How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain


In an apartment or house, an unpleasant situation with a blockage of toilet bowl occurs. A catastrophe can be caused for many reasons, homeowners are often harmful to the sewer system. To eliminate such a problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of quick cleaning toilet bowl at home.

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Signs and Causes

There are first signs that warn you that the sewage construction has been hampered. When one of the following features is detected, it is necessary to urgently eliminate the blockage, not a degraded state:

  • The toilet bowl is filled with a dirty liquid with a feet, which returned from the sewage and is not washed off into the common sewer pipeline;
  • Slow downstream water on the sewer system;
  • Unpleasant flavors from sewer pipes.

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To determine the method of cleaning the toilet bowl, what to do in this situation, Experts recommend to familiarize themselves with the main causes of sewage pipes.

  • Mounting the system is made with defects. When installing the sewer tube at a low angle, poor waste washing occurs, as a result of which the remnants of waste gradually accumulate, forming a blockage.
  • Organic residues . Often in the toilet bowed food waste: porridge, potato mashed potatoes, cleaning apples and others.
  • Hosbert garbage : Toilet paper, stationery, packages, hygienic items (gaskets, diapers).

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_5

  • Feller filler (tray) . Modern manufacturers make fillers with the addition of special clay, which can hold and absorb moisture. When clay gets into the sewer tube, a constant cluster of the clay mixture in the channel occurs.
  • Lack of ventilation . So that the sewage design worked correctly, a sufficient amount of air should pass in the riser pipe. With its lack of disadvantage, there is a drop in the pipe fluid, in the future, leading to a blockage.
  • Incorrect operation Toilet bowl with neighbors from above or below in an apartment building.
  • Deposition of salts in the toilet pipes. This may occur for many reasons: rigid water, urea, waste precipitation.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_7

We define the place of the traffic jam

To properly determine the plug place, and what exactly clogs, it is necessary to check the functionality of the cranes, which are located in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the fluid flows without any difficulty, it means that the problem of the blockage is in the toilet. If the water descends badly, then the reason lies in the main pipe, in this case, without the help of a specialist can not do.

Through general drain, you can detect the location of the sewer pipe. It is necessary to determine the location of the traffic jam with extreme caution and compliance with all rules.

After determining the location of the bed, you can proceed to the elimination of the problem. The method of eliminating the plug will be completely dependent on the cause of the formation of a blockage.

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To understand what exactly clogs in the toilet, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the standard fixture device, which consists of:

  • drain clearance;
  • siphon;
  • tube with a stand to the riser;
  • riser.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_10

Any of these areas can score. To determine the level of clogging of the toilet with their own hands, you can pour 1 l of water in the toilet and leave for 30 minutes. After you need to check, water has gone or not. If you leave, it means to cope with such a problem at home without the help of a specialist.

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Methods of elimination

If the toilet clogged, the owners of the house or apartment are trying to get rid of such a problem as quickly as possible.

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The first way to clean the toilet from uncomplicated blockages is to use boiling water.

  • Boiled water (10 liters) at an angle of 90 degrees should be pouring into the toilet. It is recommended to pour water as quickly as possible.
  • If the fluid starts to leave, then this procedure must be repeated 1-2 times.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_14

The following way is to use food soda, which helps to dissolve minor stools in the form of a fatty film:

  • 250 g of soda need to be poured into the container of the toilet;
  • After a few minutes, wash the water.

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The third method is based on the use of boiling water, vinegar and food soda. This solution is able to cope with the food film in the toilet bowl.

  • First you need to get rid of water in the toilet. To do this, it is necessary to extract the liquid with a bucket or rubber pear, leaving a small amount in the drain area.
  • Pour 250 g of soda in the toilet, try to push it deeper.
  • The plums poured 1 cup of table 9 percent vinegar.
  • After 20 minutes you need to pour boiled water 100 degrees. You can do without boiling water, soda and vinegar you need to just wash off.

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If the sewage system is equipped with a connecting corrugation, which is made of thin plastic, then the use of boiling water is strictly prohibited.

For this purpose, it is better to apply hot water. Also boiling water is prohibited to clean the porcelain toilet, such a material will not withstand sudden temperature differences.

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There is another people's way to eliminate a block, which is performed using a mustard powder.

  • In 10 liters of hot water, it is necessary to dissolve 5 teaspoons of mustard powder.
  • The finished solution is poured into the toilet.
  • After 1-2 minutes, lower the water.
  • If necessary, you can re-execute this procedure.

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To quickly and effectively break through the plug in the toilet, many housewives use Coca-Cola. Such a drink is not only a delicious liquid, but also an excellent cleaning agent to combat a flaw, due to the fact that the composition of the beverage contains carbonic and phosphoric acid. It is very easy to apply it, just open the bottle and pour content in the toilet. After 10-15 minutes it will be possible to observe how the pipeline was cleaned of a cloud.

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Very often, the owners of the house are faced with the problem of such a reason that multilayer toilet paper accumulates in the sewer system. With this plug level, you can cope with citric acid and washing powder, also such a mixture will eliminate the toilet from rust and yellow spots.

