White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss


The sleeping room should be filled with freshness, tenderness, clean atmosphere, which is why many prefer to make a bedroom in white tones. An integral attribute of the bedroom becomes a closet, the mechanisms of the coupe are particularly popular. And if the owner wants the wardrobe to be made in white, then before purchase it is worth providing several nuances and take the choice with full responsibility.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_2

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_3

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_4

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_5


The main feature of a white cabinet is the ability to save space. This is a universal subject of the interior, which performs both practical and decorative functions. The wardrobes have a convenient system of sliding doors, and also give the owner the opportunity to order a product according to individual sizes. Folds can be made of any material. The design takes at least a place in the bedroom, and the location of the shelves inside the owner can adjust himself. And so that the wardrobe served as long as possible, it is important to choose high-quality fittings.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_6

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_7

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_8

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_9

In addition to its practical function, it becomes and solving several design tasks. For example, a white closet harmonizes well with any color and can highlight other interior details, make them clearer and expressive. In addition, white furniture is often used in small rooms, as visually increases the space and therefore is an excellent option for a small bedroom. Such furniture can also make a slightly lit room significantly light. In addition, this piece of furniture is able to hide some wall defects and ceiling.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_10

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_11

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_12

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_13

The wardrobe of this color fits perfectly in almost any tone of the room, and also goes well with any textures. That's why It is successfully poured into the traditional or modern interior in the styles of the classic, loft, minimalism, Provence, Art Deco. When adding additional design elements to it, it is unlikely to look massively and alay. For example, you can decorate such a piece of furniture with golden or silver inserts - it will look like luxuriously. Many consider white furniture by the brand, however, in reality on a dark surface, dust and divorces are noticeable much more distinct than on white coating, so the white cabinet can be called practical.

The only minus can be the recklessness of a white amateur. Too fascinating the design of the bedroom in white tones, you can accidentally turn the room into the hospital ward. Therefore, it is important to learn how to use a white cabinet in a properly decorated bedroom.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_14

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_15

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_16


Any wardrobes of the coupe may differ in their design. The following types are distinguished.

  • Built-in . Usually such a closet occupies almost the entire space on which is located. In fact, these are shelves and compartments closed with sliding doors. The side, upper, lower and rear borders become walls, ceiling and floor. This type of furniture allows the maximum to use the entire useful volume, hide communications, for example, not entirely presentable outlets.

But he also has cons. Thus, the built-in wardrobe cannot be moved, and in case of disassembly, the owner will have to additionally decorate the freed space.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_17

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_18

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_19

  • Half-built . In this case, there is no one or more reference parts. For example, a wardrobe may not have a posterior or side wall. This design is allowed to be installed in an angle along the wall, and it is also possible to simulate the absenting opening or niche in the bedroom.

This variety is also problematic to move, as the cabinet frame can be attached to the wall.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_20

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_21

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_22

  • Corpus . An ordinary classic cabinet that has a solid housing - side walls, base and upper bar - and usually located along the wall. With the zoning of the room, for example, in the studio apartment, such a design can be divided by the living room and bedroom zone. In this case, the hull cabinet will turn out to be across the wall. This option is good with its mobility, that is, does not cause problems when moving or permuting in the bedroom, it can be dismantled and collect it with your own hands. But it reduces the useful volume of the bedroom, which loses to the embedded structures.

But the fact that he does not occupy all the space (below the ceiling of the room, loudly adjacent to the wall behind him), can be attributed to its disadvantages.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_23

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_24

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_25

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_26

  • Angular . An instance that allows you to use the bedroom angle with benefit, where other interior items are rarely possible. However, this option is characterized by complexity of assembly, especially if the body is solid, and this will require additional costs from the hosts of the bedroom.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_27

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_28

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_29

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_30

  • Straight . Traditional cabinet having a strict straight facade. Its design is simple and universal, but it is slightly released from the fashion model, which is not suitable for every bedroom style. So, white straight wardrobes are mainly used in classic design.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_31

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_32

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_33

  • Radius . A modern stylish copy, resembling an angular design, but its angle is rounded. The disadvantage is the high cost of the product, because for its manufacture requires complex mechanisms and non-standard facade doors.

Production is usually carried out only by individual orders.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_34

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_35

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_36

  • Modular . It is a design consisting of several modules united by the overall stylist. Allows you to change the overall recruitment architecture. This wardrobe can be adjusted to the height or supplement it with additional elements, for example, to equip the podium, a visor, backlight.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_37

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_38

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_39

Sliding wardrobes for bedrooms can be divided into both its intended purpose. They are clothing, lounges or combined. As a rule, the linen cabinets inside are adjacent arranged shelves under the storage of linen, clothing options allow you to store things in a rave state, and the most popular and practical combined option has both clothes and linen sections.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_40

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_41

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_42

How to choose

When choosing a white wardrobe, repel primarily from the specifics of the bedroom. So, for a small area, it is better to give preference to angular or radius structures. They will arrange in one corner, leaving the opposite corner free.

You can choose a product made completely from one material, but most people are still inclined to buy an instance with mirrors embedded in the door. This option is popular not only because of its aesthetic appearance, but also because of practicality. So, a woman will no longer need to buy a separate large mirror, since its functions will run the cabinet door. In addition, the mirror surfaces will make the room lighter and visually more voluminous.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_43

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_44

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_45

To make a cabinet accent in a sleeping interior, you can somewhat diversify its design. For example, order the product with inserts from a matte or plexiglass - this element is covered by a one-window wardrobe, make it more interesting from a designer point of view.

White wardrobe can also be performed in different color solutions. It can be a snow-white design or furniture with a milk or cream tint. Unusual admission for many modern styles - bright illustrations on a white background, for example, a black and white version, a white cabinet with bright photo printing, gentle pastel abstractions on a light surface. May differ and texture. For example, gloss will make a room more fresh and bright, and the matte surface will give the bedroom of rigor and elegance.

The choice of material is determined by the financial resources that the buyer has. Most often, MDF, wood base, veneer, chipboard are used for making a wardrobe.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_46

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_47

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_48


The wardrobe in white is a great option for lazy owners. It is not enough dust on it, the divorces left in the sun, left after a wet cleaning. However, it should not do without cleaning, and it is necessary to do it with some more accuracy. For example, an instance of a natural wood array can be easily spoiled using an incorrect cleaning agent. Therefore, you should find out what means you can wipe the doors, walls and other elements of furniture, and then use only them when caring for a tree. Light care needs to be made 2-3 times a week. Once a month it is allowed to use varnishes for professional cleaning and aerosols, but do not overdo it with quantity, otherwise spots may remain on the coating.

White wardrobes in the bedroom (49 photos): Features of modern models in bright colors with a mirror, design options for black and white matte cabinets and furniture with gloss 9922_49

If fat stains appeared on the doors, then in order to avoid the negative influence of aggressive chemistry to the surface, you can contact the folk remedies. For example, to cope with spots on a white coating will allow tooth powder. And also with undesirable celebrations on a snow-white background, cut onions are coping.

Refuse detergents containing solvents - After their use on the surface, bands or divorces can remain. Glossy coating without cleaning with water with wax, it is better to use the microfiber cloth and ordinary soap. After a wet cleaning, always wipe the closet surface. If the wardrobe has mirrored doors, then take care of them with a waffle towel and a special means for washing the glasses.

Overview of the white wardrobe, see the video below.

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