Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons


Of the entire list of professions, a group of specialties, which, one way or another, are related to installation, transmission, redistribution, and electricity consumption. Since the end of the 19th century, when the telephone apparatus, the battery and the electric motor were invented and until today, the consumption of electricity in the production sector and in everyday life increases. That is why professions associated with this type of work are used by consistently high demand.


Employees related to electricity, Can engage in different types of equipment: automation, generator, electric motors and many other devices . Their labor duties are associated with installation, commissioning, launch, service, as well as disassembling or performing repair work - they all depend on the specific profile of a specialist. For example, the electrician urban power grid is engaged in conducting power lines, installation of lanterns on columns, as well as their repair.

Specialists at factories serve machines and generators with working electrical drives, in the construction sector in demand specialty related to the design of electrical wiring and connecting buildings to the power source.

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_2

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_3

People working with electricity, to fulfill labor responsibilities help such personal qualities as responsible, attentiveness and accuracy.

A person working in this area should have good coordination of movements and perfect vision, he should not have problems with a musculoskeletal system, heart and vessels. Electrician specialists are widely demanded in the labor market, which is why employers offer them a very competitive salary. In addition, each of them can always increase its income if it is possible to offer its services to the public.

Despite such advantages of the profession, she has its own drawbacks.

  • First of all, this is a high level of danger. . Work with electricity is always associated with the risk of lesion to the current, creating a threat of life and health.
  • Quite often when working at large enterprises, in the service area and housing and communal services, electricians and other parts associated with electricity to specialists, We have to work around the clock . Their working hours may have not only for day, but also at night, in the event of an accident, they have to go to work on weekends and holidays.
  • Work with electricity involves extreme conditions In which these professionals often have to fulfill their duties at the height, under the ground, in conditions of poor visibility and in bad weather.

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Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_5


There is a rather impressive list of specialties that are related to electricity.

  • Electrician - This is an employee who is responsible for maintaining power grids and electrical equipment in a working condition. Performs the setting of mechanisms and appliances, it can work in the power company, at a manufacturing plant, in the transport sector, as well as in the housing and utilities system.
  • Electrical installation - His responsibilities are reduced to installing, commissioning and maintenance of equipment and power grids.
  • Electroslarist - Produces a set of tests, as well as repair work with all sorts of aggregates, machines, alarms and lighting systems. This worker installs grounding, stretches the cable to the telephone network. Specialists of this profession are in demand in many industries and sales.
  • Electrical engineer - This specialty requires compulsory receipt of higher education. Employees of this category are engaged in designing and servicing various electrical appliances - it can be equipment of aircraft, cars, electric drives and other installations. In addition, the electrical engineer functionality includes the development of a complex of measures to increase their performance. This person requires a thorough knowledge of the technical features of the devices, with whom he will have to work.
  • Energy Engineer - This is a specialist of the highest qualification, a mandatory requirement is the presence of higher education. Employees of this profile are responsible for the preparation of projects of electric and heating networks, working schemes, the selection of optimal equipment. The duties of the electric power engineer also includes work on the modernization of power grids and electrical equipment.

Regardless of which a professional bias is a worker, in any case, all listed specialists perform work from the category of increased danger.

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Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_7

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_8


The works of the non-ventilation profile do not require higher education. In order to take the post of electrician, electrician, electric surveyor or electrician, will be quite enough secondary special education, which is obtained in colleges and technical schools . Enrollment is made on the basis of 9 or 11 classes. Applicants do not pass exams, only the middle scores of the school certificate are involved in the competition. As a rule, the curriculum is based on a particular direction of activity - it can be the maintenance of cable lines, communications, air power transmission lines, distribution systems, etc. The training cycle lasts from 2 years 9 months to 3 years 10 months depending on the basic learning ( 9 or 11 classes), as well as forms of learning (daily or correspondence).

Engineering specialties related to electricity require higher education . In order to enroll in the relevant universities, it will be necessary to provide the data of the EEG on mathematics, Russian language and physics.

Specialists of the appropriate slope are preparing in almost every region of our country, studies takes at least 4 years.

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_9

Place of work and salary

Depending on the place of work, the payment of electricity related professionals has a big scatter - in our country they range from 15 to 100 thousand rubles. On average, the payment of the electrician, the electromontera and the electrical installation is 30-40 thousand rubles. Engineers receive a salary above - they can count on a level of about 50 thousand rubles. Masters who work in the Watch method in the northern regions of our country have a much higher wage - usually it keeps at 80-90 thousand rubles.

Salary of a qualified specialist in large companies located in the metropolitan regions may exceed 100 thousand rubles. In general, all specialties, in any way related to electricity, today are included in the top 50 list of the most popular on the market, and the decrease in demand for them is not yet projected.

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_10

Electricity related professions: types of work with electrics, their pros and cons 7403_11

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