  • In warm water dissolve 1 cup of powder.
  • Two citric acid packs are poured into the resulting solution.
  • The finished mixture is poured into the toilet, leaving for 4-5 hours (overnight).
  • After passing a certain time, several buckets of hot water poured into the toilet. This procedure is necessary in order to wash off the cleaning agent and the remains of the block.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_21


To date, store shelves have a huge range of finished chemical products that can cope with various degrees of toilet breaks without help of vehicle and cable. Such chemicals that have alkali or acid are used by great popularity.

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Such substances are capable of dissolving blockages from small garbage, they are produced in the form of powder, gel, liquids and granulated state.

  • "Mole". It is manufactured by many manufacturers and is very popular with homeowners. The cleaning agent is produced in granules, gels, and consists of 60% of potassium and sodium hydroxide, 10% acetic essence and 10% surfactant. The tool has an affordable product price, but the validity of the unit to eliminate blockages varies from 1 to 2 hours.
  • Tiret. Such a means for cleaning is suitable for any type varieties. The gel-like solution is valid for 5 minutes, but the disposal of complex stoppers can take longer.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_24

  • "Mister Muscle". The main advantage of this cleaning agent is the instantaneous effect of the drug, with minor stamps it will cope in a few minutes. This is due to the fact that the composition has a large amount of acids and alkali. The dissolution of hard-soluble blocks takes about 2 hours. The drug is produced in the form of a gel or powder.
  • "White". The alkaline means is capable of cleaning and disgusting the garbage accumulated in the drain hole. The solution time of the solution varies from 4 to 6 hours.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_26

  • COMET. The composition of such a solution has chlorine-containing components that are able to quickly eliminate blockages in the form of a limescale, blades. The use of the solution allows you to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the sewer pipe.
  • Deboucher. This is a cleaning agent that contains not only alkali, but also chlorine substance. The effect of the means occurs within 15-20 minutes. Despite the fact that the substance contains chlorine, there is no sharp specific smell. The disadvantages of this means include the uneconomicality of the gel solution. To effectively combat the blockage, 0.5 liters of means will be required. It is forbidden to apply a solution for pipes from aluminum.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_28

Also, acid substances include an electrolyte for a battery. The electrolyte is applied as potent chemicals.

Before applying chemical solutions, it is necessary to study in detail the instructions on the package on the use of a means.

When working with chemical solutions, it is recommended to use the means of protection (rubber gloves, safety glasses). Some abrasive substances falling into the skin or in the eyes will lead to corrosion of cover and burn eye.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_30

To eliminate blockages with household chemicals, the following procedures are performed:

  1. The required amount of solution (according to the instructions) is poured into the flux of the toilet, which is pre-released from the fluid;
  2. After a certain period of time (1.5-2 hours), the substance is washed off by a jet of hot water.

It is forbidden to apply several types of chemistry at the same time, otherwise a chemical reaction can occur capable of harvesting the sewer design. Also using potent substances ("Mole", "ERSH") needed with marginal caution, they can freeze plastic pipes.

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Lime deposits can accumulate not only inside the toilet bowl, but also in the drain tank. For cleaning the tank, you can apply acid or alkaline solutions. An effective and spectacular way to eliminate the plaque is toilets for the toilet. They stacked inside the tank, gradually dissolving in water. In the future, there is a dissolution of the plaque not only in the drain tank, but also in the toilet.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_33

Precautions for the use of chemical solutions.

  • The use of solutions is allowed only with the use of protective gloves, preventing allergic reactions.
  • Dosing of solutions to perform according to the instructions. More than the amount of funds will not solve the problem with a blockage.
  • After cleaning the sewer system, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the toilet from chemical residues so that in the future it does not get a solution to the skin.

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Mechanical method

Mechanical methods for combating clouds are most often applied by homeowners. For cleaning use various infringement tools. With sands from sand, glass and building pollution it is impossible to cope with independently people's or chemical ways, it is necessary to help mechanical devices.

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To get rid of such traffic jams, several ways are used.

  • The first mechanical way to eliminate traffic jam in the toilet is Manual cleaning . It is used if the plug was formed not further than the siphon. For this purpose you will need such devices as rubber gloves, bucket, bucket. Previous toiletzes is exempt from the liquid. After that, they begin to explore the drain hole. If it is impossible to remove the blockage with your hand, you can use the wire with a curved end.

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  • Vantuz which is a rubber suction cup with a handle. Vanatuz can push the garbage that appeared in the drain hole, on the total sewage pipeline. Sewer pipe larger diameter than a drain hole, which allows the garbage to go further. Before using the Vatuz, it is necessary to close all the taps of the washbasin in the bathroom and the sinks in the kitchen, and only after that proceed to clean the toilet. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the rubber part of the vehicle should be larger than the diameter than the drain hole, thereby creating a vacuum and hydrate.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_38

If the drain duct is difficult throughout the apartment or house, then the procedure with a vehicle needs to be performed on all plum points. In this case, the toilet cover must be closed and fixed by heavy loads so that the fluid does not go beyond the toilet.

