Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding


If you are with a fading heart, look at the balconies with a beautiful outer finish, and such objects cause a feeling of envy and admiration, know - your balcony can also easily transform, becoming a pride. All the subtleties of the outer decoration of the balcony we will disclose further.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_2

What is the trim?

The balcony finishes outside the extensive functionality carries. After studying all the advantages, no one has doubts about the relevance of the external finish.

  1. The external transformation of the balcony, giving it freshness and aesthetics.
  2. Facing from the street allows you to organize high-quality protection from the effects of different character (precipitation, wind, sun, mechanical damage) for the outer surface of the balcony and its internal space.
  3. Finishing from the outside allows you to create additional insulation.
  4. Protection of the base of the structure, which is usually created from plates and cement coating. The base in balconies with an external finish serves much longer.
  5. Improvement of remote balconies due to the outdoor clamping.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_3

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_4

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_5

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_6

Now you have verified how much the outer skin is needed for balconies, especially in old houses.

Selection of material

Do not rush to start working on the balcony finish. Before you have to solve the problem of material selection. The modern building materials market offers a lot of options that are suitable for these purposes. Not all of them are equally good, therefore you have to study each option and choose the optimal one.

  • Plastic lining It is the most affordable material, produced in a large assortment and is made under the order by many firms. Such plastic panels are attached to a metal or wooden crate. Mounting takes a minimum of time, does not require the use of professional tools and helping the specialist. When choosing this material, it is worth considering its fragility, which makes uncomfortable transportation, and the ability to lose color from the effects of sun rays. And also due to the ease of the panel can be ripped with strong wind gusts.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_7

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_8

  • Metal Siding Used very often for such purposes. With high durability and excellent strength, this material is relatively affordable. The service life is 50 years, siding from metal does not burn, retains external characteristics, despite the impact of sun rays, alkalis and acids. Operation of metal siding is possible in the temperature range from -50 to +80 degrees Celsius. Working with this material is very simple, here you do not need professional skills and a special tool.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_9

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_10

  • Professional or professional flooring They are called galvanized sheets with a corrugated surface. This option will cost more plastic lining, but reliability and durability here is also at a high level. Against the background of such characteristics, the small weight of the proflists becomes an excellent advantage. With neat operation, professional flooring can serve up to 50 years. You can easily find the desired option from a huge range.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_11

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_12

Therefore, professional flooring is a good solution for organizing the external finishing of the balcony, although not affordable.

  • Vinyl Siding Located in honor of many specialists. This material is highly resistant to different exposures from the outside, which allows it for a long time to maintain the appearance and operational characteristics. Vinyl siding is not terrible corrosion. Care lies in washing using ordinary detergents. It is badly burning, characterized by an eco-friendly composition, not covered with cracks and withstands high temperatures in negative and positive bands. The only thing that confuses the user is a high cost.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_13

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_14

  • Polycarbonate - Excellent option for glazing and exterior trim balconies. This material has a lot of advantages, among which the most important are strength, durability, environmental friendliness, ability to dispel solar rays and simple installation. Inside the balcony with such a finish, even on hot days will be pleasant.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_15

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_16

  • Burst is gaining popularity . Although there is such a skin very expensive, but it looks spectacular and stylish. The technology provides for the location of the windows over the entire width of the balcony. It is important to set a kalen glass that has high strength. It is necessary to approach this type of finishing to be consciously, because the glass has lower energy-saving properties compared to other materials.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_17

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_18

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_19

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_20

You can not bypass the only material that is better not to use for the exterior decoration of the balcony. We are talking about a tree. Let it no equal for other purposes, but in our case the tree does not suit several parameters immediately. The tree does not have high resistant to moisture and infrared radiation. In addition, it quickly flashes and burns well.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_21

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_22

Design options

The balcony is the face of the owner, the subject of his pride and one of the ways to demonstrate their skills. That's why The appearance of the balcony needs to be given to the maximum of attention, thinking up in advance its design, take into account every little thing. The modern market for building materials and the possibilities that open before each user make it possible to create unique creations without much difficulties.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_23

You only need to show a fantasy, giving the will to my creative.

Our selection of interesting ideas will help determine the choice of the same design that you have long dreamed of.

