Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia?


Many residents of urban apartments have a desire to increase its useful area. Balcony with removal is an excellent idea of ​​expanding space.

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_2


Balconies of standard sizes are usually very narrow. With their usual glazing, the windowsills are installed with a width of 15 cm, where only a few pots with flowers can be placed. The full opening of the window is also problematic, as the partition is formed on the entire width of the balcony.

The belonging of the removal allows you to increase the size of up to 50 cm. Even 10-20 cm can play an important role if there is placed flower pots, containers with seedlings or storage of seasonal children's and sports equipment: scooters, bicycles, sled, tubing and many other things. With the appropriate insulation, the extension by 40-50 cm will provide an opportunity to equip a mini-room with fitted wardrobes and small-sized furniture.

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_3

Remote glazing balcony or loggia can be performed in houses of any series. In some cases, it may be necessary to enhance the parapet or replacement of the balcony frame. However, the technology of removal installation involves strict compliance with the burden of load on the balcony slab.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to increasing the space and replacement of fragile structures, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • an increase in sunlight penetration;
  • strengthening the carrier elements of the balcony;
  • convenience when opening windows;
  • the emergence of an additional place for household needs;
  • Folding appearance.

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_4

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_5

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_6

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_7


  • The increase in noise during the rain due to the acting visor delivers inconvenience to the neighbors;
  • higher price than with ordinary glazing;
  • Coordination with the appropriate instances when removing the balcony by more than 30 cm.

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_8

Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_9

Is it necessary permission?

According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Balcony Extension up to 30 cm does not require a special permission. If the increase exceeds these sizes, then according to the law it is considered redevelopment requiring documentary confirmation.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_10

    To obtain permission to increase the balcony area, you need to contact the specialists in the housing and architectural department of the administration of the urban area, where the apartment is located. There will be a list of documents, which then will need to provide them with the department together with the statement. Usually the list includes:

    • The written consent of the neighbors whose balconies or loggias are close to the redevelopment object;
    • Project reconstruction with the calculation of the increased load on the overlap (it is better to do in a specialized construction company);
    • Coordination of the project with Rospotrebnadzor, BTI, fire supervision and organization serving the house.

    Within 1 month from the date of submission of the application (together with all the accompanying documents), a final conclusion is issued on compliance with the redevelopment by applicable regulations.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_11

    The presence of the owner of the residential premises permits for the reconstruction of the balcony suggests that the redevelopment is made legally, and there will be no problems with the sale of an apartment.

    Methods of expansion

    There are several ways to expand the balcony using different profiles that are completely possible for independent work. Two types of removal are the most common - on the windowsill and on the floor. Application technologies make it possible to achieve cozy and extended balconies.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_12

    On the windowsill

    This method is the easiest and most economical. Otherwise, it is also called "Kosynka". In this method, the glazing is performed outside the parapet. You can take a 30 cm removal on the front part and the sides. Installation of glazing is made on metal brackets that are attached to the balcony parapet. In another embodiment, the frame is installed on the floor using welding.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_13

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_14

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_15

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_16

    It is important to take into account the reliability of the concrete slab, as the design together with the glass packages has a significant weight, which increases the load on it.

    Stages of execution of work on the removal of the windowsill:

    • Brackets to weld to parapet or attach anchors (in case the parapet is concrete) at a distance of approximately 50-60 cm from each other;
    • on them to install a frame from steel corners or strips and fix with welding seams;
    • Clean the balcony outside (professional flooring or plastic is used more often);
    • insulate the floor and walls with mineral wool or foam;
    • establish balcony frames from PVC or aluminum profile;
    • Perform an internal balcony finish.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_17

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_18

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_19

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_20

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_21

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_22

    By half

    The expansion of concrete overlap is a more financially costly and time consuming process, but it can significantly increase the area. With this type of removal and installation of metal-plastic windows, it is quite possible to get another living room.

    It is easier and more profitable to take place on the floor on loggias due to the high strength of overlaps compared with the balconies, especially in the homes of the old license plate.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_23

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_24

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_25

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_26

    Consider the order of work when removing on the stove.

