Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews


Stayed beautiful and young dreams every woman. And in pursuit of youth and the attractiveness of women are ready to go to any expensive, painful and sometimes terrible procedures. Despite the fact that the modern market is filled with various facial care products, many are even ready to lie down under the surgeon's knife, only to extend the youth. Although one of the easiest and most effective ways to extend the beauty of the skin of the face is the correct care that includes several simple items, which can be performed at any time and anywhere.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_2

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_3

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_4


Once the famous Pianist Frederick Chopin said: "Youth without beauty is still attractive, beauty without youth - never." But as he became mistaken, because in today's age, any woman can stay young and beautiful if she wishes it. Like the body, our face needs constant tone. The gymnastics for a person is a set of exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the face and neck and eliminating the imperfections of the skin. In other words, the correct skin care helps to extend the youth.

But there are several reasons why the skin ceases to shine, and the face loses its attractiveness.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_5

There are several major aging factors.

  • Physiology and age aging of the skin are natural processes in human life. Over time, the organism slows down the process of collagen synthesis, which leads to the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • Active Mimica - as you know, we are obliged to the appearance of wrinkles. Due to frequent cuts of muscles, small wrinkles appear on the face.
  • Hormonal failure, sharp weight loss and stress - the result of negative emotions becomes the deterioration of the color and status of the skin.
  • Negative environmental impact - electromagnetic radiation also includes this item.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_6

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_7

  • The effects of ultraviolet - active sun rays destroy DNA cells, which is why the skin becomes dry and loses elasticity.
  • Lack of vitamins - a large number of preservatives, taste amplifiers and various non-human flavors negatively affect the state of the skin.
  • Using inappropriate care cosmetics - incorrectly chosen cream can make the skin more dry or, on the contrary, more fearful.
  • Illiterate makeup - excessive use of tonal agents and powder.
  • Diseases - malfunctions of internal organs are always reflected on the skin.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_8

Before you begin to complex skin care, you need to decide what problems and imperfections you want to fight.

  • Wrinkles and irregularities of the skin - the first wrinkles may appear on the face at the early age of the girl. And the main reason is the uneven work of the muscles.
  • The dim color of the person is the indicator that you lack vitamins and trace elements.
  • Diryabe and dry skin - the study of the face muscles and active moisturizing during the procedures will allow you to quickly resolve all problems.
  • The appearance of folds and change of oval is possible due to aging of adipose tissue. On the face, in addition to leather and muscles there are still adipose tissue. At a young age, it is evenly distributed in the face. But with age, the volume of adipose tissue decreases in some areas, and on the other, on the contrary, increases. So, for example, due to the muscular overvoltage in the forehead area, the amount of adipose tissue decreases, which is why wrinkles appear.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_9

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_10

But for the most part, the appearance of wrinkles and folds on the skin we are obliged to your facial expressions. When we enjoy, irritate or sad, these emotions are displayed on our face. At the same time, different muscles of the face are strained and relaxed, which has a different load on connecting tissues. From this, small wrinkles appear, which without proper care quickly become big and deep.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_11

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_12

And in the area of ​​the nose and chin, fat volume increases, so nasolabial folds appear and the so-called second chin is growing.

  • Brushing and close to the skin capillaries - with such a problem, working with a person is necessary very neat. The gradual strengthening of muscle tissue will help restore the plasticity of vessels and capillaries. Thus, the complexion is leveled.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_13

And if in the early stages of aging of the skin with the first facial wrinkles just use the nutrient cream, then over time it is necessary to resort to a comprehensive problem solving. Moisturizing cosmetics that are applied to the skin, give only a temporary effect. Undoubtedly, special creams allow to activate cellular metabolism and speed up the synthesis of collagen, help to return the skin health and youth, but not long.

And besides the causes of the appearance of wrinkles and leather flabs, it is not in the absence of moisturizing, but much deeper. Of course, the injection in the Cosmetologist's office will help achieve the desired effect, but the cost of the procedures will be very high. And such a miraculous means will need your skin repeatedly. Therefore, the correct skin care and muscle strengthening will help make the oval faces more beautiful, and the skin is smooth.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_14

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_15


As studies show, those who are well developed by the Mimic muscles look younger. The face lift using anti-aging gymnastics will slow down the skin aging processes.

