Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens


Chinchillas due to their charming face, a huge sad eyes and thick fur look like plush toys. However, in character, they are real aristocrats, and excessive tiset and other "calf tenderness" of the alien to this breed. Affectionate and smart chinchillas themselves come to the owner when they need to be affected. All the rest of the time they impose on a cozy armchair or on a soft lay.

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Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_3

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_4

History of origin

Chinchilla cats belong to one of the most ancient breeds, and therefore they can boast excellent health and a stable psyche. The country of their appearance is considered to be England, although scientists of other European countries also participated in the removal process.

The breed was finally formed at the end of the XIX century, but the standard was adopted only in 1980. The first mentions of the breed are dating in 1890, when the Persian cat was born a kitten of an unusual color. The kid was called the tire, his mother became a Persian cat, and his father was a smoky Briton. The unusual kid attracted the attention of breeders, and began experiments to eliminate similar kittens.

For the implementation of the intentional began to cross the British and Persian individuals. The result was the appearance of a breed with a long overflowing wool. First, kittens appeared on the light with dark wool, with their color resembling gray-blue British. However, the individuals having a light pearl-silver hue were derived.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_5

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_6

However, the kittens did not receive from the first offspring of the tire (or there is no official data about it). The first officially registered individuals of the chinchillas were kittens, born as a result of the mating of the beettes of Betta with the smoky male. The cat was given to the nickname Silver Labkin (1889) and began to consider His Rodonchal Breed of Chinchilla.

The complexity touched and the shade of an animal eye. When mixing Persian chinchillas with classic peers or silver British, kittens were born with yellowish eyes. But after the introduction into the pedigree the green-eyed tabby kittens got bright green eyes.

At first, only the chinchillas of the silver (blue) fur was considered for the purebred. A little later was based on a stabilized silver cat, a golden variety was removed. In 1980, this type of chinshill was also recognized as a breed standard.

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Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_8

Representatives of the breed are obliged to princesses Victoria (the granddaughter of the Queen of Great Britain), which is interested in the unusual species and the kindest character of animals. With her light hand, the breed was exactly the name. Several devotees of fluffy lived in her palace.

Today, disputes around the origin of the chinshill do not subside - some consider these cats with one breed, while others call them just a long-haired variety of Persians.

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Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_10


The individuals of the breed of chinchilla visually seem rather large, but it is only due to bulk wool. On average weight for males - 7 kg, for females - 5 kg. An animal has a strong, but soft forms of the body. The chest chinchilla is quite wide, spin of healthy individuals is straight and smooth.

The body hold powerful and rather short paws with rounded pads. Between the latter usually stick fur beams.

The head has a round shape, it is medium sized with a rather pronounced chin. The nose is small, flattened. The ears also have small sizes, from the inside are covered with thick fur, and if the nipple is long-haired, then there are tastes.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_11

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_12

Tail - True Shinshill Pride. It is short, pretty thick and over the entire length is covered with fluffy wool. Its length is an average of 1-1.5 cm longer than wool on the whole body. Because of this, it is worth a cat to raise the tail - and it seems as if it is fooled by a real bulk fan.

The characteristic of the breed necessarily includes an eye description. Large and expressive, they invariably attract attention. They have an unusual form - round, slightly elongated in the corners and lowered. This gives chinchillas a slightly sad and offended appearance. As a rule, the eyes of shinshill bright green, although there are individuals and with gray-blue eyes.

Cats have a long and thick wool with the undercoat. The amazing effect of flickering the fur coat is caused by the color of the animal. At the base, closer to the body, the hairs have a brighter shade, gradually dark to the tips.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_13

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_14

Character features

Cat breed chinchilla can be called noble aristocrats. They have a soft duplicate character, are tied to the owner and get along with the children - they suffer, even if they jerk them for tails. But if possible, they are trying to reconcile from the nursery. Left alone, the animal will prefer special toys, and not master furniture.

As already mentioned Cats are focused on a person, and therefore demanded increased attention to their person. Their favorite place is on the host's knees. The loneliness of the representatives of this breed is contraindicated - they are experiencing stress, whip can even get sick. At the same time, chinchillas are self-sufficient and do not like when they invade their personal space. If the cat does not want at the moment so that it touched and stroked, she will understand it.

