Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious


The acquaintance of self-confidence saves a person from low self-esteem, depriving him of peace and happiness. There are special meditations, during the execution of which the field of human consciousness is so limited that the brain is able to respond to an incentive, which is a point of concentration of the subject.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_2

Preparation for meditation

The full life of the person begins with the acquisition of inner calm and self-confidence . Such a state can be gained using a special Meditation . To hold it, it is necessary to comfortably sit in a secluded place, cover your eyes, completely relax, breathe deeply with full breasts, focus on breathing, then transfer it to the heart area. We must clearly feel the rhythm of your heartbeat.

Aromatic candles and sticks are faster than the relaxation of the body and contribute to the acquisition of sincere equilibrium.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_3

Psychological setting

In this moment All their resentments, negative emotions and any extraneous thoughts should be released. It is necessary to imagine how the tender wave of relaxation covers you.

All problems turn into minor grains. It is necessary to feel like an emerald wave instills peace and confidence in you. The ocean fills your body with force and greatness. You become a part of the universe. All fears that exciting you are gradually dissolved.

Such a psychological attitude to meditation should last at least 10 minutes.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_4


It has great importance Properly selected room. A close room adversely affects the result of a spiritual practitioner. To create a relaxed situation, favorable environmental vibrations are needed.

The room should not be felt cold or stuffing. The room should be thoroughly ventilated. It is not necessary to allow direct ingress of sun rays and drafts.

Any external stimuli bother to focus on basic thoughts and distract attention from meditation.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_5


A pleasant melody helps to eliminate extraneous thoughts, drown out external sounds and noises. Music contributes to deep immersion in trance.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_6

Clothing and poses

Specialists are recommended before performing any of the technician to take a shower, put on clean clothes and choose a suitable posture. Newcomers do not advise meditation in a lying condition, since a relaxed body can provoke a dive into sleep.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_7

Effective techniques

Meditation improves brain work, contributes to improving self-esteem, the development of the power of the spirit, the achievement of internal harmony. With the use of effective technician, personality can be released from excess self-criticism or excessive self-confidence.

Morning or evening meditation The subject chooses depending on its own activity. If the energy beats the key in the first half of the day, it is best to meditate in the morning if in the second - in the evening. Suffering insomnia is recommended to engage in any spiritual practices before going to bed. Meditations at night are well suited for women Since the weak floor representatives are more than men tend to compassion and are subject to stress.

To increase women's self-esteem perfectly suitable Meditation in visualization technique . This technique affecting the subconscious can be used in the morning and in the evening. The lady should present himself in elegant fashionable clothes. She mentally sees himself a confident, strong, independent woman.

In the imagination you need to draw yourself with a charming smile, beautiful walking and smooth gestures. It is necessary to imagine how passersby look around and looking with admiration. At the same time, the bright picture must be accompanied by the words: "I am forever get rid of all doubts and fears! I'm calm and confident! I am secured success in all my endeavors! I'm happy!"

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_8

One of the most effective techniques is Artistic meditation . You need to remember an unpleasant event, feel it again, throw out all negative emotions in the form of a cry or crying. Then all his rage, malice and resentment should be portrayed on paper. Then the picture must be broken, burn and dispel the ashes in the wind. After cleansing from painful emotions to raise the mood, come up with a happy end and depicting a positive completion of the situation trauming. In difficult life minutes, you can contact the drawing and charge with light emotions.

Calm and self-confidence helps to find Technique "I'm rock". It is performed with closed eyes in a lying position. After a deep slow inspire, when exhaling, focus on bodily sensations. It is necessary to mentally imagine how much your body has a lot. Feel the severity in the feet, then gradually go to caviar, hollow, pelvis, back, chest, neck.

Imagine yourself strong, irregular rock. You feel the power and severity of the whole body. You are small storms, blizzards, hurricanes, storms. No element can deprive you equilibrium and inner peace. Your head is the top of the mountain - it feels a pleasant cool air.

Make 2-3 deep breaths, move your fingers, then with your hands and legs. Imagine how you light up a dazzling white light. In completion, beat the severity and enter your body, full of confidence and inner calm.

Tibetan meditation Much attention is paid to the refusal of thoughts about the satisfaction of your own desires. Tibetan techniques are offered before taking the necessary posture to exhale air, then slowly breathe it, while it should be focused on the tip of his nose. If a person feels the conversion of the breath into exhalation, it should for the activation of the mind, should concentrate on air movement when exhaling.

After these actions, you need to listen to the rhythm of your own heart and proceed to the process of meditation.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_9

Respiratory practices

Sincere equilibrium can be found with respiratory equipment. Caution should be concentrated on even and deep breathing. Experts recommend to consider breaths and exhalations. For the very simple meditation, 10 inhales are enough. Calm, smooth breaths and exhalations should not have intermittent air jolts. In case of a cold, the mouth should be breathed.

If the imagination was played during the fulfillment of breathing practice, then you need to open your eyes for a while and take a look at the real world.

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Special inspirational phrases help tune in to positive way. It is necessary to use individual affirmations, because only a person himself knows his weaknesses. After a thorough study of each expression, they must be fixed on the sheet. In the course of meditation, it is recommended to use at least one inspirational phrase.

Affirmations are eliminated from unnecessary doubts and fears, tranquility and confidence in humans.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_11

Author technicians

There are many interesting copyright techniques, with the help of which the personality acquires self-confidence and peace. For example, Method "Trone" Increases human self-esteem by referring to the energy of the mental plan in the central part and the formation of a certain information field around the personality. During meditation, a person presents himself to sitting on the throne and holding a rod, symbolizing the energy of love, transfiguration, and in his left hand - a scroll, personifying wisdom.

The throne symbolizes the energy of the accomplishment.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_12

Dissemble mistakes newcomers

The most common mistakes is ignoring outsiders and noise. Inability to create a suitable atmosphere does not allow the body to relax completely. If the sounds of a drill or children's cries come from the neighboring apartment, then you need to use headphones to block the contagious noise. Suppose from headphones a light, calm music that helps tune in to meditation.

Some beginners Do not pay attention to your emotional background, health condition and proceed to meditation. Poor mood or headache counteract the correct mood of the body. Specialists advise pre-conduct Special equipment configuring the desired way . If it is impossible to cope with your negative emotions, then the meditation should be canceled.

An error is considered an attempt to drive away extraneous thoughts. You should not pay attention to them, you need to wait a bit and they will gradually dispel themselves. During meditation, it is impossible to try to evaluate your condition and distracted by mental questions, as the technique works, and what happens to you at the moment. Especially it is necessary to get rid of thought: "Do not think about anything." It prevents the mind to relax, abstract and prevents the entry into the trance.

Meditation for calm and self-confidence: Morning and evening meditations to improve self-esteem in women affecting the subconscious 6755_13

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