Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas


Lub manicure yog ib tug complex ntawm tes saib xyuas cov txheej txheem, lub ntsiab theem uas yog qhov kev tshem tawm ntawm lub cuticle. Tsaug rau no manipulation, tus ntsia thawv zoo dua aesthetically, acquires qhov tseeb daim ntawv nyob puag, uas tsis pom kev ua rau nws ntau. Yog hais tias ua ntej lawm lub cuticle raug tshem tawm heev dua lwm yam los ntawm Kevcai, niaj hnub no lawv siv tshwj xeeb ntaub ntawv. Lawv nyob rau hauv ib tug ntau yam, uas tso cai rau koj mus xaiv ib lub cuab tam rau cov tib kev, thiab rau lub tsev siv.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_2


Unedged manicure yog nkag mus rau hauv ntau thiab ntau tej chaw - nws tsis yog ceeb, vim hais tias nws yog ntau npaum li cas nyob xeeb dua qub thiab yuav yooj yim rau ua nyob rau hauv sib piv rau lub editing txoj kev. Rau xws li ib tug txheej txheem, ib tug tshwj xeeb daug rau lub cuticle yog siv, uas nws tseem tau los ua tib zoo kho qhov kev sib cais menyuam, thiab tshem tawm cov tuav daim tawv nqaij los ntawm tus ntsia thawv phaj. Ua hauj lwm nrog xws li ib lub cuab tam yog heev yooj yim thiab tseem muaj kev nyab xeeb, vim hais tias cov ntxim yuav zoo siv ntawm daim tawv nqaij raug mob yog tshem tawm.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_3

Cuticle tshem tawm thiab saws muaj ib tug xov tooj ntawm zoo:

  • Ceev thiab yooj yim ntsia thawv ua;
  • Tsis yuav tsum tau siv ntxiv cov cuab yeej;
  • siab muaj kev ruaj ntseg;
  • tsis muaj yam yuav kis tau cov neeg muas zaub nrog kis kab mob;
  • Tseg cov ntaub so ntswg lwm.

Nws yuav tsum tau muab sau tseg tias ndlwg ntawm zoo cuticle yuav mob heev, thiab nyob rau hauv lub qhaj ntawv ntawm txaus kev, daim tawv nqaij puas yog tsis cais nyob rau hauv nws cov kev tshem tawm.

Yog li ntawd, nws yog pom zoo kom ua ib tug manicure los ntawm kev masters, thiab ua ntej ywj siab ua hauj lwm, nws yog tsim nyog los ua tib zoo xyuas cov kev cai ua hauj lwm nrog lub twj paj nruag.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_4

Ntau yam

Cov niaj hnub ua lag luam muaj ob peb hom kaus mom rau lub cuticle, Txhua tus uas yog yus muaj los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv uas, puas, durability thiab efficiency.

  • Laser. Lub cuab tam yog ua los ntawm steel, rau ntawm qhov chaw uas, nrog rau cov kev pab los ntawm ib tug laser, notches yog ua nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm cov hlwb. Lub sawo muaj ib tug me ntsis nyhav thiab loj, uas tso cai rau koj mus nqa nws nrog koj. Txawv siab zog thiab durability.
  • "Ntse". Cov hlau khoom muaj ib tug txau, ua tsaug rau uas nws tseem tau los ua tib zoo lis qhov kev sib cais chais, tsis muaj kev ntshai ntawm ua lawv. Thaum ua tau zoo ib tug manicure, ib tug heev dua lwm yam hlawv cell txheej yog muab tshem tawm. Qhov no hom ntawm tev yog haum rau superstitious thiab nyias daim tawv nqaij.
  • Crystal. Cov liab yog ua los ntawm lub khob, ces nws yog es lub cev tsis kho. Nws yog pom zoo kom cia nyob rau hauv ib rooj plaub. Cov ua hauj lwm nto ntawm lub cuab tam yog distinguished los ntawm nyem, raws li muaj microcards rau nws. Crystal ntaub ntawv zoo eliminates lub cuticle, thaum lub sij hawm kho nto looks smooth thiab zoo.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_5