Complex skin care, including gymnastics, will help get rid of many problems:

  • reduce wrinkles, get rid of folds and swelling;
  • raise eyebrows and eyelids, make eyes more expressive;
  • Remove bags and bruises under the eyes - the muscles of the face will become stronger, and the skin is more tightened and smooth;
  • Return the elasticity and tone of the skin - the face form will become more neat and tightened;
  • Possing oval is a tightening - tighten the neck circuit, round up the shoulder cheeks and raise the corners of the lips quite under the power of the face gymnastics;
  • Align the skin color - the tone of the face will become healthier.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_16

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_17

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_18

For exercise, you will not need a lot of time. The main requirement is to give daily gymnastics for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the first results of the rejuvenation and refreshing skin will be noticeable for two weeks.

And for the execution of the skin update program, no expensive or bulky devices are needed.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_19

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_20

The regular execution of the program will allow you to update the skin in a short time:

  • The outflow of lymph will increase and thus there will be a decrease in swelling, and slags and toxins will be taken out of the body;
  • Improve blood circulation and blood circulation;
  • The growth of facial muscles will increase, which will reduce and smooth out the existing wrinkles;
  • The contour of the face will be tightened, the second chin will decrease, and the look will become more expressive;
  • Age changes will be less noticeable, exercises will allow to get rid of balls;
  • Normalization of internal processes will make it cope with acne, acne and get rid of black dots;
  • Gymnastics will not only improve the contours of the face and the state of the skin, it will also have a beneficial anti-stress effect - it will help to remove the tension, will save from headaches and reduce eye fatigue.

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_21

Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_22

    And if you specify the goal, then with simple gymnastics for the face, you can get rid of mimic wrinkles and nasolabial folds, smooth the skin, pull the oval and return the face to the former youth and beauty.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_23

    Possible harm

    Luxuriously look can every woman at any age. The main thing is to choose the correct care program. And it is not necessary to attend for this cosmetologist to spend huge amounts of money and conduct painful procedures. But effective gymnastics can be used far from always and not for everyone.

    It is very important when performing exercises to comply with safety and familiar with the list of contraindications:

    • hypertension;
    • acute inflammation and pathology of facial and ternary nerve;
    • Ear disease, throat, nose;
    • dermatitis, herpes, eczema and other skin diseases in acute form;
    • oncology;
    • Dental diseases;
    • general poor health, high temperature or acute aggravation of any disease;
    • Other diseases and conditions under which it is necessary to limit the active work of the muscles of the face and neck;
    • the presence of previous subcutaneous injections;
    • Rehabilitation period after plastic operations.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_24

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_25

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_26


    A properly selected set of exercises will help not only return the natural beauty of the face, but also pull the skin and align the tone.

    But before starting fitness for the face, it is worth find out the main muscles of the face:

    • The forehead - the study of this area will help reduce the size of longitudinal folds and vertical wrinkles in the brine area;
    • Eyes - work to strengthen the muscles of the eyelids will help prevent and slow the aging of the skin, get rid of bags and bruises under the eyes;
    • The cheeks - the study of this region will give elasticity and will retain the beautiful oval of faces;
    • Lips - working around the area around the lips, you reduce folds and nasolabial wrinkles.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_27

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_28

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_29

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_30

    There are many techniques to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

    We offer the best and simple exercises for rejuvenation. This yoga complex for the face is built on the construction of active grimace, strengthening muscles, as well as stroking and moisturizing the skin. You can alternate exercises or use everything in one program. The load and the number of repetitions may also be regulated on the basis of individual characteristics.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_31

    We will analyze six simple exercises for the gymnastics of the face at home.

    Padded face

    This exercise will not only increase the skin tone, but also will help you liberate. The whole point is to utter vowels: A, U, Oh, I, and, E, Oh. It is very important to easily reveal the mouth and strain the muscles of the face and neck. Every letter you need to pass 5-10 times.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_32

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_33

    Massage area around the eyes

    Let us give expressiveness to look. As age changes are primarily reflected in their eyes, therefore this massage must be included in the daily skin care complex.

