Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons


As a child, many dreams to work in the sea. However, such a profession requires serious physical and psychological training. Also have to get a profile education to go swimming. There are many interesting professions on the ship and each of its own features. Separately allocate the tasks with which girls can handle.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_2


Professions that are directly related to the sea require a variety of professional skills and certain personal qualities. It should take a decision with all seriousness, because the reality is very different from the ideas. A man should show not only physical strength on the ship, but also mental stability.

We list the advantages of the sailor.

  1. High salary. Sailors on domestic courts receive big money, but on foreign - many times more. At the same time, during a swim, a person is secured with everything necessary and spending money to him especially there, except for short stops in ports.
  2. Trips. In the sea, people work and have the opportunity to see the world. In each port you can visit interesting places, try exotic dishes, acquire souvenirs.
  3. Own business. Flights allow you to accumulate a large amount that is enough to open a personal matter. So, the sailor can replace the trips to a small transport company or something like that.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_3

It is difficult to work in the sea, it requires high exposure and stability. Sailors for a long time do not see the family, which also postpones his imprint. However, this is not all cons.

  1. Complex working conditions. On the vessel, the activity is usually built on the principle of 6 hours of operation and 6 hours of rest. Machiners always accompanies noise. Often the sailors have to carry dangerous goods, such as oil or chemicals. This carries a serious risk to health and life. Any flight is accompanied by a constant swing. In addition, the ship is quite hot, there are always a lot of unpleasant odors and strong noise. There are few entertainment on the ship, there are no fresh products, poor-quality water. Also sailors are facing frequent change of time zones.
  2. Combination. There is no weekend on the flight. Also, the owners of the ships are trying to save on additional workers, shifting tasks for the main crew. So, the sailor is often engaged in loading, unloading goods.
  3. Insulation. Sailors are spent away from civilization for a long time, and for this you need to have sufficient composure. On the ship you can communicate with the crew members. That's just if someone did not come down with someone character, then difficulties may arise.
  4. Away from the family. Sailors do not see how their children grow, do not participate in solving household domestic issues. Even to call relatives turns out to be infrequently: there is no mobile network in the sea.
  5. Long flights. There is usually a doctor on the ship. The sailor must have good health and immunity. After the flight, it is necessary to recover. Otherwise, serious diseases and chronic stress may occur.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_4

After the flight last 9 months, the psyche lacks 2-3 months for recovery. Doctors noticed that such long-term flights impose a serious imprint to the personality and his mental state. In the UK, a sailor who stayed in the flight more than 100 days, cannot take part in the elections until the end of his rehabilitation. After a long sailing, a person is erased by borders, he perceives the world as one platform. Also sailors lose the feeling of longing, affection of the house and people disappear.

The period of rehabilitation after the flight is very important. During this time, the sailor again adapts to society, gets used to the routine of the day and the rhythm of ordinary life.

All this is not a reason to eliminate the profession. Just to the choice it is worth it to approach the purposeful and carefully.

Overview of professions

Sailors are called all people whose work is associated with the oceans and courts. There are many marine professions and to begin with to explore the responsibility description. Everyone should determine the advantages and disadvantages of specific work. Optionally sailor to go to flights - you can even work on land.

Captain and his assistant

The oldest on the ship, he is responsible for everything. It is the captain plans to route a flight, manages loading and unloading work. Usually, the representative of the profession receives from 460 thousand rubles. per month. If there is a dangerous cargo on the ship, then the payment increases.

The assistant captain replaces the main thing if for some reason cannot fulfill his duties. Thus, a specialist can organize the work of the team, knows the features of the movement of the vessel. If the ship is quite large, then the captain may have several people on pickup. Each in this case has its own zone of responsibility.

On payment is influenced by the rank, an average assistant earns about 200 thousand rubles.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_5

Senior mechanic and his assistant

The representative of the profession is managing the engine room. The senior organizes the work of machinists, mechanics and ordinary composition. It must control and ensure the permanent performance of the vessel. All service mechanisms is also on it. The senior mechanic earns from 300 thousand RUB. Depending on the flight.

