Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives


Women born under the sign of scales, one of the most attractive for men. They have a lot of character traits that make them beautiful hostesses, wives and mothers. You can find a common language in friendly relations and at work. To make it easier to do this, you should deepen in particular scales.

Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_2


The zodiac signs of the zodiac include women born from September 24 to October 23. They have a peculiar charisma, the logic inherent in more men, the intelligence and the mind, which are very noticeable when communicating with these ladies.

You can select the following features of the character characteristic of the representative of this sign:

  • friendliness;
  • femininity;
  • reliability;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to listen and listen to someone else's opinion;
  • ability to convince;
  • Weighment in judgments and actions;
  • elegance;
  • Passion to everything beautiful.

Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_3

Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_4

    Description of a woman Scales born in one or another period of the primacy of this sign in the zodiac looks like this.

    Representatives of the zodiac of the first decade (From September 24 to October 3) there are features. They can be determined by special friendliness. They are very nice to communicate with them, because such girls have the ability to feel the shades of the emotions of the interlocutor and move "on his wave." Optimist, smiling life to meet, cannot but cause sympathy.

    Facts indicate that these girls have excellent taste, they know how to file themselves and are always surrounded by beautiful things.

    With all the external lightness, quite seriously look at life and are engaged in their career development. They are important to engage in things that they are interesting and at the same time bring good income.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_5

    They go straight dear to their ambitious goals, no matter what nozzles. There are sometimes very harsh methods, although this does not agree with the external impression of these lanes. In the air and thin girl it is difficult to suspect a business wolf, which confuses any competitor in its path.

    However, if the case does not concern career, the woman's scales of the first decade will necessarily come to the aid of the one who needs it.

    Such representatives of the sign are distinguished by diplomacy and tact. From them you can not wait for the patented games, although they will not miss the case to benefit from the developing circumstances.

    If there is a failure, it does not become a reason for deep disorder. Of all these scales, the experience is extracting and never refuse to conceived.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_6

    To the second decade The influence of the sign includes those who were born from 4 to 13 October. These girls appreciate freedom, think independently and behave extravagant. They cannot be waiting for predictable actions. To show yourself in a harmonious environment where they feel "in their plate." These women are nice to listen - the ability to speak beautifully not to occupy.

    The nature of the second decades is characteristic of adventurism. Such girls easily and fearlessly change their own life, happily giving themselves to the power of the unknown, differ honesty and direct. There are leadership qualities that can be raised in marital relations, although they really do not really be ready for themselves. As a result of long negotiations, the right of ownership of someone else is inferior.

    Third decada The departments of the scales fall ladies born from 14 to 23 October. These are the greatest chatters among all the scales. From the side seem frivolous. It does not prevent them from skeptically to look at everything that happens, giving many things a critical assessment. For the sake of self-affirmation are ready to argue with all forces.

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    Do not endure the gift of spent time. Try to fill every moment of your life with something useful. It is no coincidence that the habit is guided in their actions by a certain schedule, which for themselves is made up.

    Like all scales, they have pronounced diplomatic inclinations.

    They have a tendency to lead, but if they seek such heights, lose the women's charm, acquiring a lot of typical male in behavior.

    Because of their vulneac, they are trying to do without conflict and keep balance in each of the spheres of life. Love in the field of attention of celebrities and stay in the circle of their communication.

    In the responsible moments show courage, courage. Capable for decisive deeds and distinguished by consuming. Before making such a move, they think about it for a long time, how to carry out this revenge, and then proceed to its implementation.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_8

    In personal plan are inconvenient. It is among such representatives of the scales most of those who get married several times. Moreover, they always have full fans, including wealthy. There is someone to choose. As a result of deft manipulations, these ladies easily get everything they want.

    Among the cons character of women, weights can be distinguished by a change of mood, subject to certain cyclicity. They are then full of strength and tirelessly work, economic affairs in the house, then suddenly everything is thrown sharply, fall on the sofa and stop moving.

    A nearby person should simply take such flaws in weight behavior. While the representative of this sign does not accumulate a new portion of energy to accomplish the feats, it will not do anything.

    Negative qualities include the desire to please other people regardless of whether they deserve it or not. Moreover, for the establishment of a harmonious atmosphere for them, these women are ready to abandon themselves and lose individuality.

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    Suitable names

    In order for the scales to fully show their best qualities, you should correctly call the girl in infancy.

    It is believed that the most suitable women's names for the scales are.

