Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom


Dimensions and layout of modern dwellings do not always allow to highlight a separate room for a child, so a fairly common option is to combine an adult bedroom and children's. In this case, the parents arise about the competent and comfortable zoning of residential space, as well as features and nuances of this interior.

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Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_3

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_4

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_5

Pros and cons of combination

It has been established that the joint pastime of the mother and the baby at the first time of life has an extremely beneficial effect on the child. That is why design projects concerning the combination of the children's room and the parent bedroom can be found in modern dwellings more and more. However, such ideas have a lot of nuances that should be taken into account in the process of arranging such a room. We will not consider all the advantages and disadvantages of such solutions to weigh all the "for" and "against." Among the main advantages are to highlight the following.

  • Mother's proximity for a newborn in the first months of life is the most important nuance among the advantages of unification bedrooms in the same room. The joint pastime of the child with Mom will have a positive effect on his physical and psychological health.
  • In addition to the indisputable benefit of the combined bedroom for the baby, such a project will be important for parents, especially for mom. It is due to the convenience and walking distance of the baby at any time of the day, which will facilitate the care and process of its feeding at night, having robbing the parent from "traveling" to another room.
  • The advantages should also be attributed to the ability to constantly control the child and its actions. This applies not only to families with breast children, but also growing kids after a year. Despite the presence of a large number of fixtures in the market, with which you can watch the child even at a distance, personal control will help to avoid many traumatic situations, as well as rid parents from disturbing thoughts.
  • An important point will be a significant savings in the apartment or house, which will be relevant for small housing, as well as in cases where in the family several children.

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Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_7

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_8

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_9

However, the decision to combine two rooms is not devoid of some drawbacks that best consider in advance. So, the minuses of joint bedrooms should include such facts.

  • Small family members at a certain time require the creation of silence, more relaxed atmosphere. As a rule, they fall asleep earlier parents, can later get up, they need a daily sleep. In these intervals, when placing a cot in the parent room, serious problems may arise with the provision of the required conditions. Such moments need to be considered primarily using only effective options for planning a joint residential premises.
  • If the Parental Bedroom Square is not highlighted by large sizes, then the idea to divide it into two zones may result in the fact that for the children's corner there will be a minimum of space. It makes it difficult to pass to any important subjects in the room, will make the interior too overloaded things and furniture, etc. without competent zoning of the space and the use of a minimum of functional furniture in this case can not do.

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Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_11

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_12

Options zoning

The correct organization of residential joint space is conjugate with the preliminary compilation of the layout of two zones. In this issue, such moments as the age of the baby, as well as the area of ​​the room, should be taken into account. To do this, it is necessary to pre-make a plan with such nuances.

  • Draw an exemplary project, given the placement of window and balcony openings in it, the entrance door and the way it is discovered.
  • Next, it is necessary to determine what way the division of the room will occur - along or across, and refer to where in this case there will be an entrance to the room, the window opening.
  • Color design of the common room will also be important in this matter. Therefore, options are thought out in advance with the prospect for several years. Otherwise, many decoration ideas can become irrelevant.
  • In some cases, setting the purpose of uniting two bedrooms, owners of housing will have to resort to serious redevelopment. It may be the transfer of the doorway, expansion or, on the contrary, reducing the size of the window opening, an increase in the area of ​​the room due to the balcony, etc.

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_13

Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_14

    To zonate the space, you can resort to a variety of ways. Separate the room on an adult and children's part, parents will have to choose from a large list of options, each of which has its own characteristics.

    Very often to divide the bedrooms resort to the placement of special decorative designs. , the manufacture of which is carried out according to individual standards and preferences. In addition to mobile variations used for zoning, you can resort to the installation of a stationary partition. Typically, such structures are mounted from drywall. They can have different sizes, design, color, etc.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_16

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_17

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_18

    A temporary option for separating space will serve a curtain or several products of this type. They can be made of different material density depending on the design of the room and the taste of the hosts.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_20

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_21

    Light and functional zoning variant will be shirma. Such models are made from various materials, including plastic, wood, textiles. What to divide the room on an adult and children's zone, you can use suspension structures and arches.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_23

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_24

    An alternative to the acquisition or installation of the above structures will be the use of already available furniture for separating one part of the room from another. For these purposes, a wardrobe, a rack with open shelves should be put in a certain place. etc.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_26

    Conditionally divide the space will be able to finish the room, using different color gamuts and materials.