To guests in the house are quite friendly, trustingly go into hand, give themselves to iron. With other pets, they are not bad, but the friendship prefers neutrality.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_15

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_16

Being kittens, animals can surrender to games, running for toys or stuffy candy. However, as cats are growing, they play less, as if demonstrating that they are representatives of the royal breed. Games an adult cat would prefer the air on some warm and soft town. At the same time, it is still important to play with a pet, since a sedentary lifestyle is a direct way to obesity and diseases.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a delicate character and ingenuity. Cats are clean, easy to study. The owners also note that chinchillas are big lovers "talk." They correspond to numerous purr, they can meow the owner, when they missed, or something worries them. The usual "meow" and "Moore" in their "lexicon" has many intonations.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_17

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_18

How many cats live?

Chinchillas live on average 12-15 years old. Life expectancy depends primarily on genetic features, lack of diseases and care.

It should be remembered that These individuals are inclined to complete what can reduce their lives. That is why it is important to follow the nutrition of a pet and provide him with quite a long-term activity.

We will discuss the characteristic of the breed of diseases below. It is right to note that in general chinchillas have quite strong health.

Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_19


Representatives of the breed passed a long path of development before the breeders managed to bring pets with unusual, and most importantly, persistent in the progeny fur. Today there are 3 types of chinchillas.


    Classic color for this breed. Ticking throughout the body. Wool has thick undercoats. Almost all over the length of hair white and only on the tip 1/8 part black. It provides a beautiful shimmering silver shade. Black Tyking is stronger than the tips of the paw, the back and the tail, because of which the feeling is created as if the veil was sketched on the animal.

    The cat has dark paw pads, always contrast. The nose, eyes and mucous membranes have a soft black stroke, as if they were presented with a cosmetic pencil.

    This species has a subspecies of chinchilla-point. The latter has a lighter shade of hairs and undercoat, because of what a pet coat looks snow-white. From the silver view she got an amazing pearl flicker.

    Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_20

    Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_21

    Silver sharp

    Owly hair is already 1/3 painted in black, which is why this species looks darker than silver. Considering that the bed of animal is snow-white, and black taking on the legs and tail, it seems that the pet has like blurred strips. At the same time, darker plots are gently flowing into brighter areas. As such, there are no strips of shaded varieties. They have dark wool between the fingers.

      Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_22


      This species appeared relatively recently. Cats have a peach-honey hint of the fur coat, and on the sides and on the tip of the tail prevails black taking, so it seems that the cat envelops a light haze. Sometimes undercoat can be a bright peach color, and ticking on the tip of wool - blue. It is also considered to be a breed standard. The main thing is that the total color of the cat is uniform - without spots and strips.

      Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_23

      Today the breed is considered not to the end formed, so new varieties appear - marble, chocolate (brown). Differences are based on the difference in the shade of the cat's tips. They can be more silver (blue), peach, creamy.

      Most kittens in the first 2-3 months have a pronounced tabby color (stripes), but as adults are growing, everything is increasing, becoming uniform.

      Defects include the presence of white spots on the chest (the so-called "medallions"). For a variety, the colorspoint is also a white color of the fingers. Such a cat is only blue-eyed, the deviation from this standard is considered marriage.

      Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_24

      Depending on the belonging to one or another, the chinchilla cats can be several types.

        • British chinchilla. In Russia, these cats are known simply as "British", also a cat is known as English. Classic representative of chinchilla.

          Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_25

          • Scottish shorthair chinchilla. These cats are also called plush - for their very thick, pleasant to the touch and short fur. Scottish cats can be right and lugbyg.

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            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_27

            • Persian chinchilla. Another classic representative of his breed. The owner of the longest and fluffy fur from all chinshill.

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            Conditions of detention

            Long and fluffy fur cat requires everyday care. It is necessary to comb her at least once a day, it is permissible to do it every 2 days. Otherwise, not to avoid koltuns. First, the animal is combed to grow wool, then against.

            On the face and cheeks wool combed towards the face, that is, against hair growth. Do not worry that the animal will behave restless during these manipulations. Chinchillas love when they are combed. Even against wool.

            Like most cats, chinchillas are small swimming lovers. In addition, from frequent swimming, they can ship fur. Avoid this allows the use of a special bleaching shampoo. Bathing the cat should be not more often for half a year, while you should be ready for inadequate favorite behavior. It is important to monitor that water and foam from shampoo do not get into the eyes and ears of the cat.

            After water procedures, it must be wrapped in a warm towel and give a little to dry in this form. You can dry the fur of a pet with a hairdryer, exposing the mode of warm air. Combing wet wool is undesirable.

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            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_30

            During the combing and daily inspection of the cat's body, you pay attention to the wool between the pillows of the fingers. It can also be combed, if necessary - to cut. Otherwise, wool in these places will be knocked into a lump, rubbing gentle pads.