    • Agnes. With Latin translates as a "lamb". Such women behave restrained, although, in essence, emotional and deep in their feelings.
    • Albina. Translated from Latin means "white". A woman with such character will be proud, energetic and balanced.
    • Vasilisa. From the Greek language is translated as "Queen". The owner of this name thoughtfully applies to everything, for which it is taken. It is distinguished by great pride and tend to show strong feelings.
    • Darya. Persian means "possessing good." Woman with such character sociable. She has a big stock of optimism. From this one can wait for impulsive actions.
    • Elizabeth. From the Hebrew, this name can be translated as a "honoring God."

    The owner of this name, born under the sign of scales, energetic, sociable and logical in its judgments.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_10

    • Inga. Comes on behalf of the IWWI is one of the Scandinavian gods. His owner is characterized by hardness, purposefulness and self-confidence.
    • Kristina. That is, "dedicated to Christ" (from Latin). The owner of this name is an ambitious, energetic woman who knows how to achieve the desired one.
    • Natalia. With Latin translates as "native". Usually it is fondant, emotional women.
    • Elvira. Translated from German as "truthful in everything." Scales with the name of proud, persistent and purposeful.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_11

    Behavior in friendship

    The girl scales most often turns out to be a wonderful friend and for many it becomes somehow a free psychoanalyst. Such regularly addressed advice. As a psychologist, she is ready to listen to everything that has booked in a person in the soul and give to understand how much what happens to him is. This is already enough for the interlocutor felt relief. But after analyzing the heard, she will give a weighted opinion and will offer a way out of the situation. Usually it helps a friend to look at what is happening with different eyes.

    Another good feature that attracts friends to her is that in communication this reasonable girl avoids the imposition of his opinion to the interlocutor, although it will find suitable words to convey thoughts to him who consider it right.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_12

    Attitude towards love and marriage

    Love is what the girl strings seek. She is able to captivate the opposite sex representative. An ideal partner considers such a man who can rely on in life. For such gentle nature, you need a strong defender, able to protect it from all problems and protect the beautiful flower.

    In the relationship values ​​what it has. It will not be possible to quarrel with her beloved and offend him. For the sake of him, it is ready to abandon everything, move to another city or country.

    Being a wife, it will be imperceptibly to manage the family. She has enough wisdom of a royal crown of chapter to leave her husband, and the most imperceptibly for him to push the partner to the right decisions. Such a girl knows how to wear a mask of a cheerful hatch, without showing the sharpness of his mind and not teasing his partner. It will build a relationship so that the husband will be ready for her for any conquest.

    Does not show excessive curiosity to the secsor secrets. In her opinion, such behavior is deprived of nobility and tact. If it finds out the relationship, it does not increase the tone. It is easier for her to silence for a long time than the thoroughly finding out the relationship.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_13

    Having survived the trouble, she tries to establish peace peace itself.

    How mother she is fair and strict. Risizes in children respect for the elders, the desire for order and decent manneram. Necessary does not take up kids. Thanks to this, independent and independent people are obtained.

    As for the intimate side of the marital life, in it, the scales love the circumstance. It's never hurry and tries to create a romantic setting for intimate entertainment. In sexual games, often takes the initiative to their hands, is capable of unexpected actions. Does not tolerate rudeness from the partner.

    The house of this hostess is filled with comfort. This woman is carefully suited to creating an interior, not forgetting about his most small details. Pleasant music, a wonderfully decorated table and a variety of dishes on it, beautiful dishes and a peaceful setting - all this is very important for the scales. With regard to the house and family, this is a woman in the full sense of the word.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_14


    Best for a girl scales as a partner will suit the representative of the male half of the twins. The variable character of this person is completely transformed when such a sign falls under the charm of the scales. This man will strive to create a family with a girlfriend, whereas with other representatives of the zodiac circle for it are almost unable.

    Scales and twins, coming in alliance, will be able to blame perfectly, penetrating mutual respect. Although to maintain a high level of mutual understanding, these people need to constantly work on themselves.

    As numerous reviews confirm, with a sign of the lion girl scales can bring sex. In this sense, such partners are fully compatible. Non-understanding is possible due to the high emotionality of one and another participant of the couple. Each of them is afraid of losing his independence in marriage.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_15

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_16

    In relations with an alarm, the weights will be romantically and is imbued with passion. Of these relationships, unforgettable love stories are obtained. Each of the signs appreciates freedom, so no one suppresses anyone, leaving a place for personal space.

