Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage


The kitchen is the main premises in each apartment. It is on its walls that the birth of all delicacies, which hosted not only family members, but also invited guests. In order for the cooking process only positive emotions, professional cooks recommend responsibly approach not only the organization of space and to the selection of household appliances, but also to the choice of dishes. Modern equipment and innovative technologies allowed manufacturers to apply a special protective layer on the pan - non-stick coating.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_2

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_3

Features, pros and cons

Non-stick coating pan - modern kitchen utensils, which is in demand not only among professional cooks, but also among ordinary housewives. These containers are advisable to use for the preparation of the first and second dishes: porridge, stew, macaroni, soup-puree and many others. The process of burning food is associated with the presence of a high level of porosity of kitchen utensils.

The task of the non-stick coating is the closure of the pores and preventing the burning of dishes.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_4

Like any kitchenware, the stalls with a non-stick layer have a number of advantages and disadvantages.


  • lack of burnt and sticking food;
  • the possibility of cooking without vegetable oil and fat;
  • ease of operation and subsequent washing;
  • Lack of nagar on the outside of the capacity.


  • low resistance to mechanical damage;
  • high prices;
  • The inability to restore the damaged protective layer.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_5

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_6


Modern manufacturers use several types of protective layers.


Such a non-stick coating first appeared in the kitchen goods market. Teflon covers the bottom and sides of the tanks.


  • affordable price range;
  • coating surfaces of different shapes;
  • ease of care;
  • High non-stick characteristics.


  • the possibility of using only at a temperature of no more than + 200 degrees;
  • selection of toxic substances at high temperatures;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage;
  • the inability to use for long-term cooking;
  • no restoration possibility;
  • unwanted operation of tanks with a damaged layer;
  • The inability to pour cold water into the heated dishes.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_7

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_8


Environmentally friendly protection, which is made of clay, sand and stone. Manufacturers use two methods of applying material - rolls and spraying. In the first case, the protective layer is applied to metal sheets, of which the dishes are subsequently made, and the technology of the second method provides for the coating from the inner and external side of the finished products.

Spraying is a longer and costly method, but the products will last without damage not one year.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_9


  • the ability to use at a temperature of + 400 degrees;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Easy operation and care.


  • high price;
  • The appearance of scratches from metal objects;
  • the need for washing after each use;
  • The impossibility of using aggressive detergents and rigid rockets.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_10

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_11

Stone, granite and marble

These are protective coatings of a composite layer consisting of polymers, stone and marble crumbs or from crushed granite. The material does not include fluoropolymers, which is positively reflected on the safety of products. The external distinguishing feature is the presence of small black splashes over the entire surface of the saucepan.

The duration of the period of operation of the dishes are directly influenced by the thickness of the layers and their number.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_12


  • long period of operation;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • homogeneous heat distribution;
  • Durable temperature retention.


  • high prices;
  • the impossibility of using aggressive and abrasive detergents;
  • integrity disorder with a strong impact or fall;
  • It is undesirable to wash in dishwashers.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_13

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_14


The most durable coating that extends the operation of tanks up to 20 years. The main disadvantage - the tableware with the titanium layer is expensive.


  • durability;
  • resistance to the appearance of scratches and nagar;
  • No oxidizing processes.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_15


In order to correctly select the desired saucepan size, It is necessary to rely on the following indicators:

  • volume of planned dishes;
  • number of family members;
  • Plate type;
  • Diameter of burners.

But when choosing a pan, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size of the product (volume), but also on the parameters of the non-stick coating, which have a direct impact on the quality of the dishes and its period of operation.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_16

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_17

Experts identify several basic characteristics of this coverage.