            Alternative water and washing can be the use of dry shampoo. It does not require watering with water, and simply combed from wool. Pre-coat must be combed, and then launched dry granules into fur. After a time, the fur is once again combed. Apply dry shampoo follows in 14-17 days. From this, the animal fur will become fluffy, shiny, excess fat and contamination are removed.

            If the animal has contaminated legs or a muzzle, it is not necessary to wash it, it is enough just to wipe the places of contamination with water.

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            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_32

            It is not necessary for the ears of special care, it is enough to clean them with a rut once a week or less often, as contaminated. Cleaning is only the visible part of the ear. Trying to penetrate deep into, especially a cotton wand - dangerous for the animal.

            But behind the eyes of cats, as for wool, it requires constant care. The fact is that the individuals of this breed are prone to elevated tear, so the eyes need to wipe the eyes every day with a soft wet cloth or a wet width disc.

            You still have a kitten to teach chinchilla to Kogtetechka, and at the time a week to trim the claws with special tools. It is only a third claw to cut, if you cut a large part of it, the blood vessels passing in this part of the claw will hurt.

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            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_34

            As for walking, they are pleasant for the animal, but optional. If you live in a private house, you can get a cat to walk in the garden. Naturally, making sure that there is no danger, as well as an antiparasitic collar on him. In the city of Pettz, it is better to walk on the shleink.

            It is important to follow the purity of the tray, which regularly changing its contents. The filler is permissible to use anyone that is convenient for you. If you stick to these simple rules, then there will be no unpleasant smell in the house, and the animal will not nourish out of his toilet.

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            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_36

            What to feed?

            This breed of cats, as well as any other, can be fed by one of two power circuits:

            • natural food;
            • zoocorms.

            At the same time, it is impossible to mix different types of food, until the end of the life, if possible, adhere to the selected power scheme.

            Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_37

              If we talk about home / natural food, the diet should include a number of mandatory products.

              • Meat - Rabbit, turkey, chicken, sometimes the remaining types of meat. It should be finely chopped and raw. You can pre-freeze meat (for 10-12 hours), and then scream pieces with boiling water. This will allow them to disinfect.
              • A fish - It is enough to include maritime fish (and only it) in the diet of a fluffy pet 1-2 times a week. Fish can only be given boiled.
              • Dairy products Also give no more than 1-2 times a week. It is better if it is low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, ryazhen.

              Periodically, it is possible to add carrots chinchillas or finely chopped cabbage in boiled form to the diet. However, a particular cat can poorly carry vegetables. If the animal has a weight deficit, it costs once or two a week to give her bran or buckwheat porridge, cooked on the water.

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              Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_39

              Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_40

              If it is decided to feed the cat with zoocorm, then his choice is better to entrust the veterinarian. It will recommend concrete stamps and species, taking into account age, weight and features of animal health.

                Feed adults of this breed 2-3 times a day, kittens - 5-6 times a day. Because of the unusual structure of the jaw chinchillas, large pieces of food are not able to turn out, so I need to grind food.

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                Before participating in exhibitions, for 10-14 days, it is recommended to feed the animal feed for kittens. The latter is enriched with proteins and minerals, which is why animal wool will be especially shiny and silky. Some products can cause a change in the shade and deterioration of the animal fur, they include:

                • egg yolks;
                • milk;
                • Bright fruits and vegetables;
                • butter.

                Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_42

                Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_43

                  It is important to control the vitamin and mineral composition of chinchilla food. So, with an excess of vitamin A in the body there is a darkening of the animal wool. The shortage of vitamins also negatively affects the health and appearance of the individual.

                  When nutrition, home meals must be included in the diet of fluffy vitamin and mineral additives. If the animal feeds on food, then there is no need for this, since zoocorma is enriched with everything necessary. In the winter-spring period, it is useful to give a cat with a special grass. It is better to grow it yourself and periodically "walking" a cat on the windowsill. Let the pet itself redistens the required amount of grass.

                  If it is decided to feed the animal with the finished feed, preference should be given to dry premium or superemium class products. Today in stores you can find the feed intended for cats of Persian and British rocks. For chinchillas are suitable. The calculation of the daily dose of feed is carried out according to the formula - per 1 kg of the weight of the cat requires 70 kcal feed.

                  Animals can not be giving oily food, sausages and sausages, river fish, raw sea fish, canned food, smoked, sweets. It is important that the pet is a pure fresh water in a fleet.

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                  Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_45


                  Breeding chinchil is a difficult occupation even for breeders with experience. This process is a kind of alchemy, The main difficulty is to obtain a stable characteristic color.

                  If you do not plan to take part in exhibitions, then a couple for chinchillas can be selected from Persians or Britons having a golden or silver color.

