Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment


The bedroom should be beautiful and cozy. It will not be challenged even the brutal and hard people. One of the non-standard solutions is to install a fireplace. However, it will have to use it very thoughtfully and carefully.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_2

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_3

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_4

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_5


Modern city apartments have become much more convenient than the most gorgeous private houses, built several centuries ago. Instead of fireplaces, many other heating methods appeared, which is practical, and more economical, and safer. However, in terms of designing space, it is the "good old" fireplace remains out of competition. It is quite appropriate to install it in the bedroom, where such a focus will definitely add comfort and comfort.

Exists A number of formed solutions that allow you to enter fireplaces even in the most modern interiors.

Manufacturers have established a significant number of foci models. Along with them, there are also all sorts of simulators. They are much safer than a full fireplace. At the same time, the effect of "stay in a country estate" will still be provided. There are a large number of interior styles, in each of which the fireplace will be appropriate.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_6

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_7

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_8

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_9


Classic design fireplaces have a mass of carved parts and stucco. This decision immediately makes the subject of luxurious. Sometimes natural stone is used for design. Cheaper and easily option - Decorating textured lines. In the atmosphere of high-tech or minimalism, designs are recommended with a simpler design and without additional details.

Mostly they are manufactured from tempered glasses, which are completely safe. The heating unit is in the middle.

Usually, similar fireplaces are located along the wall. Designers provide a variety of warm-up modes. The foci in the style of High-Tech is impressive, immediately attract attention.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_10

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_11

Varieties and choice

The unwillingness of many people put the fireplace in the apartment is quite understandable. This word itself is associated with a very large product absorbing a lot of space and constantly emitting the "aroma" of soot spreading in Gar. Fortunately, the technologists managed to resolve a similar problem. Now there are fireplaces, "Suitable" even for a small bedroom, which themselves are small and work completely safely. If the power is stopped, the fire itself goes out without any risk.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_12

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_13

Quite widespread received Fireplaces on natural gas. Special burner in them is strictly in the middle. This is the location is the most rational from the engineering point of view.

The only thing - you have to connect the hearth to the gas line or to the cylinder. In addition, gas is toxic and can explode.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_14

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_15

A safer option is an electrocamine. Important: the overwhelming majority of electric foci is calculated on voltage 220 V. If it differs, you will have to take special measures. In addition, electrical fireplaces can be controlled by remote. They are often used as a backlight.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_16

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_17

Good alternative often turns out False fireplace. Since there is no real fire inside, the designers get complete freedom. They can embody the most courageous and extraordinary plans. However, it is necessary to take into account that false fireplaces are commonly used as The main decorative element in the room. Therefore, the little things in its device and appearance simply not!

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_18

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_19

Refusal of chimney and other bulky elements:

  • significantly simplifies work;
  • heshes it;
  • Accelerates the timing of the composition of the composition.

In addition, false fireplaces can be installed without permission from fire inspections. Those will not have a reason for complaints with a scheduled inspection. Sometimes, the imitation of the focus builds around the heating battery.

In this case, it will not even be necessary to use additional devices for heating. Important: If the fireplace imitation surrounds the battery, it must be made of non-combustible materials.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_20

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_21

A separate conversation deserve biocamines. They have a special burner, usually surrounded by decorative details. These details can reproduce the type of conventional wood or swelling coals. Sometimes natural stone is mimic. Biofuel usually becomes ethanol, which burns without the appearance of unpleasant odors or toxic gases.

Education is also completely excluded:

  • Scoot;
  • dust;
  • soot particles;
  • spark.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_22

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_23

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_24

Single combustion products are carbon dioxide and water vapor. Since the biocamine distinguishes exactly as many gases as the burning candle, there is no need for special chimneys or in reinforced ventilation. There are options with open and closed alcohol tanks. Important: Both types of containers should be filled only after turning off the fireplace when it finally cools. Some versions are equipped with sound simulators of the flame, thereby working more realistically.

Built-in foci with open flames advise to mount on the construction stage of the house. Make it later will be too difficult and dangerous. Warning structures are most often found.

An important advantage is available cost. Island fireplaces are quite rare, because they are appropriate only in quite large bedrooms.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_25

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_26

"Islands" have a very low efficiency and will be able to warm up only one room in which there are. Another disadvantage is a significant area of ​​the zone with an increased fire danger. In terms of heating, the best solution is the fireplaces with one-sided furnace. As for power, 1 kW is considered sufficient for heating 25 square meters. m. Shared Square.

Another nuance: when there are practical qualities in the first place, you need to use not brick, and cast iron or steel structures Since they spread warmly faster.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_27

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_28

How to equip the fireplace zone correctly?

For all the importance of technical subtleties, the beautiful design of the bedroom with the fireplace is also impossible to "discount." Qualified interior designers prefer restrained, concise styles, because natural focus or its artificial imitation should create a sensation of strict but cozy and comfortable space. There should not be too many furniture and decorative items around. And the fact that it will still be, should be absolutely resistant to ignition.

The sleep zone will only win when used by the use of color accents and a variety of textures. As a supplement of the composition use Special textiles. The coincidence of its color with the fireplace itself or the choice of a contrasting combination is the case of the owners themselves.

Even high-class designers do not decide to impose their opinions at this point. For a visual increase in bedrooms, mirrors are used, putting above the focus; In modern areas of the interior, however, there is most often a TV.

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_29

Fireplace in the bedroom (30 photos): how to choose electrocamine and biocamine under the interior design of a small bedroom? Appointment of a false fireplace in an urban apartment 9807_30

On how to choose a fireplace in the interior, look next.

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