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  • 1,5 liter plastic bottle It can be more efficient to cope with the blockage than previous folk and chemical methods, it can also replace vetuz. The method with a bottle is similar to the method using a ventuum, but the power of the blow and the pressure is at times stronger.

    Remove the toilet with a bottle, performing the following actions:

    1. The bottle is cut off the bottom, but the plug remains in place;
    2. Sleeping the bottle with a cut end in the opening of the toilet as deeper;
    3. Several sharp movements need to drive the bottle inside the drain hole.

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  • Santechnic cable which has a handle and nozzle. The size of the cable may vary, the diameter is from 6 to 16 mm, and the length of up to 60 m. The 5-meter cable with the nozzle is suitable for the apartment. To remove the garbage, the nozzle is used in the form of a spiral, and for punching - in the form of weights. Sequential use of the cable use to remove the plug itself.
    1. The edge of the cable with the nozzle is lowered into the drain hole and the knob is rotated clockwise.
    2. The cable pushes the most deeply as possible, it is desirable to get to the tube in the knee of the toilet.
    3. The torque pulling the plug pushes into the shared pipeline or engages on the nozzle and pulls out out.
    4. After all procedures, the cable must be rinsed with the detergent, in the future it can still need. After breaking through the cork using a cable, it is necessary to secure the resulting cleaning result, for this, the use of chemical solutions is suitable.

It is forbidden to push the cable with sharp movements, as such blows can harm the old sewer structures.

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  • Instead of a cable can be used Covered wire . It is impossible to push household items into a common pipeline, otherwise they can get stuck in the riser and cause water breakthrough from neighboring tenants.

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  • There is another effective method that can remove the blockage in the toilet. For this method used Bilateral scotch and plastic film. It is important that the film is in perfect condition without defects, and the size was a little more toilet cover. The following steps:
    1. The region inside the toilet is wiped out dry;
    2. In a circle, tape strips are pasted in such a way that a solid film coating is formed;
    3. The surface of the toilet is covered with a film that is fixed in places of contact with scotch, resulting in a hermetically closed space inside the toilet;
    4. Next you need to pull water. With properly performed work, the film must appear. Otherwise, check the film coating for integrity;
    5. The surface of the film must be pressed by hand in such a way that it returned to its original state. Such movements create pressure on the toilet, and troubleshoot occurs.

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How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_44

How to clean the toilet? 50 photos as at home yourself eliminate zoom, fast and efficient ways to clean the drain 21798_45

  • Conduct with a blockage in a drain pipe can self-made healthy agent. It is made of a tissue bag filled with a bulk mixture (sand). This adaptation in the people is called doll. The finished bag is tied to a solid rope or lace, with which it is necessary to hold a doll in hand. The bag is lowered to the bottom of the toilet, and turn on the water wash. The liquid pushes the bag over the drain hole, which allows you to try the formed plug.

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When to cause plumbing?

Emergency challenge plumbing is needed if the level of dirty fluid in the toilet, sink and bathroom is gradually gaining. This may mean that the problem with the blockage was formed in the total pipeline. In the future, fluid leaks beyond the limits of the shell or toilet. It is necessary to urgently overlap water, ask for neighbors not to use the sewer system. This problem is not solved independently with the help of healthy tools or household chemicals, only professionals can cope with such a problem.

It is also necessary to call professionals and in the event that all of the above methods for eliminating blockages at home did not cope with the problem in the toilet. After all, problems with the toilet can lead to a complete replacement of the sewer design.

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To avoid or prevent serious problems with the toilet brine, It is necessary to regularly perform prophylactic actions that prevent the formation of traffic jams.

  • It is forbidden to use the toilet as a garbage disposal. After a certain period of time, a plug is formed. You also need to prevent young children about the rules for using the toilet.
  • From time to time, it is necessary to clean the toilet with chemical solutions.
  • Once a week, the sewer system needs to be washed with hot water.
  • Some sewer systems are equipped with a background riser that requires constant performance test.
  • It is necessary to carry out repair work in the toilet when closed toilet, so that building materials do not fall inside.

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  • When installing the sewer system, it is better to stop its choice on plastic products having a smooth inner surface of the walls. It is also necessary to adjust the pressure using the fan tube. Because of the wrong position of the pipe, water can badly descend, with the result that small blockages will gradually accumulate on the walls of the pipeline, forming a plug.
  • Mounting the toilet is better to entrust professionals that will install on all operational rules.

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Additionally, you can apply food salt as preventive procedures.

Every day, 1 glass of salt should be poured into the drain hole. Interacting with water, a saline solution is obtained, which perfectly corrupt fat deposits on the inner walls of the pipeline. In the morning you need to wash the toilet to the water.

If you perform prophylactic actions, you can eliminate the possibility of clogging toilet. The correctly selected tooltime method will allow you to quickly and easily solve the problem.

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On how to clear the toilet with a bottle in 1 minute, look in the video below.

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