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_6

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_7

  • Ceramic. Qhov no yog ib lub khob cuab tam nrog tsawg abrasiveness, uas koj yuav tsis tsuas tau txais tshem ntawm lub cuticle, tab sis kuj tshem tawm qhov nrov plig plawg thiab ntxhib qhov chaw ntawm lub olock chais. Nws yog ib advisable mus hnav xws li ib tug liab nyob rau hauv ib rooj plaub uas los nyob rau hauv cov khoom siv.
  • Pob zeb diamond. Kev cuticle kaus mom muaj ib pob zeb diamond txau, at the expense of uas lawv tau siab zog, efficiency thiab durability. Dua li, lawv yog siv los ntawm cov tub txawg nyob rau hauv manicure cov khw txiav.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_8

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_9

Yuav siv li cas?

Unedged manicure yog yooj yim thiab yooj yim rau ua. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, manipulations yog nqa tawm sai heev, uas yog heev yooj yim. Tsaug rau niaj hnub filings, koj yuav txuag rau cov kev pab cuam ntawm ib tug kws manicure wizard, Yog hais tias koj kawm tau li cas kom raug tshem tawm cov cuticle. Cov txheej txheem ntawm kev siv cov cuab tam yog yooj yim zoo nkauj thiab zoo nkaus li zoo li no:

  • Voom los yog cov yas kawg ntawm lub tev yuav tsum tau tsiv mus rau lub cuticle rau lub hauv paus ntawm tus ntsia thawv thiab me ntsis tsa nws;
  • Ces nws yog tsim nyog los thov cov ua hauj lwm lub chaw thaum uas tig mus rau lub cuticle los yog nyob rau lub kaum sab xis ntawm 45 degrees thiab pib dua ntawm daim tawv nqaij ntawm daim tawv nqaij thiab nrov plig plawg seem;
  • Taw yuav tsum tau nce, raws li thaum dag rau tes, nws tsis yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv ib tug maj thiab muaj ib tug muaj zog siab nyob rau hauv lub cuab tam;

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_10

  • Yog hais tias lub cuticle tau zus mus rau tus ntsia thawv, ces nws kuj yuav tsum tau ua tib zoo txiav;
  • Cov ua ntawm qhov kev sib cais menyuam tshwm sim maj, capturing me me aav;
  • Cov ua chaw wiped nrog ib tug antiseptic thiab moisturize nrog roj.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb los xav txog tias nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub manicure nws yog tsis yooj yim sua drench thiab ua da rau sprinkling - tus txheej txheem nqa tawm heev dua lwm yam rau qhuav ntawm daim tawv thiab yuav siv sij hawm 10-15 feeb.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_11

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_12

Hom xyuas

Cov niaj hnub ua lag luam muaj ib tug thoob plaws xaiv ntawm txoj kev pylons mus tshem tawm cov cuticle, tab sis nyob rau hauv lawv muaj ntau ntau hom uas muaj kev tswj kom tau lub ntiaj teb no lub yeeb koob. Lawv ua cov khoom thiab rau kev, thiab rau lub tsev siv.

Shere & Nagel. - Tus thawj German lub tuam txhab uas tso tawm cov "ntse" pylon mus rau lub ntiaj teb no kev ua lag luam, uas koj tau sai thiab yooj yim coj tes nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim. Lub cuab tam muaj ib tug pob zeb diamond txau rau cov ua hauj lwm lub lag luam thiab smooth xaus, vim uas nws siv tsis yog tsuas yog yooj yim, tab sis kuj muaj kev nyab xeeb.

Solinberg. - Nyiaj saws uas nws zoo yog tsis inferior mus rau ntau zoo-paub hom. Lub peculiarity ntawm cov khoom yog hais tias lawv nto muaj ib pob zeb diamond microcremage thiab, tsis zoo li yav dhau los version, qhov cov txheej ntawm hlwb yog ntau maj mam muab tshem tawm. Cov ntaub ntawv ntawm no lub tuam txhab yog haum rau tus tswv tsev ntawm maj daim tawv nqaij. Nyob rau hauv tas li ntawd, lawv muaj kev cog lus ntawm qhov ntev, uas tsis muaj qhov hnyav, siab zog thiab elasticity.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_13

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_14

Mertz Manicure. - Lub zoo meej xaiv rau kev ua tau zoo ib tug complex manicure. Lub hom ua pob zeb diamond thiab laser yam cuab yeej uas delicately tshem tawm cov cuticle thiab cov flapped qhov chaw ntawm daim tawv nqaij. Nws yuav tsum tau muab sau tseg hais tias xws li pecks kuj yuav siv tau rau cov rau tes.