                  If there are performances, the partner of the animal can be only a purebred sector of chinchillas with an ideal pedigree and fully meets the standard. Pick up a couple in this case better, contacting experienced breeders.

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                  The mating can be started after the onset of the first flow, it is usually an animal aged 1.5 years. As for the frequency of mating, the opinions were divided. Someone believes that mating can be carried out every flow. However, experienced breeders remind that the flow may begin by 4-5 days after delivery. If you have a cat nearby at this moment, it can be dangerous for newborn kittens. The optimal period between mating, according to these breeders, 4 months.

                  Before viscous, you should visit the vet, make sure that there are no hidden diseases, as well as to progressify the animal.

                  Certificate of successful mating is calm, relaxed status of a cat. She begins to sleep more, in young cats (up to 3 years old) swell and pose nipples. A month after the knitting of the kitty, the tummy is rounded. Pregnancy lasts 9 weeks.

                  After this time, kittens are born. If they have a pedigree, after 1.5 months you should contact a specialized club. There, babies will be examined and issued passports. This will sell thoroughbred kittens and participate with them in the future at exhibitions. To give or sell kittens is better not earlier than three months. Until that time, the "child" should be near mom - This is one of the guarantees of adult immunity and a strong individuals in the future.

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                  Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_48

                  If you do not plan to "nurse" offspring, you should take care of castration and sterilization of the animal. There is an erroneous opinion that castration - for cats, and sterilization - for cats. This is not true.

                  Castration is an operation to remove the germ. Cats - semennikov, cats - ovaries. Sterilization is meant a more sparing procedure. The males tie out the seed-winding ducts, females - the uterine pipes. When sterilization, an animal disappears sexual desire, but they cannot have offspring.

                  The optimal time of data of manipulation from 6 to 12 months. The effect of sex hormones in this period of life is not yet expressed, but they are sufficiently formed to be removed.

                  After the operation the first 6-12 hours of the animal feed is prohibited (to avoid dangerous emesis in this period) can give only water. After returning from the veterinary clinic, the cat should be put in a warm place on a flat surface. Do not place the animal on the rise, as observed after anesthesia disorientation. Pet can fall and get hurt. As a rule, the cats recovered the next day after the surgery, the cat for several days wearing a horse blanket that protects the joints.

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                  Animal Health is made up of two factors - heredity and features of care. The nature of the chinchillas got a fairly strong immunity, but the breed is still a characteristic of the disease.

                    multicystic kidney disease

                    When this pathology renal parenchyma replaced cysts. They put pressure on the body, which is why decreased renal function, there nephritis and nephrosis. Define the initial stage of the disease is virtually impossible. Diagnosed polycystic when the cysts are already large, bring pain and cat stomach increases in size.

                    If the cyst is well palpable, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to save the cat - the kidney is actually no longer work, and instead of the renal tissue - cysts. At this stage the animal's life or put to sleep, or hold a certain diet and give your cat medication to alleviate her suffering.

                    Initial treatment usually involves surgery - cyst cut within healthy tissue.

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                    Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_51

                    hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

                    In this disease of the heart muscle ventricle thicken. This provokes heart failure, thromboembolism, and even a sudden stop animal's heart. To diagnose the disease can only be with the help of ultrasound. The signal for the need of the meeting may be a shortness of breath and fatigue pet.

                      Treatment involves the administration of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, "Diltiazem". The earlier treatment is started, the better the chances to rescue the animal.

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                      retinal atrophy

                      The disease is an extinction of photosensitive receptors located on the surface of the retina. The warning signs of the disease is blindness (reduced visual acuity in the twilight and night-time), strongly dilated pupils, increased eye shine. In mild form of the animal begins to bad to see in the dark, while the hard - facing total blindness individuals. Effective treatment currently exists.

                      In general, the eyes - a weak spot of this breed because of increased lacrimation. It is important to clean your eyes animal wet wipes (use special, without alcohol and perfume) or a damp cotton pad.

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                      It is important to follow the schedule of vaccinations. Representatives of this breed put vaccinations from the following diseases:

                      • rabies;
                      • rinotracheit;
                      • Cat Chumka;
                      • Calcivirosis.

                      After the first injections, 2,5-3 months should be revaccination. Then vaccinations put once a year. As a rule, the veterinarian itself picks up a suitable drug. In most cases, the "Nobivak", "Tricks" and "Quadricat" as the compositions most favorable by the organism of the animal are used.

                      It is important to remember that the injection begins to "work" only 10 days after vaccination.

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                      Chinchilla Cat (55 photos): Description of chinchilla cats, features of character. White and blue, gray and other color kittens 22540_55

                      About British Chinchilla See next video.

                      Read more