    For spacious bedrooms there is an excellent zoning option that Provides the use of sliding doors inside the room . They can be transparent, in the form of mirrors, with inserts from various materials, deaf, etc. In addition to the Arch, some joint projects are zonied with a multi-level ceiling.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_28

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_29

    Features of registration

    It is worth highlighting a number of moments that it is worth considering when the room is cleaned in a residential room. First of all, it concerns the color palette of two zones. It is recommended for very little children to use calm shades that will not be weighting space. And also to make it visually smaller. As for the finishes, the preference in this issue should be given to simple ideas, without complex and taking structures, for example, on the ceiling or walls.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_31

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_32

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_33

    You can consider neutral options, in which case the zoning of the room can be made not so contrasting with clearly traceable boundaries.

    Lighting variations are an important nuance, small children will live together with adult family members. As for the upper light, it should be divided during the design of two zones. In addition to the main source of lighting, it is more correct to position a few more additional devices with inappropriate lighting - sconces, night lights, lamps.

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_34

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_35

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_36

    The next question will concern the area for the placement of a children's bedroom, as well as beds or sofas for adult family members. In this matter It is recommended to take into account the features of the ventilation of the room . If you put a playpen or a cot near the window, then in the winter months there may be unwanted temperatures with a closed or open window, as well as working heating devices.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_38

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_39

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_40

    The layout and design of the bedroom should be carried out taking into account the cultivation of the child. In order not to redo the arrangement of the room several times, it is worth considering the moments of placement of additional furniture in advance, such as a written table, cabinets, shelves, etc. The appropriate option in this case can become a multifunctional children's corner. This furniture is sold already in the finished form, in addition, it can be done independently, given the features of the room, the area and other unmarried bedroom nuances. Choosing a similar solution, it is worth understanding the main advantage of the corners that use the area allotted for them in three dimensions, which will be especially relevant for one-room apartments.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_42

    In the middle bedroom area, the size of which will be around 16 or 18 square meters. m, a corner with a bed at the top, a deepened table and a wardrobe will be released a lot of useful area.

    Recommendations of specialists

    In most cases, after dividing the room into two zones in one of them or immediately in several there will be a shortage of natural lighting, since the window, as a rule, there is only one in the bedroom. To make parents and children to fulfill their facilities in the room, it is worth considering zoning options where the window will be at the children's half , It is due to the need for good lighting for learning, performing school tasks and games. The main source of light can be located in the middle or on an adult half.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_44

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_45

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_46

    In each zone, additional lighting devices will be required.

    Considering the color palette, preference should be given to light shades. which visually expand even the smallest living space. However, if in an adult part you can use one-picture shades, for preschool children it is recommended to make several bright color accents. In priority yellow, green, blue or pink variations. With red or rich blue should be careful because they are able to influence the psyche, preventing relaxation.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_48

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_49

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_50

    It is allowed to use glossy surfaces at the design of furniture, walls and ceilings.

    Do not forget about textiles, which is inevitably present in any bedroom. It will be more correct to consider the options for lightweight curtains from translucent fabrics, which will add an atmosphere with a large number of ferric and ease furniture. Besides, The products made of lightweight fabrics are quite easier to care . Pillows, carpets and other products collecting dust and allergens must be at a minimum.

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    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_52

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_53

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_54

    Interesting examples

    Complete a bedroom with a nursery will succeed, zoning a bed with a wardrobe. The room where the minimum of functional furniture is present will look comfortably and simply, at the same time performing the role of two important rooms in the dwelling - adult bedroom and children's.

    Bedroom, combined with children's (57 photos): Room zoning subtleties, Parental bedroom interior with bedroom 9798_55

    You can zonify the useful living area in a room with a more adult child using a transparent partition, partially separating sleeping places, as well as various finishing options. In this version, the children's part of the room will remain as light as possible, while the adult part will not suffer from lack of lighting.

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    The easiest, but no less effective option for dividing the area of ​​one room into two parts can be the use of dense curtains. Products that harmonize with a common design will become an excellent decoration, as well as a functional product for zoning residential space.

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    In the next video, see how to combine the bedroom with a nursery.

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