ZINGERE - Universal lub cuab tam rau manicure, raws li nws yog haum rau ob lub cuticle thiab rau tes. Nws feature yog lub xub ntiag ntawm ib tug trimmer, uas yog ib tug V-zoo li tus ntse hniav. Nws yog npaj los tshem tawm koom daim tawv nqaij. Cov khoom muaj ob tug khiav hauj lwm cov chaw uas sib txawv puas, uas tso cai rau koj mus ua opil thiab kev sib tsoo.

Xoom. - Laser angular pom, lub sab ntawm uas tseem muaj abrasiveness. Vim lub cim qauv, koj yuav ua tau ib tug manicure ntawm tej complexity thiab yooj yim txheej txheem nyuaj-rau-cuag chaw. Xws li ib tug pedel tiv thaiv tus ntsia thawv rustling thiab slows tus lwm ntawm lub cuticle, yog li lub re-txoj kev yuav tsis yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv lub nyob ze yav tom ntej.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_15

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_16

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_17

Cov kev xaiv ntawm kev xaiv

Txij li thaum lub ntau yam ntawm pylons rau lub cuticle yog heev ntau haiv neeg, ces nws tsis yog ib qho yooj yim los mus ua kom ib tug xaiv. Ua ntej ntawm tag nrho cov, koj yuav tsum txiav txim siab nyob rau hauv lub ntus ntawm lub cuab tam. Piv txwv li, rau kev siv, nws yog tsim nyog los xaiv check, check cov cuab yeej rau siab abrasiveness, thaum rau tej kev siv, nyiaj txiag cov khoom uas haum rau compact loj nrog me me abrasive. Qhov kev xaiv no yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog zoo rau cov neeg uas tsis muaj kev ua hauj lwm nrog ib tug cuticle pom.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_18

Hlau cuab yeej muaj lub siab tshaj plaws zoo.

Lawv yog cov tsis ntshai cov neeg kho tshuab kev puas tsuaj thiab ua hauj lwm mus txog rau 10 xyoo, tab sis nyob rau hauv inept ob txhais tes yuav ua rau raug mob ntawm nyob ze-roj chais.

Tej hub thiab siv lead ua saws yog ib tug ntau maj mam xaiv. Nrog lawv pab, koj ua tau ntau kom raug treat ntsia thawv thiab chais. Tab sis nws yuav tsum tau muab sau tseg hais tias xws li cov cuab yeej yuav tsum tau ceev faj cia thiab tsheb thauj mus los, raws li lawv yog es lub cev tsis kho cov khoom.

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_19

Cuticle liab: Yuav ua li cas mus xaiv ib tug laser, tej hub los yog pob zeb diamond? Yuav ua li cas yuav siv nws mus tshem tawm cov cuticle? Xyuas 17086_20

Lub kaus mom kev tshem tawm cov lub cuticle sai sai yeej chaw. Xyuas txog lawv thiab cov kev manicure masters, thiab cov yooj yim cov neeg siv tsis tshua muaj neeg zoo. Tag nrho cov nquam paj nquam nruas lub yooj yim thiab yooj yim ntawm lub lag luam ntawm lub cuab tam. Tej zaum kuj muaj kev tsis txaus siab txog tsis kaj siab ncus thaum lub sij hawm lub recycling ntawm lub cuticle, tab sis qhov no yog feem ntau yog txuam nrog daim tawv nqaij rhiab heev los yog kev siv ntawm lub cuab tam.

Hais txog yuav ua li cas kom zoo zoo siv ib tug cuticle ntaub ntawv, saib tom ntej no video.

Nyeem ntxiv