Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises


Any successful person must plan their actions. Only so you can guarantee yourself and your loved ones a wonderful future. So that everything happened to happen, it is necessary to study the issue of forming strategic thinking.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_2


Strategic thinking is predicting various situations. This term implies the creation of business projects and planning life situations that can lead to further successful existence. When a person has strategic thinking, he can realize the tasks on his way. In this case, mental manipulations resemble any desktop game, where all the rules and moves are spelled out in advance. Playing man moves on a specific route.

If the personality has already compiled its own individual strategic plan, then it will also act just like in a specific game, that is, according to its rules. Namely, it will move along the specified route. Programming actions gives a guarantee of success. In psychology it is believed that strategic thinking is a cognitive ability that allows you to perform complex tasks. Thanks to the mental chain, a person can understand what will happen to him next if he accepts this or that decision. Therefore, this type of thinking is very necessary for those who consider themselves a strategist, as well as those who are associated with the study of sciences.

To speak further, it should be noted that in psychology it is customary to rely on skills. The strategy is the skill that is produced over the years. It is important to designate A specific task, and not be content with abstract actions.

For example, a man put a goal: "I want a car." Such a desire is abstract. If the same person denotes the brand of the car, the amount he plans to spend on the purchase of the car, the purchase time, then such a goal will be concrete.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_3

Basic models

The word "strategy" came from ancient Greek language. Initially, it was associated exclusively with military actions. After time, this word went into use and began to designate a way to achieve the goal. Only analytical difficulties make the human mind develop. That's why This type of thinking is directly related to the high intelligence, which provides 4 types of basic strategic thinking models. Consider them in order.


In this case, the ability to be in society is of great importance. A person must control his behavior, namely, not to behave defiantly and always try to establish a relationship with others. You must be able to maintain the right conversation, perceive fair criticism in your address. . In addition, the strategist is constantly learning. Therefore, it is able to properly praise and criticize his interlocutors to not offend anyone. He never expresses in a sharp shape to opponents and hides its negative opinion about someone in his mind. If a person behaves differently, he can set up the whole world against himself.

For example, to achieve the final result, all the ways are good. Sometimes, in order to find out any moment that will help in promoting to the goal, it is necessary to establish contact with a certain unpleasant subject.

If you have a proper dialogue, then much can become clearing. So usually there are investigators who produce a crime disclosure strategy.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_4

Conflict resolution

This moment at least once, but happened in the life of every person. Then you had to choose: to run from the enemy, fight him, pass your position or make a compromise, and also, it is possible that you have taken off my responsibility or came to consensus. All listed ways of development of the situation have the right to exist, since only with one of them you can find a way out of this situation.

Different situations always depend on certain circumstances . For example, you were offered at work not completely legal actions. To hide some inconsistencies in the work of the chief, you would need or silent, or tell the truth. Depending on your character, you will have either for a compromise with your conscience, or would tell the truth. However, before making a decision, You would need to calculate everything "for" and "against" in favor of any decision.

Professional travel guide

Very often, all of us have to make a choice in favor of something. For example, you do not like to work where you are now. Here you do not pay so much, and you have to work sometimes even without lunch. However, you will be appreciated at this work. Suppose you have the opportunity to change the position. The offer is rather tempting, since the new vacancy is more paid. At the same time, you understand that in a new place your position will be quite rude due to some nuances associated with official duties.

So, before you is a choice: stay on the old place where you are guaranteed to work for a long time, or risk. In the latter case, you can lose stability. In order to solve this problem, You will begin to argue and ultimately work out a specific strategy. Then you make a choice.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_5


When a person loves the work that he performs, this option is considered more than stable. Why? Personalized personality is completely absorbed by the process. This process is personally to the goal, as a guide star. In this case, a stream occurs that builds a strategy for automatic advancement forward.

Forming factors

So, we found out that strategic thinking is not given to a person from birth. This factor must be developed during life. There is a certain thoughtful process that definitely leads to the rapid development of an intellectual strategy. How is strategic thinking produced? Consider the so-called foundations that contribute to the formation of a mental strategy.