    To perform the massage, you will also need cream for the area around the eyes or moisturizing serum. It is important to remember that in this section, the skin is thin and gentle, so before applying the cream, make sure that it can be applied to the area around the eyes. Start a massage with light pattering on your finger pads, move the circular movements from the bridges along the upper age to the temples and backwards by the bottom century.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_34

    After that, give the middle fingers on the temples and the scaling movement to come to the nose-to-node age - this exercise will help to emphasize the natural borders of cheekbones and eyes.

    Then go to the massage of the upper stationary century. Grab your eyebrows in such a way that the thumb is on the stationary century, and the index on the forehead. Lightweight movements pass from the bridges to the temples. Repeat the movement 3-4 times. We work the same area with vibrating movements - move from the temples to the brow's brow's brow-up and down. This will allow to relax the muscles of the forehead and activates the outflow of lymph.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_35

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_36

    At the final stage of the massage, pay attention to the area around the eyes. The pads of the index fingers walk around the circular motions around the eye from the temples to the nose in the lower age and back along the upper moving century. After the fourth round, change the trajectory of movement and add vibrating movements, like the previous stage, but only in the upper eyelid. Such zigzag waves help to get rid of eye swelling.

    If, after massage on the area around the eyes, there was no cream left, then apply some more cosmetic equipment on the skin and evenly distribute the light pattering movements.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_38

    Remove the second chin

    This exercise to many familiar from childhood and is perceived mainly as fun. The task is to reach the tongue to the tip of the nose. The regular repetition of this exercise will lead to the muscle tone of the face and neck, why the second chin will catch up. You can adjust the number of repetitions yourself, but in one session it is necessary to make a minimum of 10 touches.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_39

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_40

    Obstruction of the forehead area

    This exercise will allow you to fight with small and with noticeable wrinkles and irregularities on the forehead. Position the index fingers above the eyebrows and the light pillows pressing movements. Lift the skin up. And then stretch your skin towards the ears. The so-called exercise "Surprise" will help smooth the mimic wrinkles in the form of vertical lines above the bridge. You can also make a grimace grimace - bring the eyebrows together, and try the pads of fingers to pull the eyebrows from each other. Repeat such a procedure 3-6 times.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_41

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_42

    After that, to work out the central part of the forehead, on which the longitudinal large folds are formed, sit near the table and put your elbows on the worktop. Keep your back straight to not make it difficult to bleed. Press your fingers to the eyebrows and build various grimaces: surprise, anger, laughter. After that, give the pillow to the fingers to the hair growth line and pull the skin up, and the eyebrows pull down to smooth the skin on the forehead.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_43


    Tighten the face of faces, and smooth out the nasolabious wrinkles will help a simple exercise - cheek inflating. Type more air in your mouth and close your lips tightly, hold your breath or breathe through the nose. Hold the "bubble" in the mouth of 10 seconds. Repeat procedures need not less than 10 times. For a variety, you can also roll out the air from one cheek to another.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_44


    This exercise will help increase blood flow to lips and increase skin elasticity. Pull your lips into the tube, and then smile wide. Such an exercise must be repeated about 20 times. All the beauty of the exercise is that it is possible to repeat it during the day, for example, standing in a traffic jam, or while working at the computer.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_46

    Another efficient and simple exercise will increase the elasticity of the muscles at the bottom of the person. Pull the lips with a tube and in this position, spend lips in a circle clockwise, and then counterclockwise. Start with 5-7 circles for each session, and then increase the number of repetitions.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_48

    For the first time, it may not be possible to perform all the circles, but over time you will be given this task everything is easier.

    After gymnastics, you can feel the short tingling of the studied zones. This means that you are all done correctly, and in these areas the blood circulation has increased. These exercises will actively work out all the layers of the epidermis and affect all the muscles on the face. From this muscle of the face will strengthen, and the elasticity of the skin will increase. But the most important thing is that Face fitness allows not only to reduce skin aging traces, but also struggles with the causes of their appearance.

