Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews


Food ApplaWs from the Czech company MPM Products is well known for experienced dogs. About the features of the applaws feed line for adult dogs and puppies of different breeds you will read in this article.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_2

general description

Food four-legged pets should be natural and delicious, close to the one that predators feed in wildlife. This opinion is adhered to the developers of the applaws of the class of the holder and clearly follows this rule. Their main task is to "make your dog still happier." And when a dog is healthy and happy - happy and her owners.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_3

Applaws pet food is made according to special technology, which retains all important useful substances, minerals and vitamins in dry and wet feed. Clear control over all stages of production is carried out in special laboratories in the production located in England, France and Russia. Careful selection necessarily pass all products from which feed is produced. Strict supervision is carried out for compliance with technologies when preparing an assortment, which has long been a sign of buyers, and the development of the men's men.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_4

The feed includes:

  • Natural protein and vegetables;
  • Harvest concentrates;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • necessary animals and vegetable fats;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • Animal squirrel.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_5


The choice of menu for animals is very rich. The owners of dogs brand offers a large line of wet and dry feed for puppies, adult dogs of large and small rocks and menus for older pets. There are medicinal feeds for pets suffering from allergies.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_6

The dry range is available in packages weighing 15, 7, 5 and 2 kg. Wet feed in canned food 400 g and in packages for 75 g.

Consider the proposed assortment in more detail.

For puppies

Food for the smallest pets contains everything you need so that the kids grow strong and healthy. The feed contains meat of excellent quality, natural vegetables, vital microelements and acids.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_7


Applaws Messenger Grain Free Puppy Chicken with Vegetables

Feed recommended to puppies up to the year. As part of 67% of chicken meat, 8% natural chicken minced chicken, probiotics, vitamins and minerals, natural oils and fats, vegetables - source of fiber, egg powder and extracts of medicinal herbs: turmeric, ginger, horn, rosehip.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_8

Applaws Puppy Small & Medium Breed with Chicken and Vegetables

Food is not only for kids, but also for young dogs of small breeds. The special value of the product is that he is therapeutic.

Perfectly suitable animal suffering from gastrointestinal tract. It contains more than 70% protein and everything you need to keep an animal digestion under control.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_9


Puppy Chicken.

Cable weighing 95 g are designed for puppies up to a year. Puppy Chicken contains 57% chicken meat, as well as pork, beef, carrot and peas. From cereals in canned food only rice.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_10

For adults


  • Applaws Grain Free Large Breed Adult, Chicken and Vegetables. Designed for large breeds of dogs. High protein content - 37%, a sufficient amount of fats - 19% and carbohydrates - 21.5% allows you to remain watchdog and service breeds in good form. As in other feeds of this brand, there are vitamins, minerals, polycycles.
  • Apples Grain Free Small & Medium Breed Adult Chicken, Lamb . Recommended for dogs of any size. Contains chicken meat, lamb, extracts of vegetables and fruits, therapeutic herbs, omega-acids, vitamins and minerals. The amount of protein in the stern is 38%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - 21.5%.
  • Applaws Grain Free All Breeds Senior Chicken and Vegetables . Daily diet for older animals of medium size. Natural chicken meat and mince, egg, vegetables and herbs, chondroitin and metabolically active compounds will help maintain a cardiovascular, digestive and nervous system of pets, to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and obesity.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_11

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_12

The owners note that dry food granules do not have an unpleasant synthetic smell and, which is very important, almost not swell in water. Wet food perfectly eats dogs of any age and size. The consistency of canned food has a pleasant meat fragrance and good consistency.


  • Canned chicken and fig 165 Food is cooked from chicken broth and breast fillet, which is 99% of the total mass. Just 1% falls on the content of rice. Food is perfect for the daily diet of a young dog.
  • Pate with chicken and vegetables in a tray weighing 150 g. In a meal, a sufficient amount of animal protein: chicken meat - 31%, pork - 19%, turkey fillet - 4% and 4% of fish. Green peas and carrots are added from vegetables in canned food.
  • Pate with salmon in tray - no less excellent option for daily consumption for medium-sized dogs. Animal protein is contained in the form of chicken and pork, salmon and trout.
  • Pate with chicken and ham, vegetables suitable for dogs of any breed . A sufficient content of protein, fat and carbohydrates, amino acids and vitamins will help pets to remain in shape.
  • Pouch for dogs from year to 8 years The taste of lamb and vegetables, salmon and chicken, salmon with vegetables and algae 150 mg.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_13

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_14

Review reviews

Experienced breeders and amateur dog breeders give preference to the Class of Class Holistic. According to the owners, it is better to choose high-quality products for animals than then spend money on expensive medicines and pay veterinarian services.

ApplaWs is a suitable version of the diet at a democratic price for its class. The excellent balance of minerals and vitamins is completely satisfied with the owners, and the taste of feed is their four-legged friends.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_15

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_16

There are host feedback, the pets of which began to be intensively lifted after the use of feed. After the veterinarian inspection, the dog was detected for food allergies. It does not fit dogs who have an allergy to chicken. The owners note the high quality of the feed and regret that the chicken meat is present in all the feed and the product, which would be great to come across their pets, the Applaws does not release.

Food for dogs applaws: composition. Dry puppies feed, review of lightning products for dogs of small and other breeds. Reviews 22039_17

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