How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes


Beautiful expressive eyes, framed by long, thick eyelashes, can transform any woman. But sometimes cilia become brittle and fragile, and if they need help. Even in ancient times, women know how to care for themselves, using medicinal recipes of nature. Beauty secrets from the past are relevant now.

Folk remedies based on herbs and natural oils to help heal, strengthen and lengthen the lashes, even at home. And for those who do not like messing around with masks, infusions and compresses, and come to the aid of specially designed cosmeticians and perfumers funds for the care of eyelashes.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_2

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_3

Professional means

Modern cosmetology offers many tools for the care of eyelashes. The first thing you should pay attention - this is a substance included in the composition. Panthenol help lashes become longer and thicker, the proteins will accelerate their growth, lanolin make lashes flexible and elastic, keratin and melanin will save from the external environment and the negative effects of the use of cosmetics.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_4

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_5

Serum Eyelash Booster from Pharmatheiss Cosmetics

The drug is made using modern technologies based on natural ingredients. The composition includes caffeine, hyaluronic acid, arginine, and panthenol. Means affects the pigmentation, so with regular use light eyelashes become darker.

Studies have confirmed that after 30 days of regular use state eyelash serum can be markedly improved.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_6

Activator eyelash growth Lash Recovery Serum by Elizabeth Arden Pro

As part of a unique activator complex of the three lipopeptides, extracts of green tea, aloe vera, chamomile and cucumber, vitamins A, C and E, panthenol. Means relieves inflammation of the skin, softens, strengthens the hair bulbs, promotes the growth of eyelashes. The activator is applied before going to bed on clean skin along lash line from the inner to the outer corner. Clinical trials showed that after 2 weeks of daily application eyelashes will look much more impressive.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_7

Air conditioning for the growth of eyelashes Advanced Lash

Conditioner Composition cosmeticians developed together with ophthalmologists and allergists. The drug is safe hardener eyelashes. After 3 weeks of use the air conditioner they become longer and thicker. It is important that the use of this tool can even people with very sensitive skin. Air conditioning does not cause allergic reactions.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_8

Nourishing gel for eyelashes Mavala

In the gel are natural active ingredients, vitamins and proteins. It not only helps grow eyelashes, but also serves as an excellent prophylactic means against their falling out, so the gel must be applied before bedtime and in the morning as the basis for the mascara. With regular use, the drug will return flexibility, elasticity and natural brilliance.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_9

Drops for eyelashes "Freesost"

The drug was originally developed for the treatment of people with elevated intraocular pressure. At the same time, an amazing side effect was marked - Patients with regular use of droplets began to grow strong thick long eyelashes. You need to use drops carefully, apply no more than one per day before bedtime.

The full course is designed for 3 months, but after 2 weeks the hairs will grow faster and get a healthy shine.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_10

Balm to strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows Kredo Lux

The composition of Balzam, in addition to a variety of active ingredients, the extracts of aloe and burdock roots are included. The remedy feeds, moisturizes and restores weakened eyelashes. Balsam is very convenient in use - it can be applied several times a day, using as the basis for mascara. The remedy is quickly absorbed into the hairs, the eyelashes do not glue and look more voluminous and spectacular.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_11

Balsam "Mirra Suite"

Balzam includes a unique complex of natural oils - from grape seeds, castor, jojoba, geranium essential oils, Mirra and tropical wood Ylang-Ylang. All of these components have powerful healing, restoring, intake properties. Apply a balm 2-3 times a week, gently applying a clean brush on the eyelashes from the roots to the tips.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_12

How to help inside?

Even the most efficient and the latest means of modern cosmetology will not fully solve the problem of weakened eyelashes, if the body lacks the necessary substances to feed cells. To help the body from within, it is necessary to include in the daily diet products rich in vitamins and microelements.

