Labor Production Engineer: Responsibilities and job descriptions. What does and what should know


The functioning of any manufacturing company assumes that each employee must fulfill its functions and give certain labor results. The final decisions on how exactly they should be, is taking an engineer in the field of laboring. In our review we will end in more detail on the features of this profession.


The igniter engineer is considered one of the main employees of any manufacturing enterprise. He oversees all issues related to the compliance with the established standards of temporary costs for all internal workflows. The official duties of the labor mission inspector include a rather wide range of a wide variety of functions. This employee forms existing labor costs in specified production conditions for each employee category. It should be noted that colleagues are very often disliked this specialist, but despite this, it brings a firm very tangible benefit - saves the cost of production and services.

Normizer often has to deal with issues of reduction of wages due to the introduction of advanced scientific and technical innovations This leads to the fact that individual routine processes become automated and, accordingly, cheaper. This specialist monitors the correct performance by employees of all technical requirements in the provision of services and production of products - it is no secret that many piecemers often violate them in order to increase the overall production.

It should be noted that Professional approach to work requires a specialist in the rationing of all necessary for the establishment of plans to generate calculations . At the same time, it does this at all standing above each employee with a stopwatch in his hands - in its activities this engineer uses his own skills and professional experience, therefore the highest demands are presented to the knowledge and competences of this specialist.

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Like any other specialty, the position of the engineer on the rationing of labor processes has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the advantages.

  • The demand of the profession. Nowadays, there are a shortage of these specialists on the market, therefore the demand for professional normal engineers remains consistently high.
  • Work in comfortable conditions . Unlike many other categories of engineers, this specialist is not busy directly in production workshops, all the necessary calculations it produces at the desk in the office.
  • The possibility of professional growth and development. The fact is that the definition of standards for working out for the staff of the enterprise requires knowledge of a large number of different subtleties and nuances of the manufacturing process. Having mastered their fully, the normalizer can count on a good career in its industry.

Of the minuses, there are not enough salary levels. The overwhelming majority of representatives of this specialty in our country, according to 2019, the maximum amount of remuneration was 30 thousand rubles (the data is given on average in Russia).

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In accordance with the ETKS, which establish a trade rate of normalizer, The following list of works are included in the official instructions for the main labor duties of this specialist:

  • research on the following features of the implementation of certain labor processes in production, as well as the implementation of the main calculations, on the basis of which the technically sound standards for the development for each category of employees are drawn up;
  • Calculation of standards time costs for the general production cycle and its individual stages;
  • Account planning use of staff working hours;
  • Making all approved standards in the company's electronic databases, If necessary, their adjustment and update;
  • participation in the creation and implementation of a complex of measures aimed at optimization of labor processes in production;
  • Identification of domestic labor reserves to increase the development in different divisions of the company by means of timekeeping, observations and other ways of research;
  • Identify the most efficient methods of labor, planning activities for their implementation in the company;
  • Analysis of the CPD advanced rationalization proposals in all departments and units of both the manufacturing and administrative block;
  • When introduced into the production cycle of the newest technologies The designer engineer must revise the current labor regulations and in accordance with the research data to hold basic organizational and explanatory events with the company's staff.

We draw attention to the fact that in the conditions of each particular enterprise, those or other functions can be modified - the full range of problems in the entire task and completely depends on the scope of the employment of the Normizer Specialist and the features of the Company's domestic policy.

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A person who has a higher profile education may be appointed to the position of engineer for the organization and standardization of labor in the company, as well as experience in the position of the inspector for the protection and organization of labor processes at least 5 years. Specialists in this field are trained in economic, as well as engineering and economic universities. A graduate of college or technical school may also occupy the appropriate position, but only in the case when its experience in the field of normalization of labor processes is five or more, in addition, It must necessarily take back courses and advanced training.

Such strict requirements are justified, since a huge amount of knowledge is required from the logging engineer. The applicant for this vacancy should know the current legislative acts regulating the industry in which the production company works, methodological materials describing the organization of labor processes. These include:

  • TKS;
  • Guide to the bonuse system in the enterprise;
  • the procedure for revising the existing labor regulations;
  • the procedure for developing measures aimed at reducing labor costs in the enterprise;
  • Features of the technological processes used in the company;
  • established production modes;
  • Forms of labor system;
  • General principles for the introduction of technical standards;
  • existing production standards;
  • methodology study of labor processes;
  • Types of analyzing the efficiency of working time spending by employees;
  • Modern computers and computer programs that allow optimizing the work of a regulation on the rationing;
  • Basics of enterprise ergonomics;
  • basic principles of company management;
  • Current Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Regulation on the peculiarities of the psychology and physiology of work;
  • System of production safety requirements.

The zero-engineer must be familiar with the positive experience of other companies in part of labor rationing and the order of his payment. It is desirable that he studied not only the experience of Russian enterprises, but also advanced developments of foreign companies. That is why the commissioning inspector should special attention should be paid to the continuous increase in its competence and every 3-5 years will be obligatory to undergo advanced training courses.

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Where does it work?

Registration specialist can work in any industry Whether it is the production of goods, provision of services, conducting research works or design bureaus. In essence, this specialist is necessary at any enterprise where a piece of remuneration system has been introduced and the salaries size directly depends on the volume of work performed. This specialist has a wide range of powers. It may offer to the upstream guidance for consideration of his own ideas associated with improving the efficiency of the disposal of labor resources, promoting subordinates, the introduction of the system of penalty of labor violators.

The normalizer has the right to send any requests to the company to obtain the necessary data in order to compile the adjustment of existing labor standards in the company. Labor Region Engineer It has the right to be aware of all issues of strategic planning of the Company's activities as a whole. At the same time, the responsibility of this employee is extremely high.

Thus, the failure to fulfill their professional duties or their implementation is not fully, as well as the offenses admitted during the calculations, entail administrative responsibility and even penalties.

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