Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture


Art Deco is one of the most difficult styles, but it is one of the most spectacular and luxurious. This area is more than a hundred years and in it harmoniously combines a variety of elements. Art Deco's bedroom decoration will be a great solution for those who like elegant and cozy rooms.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_3

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_4

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_5

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_6

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_7


It is impossible to say that Art Deco is a style with strict standards, such as a classic. The feature of the direction and its "highlight" is just in the mixing of styles: modern designs and classic, medieval motifs, and cubism and futurism are clearly traced.

For the first time, Art Deco appeared in the rich European houses of the 20th century. At that time, only wealthy owners could afford similar design. Matching canons cost considerable money, and only natural materials were bought for finishing the premises. Now everything has changed a little, and Art Deco has become a frequent "guest" in bedrooms and living rooms of ordinary people.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_9

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_10

It is worth considering what features and characteristic features are inherent in this direction.

  • Application of geometry. Art Deco prefers geometric, clear lines, but romance is better to leave other styles. Very common objects with 6-8 corners, parquet in the form of a Christmas tree.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_12

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_13

  • Trapezoid shapes. This applies to the doors, mirrors, decor subjects.

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  • Naturalness. To completely embody the concept of style, only natural, expensive materials, such as leather, stone, glass, wood, should be used. There are no simulations here. Fabrics should also be exclusive: velvet, silk.

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  • Good lighting. The abundance of both natural and artificial light is welcomed.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_17

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_18

  • Gloss. Surfaces should give shine. Tree, stone - all this should be polished, such an idea provides a beautiful game of light and shadow, which is very appreciated by the lovers of Art Deco.

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_19

  • Abundance of furniture. The emptiness is that the style does not accept. The bedroom should have a sufficient number of furniture: bed, chest of drawers, bedside tables, tables with a mirror, pouf and much more.

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  • Ethnic notes. In addition to classic and modern styles, the Art Deco has made its motives and east. The leather reptile, lamps and lamps of the eastern sample, mandalas, Egyptian figurines are very popular here.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_22

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_23

Color spectrum

Selecting the color range for the bedroom, it is important to remember that the poisonous, too bright gamma is not welcomed here in this style, it instantly makes the room "cheap". The main condition is the rule of three colors, two of which should be the main, in one - accent. The main shades can be:

  • White;
  • coffee;
  • lactic;
  • ivory;
  • beige;
  • chocolate;
  • black.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_25

Among the accent tones can be allocated:

  • Gray;
  • turquoise;
  • coral;
  • deep violet;
  • brick;
  • ruby;
  • denim;
  • olive;
  • wine;
  • bright blue.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_27

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_28

The main colors should occupy a leading position: they are used in the decoration of walls, gender and ceiling, choose for furniture, textiles, curtains. Accent color - a wonderful solution for small details: Pattern on the wallpaper, carpet, print on the curtains. In addition, a similar color will help zonate space.

To add a bedroom of grace, a golden and silver decor can often use, but he should not look at Alapisto.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_30

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_31

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_32

Finishing options

As already mentioned, Art Deco requires the use of exclusively natural materials that can emphasize the exclusivity of the finish. Consider how beautiful to separate the sleeping room and what materials it is better to use.

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The appearance of the walls is the first thing that rushes into the eye, so it is very important to arrange them correctly. The most popular option is to buy wallpaper, while the choice should be done in favor of expensive models: with silk screen printing, embossed. In addition, it is possible to apply decorative plaster, manual painting, tissue canvas.

Very often, the interior designers offer to make one wall accent, as a rule, this is a wall above the headboard. It can be made brighter, to equip a niche in it or drape the heavy expensive cloth. A good idea will be the backlight in this zone.

It is also necessary to remember the color of the walls. If the room is small, you should not use dark tones, give preference to light, easy colors that visually enlarge the bedroom and make it more air.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_35

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_36


Floor finishing is used wood rare rocks, stone, expensive tile, carpet. Floors from polished boards are the most sought-after decision. They are laid out by a Christmas tree, but other geometric forms may be present. Playing the contrast with such a floor will allow a beautiful animal skins, located in the center of the bedroom or in the bed.

Popular floors capable of creating imitation of anything: marble, wood, stone. You can also depict any drawings and patterns. Other finish ideas will be parquet or laminate.