Food and vitamins

Keratin in large quantities is contained in dairy products, poultry and beef meat. Iron - in egg yolk, liver, apricots, beans, lentils. Vitamin A rich grapes, apples, carrots, milk and cheese. And vitamin youth e is in walnuts, gear wheat germinated, olive oil. Vitamin B, accelerating hair growth, is contained in buckwheat, bananas, prunes, fish. A real "storeroom" of useful vitamins is the usual oatmeal, which is fairly called "Painting Beauty".

In addition to proper nutrition, cosmetologists recommend using ready-made vitamins and vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies. One of the most effective and proven pharmacy means is the Vitamin Complex "AEVIT", containing both vitamin A, and Vitamin E. "AEVIT" feeds the skin and hair, has a healing and reducing effect, contributes to the rejuvenation of tissues, reduces the harmful effects of external factors.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_13

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_14

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_15

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_16

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_17

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_18

Folk recipes

The magic power of nature contained in natural oils and herbs will help the eyelashes of becoming thick and stronger. Daily care and healing eye masks will have a month later and will help to keep the wellness effect for a long time. It must be introduced by the rule - causing the skin of the face, do not forget about the eyes. The eyelids and the skin around the eyes are very gentle and sensitive, so any care means must first check for a possible allergic reaction. To do this, it must be applied on the back of the elbow bend and wait.

If the redness and itching did not occur, it means that you can safely apply a means to the eyes.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_19

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_20


There are a large amount of oils in pharmacies that are used to restore and leaving eyelashes. Consider the most efficient and popular.

  • Castor - It is produced from mite seeds and consists of the mass of useful elements, including vitamins A and E. The oil strengthens and activates the growth of cilia.
  • Reperya - One of the most popular folk agents. Made from the roots of ordinary large burdock, the oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes eyelashes, prevents hairs falling.
  • Sea buckthorn - Real pantry beneficial substances and one of the best regenerating agents for skin and hair. The oil will ring the smallest wounds, perfectly moisturize the tired skin, regenerates the work of the hair low.
  • Nut - It is produced from walnuts and pistachios containing such useful amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Oil nourishes the hairs, gives them softness, silkiness and shine.
  • Almond - Made from the selected cores of bitter and sweet almonds, rich in vitamins E and F, which contributes to the regenerating and rejuvenating effect and is very useful for nutritional cilia bulbs.
  • Apricot - Due to the content of potassium, magnesium, oleic acid and different vitamins, the oil is one of the best natural custodiers.
  • Persikova - Made from peach bone nuclei, includes antioxidants, useful acids, vitamins A and B. The oil is ideal for people with very sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions.
  • Oil usp It has long been used in Arab countries as the best tool for recovering eyelashes and eyebrows. Due to the high content of flavonoids and vitamins, the tool has a beneficial effect on the roots of hairs, activates eyelashes growth.
  • Linen - Contains tocopherol, group vitamins in and to and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes a tool one of the most effective for improving hair growth. In the old days, linseed oil was considered "the elixir of youth." Regular use of oil contributes to the restoration of eyelashes, even in difficult cases.
  • Jojoba - It is obtained from the fruits of symondism, which includes a large number of proteins and amino acids. In the cooled condition, the oil is similar to wax, so before applying it is necessary to hold it a little on the water bath. Due to antibacterial properties, jojoba is added to the nutrient balms and masks.
  • Coconut - Natural eyelash strengthener is extracted from palm tree fruits and contains a large amount of vitamin E, which is rightfully considered vitamin youth and beauty. When used, the oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin and moisturizes eyelashes. At the same time, an invisible film is formed, protecting from the harmful effects of external factors and penetration of ultraviolet rays.
  • Argan - Made from the fruits of the African tree argan. Oil has a wound-healing property, stimulates the natural production of collagen proteins and keratin necessary for normal cell operation. It is most often used after a chemical curling, staining, extension to restore the texture of the eyelashes.
  • Mustard - Contains natural antioxidants in its composition and has a rejuvenating effect on cells. Oil must be used with caution and do not apply on the eyelashes if the skin of the eyelid is inflamed or sensitive to the components of the mustard.
  • Wheat germ oil We produce from the sprouts of cereal method of cold pressing. The composition of the oil includes the most valuable trace elements and vitamins E, A, B, D. This tool can be used at any age for different types of skin - both dry and fat. The oil perfectly moisturizes and nourishes eyelashes, increases the elasticity of hairs.
  • Tea tree oil - Wonderful natural antiseptic, helping to remove the inflammation of the eyelids and the skin around the cilia. Cosmetologists are advised to apply it in a mixture with olive or peach oil.
  • Grape seed oil It consists of a large number of vitamins, proteins and minerals: iron, sulfur, calcium, silicon, iodine. The means is easily absorbed, stimulates blood circulation and cell renewal, prevents the aging of the skin, so it is especially recommended for older women.
  • Olive It has long been famous for its useful properties. In ancient Greece, oil from olives called "liquid gold". Thanks to the part of omega polyunsaturated fatty acids, the remedy affects the structure of the eyelashes, helps to relieve fatigue and inflammation of the skin around the eyes, ensures full-fledged cells.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_21