Before doing something, It is necessary to possess any information. For example, it is impossible to solve the task if you do not recognize its conditions. After their consideration, you can accurately imagine the stages of solving this task, and you can also assess your future success for finding a finite answer. Know that the main comprehensive skill is the ability to collect information. This process includes actions such as work with different sources, analyzing information, communication with people.

When the information has already been received, then the stage of developing intermediate stages begins, which are undergoing analysis and careful selection due to strategic thinking. Such a stage is called "planning". This process can contribute to either the continuation of any actions, or to facilitate the complete abandonment of them. As a result of the analysis of the situation, people will have a clear idea of ​​all weak or strengths of its design. The largest component of strategic thinking, namely "planning" Allows you to formulate the timing of tasks, and also produces additional actions in case of force majeure.

A strategist can very quickly go to business. It distinguishes it from other, less successful people. Thanks to the inspection of their thoughts in practice, a person who has characteristic thinking can be thought of any action. The above phenomenon is called - action.

This skill, namely, the strategy in thinking is very complex in its essence, since not all people are available. Some of them are generally not able to make any decisions on their own.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_6

Use in life

Strategic thinking is very important for many professions. Examples of this statement a large number. Such an ability is needed by the head and businessman, however, as other people who are engaged in intellectual labor. Strategic thinking allows person:

  • predict the final result;
  • clearly understand the essence of the work performed;
  • properly arrange priorities;
  • understand true vital values;
  • defend their point of view;
  • Find out benefits even in cases where they seem sufficiently hopeless.

If a person has no developed strategic thinking, then it disappears motivation to further actions. This means that he is deprived of the desire to fully live. Again, if a person has no goal, he wants to get what other people have. However, other people's thoughts and goals will not lead to full-fledged thinking.

It turns out that Without targeted actions, no individual will be able to simulate the development of its further fate. . It will just sail downstream without joys and chagrins. The lack of strategic action in the team, in the team or in the family leads to the offensive of a complete collapse. In this case, each member of a certain cell of society will pull the "blanket on itself", since it will not find his niche in the team. For a company or any company, the lack of strategy means full collapse.

If you do not analyze anything and do not plan, then very soon inherent in thoughts will lead to a complete break in the work of the entire sector, which begins with production and ends with the management.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_7

Development methods

There are a large number of ways to help develop strategic thinking. To do this, you need to learn to think in a special way. To do this, look at the recommendations.

  • Your actions and thoughts must be positive. . Therefore, try to test only pleasant emotions, and negative just mark. It is best to choose a favorite direction in work or in any other activity. Then you will feel complete peacekeeping, and this moment leads to success.
  • New acquaintances will help you get a lot of positive emotions and develop intelligence. Communication with interesting personalities always has a beneficial effect on a person.
  • To the above item, you can add that The study of the new material also contributes to the development of a strategy in your consciousness. It will be impossible if you seek help in this matter to a competent and smart mentor, for example, to a university teacher.
  • Analyze all the moments that occur in your life . The analysis process makes it possible to quickly develop a strategy of thinking.
  • Mind games , such as chess, help you develop your strategic intelligence.
  • Never back down from the intended purpose . If it does not work anything to achieve, still do not learn the work started. Perseverance and work will be perfect. So you will not only work out the power of will, but also learn how to look for ways that lead to success.
  • Read books with different confusing plots . So you can analyze the plot, and therefore think as a strategist.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_8

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_9

All games and educational exercises are created in order to awaken strategic mental activity in humans. She definitely leads man by the right path. So consider the most popular techniques. Before making a decision, ask yourself the following questions.

  • What result can satisfy me?
  • Do I need to make one or another act?
  • What to do to get the greatest profit from the conceived?
  • Is it important for me this or that decision?
  • Do I really want this?

Always visualize the final result of your activity. Just imagine a picture that you would like to see after the work done. Work out the habit to get to the truth. Try creating an imaginary problem and come up with several outlets from it. Next you need to determine Which of the exits will be more acceptable.

Look for causal relationships of a particular event. Try, for example, to determine why your friend has shining this way, and not otherwise, when he quarreled with his boss.

Control your intentions, motivation and emotions. So you will learn self-control, and this is a direct way to develop a strategy in the mental process.

Strategic thinking: What is the strategy of thinking and how to develop it in yourself? Exercises 17600_10

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