  • Wood It is a popular building material that has found a lot of applications. Such a choice in most cases is a good solution, but not for the external trim of balconies. Although the tree cannot be used for balconies, but there is a lot of siding options, which very accurately imitate natural material. Vinyl, metal or plastic materials will create a spectacular wooden balcony without using wood.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_24

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_25

  • Design color may be the most different - from classic shades to bold and original. Many companies can paint siding, panels or sheets in any color. Moreover, it will not be difficult to repaint the balcony.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_26

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_27

  • The glazed balcony not only looks beautiful. This design has high functional properties, and inside will always be warm and dry. With high-quality heat insulation and sealing, even in winter, a comfortable temperature will be maintained on the balcony. For the balcony, you need large windows - in this case it will look harmonious and effectively, and not to remind a birdhouse.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_28

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_29

  • You can close the balcony without glazing - This option is still relevant. Fans of free space prefer to make an open balcony. In such structures there is no need for insulation, but it is necessary to think in detail the design of the roof and the visor so that water does not fall inside. For open balconies, forged elements are often selected, which are perfectly combined with polycarbonate.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_30

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_31

Create a unique appearance of the balcony is easy. Choose any idea, create a unique design, take care of the tool and create your masterpiece.

Safety regulations

With balconies, located on the first floors, no problems arise. This option is the easiest and safest. Even with objects on the second floors it is easy to work, because you can use the staircase, or install forests. The lifting of the balconies, which are located above the second floor, is a complex and dangerous occupation.

You can refer to the specialists who are trained in such a job, but it will cost expensive. Such costs will not be appropriate if you try to fulfill this work yourself. At the same time, it is necessary to comply with the safety regulations that will help avoid accidents:

  • The territory is fencing under the balcony, which will allow you to limit the passage for other people;
  • Wheel warning signs;
  • We provide ourselves and assistant safe working conditions - it can be scaffolding, parapet, equipment that enjoy climbers.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_32

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_33

The more you take care of security, it will be better. It is impossible to overdo it here.

Required tools

Do not rush to start work. Before you should prepare the tools that will be needed for the exterior finish. It will be inconvenient to interrupt the job to find a screwdriver or hammer. When everything is at hand, work is done faster:

  • Roulette and level will allow you to quickly and accurate measurements;
  • Handsman on a tree with small teeth will be required for mounting a wooden frame;
  • hacksaw and scissors - for working with metal;
  • Perforator and drills - to work with different materials;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • Stapler and brackets to it;
  • Bulgarian.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_34

If all of this list is on hand, you can start work.

Preparatory stage

The outer lining of the balcony, like any other job, requires preparation. This is especially true for old structures that have not seen repairs for several years and even decades. The essence of the preparatory work will be as follows:

  • Check the condition and quality of overlaps;
  • We study the base plates;
  • If necessary, we perform overhaul design;
  • We perform sweeping plate base;
  • From the joints and cracks we remove the garbage, dust and other pollution, brewing them and restore tightness;
  • We dismantle old railing and coatings;
  • Metal parts we clean and coated with soil;
  • Base concreting to create a smooth surface.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_35

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_36

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_37

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_38

Description of the course of work

It is not necessary to think that to see the balcony is a difficult job with which only a professional will cope. It is enough to know some subtleties, be able to own a basic tool and follow the work plan. Although each of the materials described above has installation features, the main stages of the work are common to all cases.

  1. Regardless of which material will be used for the trim, work from the crate begins. It will serve as the basis for the trim material. For a frame, you can use a tree or metal. Both options are equal. Both wood and iron must be treated with a protective agent, which will extend the life of the entire design. The crate needs to have strictly perpendicular to the casing material - the construction level will help in this.
  2. On the finished carcass, fasten the first strip of siding or the casing. It is very important exactly the first element of the trim, since further installation will depend on its location. For fixing the displayed element, screws are commonly used. They must be located strictly in the center of the siding or panel.
  3. The next element is inserted into the first and closes the lock connection. The top of the panel is fixed by self-drawing. No need to make a high fastening density - it must be at the average level.
  4. Between the panels need to leave a gap of about 0.5 mm. This trick will avoid the deformation of the casing material as a result of its natural expansion and compression depending on the air temperature fluctuations.

Balcony decoration outside (39 photos): What is it better to seize? Subtlety outdoor siding siding. How do the balcony from the streets of the professional owner? Design of external cladding 9972_39

Balcony external finishing technology, see the following video.

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