Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate?


Needlework at all times has been greatly popular. One of his varieties is crochet, especially toys. The most difficult moment for newcomers in knitting toys Amigurumi is the need to periodically make a crochet burning. But if you practice, everything will be not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

Knitting features

It is worth saying that small animated creatures, tied with hook, appeared quite recently - in the XX century. And their journey in many countries they began with Japan.

Translated from the Japanese, the word "Amigurumi" denotes "dolls" or "toys".

Binding in Japan, lovely crafts quickly spread all over the world.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_2

As for the knitting itself, To create these unusual toys, only basic types of loops are used. In addition, the characteristic feature of Amigurum is their small size. If we talk about classic figures, then their size must be within 7-9 centimeters (either in width or length). However, there are also masters that can tie a toy with a size equal to only 10 millimeters.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_3

Amigurum knit from separate parts that are very neatly stitching together. To do this, you will need a hook of a small size so that the toy turns out quite dense and without holes. Each of the parts fit on the helix so that the product is smooth.

It should be remembered that the last loop in each row is best to celebrate. This is necessary in order not to lose the number of accurate columns.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_4

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_5

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_6

To the toy turns out beautiful and without flaws, It is necessary to master not only ordinary air loops, but also the columns with Caid and without. However, the most important thing in knitting toys remains the ability to make a row with crochet amigurum.

The basis of any detail of the mini-toys is the ring, which can be associated in two ways.

The chain of two air loops is usually analyzed. After that, the amount of columns without a Nakid must be inserted into the second loop, which will be required for the first row. For this you do not need any additional skills. However, when using such a method, there are most often in the toy there are small holes that it looks not too beautiful. True, if you work well, then you can achieve an ideal appearance.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_7

Those who have mastered the technique well, you can start working on a double ring. This would require to wrap the thread around his index finger on his left hand. In this case, the free end of the thread must be on the part of the thumb. As for the working thread, it is at this time is from the middle finger. Next, we must take the hook and on the right side to enter it under the threads that are on the index finger, making uncommitted loop. Then you need to pull them through her work the thread to get the air loop.

Now you can remove the thread with your fingers, without removing the hook from the loop. Should get a ring with through it free thread end. Next, you need to associate a series of columns, without sc. Most often its length is six loops. When the last loop dovyazana will need to tighten the ring amigurumi. It is important that there were no holes in the middle . After possible to start knitting of the second row. To do this his first loop to go through the initial column of the first row.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_8


There are several options subtraction of loops in the technique of knitting toys. However, for beginners are best suited following scheme description.

- decrease in circles

To turn down the required number of loops need to take a few steps. You should begin with a conventional column, without sc.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_9

This will require to capture the thread, and then stretch it over a number of standing loop. two things should happen on one hook. Next you need to grab one more loop. So on the hook should find themselves just three. After that, through them, it is necessary to reach the main thread and merge all together. Thus diminish the loop should be all the way around.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_10

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_11

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_12

invisible ubavki

This is another easy way to subtraction of loops.

  1. First we need to simultaneously introduce a hook into the front wall of the first loop And a front wall of the second loop. On the hook should be just three loops. One of them is the main and the second two - the half loop.
  2. Next, you need to pick up the work loop And then stretch it through the half loop. After that, the hook will be only two loops.
  3. The next step - provyazyvaniya working loop through the remaining two half-loop.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_13


Knitting toys amigurumi small hook will need to take a little bit smaller. Since the canvas will be more dense. If the toy is with holes, it immediately spoil its appearance, especially those amigurumi, which are made of dark and light filler yarn.

Following the rules, toys need to knit in a spiral and only two standing next to the loop . In some cases, according to the scheme, a particular row may also vyvyazyvayut and front walls. In this case, the toy will be more stable and durable.

Rowing with crochet when knitting amigurum: How to make a loop relief in a circle? How to knit invisible accurate? 19333_14

Another important point in knitting toys is their assembly. To do this, you will need to show a large amount of patience. First of all, you should balance the Amigurians, that is, find the center of gravity. In this case, the cannon will be able not only to stand well, but also to sit.

Thus, having mastered the rims of crochet, you can create a large number of mini-toys from your favorite comic books or animated series.

A visual example of knitting amigurums on the example of a ball can be viewed in the following video.

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