The assistant should be able to all the same. It is this person that replaces the elder if necessary. Assistants from a senior mechanic can be much depending on the size and features of the vessel. In this case, the tasks are distributed evenly, each appears its own zone of responsibility. Salary starts from 200 thousand rubles. per month.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_6


Representative of the younger bosses. He is subject to the team on economic issues, and he coordinates its actions with the captain. The main on the deck, manages the work of the sailors. It is the boatswain should make a schedule shift and follow it. Such work is paid from 100 thousand rubles. monthly.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_7


The primary representative of the employees belongs to the deck team. The sailor mooring the ship and fulfills the tasks that put the assistant captain, boatswain. Monthly fee begins from 60 thousand rubles.

The exact amount depends on the experience, tasks, flights and features of the vessel.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_8


Worker of the engine room, a member of the junior composition. Motorist must follow the work of all ship mechanisms. Also, the duties include conducting preventive work. The salary is almost the same as the sailor.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_9

Shipbuilding work

You can work in the sea, but not separated from your relatives for a long time. There is an opportunity to be a professional fisherman or technologist in this area, recycle catch. Specialists who can work with vacuum and refrigeration equipment are also valued. Consider a few more specialties.

  1. Shipbuilder engineer. Specialist is engaged in designing ships. Responsibility is really big - it is necessary to take into account the mass of a variety of nuances. Average salary - 75 thousand rubles.
  2. Electro-soluble. Such a specialist establishes, repair and configures all the equipment on the ship with radio elements. The work should be accurate, the navigation of the ship depends on this. Salary low: on average 45 thousand rubles.
  3. Fitter mechanic. Such a person is responsible for eliminating a variety of mechanical problems. Repair is performed at the time until the ship is in the dock. Usually, the mechanic mechanic earns about 75 thousand rubles. per month.
  4. Shipbuilder. Such a specialist is engaged in the construction of ships. Profession is complex and requires serious qualifications. On the ship there are many details from various materials. The salary on average is 100 thousand rubles.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_10

What kind of sea specialty choose a girl?

On cargo and military courts, the whole team is usually a male team. However, girls have the opportunity to get a job in the ocean. Usually we are talking about the field of entertainment and maintenance. Girls can be found on cruise liners and ships.

In the modern world, women can be found in the posts of Captain, Navigar, Lotsmana, Shkiper, Doctor, etc.

  1. Moderators entertainment shows. Usually found on cruise liners. Profession representatives make up a show schedule and follow it.
  2. Dancers and vocal teams.
  3. Animators. Typically present in family cruises. Organize and implement an entertainment program for children.
  4. Stewards. Also found on cruise liners, representatives of the junior composition.
  5. Specialists of the restaurant or tourist business. Usually we are talking about cooks. However, it all depends on the owner of the company and its needs.

It is worth understanding that the entire crew should have certain knowledge and skills. The team must have elementary knowledge of the sailor, orient in the case of flooding or fire of the vessel.

Even the cook on the ship has an elementary concept about the design of the vessel. Therefore, girls in maritime professions are not easy.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_11


To give your life, the sea is not as easy as it may seem. The specialist must have strong health, and physical, and mental. Every year, the sailor passes the medical commission, without which it will not be able to access the flight. Also without a certificate of good health will not work out in an educational institution for a suitable specialty.

Also, all sailors should swim well, pass the standard. These two nuances are important when admission. Most popular higher education institutions:

  • AGTU;
  • Thug;
  • FEFU;
  • Kai;
  • MgAVT;
  • GUMRF;
  • NSTU;
  • Kai.

In such universities, you can get any specialty associated with the sea. Separately, you can learn to the shipment, shipbuilding, electrical circulation and automation. If you do not work at the Institute, you can go to college. You can choose any suitable institution in your city.

Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_12

        It is in college that you can get the desired knowledge for the work of a motorist, a sailor. There they also receive a specialization for activity in the field of catching fish. Some colleges are trained and more serious professions. For example, you can learn to understand the sphere of shipbuilding.

        Some marine professions can be obtained at all in special schools. Usually it is about women's specialties. So, in Yekaterinburg there is a "maritime school of stewards." At the same time, training is remotely, and the educational institution then helps in employment.

        When choosing a form and method of mastering the profession, it is necessary to navigate the features of the situation. So, a truly serious post will be able to receive a graduate of university or college. Private schools offer a slightly different list of professions that are suitable for cruise liners. At the same time, additional knowledge and skills are often needed. So, you need to swim well and know foreign languages, at least English (for foreign ships).

        Sea professions: sailor and professions associated with work in the sea and the ocean. Training, pros and cons 7137_13

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