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    How to spend?

    Proper preparation will increase the effectiveness of gymnastics. To observe the effect, you can first take a picture of your face in anatheve and profile in a well-lit place. All exercises are best carried out opposite the mirror to control the correctness of movements and its actions.

    Before the start of gymnastics at home you need to wash off makeup. Ideally take a contrast shower. But if it is impossible, it will be enough to wash and wash your hands thoroughly. Make a contrast compress - for this you will need a small towel. At first, wet it with hot water and attach a warm towel to the face, paying special attention to the area around the eyes, cheeks and lower forehead. After that, moisten with cold water towel. Repeat the contrast complex several times. Then blot the skin with a dry napkin to remove moisture. And apply a moisturizer to the skin by making a light massage for the face and neck.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_51

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_52

    Like any exercises, Face fitness allows you to relax, improve the mood, dump and get rid of stress. Tune in to spend a few minutes with benefit for yourself and your beauty. You can also include relaxing or, on the contrary, invigorating music. Pay attention to every area of ​​the person, even if you at the moment do not notice age-related changes.

    The simplest, pleasant and affordable procedure at home is self-massage. Thanks to him you can remove overvoltage and relax. In addition, the massage will help smooth out the skin's irregularities, get rid of small wrinkles and folds, pull out the sulfur face, improve the contour and give the skin healthy and natural radiance. The self-massage procedure can be carried out every night during the application of a nightly moisturizing cream. Light pats, strokes and massaging movements positively affect the skin condition.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_54

    After training, be sure to apply moisturizing or nutrient cream on the face and zone.

    Of course, the gymnastics of the face will not return the youth of the mature skin, but will allow pulling an oval, give the skin tone and return the fresh shade.

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    It is possible to start studying and strengthening the muscles of the face at any age. But early start and systematically give the best results. Since it is better to use preventive techniques than to resolve the problems already formed. Many girls in their reviews noted that the gymnastics for the face allowed to reduce the number of wrinkles and folds, helped pull the oval and give a healthy tone of the skin.

    And to increase the efficiency of workouts can be independently, it is only necessary to comply with simple rules.

    • The best time for training - morning. At this time, the Mimic muscles rested during sleep and ready for the load.
    • The beginning of each day can be cryotherapy - this simple procedure is to rub the face with ice cube. Freeze clean water in the freezer in advance. And better prepare the decoction of herbs - for example, chamomile flowers or calendula. And daily before washing, wipe the face and area with ice.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_56

    • If in the morning hours there is no possibility to give gymnastics for a few minutes, then select a simple program that can be performed in traffic when cooking, at a lunch break or in a cinema.
    • It is not necessary to carry out any procedures in a bad mood. Try to leave all the problems and negative thoughts aside and tune in to meditation before starting the classes. Any external changes always begin from the inside.
    • Carry out the room before starting training - a sip of fresh air will help to normalize oxygen breathing and speed up the processes of skin renewal.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_57

    • Do not overload the face with a large number of exercises and multiser. Engage in a comfortable rhythm for you.
    • Turn on the face gym into daily procedures. And try not to be lazy and not postpone care for your skin the next day, otherwise visible results will have to wait for a very long time.
    • Once a week free the skin from dead cells: use scrubs, cleansing gels and lotions.

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_58

    But do not forget that it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively.

    Multiple exercises during a couple of minutes will not allow due results. When skin care, simple rules are operating: wash up cool water, drink daily about 2 liters of clean drinking water, turn on more fresh fruits and vegetables in food, refuse the finished food with flavors, dyes and taste amplifiers. Improved metabolism will speed up the update of epidermis and dermis cells. Try to be in the fresh air, pour on hot days. Use creams with ultraviolet protection and do not forget to wear sunglasses. And to prolong the youth of the skin, try to smile less and more often.

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_60

    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_61

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    Gymnastics for face (63 photos): exercises for muscles from wrinkles, face fitness at home, reviews 4236_63

    About how to make gymnastics for Make Face, see the following video.

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