    Weighs and Sagittarius are very well suited. This partner will understand the girl with a half pass. With the Sagittarius "Droping" Communication can last long, but then both participants will come to the idea of ​​creating a family.

    The ability to come to a compromise and give way to make this marriage durable.

    Good prospects for weights in alliance with tales or cancer. But with Capricorn, good luck will be more friendship than marriage.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_17

    With a militant, a memorable love romance can arise, but in marriage we will have to play all the time with such a partner in the game "Which of us is better." It may tire both participants in the pair. Although some are pleasure from periodic emotional bursts.

    A completely unsuccessful union will come out of a woman's scales with a man in fish. These people are unable to understand each other. Scales will always be dissatisfied with a watermark that cannot designate a specific life goal for themselves. And the fish, who do not want to join the disputes, are offended. This state of affairs cannot last long.

    Despite the fact that the scales are able to find a lot of common with scorpion in sexual terms, to withstand the character of such a guy girl will be difficult. Roughness and jealousy - this is not what this woman comes up with.

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_18

    Is the career for them?

    Women Scales rarely choose professions associated with large physical exertion. They are more suitable activities related to a wide range of communication, for example, in the world of art. Also of them are good lawyers and journalists, flight attendants and social workers.

    Among the representatives of this sign a lot of workaholics. Work is important for them as a means of material support. For comfort and prosperity that are necessary for weights, they are willing to pay great employment, unless the husband takes on full material support so that the scales can completely give themselves to home and children. It is also important to them that comes with work.

    Woman scales may well become a boss. Such a leader will require discipline from its subordinates, and at the same time it will become weighted to affect the case. None of the workers can say that their boss is unfair or dishonest in the actions.

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    As an overlap or amulet, a girl weighs need to purchase jewelry with various stones.

    For born in the first decade The influence of this sign will suit things with a crystal, moon stone, jaspea or malachite.

    Earrings or Ring with Emerald will be able to protect the ladies, born in the second decade Scales in the zodiac. Also for them are good decorations with sapphire, zircon, topaz and ruby.

    Weighs of the Third Decade It is better to choose a diamond or aquamarine as a talisman.

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    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_21

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_22

    Also for all representatives of the talisman sign will be the image of the scales.

    It symbolizes the harmony in any spheres of life, whether it is a family, work or friendship. As scales relate to air elements, it is better to choose a product of silver - white metal.

    Flashing for weights is a heart image. It denotes life force and protects people on long journeys.

    Wheel sign will attract luck to the owner of such a decoration. The wheel removes a veil of doubt and allows you to find the right way out.

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    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_24

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_25

    Also overlap for a woman, scales can become flowers and other plants. For example, Rowan contributes to the development of career and success in the implementation of certain projects, the maple helps to preserve and protect the seven-scale scales. Orchid is a source of energy for them and attaches optimism, which affects all spheres of life.

    Modest marigolds are able to add harmony to the inner world of the scales, drive out the experiencing and eliminate the voltage from the soul.

    Lilac gives a woman to the weight of confidence and attracting the goal.

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    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_27

    Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_28

    What gifts love?

    For a woman, scales are important for the gift to be presented with all his heart. It can be a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and perfume with a suitable aroma.

    She will enjoy a chic gift type of vouchers to an exotic country or a pretty decoration with natural stones. If this is a modest, but elegant thing, the scales will be satisfied with such a gift. It will appreciate the exclusive thing of handmade, which emphasizes its individuality, or an interesting subject of the interior, inscribed in the style of her house.

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    Famous representatives

      Among the celebrities of the old days and today Many representatives of the scales sign:

      • Catholic nun Mother Teresa;
      • Politician Margaret Tetcher;
      • Writer Agata Christie;
      • Russian poetess Marina Tsvetaeva;
      • French actress brick bardo;
      • Italian film actrix, fashion model Monica Bellucci;
      • British actress and singer Kate Winslet;
      • British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones;
      • American fashion model and actress Kim Kardashian;
      • Russian figure skater Elena careful;
      • Famous Russian singers Zemfira, Larisa Dolina, Lada Dance;
      • Famous Soviet and Russian actresses of Faina Ranevskaya, Natalia Gundarereva, Tatyana Doronina, Elena Probleova, Inna Churikova.

      Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_30

      Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_31

      Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_32

      Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_33

      Woman Scales (34 photos): characteristic of the sign of the zodiac, the nature of such girls and what are they in the profession, talismans and famous representatives 19937_34

      Additionally about the woman's scales, see the next video.

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