Articles #2097

Setting up an anchor and a grid on an acoustic guitar: how to raise and align? How to twist anchor and omit it?

Setting up an anchor and a grid on an acoustic guitar: how to raise and align? How to twist anchor and omit it?
The ability to adjust the acoustic guitar is a rather important skill for a person who seeks to master this musical instrument . After all, with the adjustment...

Adjusting the acoustic guitar: how to adjust the upper threshold? Stroy 4-, 6- and 12-string guitar, setting up a tune of the height of the string

Adjusting the acoustic guitar: how to adjust the upper threshold? Stroy 4-, 6- and 12-string guitar, setting up a tune of the height of the string
The acquisition of the guitar is only half of the way to the beginning of the learning game on it, because at first it is necessary to put the right structure....

Size of the acoustic guitar: 1/2 and 3/4, small and mini-guitar, standard hull length in centimeters and inches

Size of the acoustic guitar: 1/2 and 3/4, small and mini-guitar, standard hull length in centimeters and inches
The length of the guitar has a decisive effect on the comfort of the game on the instrument. Acoustic guitars have installed size typology. In accordance...

The best acoustic guitars: the rating of budget and expensive guitars, top firms. How to choose a guitar with high-quality sound? What are the most inexpensive?

The best acoustic guitars: the rating of budget and expensive guitars, top firms. How to choose a guitar with high-quality sound? What are the most inexpensive?
When you have gained courage to go to the music store for a guitar, there is a need for knowledge of product range. There are a large number of different...

The best acoustic guitars for beginners: what to choose for a beginner? Rating of firms and top low-cost models, tips on choosing acoustics

The best acoustic guitars for beginners: what to choose for a beginner? Rating of firms and top low-cost models, tips on choosing acoustics
It is difficult to find such a person who would not love music. Given a large number of various musical instruments, everyone can find for himself the...

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better?

Nylon strings for acoustic guitar: how to put and pull? What synthetic strings are better?
Each owner of his own guitar faced the problem of selecting suitable strings. Currently, two main varieties of such components for string musical instruments...

Types of acoustic guitars: with a wide vulture and narrow, types on the shape of the body, thin guitars and other varieties, unusual options

Types of acoustic guitars: with a wide vulture and narrow, types on the shape of the body, thin guitars and other varieties, unusual options
Acoustic guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments. Today, a great many such models are produced that are suitable for both beginners and experienced...

A combine for an acoustic guitar: a combination with microphone entrance for electro-acoustic guitars and other sound amplifiers. How to choose them and connect?

A combine for an acoustic guitar: a combination with microphone entrance for electro-acoustic guitars and other sound amplifiers. How to choose them and connect?
Combians for acoustic guitar are in great demand, this device is designed to enhance the sound of the musical instrument. This unit is divided into several...

Acoustic bass guitars: features, selection tips and the best acoustic models

Acoustic bass guitars: features, selection tips and the best acoustic models
Acoustic guitar is a popular musical instrument both among beginners and among professional musicians. . Thanks to its design, it provides traditional...

Plasticography for children 3-5 years old: Fruit drawings Plasticine, paintings with mushrooms for kids. Drawing features and various ideas

Plasticography for children 3-5 years old: Fruit drawings Plasticine, paintings with mushrooms for kids. Drawing features and various ideas
Plasticography as a type of decorative and applied art has long ago, but last 3-4 years she is experiencing a new round of popularity. Plasticine paintings...

Plasticine mosaic: butterfly modeling for children, mosaic picture. How to sculpt fish?

Plasticine mosaic: butterfly modeling for children, mosaic picture. How to sculpt fish?
The mosaic of plasticine is very interesting not only for its appearance, but also by the fact that it allows you to diversify the skills of the child....

Plasticiography for children 6-7 years old: We have pictures with animals and parachute, draw other figures on cardboard

Plasticiography for children 6-7 years old: We have pictures with animals and parachute, draw other figures on cardboard
Plasticography for children 6-7 years can be very diverse. You need to know how to sculpt paintings with animals and parachutists. It is still interesting...