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_22

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_23

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_24

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_25

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_26

Oils can be applied separately, and you can make your own healing balsam, consisting of several oils.

Well combined and give a wonderful wellness effect of a mixture of oils: jojoba and peach, argan and coconut, almond and olive, castor and therapy.

Method of use such.

  1. Oil or mixture of oils must be heated to room temperature in a water bath.
  2. On a clean brush from a carcass or cotton wand drop a small amount of means.
  3. Gently apply oil from the middle of the cilia to her tip.
  4. You will pay 30-40 minutes and remove the remnants of the vehicle with a cotton swab.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_27

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_28

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_29


Even in the ancient times, women cared for hair and skin, using infusions and decoctions from medicinal herbs. Nowadays Finished herbal fees are sold in pharmacies, but they can also be collected, dry and prepare themselves. Flowers and stepmother, chamomile flowers, calendulas, cornflowers, sage and nettle leaves are used to care. Of the grasses, it is best to make compresses or bulls. To do this, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of herbal collection, brew boiling water and cover with a saucer. After 15 minutes, the infusion must be strain, moisten the cotton discs in it and put them on the eyes. Such procedures will help not only weakened eyelashes, but also will be restored and rejuvenating effect on gentle skin.

Another effective means - Ice cubes from diluting medicinal herbs . For this, the effects of infusion must be poured into the molds for ice and remove for the night in the freezing chamber. In the morning Ice Cube you can wipe my face and eyelids, not forgetting about cilia, and then apply nutrient cream on the skin. This simple procedure tones, restores natural beauty, saturates the skin with the necessary vitamins.

Important! Oils, masks and compresses are applied only on carefully cleaned skin and eyelashes.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_30

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_31

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_32

What should not be done?

First of all, at the first signs of weakening and falling out the eyelashes, it is necessary to deal with the reasons. There are influence on human health: stress, improper nutrition, unfavorable ecological situation, avitaminosis, strict diet, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, etc. But most often problems with eyelashes occur for the causes of improper care. There are several "impossible", about which you should not forget any woman.

  • It is impossible to use low-quality or overdue ink.
  • You can not go to bed without deleting completely makeup.
  • It is impossible to curl eyelashes more often than once a week.
  • It is impossible to apply cosmetics to the inflamed skin.
  • You can not print eyelashes yourself.

And the latter is better to refrain from the extension or use of overhead eyelashes. This short-lived beauty leads to weakening and destroying their own cilia.

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_33

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_34

How to strengthen the lashes? Means to strengthen lashes at home, the choice of ready-strengthener of pharmacies and traditional recipes 15896_35

Healthy nutrition and careful patient care will be returned to the eyelashes pristine beauty, and the eyes are charm and attractiveness.

About how and how to strengthen eyelashes at home, see the next video.

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