given to brands that specialize in this product. Do not chase cost and financial benefits. High-quality oil, especially obtained from valuable plants, can cost cheap. And buying budget options does not make sense - the number of useful substances in them is minimal, so they will not give any therapeutic effect.

And, of course, Require a certificate of quality from the seller. It will be an undoubted advantage, especially for American and European brands. The presence of a document suggests that the manufacturer acts taking into account the norms and legislation of these countries and will not be falsified.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_12

The best recipes of mixtures

Using a mixture of aromamacel, one can achieve a different therapeutic effect.


For frosty winter evenings, a mixture of spicy oils will fit. It is truly soothing - cozy and homely. In addition, the components included in its composition have antobacterial and antiviral action.

You will need:

  • Patchouli - 5-6 cap;
  • Cinnamon - 2-4 cap.;
  • Orange - 4-5 cap.;
  • Carnation - 1-3 cap.

If you wish, you can enter a couple of drops of ylang-ylang - it will dilute the composition with light floral chords.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_13

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_14


If you intend to achieve a flower field fragrance in the house - use the composition composed of:

  • lavender - 9-10 cap.;
  • PalmaRoz - 2-3 cap;
  • Geranium - 2-3 cap.

Such a composition helps well with falling asleep problems, so it is recommended to use it in the bedroom shortly before sleep.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_15

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_16


Refreshing compositions for housing aromatization use in hot summer days. Such a composition helps to cheer up, freeing their heads from unnecessary thoughts, and at the same time take care of the elimination of pathogenic microbes and viruses. The basis of drugs:

  • Lemon mint - 4-5 cap;
  • Peppermint - 4-6 cap.;
  • Palma-3-5 cap.

Optionally, three drops of lemongrass are added.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_17

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_18


For the home evening will be indispensable rich and rich set of different chords:

  • Lavender - 5 cap.;
  • Cedar - 1 Cap;
  • Orange - 3 cap.;
  • Ylang-Ylang - 1 Cap.

If you wish, you can enter a couple of vetiver drops.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_19

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_20

To set the mood

If you are bored, you can use a mixture of aromatic compounds for the charge of a positive and excellent mood:

  • sage - 3 cap.;
  • lemon - 2 cap.;
  • Lavender - 1 cap.

Another recipe:

  • grapefruit - 3 cap.;
  • Jasmine - 2 cap.;
  • Ylang-ylang - 2 cap.

To normalize the emotional level, a composition of bergamot oils, cypress, lavender oils, as well as lemon taken in equal shares is used. If you need to quickly recharge the energy, mix orange and mint - a pair of droplets of each will be enough for one session. And in order to create a warm atmosphere in the house for family meetings - add in the aroma of three drops of fragrant geranium, lavender and a couple of droplets of Bergamot oil.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_21

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_22

For removing stress

Aromatherapy at home is relevant when a person is constantly faced with stimuli. In this case, the mixture of oils will help him quickly recover himself after a difficult day and calm down:

  • chamomile - 5 cap.;
  • Lavender - 3 cap.;
  • sage - 2 cap.;
  • geranium - 2 cap.;
  • Ylang-Ylang - 1 Cap.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_23

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_24

For romance

To bring a romantic mood to the atmosphere of the bedroom, make a fragrant composition:

  • Sandal - 7-10 cap.;
  • Ylang-Ylang - 1 Cap;
  • Vanilla - 3 cap.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_25

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_26

For relaxation

Aromatherapy is often used for meditation, full-fledged rest and sleep. Take several oils:

  • Lavender - 3 cap.;
  • cedar - 4 cap.;
  • Orange - 2 cap.;
  • Chamomile - 2 cap.;
  • Lavender - 3 cap.;
  • Mayran - 2 cap.

Another recipe:

  • Sandal - 1 Cap;
  • ginger - 2 cap.;
  • lime - 3 cap.;
  • Bergamot - 3 cap.

If you wish, you can enter the composition of 4 drops of Bergamot.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_27

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_28

To raise immunity

In order to neutralize the pathogenic microflora present in the air, you can take:

  • lemon - 3 cap.;
  • Orange - 3 cap.;
  • Carnation - 1 Cap;
  • Eucalyptus - 1 Cap;
  • Cinnamon - 1 Cap;
  • Tea tree - 2 cap.

A sick person to stand up on his feet as soon as possible, it is better to choose a set of orange oils, ginger, eucalyptus, juniper with the addition of pine and ginger. Each oil will be needed 2-4 drops.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_29

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_30

How to use?

It is very easy to use a lamp for aromatherapy. Fill a cup of cool water. Inject several drops of fragrant oil in it or their composition. Light a candle, place it inside the lamp. Wait a minute-other - and you can enjoy a pleasant aroma. Butter dosage directly depends on the size of the room and how much the tart flavor you intend to get. The most comfortable for a person is a proportion of 5-10 drops of oil per procedure. The optimal time for aromatherapy doctors is called 15-30 minutes, should not be carried out longer than one hour per attendance.

During the procedure, make sure that the water does not evaporate. If you take medicine or have serious diseases - before using aromatherapy, seek advice to your doctor.

With particular caution, oil should be applied to future mothers, as some formulations are not suitable for them and even can cause a unwanted interruption of pregnancy.

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_31

Essential oils for aroma lamps: how to use them? How to choose a set of soothing and other oils? Their properties. Best mixes 8871_32

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