Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating


Today manufacturers of plumbers, in particular, toilet bowls, offer consumers various models of functional plumbing devices. Among the existing manifold is to highlight the faded toilets of the outdoor type - Modern plumbing devices that use well-deserved demand in the light of their design features.

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_2

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_3

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_4


Such a type of plumbing appeared on the market not so long ago, however, some features of the device allow them to highlight them in a separate product line for the arrangement of the bathrooms and bathrooms in the home, as well as in public areas.

The main characteristic feature of such products is the lack of a rim in the bowl of the toilet, due to which it acquires a lot of advantages, in particular, becomes a variety of hygiene. It is this nuance that determines the demand of such a plumbing line.

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_5

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_6

In the light of the structure of the structure of the bowl, the bodied toilet will differ from the classic plumbing type of flushing. A number of manufacturers offers products without additional issues, or with placed on the same level, with a seat. And you can also meet models in which the washing occurs due to the shape of the bowl, as well as the stronger water pressure. Bearing toilet units are additionally equipped with a ceramic divider of water, which sets her direction at three sides. Such features provide effective purification of the walls of the toilet.

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_7

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_8

Advantages and disadvantages

Any plumbing has strengths and weaknesses. Bearing toilets in this regard were no exception. The advantages of such models should include a number of factors.

  • According to research and reviews of consumers, this option is more convenient and easy to go. This is due to the lack of a rim, in the light of which the owner will not need to use special tools for cleaning from water deposit and pollution of hard-to-reach places. As a rule, the toilet without rim will be able to clean with the help of a conventional sponge and gentle household products.
  • Based on the peculiarities of the care, there is a significant savings concerning the acquisition of detergents. In addition, the cleaning of plumbing takes several times less time.
  • Bended floor toilet is notable for a large operational resource in comparison with classic, as well as suspended models. It is due to the lack of various plates and contaminants on the walls, which not only reduce the external attractiveness of plumbing, but also lead to premature wear of the surface.
  • As practice and consumer feedback shows, it is this option for washing bowls of toilet bowl that is considered better, since water flows are in contact with the surface as uniform as possible.
  • The essential plus of outdoor toilet bowls without a rim is considered to be water saving, which in some models is about 30% for each operating of the tank.
  • At plumbing plumbing produces less than noise.
  • Outdoor models are highlighted by the simplicity of installation, so most designs can be installed in the bathroom or bathroom yourself. Outdoor models with a tank also do not require any manipulations with the wall.
  • Modern models can be equipped with additional accessories, such as microlift.

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_9

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_10

Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_11

    However, this version of the plumbing is not deprived of some minuses.

    • Outdoor models in the light of their device are highlighted with more complex access to the tube leaving in the floor. Therefore, in this area, cleaning can be conjugate with some difficulties.
    • Such models relate to expensive products, which can also be attributed to disadvantages. To a greater extent, this applies to products equipped with additional functionality.

    Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_12

    Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_13


      The classification of unitasis without a rim is made in several criteria. Based on the shape of the bowl of Plumbing devices:

      • Tarbed;
      • visors;
      • funnel.

      Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_14

        Taking into account the configuration of the drain tank, you can highlight the following products:

        • Combined - monoblocks with connecting elements;
        • separate With a tank on the wall or on the toilet shelf.

        In this case, water can be fed from the bottom or side.

        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_15

        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_16

          Bearing outdoor structures may vary at a tank capacity, you can find products with a capacity of 4 to 6 liters.

          There are three options for washing water in the bowl:

          • cascade
          • circular twisted;
          • circular.

          Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_17

            Introduction to the sewer system can be:

            • vertical;
            • horizontal;
            • oblique.

            And also a boggle toilet may be anxious or wall.

            Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_18


            Today, plumbing products are represented by models with different dimensions. Models of toilet bowls without rim can be varied depending on the manufacturer and used on the production of standards for the manufacture of plumbing. Among the proposed range, you can meet European toilets with the following dimensions:

            • Height - 400 mm;
            • Width - 360 mm;
            • Depth - 680 mm.

            Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_19

              At the same time, the models of domestic producers are presented in the following dimensional line:

              • height - 370 mm;
              • width - 340 mm;
              • Depth - 460 mm.

              Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_20


              Today, furious toilets can be made of the following types of raw materials.


                The component of this material is white clay, so that the surface of the plumbing will have high water absorption. Given this feature, The bowl and tank and the tank are mandatory are covered with a special icing, which gives the material not only water-repellent properties, but also shine positively affecting the appearance of plumbing.

                  Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_21

                  Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_22


                  As part of this popular raw material, besides white clay, there is quartz and field swap. Such components give water-repellent qualities from porcelain, as well as resistance to mechanical damage. Another positive feature is The inability of the material to absorb unpleasant odors.

                  However, the toilets of this category are highlighted by their high cost.

                  Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_23

                  Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_24

                  Rating the best models

                  Among the manufacturers of furious toilet bowls it is worth highlighting the most demanded trademarks and models.

                    Vitra Zentrum 9824B003-7207

                    Plumbing of Turkish production, the material for the manufacture of toilet bowls is porcelain. Products have an attractive white color without gray low tide, the toilet weight is 50 kilograms. This model refers to the range of used products, the bowl has an oval shape and horizontal oblique release. As an additional functionality, it is worth noting The presence of the divider of the flow of water, as well as the ANTITIX What makes the operation of the toilet as comfortable as possible. The inner side of the construction is covered with an anti-infamous film.

                      The model is implemented in conjunction with the Duroplast seat and the built-in microlift. The tank is mounted on the bowl, has two buttons.

                      Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_25

                      Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_26

                      CERSANIT NATURE NEW CLEAN ON

                      Polish bakery toilet with an oval bowl. The weight of the design does not exceed 31 kilograms, the material for the production of the bowl is served by Sanopayans . The toilet has a horizontal conclusion, is additionally equipped with a divider and antenxial. The lid and the seat are made of Duroplast, the tank is made of ceramics. The model refers to the category of seated toilet bowls.

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_27

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_28

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_29

                        Roca The Gap 34273700 H

                        Spanish aged plumbing from a series of furious toilet bowls equipped with a direct conclusion. The bowl of rectangular shape is made of ceramics, for ease of use, the toilet is additionally equipped with a divider and an antimpals. The mass of the design is 26 kilograms.

                        The tank is implemented separately, there are options with the lower and lateral flow of water.

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_30

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_31

                        Tips for choosing

                        If there is a desire or need to equip your bathroom or bathroom toilets of the last generation without a rim When buying it is worth paying attention to several important nuances relating to such plumbing.

                        • First of all, we will discuss the options that will undoubtedly add comfort during operation, but will directly influence the final value of such plumbing. Budget models from high-quality raw materials with a minimum of additional features will also be convenient and reliable to use.
                        • For practical and economical consumers, manufacturers of furious toilets offer models with two types of flushing. The usual drain mode allows you to use a minimum of 4 liters of water at a time when the economical option will give an opportunity to merge no more than 2-3 liters.
                        • When buying a toilet, it is worth paying attention to the basic configuration, especially when buying through online stores. Some trademarks implement bowls, tanks and seats separately.
                        • Studying the proposed assortment of floor-free toilet toilets, it is also worth taking into account the area of ​​the bathroom or bathroom. For small rooms, it is recommended to give preference to used options with an oval bowl, since rectangular species can become too cumbersome for such rooms.
                        • The preferred and most common colors of the bowl will be white, however, for a harmonious combination of all elements of furniture and plumbing, you can choose non-standard black, beige or even red baked toilet bowls. The main thing is that the selected option has harmonized with the overall style and color scheme, the classic white color will be in this matter by a universal solution.
                        • When choosing, it is also worth paying attention to the quality of the used raw materials for production. Material must meet such requirements as reliability, strength, resistance to mechanical damage, moisture resistance. When buying, you need to pay attention to the uniformity of the surface of the entire design. The presence of cracks or dents may later serve as the premature release of plumbing, as well as the dirt getting into the gaps.
                        • Special attention deserves a system of washing in the toilet. This option should work without interruptions. It is best to test the model you like before buying.

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_32

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_33

                        Bearless floor toilet: What models without rim is better? Choosing a toilet bowl with a tank and without it, from porcelain or faience. Rating 10533_34

                        More information about the features of fearless toilets, see the following video.

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