    • Removing the old parapet. Produced by cutting.
    • An increase in the frame of the slab. On the side sides of the base by 20-30 cm deep into the walls, chawllers are installed and the steel corners are connected together.
    • Installing flooring. From above of the new floor design, the metal sheet was found with the insulation, and the plywood or floorboards are stacked on top of it.
    • Installation of a new parapet and its finish. It is carried out by welding to chapellers, frame and fastening to the wall of the side elements. The finish depends on the selected materials (brick, trimming by professional flooring and other).
    • Installing window frames. Usually the removal of the floor involves warm glazing. Features of the installation of PVC profiles along the enlarged stove do not differ from the installation on the standard balcony. Racks are welded, and the profile is attached to them.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_27

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_28

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_29

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_30

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_31

    Finishing options

    This stage includes finishing works both outside and inside a larger balcony.

    Exterior finish

    It is performed before glazing the balcony. Very popular for plating outside several materials.

    • Vinyl siding. It is a relatively inexpensive practical and lightweight material. Withstand temperature fluctuations from - 65 ° C to + 60 ° C. Non-flavored, not inclined to the appearance of rot and mold from moisture, does not lose color from bright sunlight. Coloring are presented in a wide range of colors. Methods for fastening horizontally and verticals are allowed.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_32

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_33

    • Metal siding. It is produced from galvanized steel with the addition of a layer of polymer coating. It is distinguished by durability, non-combustible, easy mounted, reliably protects from weather popsicles.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_34

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_35

    • Professional flooring. It is a versatile material and suitable for any work on the external finish, as it is very durable. The dimensions of its parts are larger than the siding, due to which the installation is easier, and the joints of the junctions are almost not visible.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_36

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_37

    • Plastic lining for outdoor work. Budget version of outdoor design. It is made of hardened plastic and has a low price in comparison with professional flooring and siding, but at the same time a smaller service life.

    Not suitable for plating, if the balcony is on the sunny side.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_38

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_39

    Interior decoration

    Materials for finishing work inside the balcony or loggia can be the most different - it all depends on the type of glazing and the degree of insulation.


    Let us dwell on the most sought-after materials.

    • Plastic panels. Easy installation, ease of fitting and trimming, low weight are the main advantages. Of the minuses - a tendency to fragility, dents and cracks easily appear. The mounting of the panels is carried out by self-drawing on the frame of wooden plates.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_40

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_41

    • MDF panels. Press a pretty aesthetic appearance of a warmed balcony. It is not suitable for finishing without insulation of the room, since it is sensitive to cold air.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_42

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_43

    • Cork panels. Unique environmentally friendly material is suitable for any type of balcony. It is a coating made from oak bark, underwent grinding and pressing. Uncharacteristic rotting and the appearance of mold is not deformed and absorbs odors, it is easy to clean and therefore has a higher cost.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_44

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_45

    • Wood wallboard. Noble natural material, long retains the smell of natural wood. Over time, it is advisable to cover varnish.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_46

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_47

    • Facing with decorative stone. It has reliability and durability, since the material is not afraid of temperature differences. May serve over 15 years.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_48


    After completion of all installation and insulation, you can start finishing the floor. Initially, it needs to be aligned, And then based on the owners preferences, you can make a coating using various materials, such as:

    • laminate;
    • linoleum;
    • parquet board;
    • carpet;
    • Tile for floor.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_49

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_50


    In order to determine the choice of material for the ceiling finishing, you need to consider the main functionality of the balcony. If the room will be used as a residential one, then you should not save on materials and lighting. In addition, with this version of the balcony, it is desirable that the ceiling and the floor are harmonized with each other.

    Plastic panels are very often used - they hide all flaws and wiring. If the loggia and the balcony are well insulated, then the use of drywall is possible for finishing the ceiling.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_51

    It is convenient for installation and is practical in use.

    Beautiful examples

    Balcony with removal is an excellent idea of ​​an increase in the apartment space, which has recently gaining increasing popularity. This can be seen on specific examples.

    • From the street side, the balcony with the removal looks compact and neatly. It may even seem that the area has practically not increased.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_52

    • But on the inside, the increase in dimensions is significantly about a third. Under a broader window sill, you can install additional lockers for storing various accessories.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_53

    • The extension allows you to install a small sofa and a countertop.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_54

    • There is a place for flower pots.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_55

    • Conveniently on a wide outlet of the remote balcony, containers with seedlings.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_56

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_57

    • With good insulation, it is quite possible to arrange a children's play area.

    Balcony with removal (58 photos): metal balcony with removal by floor and windowsill. Does the permission for a remote loggia? 9979_58

    About how to expand the balcony with your own hands, see the next video.

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