There are no clear criteria, the main thing is that the floor looks worthy.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_38

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_39


One of the options for designing the ceiling becomes the use of stucco. It looks rich and elegant, causes association with the old halls and the castles of the Renaissance. It is especially important in this case to think over the decor of the chandelier zone - it would be nice to position an additional stucco around the lighting device.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_41

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_42

Multi-tiered mounted ceiling is suitable for those who are more inclined to modernity than to the classics. With such a ceiling, the room will seem spacious and higher. So that the concept of the style has been completed, the ceiling is added to the backlight: throughout the perimeter or only in some zones.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_44

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_45

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_46

Mirrored panels will become a real find. If your bedroom is small, they will also help it increase it. Another solution is painted. The drawing should be calm: for example, images of fruits, Greek and Roman statues are suitable here, pastoral motifs. Complete the ceiling strict classic curbs.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_48

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_49

Organization of lighting

Art Deco assumes a large amount of light, and it is very important that this light is warm. Yellow light bulbs, soft backlight, presence of built-in lamps, lampshades will help. The more lighting devices will, the more interesting the different types of surfaces will play in their light.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_51

In almost all the bedrooms of the directions of Art Deco there is a huge chandelier. The best solution will be a model that is hanging crystal threads or balls. Also, the chandelier can be extreme-alert, but then each "twig" must have an unusual form.

As lamps, the host selection is unlimited: small round balls, intricate trapezoid and complex structures, decorated with metal - all this is actively practiced and used in this direction.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_53

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_54

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_55

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_56

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_57


The furniture atmosphere in the bedroom should be beautiful and at the same time practical. As a rule, furniture makes from valuable wood, and then frown velvet. Additional decorations will be expensive stones, gilding.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_59

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_60

Interestingly, you do not necessarily choose furniture in a single concept: Style standards allowed using different furniture. For example, a classic table will be interested to look with modern bedside tables. But such an effect will be able to achieve only if you combine the items of some kind of common feature: the same colors, elements of gold or silver.

The main object in the room is a bed. It should be massive, wide, with a bulk headboard from velvet or skin. The legs have a high, wrought-iron bed. On the sides necessarily there must be bedside tables. You will also have to purchase a magazine or dressing table, several deputies. A good solution will be a small sofa, the finish of which should coincide with the design of the bed.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_62

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_63

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_64

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_65

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_66

Forget about large and cumbersome cabinets, Fashion Art Deco suggests that similar designs should be light, air. Several elegant lockers or dresser are what you need. Their surface is better to make brilliant, for example, it will be beautiful to look like a varnish or gloss. Additionally, the surfaces describe, a successful idea will be the use of metal elements or gilding.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_68

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_69

Textiles and decor elements

Art Deco bedroom fabrics can be selected different, but they should look expensive. Windows, as a rule, drape heavy curtains from velvet or atlas, can also prefer silk. Very nice when the drapery is multi-layered. With color and material, the curtains should coincide the upholstery of the puffs, sofa, chairs, decor pads. Gilded curtains and brushes will help supplement the heavy curtains.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_71

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_72

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_73

As for the decor items, you can pick up for the bedroom:

  • Beautiful landscapes, necessarily in bronze frames or gilding;
  • Volumetric vases of different eras: Egyptian, Ancient, Roman, French;
  • diverse and bizarre figurines of people and animals;
  • Beautiful carved caskets with decor of gemstones;
  • Live plants in pots of natural wood covered with thread;
  • Skins of animals, especially white;
  • Heavy mirrors funeral forms.

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Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_75

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_76

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_77

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_78

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_79

Successful examples

This bedroom decorated in white and cream colors successfully combines classic and modern elements. Contrast allows you to beat an accent brown wall above the headboard. Also there are huge French windows, which fully meets the requirements for lighting.

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_80

A plum color is wonderful combined with ivory and black. Strict symmetry is observed: pay attention to the full matching bedside tables and lighting devices to each other. The headboard bed is accent and decorated with an unusual mirror in the shape of the Sun, which is fully welcomed by the described direction.

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A little similar to the previous one will be the bedroom, characterized by the presence of black tones. High solids visually increase the room, and a small white rug provides a homely cozy atmosphere.

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A chic and incredibly attractive decision will be the use of bright purple colors. Combining with black and white, they gently beat the contrast. Supplement such a design with a modern image, live plants and statue of the classicism era.

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_83

But another bedroom with purple accents. Here, designers made a bet on curtains, decorative pillows and bedspreads. The brilliance and bohemility of the room gives a huge crystal chandelier, as well as unusual mirrors that make up a whole composition.

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Very warm and comfortable, many will seem a bedroom, where beige-cream shades are adjacent to bright blue. The completion of this interior will be given a non-standard chandelier, an accent wall at the head of the bed, as if upholstered by velvet, as well as a mirror in the floor.

Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_85

And this bedroom, on the contrary, seems cool at first glance. It will appreciate those who prefer restrained luxury and classics. High ceiling, gray-white design, bulk mirror and symmetrical stucco on the wall allow the room to look very spacious and absolutely not overloaded details.

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      We also recommend watching a few more photos of the bedrooms made in the Art Deco style to get a portion of new ideas and discover various designs and expanses for creativity.

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_87

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_88

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_89

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_90

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_91

      Art Deco Bedroom (92 photos): Interior design options, Chest and other furniture 9822_92

      About the features of Art Deco in the interior look next.

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