  • Thickness - Characteristic on which oppinarial properties depend. The optimal thickness of the protective layer is in the range of 18 microns to 22 microns. Low quality products have a protection thickness of less than 15 microns.
  • Number of layers - The value that affects the durability of products. High-quality utensils are covered with several layers of spraying, which have different functional importance. Single-layer coatings are used only for inexpensive non-certified products.
  • Type and thickness of the main material - Indicators on which the final weight of the product and its thermal conductivity depend.
  • Method of making base - One of the main criteria to pay attention to when choosing a saucepan. The stamped goods has a thickness of no more than 0.27 cm, and by cast - more than 0.30 cm and a multi-layer bottom.
  • Outdoor coating - The final layer of non-stick protection, which can be from cryolitis and glass email. Cryolite is a color heat-resistant resin, which prevents the accumulation of dirt on the kitchen utensils and is easy to clean. The glass email is a material that is not afraid of nagar, is easily cleaned and saves its shade when heated. Experts are not recommended to acquire pancakes with acrylic and silicone enamel.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_18

The most optimal overall thickness thickness with a non-stick coating is:

  • bottom - 0.6 cm;
  • Walls - 0.35 cm.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_19

Best manufacturers

On the shelves of specialized stores, you can see a huge amount of a non-stick coating saucepan, which differ not only by the size and used material, but also the price characteristics and the manufacturing country. Professional cooks recommend paying attention to the following trading brands that have the greatest number of positive feedback:

  • "Tefal" - the most famous trademark, the products of which are known in all countries of the world;
  • "Nevva-Metal" - a popular brand that manufactures high-quality and reliable products;
  • "Bergner" - manufacturer who in its products optimally combines price range, design and quality;
  • "Highele" - trademark engaged in the production of goods with granite and marble spraying having an induction surface of the bottom;
  • "Biol" - well-known manufacturer of cast iron goods;
  • "Gastrooguss" - trademark producing professional dishes with titanium protective layer.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_20

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_21

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_22

High quality has Korean and Japanese products of different brands, and here From the acquisition of Chinese colored dishes it is better to refuse . For a beautiful appearance of a cheap pan, hazardous products can be hungry, which include harmful and toxic substances.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_23

How to choose?

The choice of the right kitchen utensils depends not only on the aesthetic preferences of the hostess, but also on the type of kitchen plate, the quantity and type of food, the convenience of the handle and the shape of the product, as well as professional chef skills. These parameters must be taken into account when buying a saucepan with a protective layer. You need to choose a saucepan for the kitchen only in large stores that have all resolving documents and quality certificates for their products. Specialists recommend abandoning purchases in dubious outlets, as well as not to acquire products that are included in lead and cadmium.

Professional cooks advise to have products with different coatings in the kitchen, which must be used depending on their properties. Characteristics of high-quality product with a non-stick layer:

  • Famous trading brand;
  • perfectly smooth surface without convexities and depression;
  • the presence of a tightly adjacent glass cover with a warehouse;
  • Thick bottom;
  • lack of scratches and various mechanical damage;
  • The presence of anti-heveling bakelite coating on the handles;
  • Mandatory availability of quality certificates.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_24

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_25

The type of dishes has a direct influence and type of plate. On glass-ceramic household appliances cannot be used aluminum and copper containers, and on induction - ceramic.

The novice hostesses should know that the aluminum and cast-iron dishes and carbon steel specialists are not recommended to be used without a protective coating, due to the porous structure, which accumulates the old fat, and during subsequent cooking begins to give it dishes. At the same time, stainless steel and glass products have an absolutely smooth surface and do not need additional protection.

The sets of aluminum saucepan with a protective layer can be used not only as containers for cooking and extinguishing, but also for preliminary ingredients, and so for a deep fryer.

The non-stick coating prevents not only the burning of food, but also its entry into the oxidative process with the metal.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_26

Tips for use

For the most long-term preservation of the integrity of non-stick coverage, experienced hostesses Recommended to use the following tips:

  • Stir the food with wooden spoons and blades;
  • Wash only with soft sponges for dishes under warm running water;
  • Do not use aggressive and abrasive cleaning products;
  • thoroughly wipe the container after washing;
  • protect against sudden temperature jumps;
  • Install the filled containers on fire;
  • apply the fire of weak or average power;
  • Be sure to observe the temperature regime.

Non-stick coating pan: description of a saucepan with ceramic and granite, marble and other types of coverage 10798_27

                  If during operation, the non-stick coating will be damaged, it is strictly forbidden to further use these preparation containers in connection with possible in the body of harmful and toxic substances. Store clean and dried dishes followed in closed kitchen boxes separately from each other. Famous trademarks on packaging boxes place detailed instructions for the operation and storage of their products, which should be carefully studied and strictly observed. Simple rules will help extend the service of favorite kitchen utensils.

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