Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior


Increasingly, in the interiors of modern living rooms, you can not meet bulky cabinets, but light designs in the form of various shelves and racks. This solution has a lot of advantages. In addition to functionality, they fit perfectly in any interior.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_2

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_3

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_4

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_5


Manufacturers offer a large selection of ready-made solutions for the living room. Refusal of classic walls in favor of such structures occurs for a number of good reasons.

  1. More free space. Classic walls occupy a lot of space. At the same time, they do not always look stylish and modern. The rack can be chosen by this size you need. This can be a single design or several tiers of shelves and outdoor open sections.
  2. Original and stylish. If you do not suit the finished solutions, you can make a rack to order. You can choose the desired style, size and filling.
  3. Zoning space. In addition to its main function - the placement of all necessary items, the rack is capable of concisely divide the space into several zones. This technique is often used decorators and designers.
  4. It's beautiful . Optionally, all shelves in the rack fill in books, dishes and other objects. If some of them leave almost empty and place there decorative elements or photo frames there, the interior will acquire a complete concise appearance.
  5. Functionality. Racks are usually much smaller in size than classic cabinets and walls. But they are able to accommodate everything you need. In the closed lower sections, underwear can be kept, and important documents and other little things will be comfortable in the roll-out boxes.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_6

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_7

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_8

Types of racks

The market shows racks of all sorts of forms, colors and sizes. But all of them can be divided into several major species.

Classic Stellazh

It is an outdoor design with open shelves. They can be of different sizes.

Also varies and the number of departments themselves. For ease of use, some sections can be closed. For example, take the kind of roll-out boxes or be simply closed by the doors from prying eyes.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_9

Shellage shelf

Modern technologies allow the invisible installation of such shelves. It seems that they hide in the air, as the mount is hidden. If you want to strengthen the feeling of "soar" shelves, you can use the backlight.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_10


If in a classic understanding, this is a rather bulky design, the use of racks in this capacity allows you to free the place and place all the necessary literature.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_11

Suspended structures

You can also classify racks for their purpose.

For example, the design can be intended exclusively for books or you can put the TV.

Some carry more decorative features, in others it is very convenient to store books and other documents and paper.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_12

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_13

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_14

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_15

Corner stellags

From classic racks differ only in their shape. Using such a design You can competently use all parts of the room. The angle most often remains unused, and when the corner rack is placed in it, the space will become decorated and functional.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_16

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_17

Zoning space

The living room very often performs several functions at once. The competent separation of space will help to allocate and maintain the unity of the room, while dragging the individual sections of the room under certain needs. Especially relevant, the zoning question is in the kitchen. In such premises, I do not want to build partitions, but it is necessary to separate the kitchen from the hall after all the same. The partition rack will be an excellent solution.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_18

The sections open on both sides will allow to preserve the unity of the room, but the desired zones are clearly allocated. In this case, it can be fully used to store various things and items.

In this case, the rack is located on the border of the kitchen and the living room. What length and height will be such an improvised partition, depends on the overall design of the room and your preferences. But in the usual living room, the rack can perform the role of a separating element. Depending on the existing zones, they can be separated by the working area (with a desk) from the recreation area or designate where the recreation area ends and the home library with a comfortable chair and an outdoor lamp begins.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_19

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_20

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_21

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_22

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_23

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_24

Stylistic solutions

It is not necessary to perceive the rack only as a way to place everything you need. Think over it. The leaders remain classic models made of wood. But this does not mean that this options end.

If you want to create a truly original design project, it is worth paying attention to the details. The rack can be performed absolutely in any style and design.

Therefore, you should not limit your fantasy and give preference to ordinary options. Imagine only part of the styles in which a regular rack can be performed.

  • Pop Art. In this case, he simply must be bright and catchy. Saturated colors and unexpected combinations - "chip" of this direction in design.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_25

  • Loft. In addition to its "business card" - a brick wall, is characterized by the presence of a bulky furniture made of natural wood. It is worth noting that the rack from this material will cost you much cheaper than the wardrobe. After all, there are no facades and rear walls.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_26

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_27

  • Minimalism. In this case, the weightless design with clear lines will only emphasize the minimalistic design. In order for the rack and dissolved at all in space, you can perform it in beige or white colors.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_28

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_29

  • Eco-style. It welcomes the use of natural environmentally friendly materials. The rack of light wood or decorated with bamboo will perfectly fit into such a living room.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_30

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_31

  • High-tech and industrial. In this case, the racks can be metallic or even cast-iron. Do not think that such structures are heavy and beware. Modern technologies allow you to make them light and stylish.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_32

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_33

Decor capabilities

We have already presented to you several ideas in what style you can perform a rack. But worth noting and The ability to give it various forms. In classical understanding is a design with rectangular open sections. But modern designers offer many nontrivial options. If the shelves are not strictly horizontally, but under the inclination, diamond-shaped cells are formed.

Optionally, all sections do so. It will be enough for several compartments in the middle of the rack.

Another solution may be disproportionate sections. For example, in one row they will have a minor height, and in the other to occupy a large space. List all possible options is impossible. Just awaken the artist in yourself and come up with your unique design.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_34


You can issue a rack not only in different styles and colors, but also use various materials for its production.

Chipboard and fiberboard

These materials have long been used for the manufacture of various furniture. Are no exceptions and racks. Chipboard and fiberboard allow you to imitate almost any natural material. It will cost cheaper than using natural wood. Different types of trees have a characteristic drawing and coloring. This fully reflects their copies. At the same time, in whatever gamma is not fulfilled your interior, you can find a suitable shade.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_35

The Dark Henge will emphasize the identity of the Mediterranean style, and the bright maple is suitable for living rooms in a modern or even romantic style.

If you have conceived to stylize the living room under the old days, then your choice is a gray-haired (or aged) oak. In addition to these options, it is possible to choose a chipboard, imitating stone, marble, bamboo, bark of wood or other material.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_36

Natural wood

This option looks more respectable and expensive than the previous one. But do not forget about a high price for such racks. Besides, Wood will require special care . It can swell at high humidity, to dispel and crack with its lack of.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_37


Optionally, racks should be wooden. In some interiors, metal options will look at the winning. Since the design has no walls, it will not clutch the space and impress the huge iron safe.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_38


Many are afraid of this material because of its fragility. Modern technologies allow you to make absolutely transparent glass, not inferior in its technical characteristics of plastic. But what is worth worrying, so it's about additional care.

Everyone knows that after any touch to glass or mirror, the imprint will remain. In addition, it can not be easy to wipe with a damp cloth, since in this case it is not possible to avoid divorces. But if you want exactly such an original design in your living room and ready to care for her, then this is an excellent option for the hall.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_39

Color spectrum

From the above material, it is absolutely clear that the rack can be made in any color. But still there are several main directions.

Bright hues

They do not clutter the room, understandable and concise.

Contrary to popular belief, it is precisely easier to care for the furniture of light tones. It is less noticeable dust and other minor pollution.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_40

Dark stellags

They are beautiful and organized the geometry of the entire space. Direct regular dark-color lines in the interior cannot remain unnoticed. But it is worth understanding that They should not exist in themselves, but be part of the overall composition.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_41

Bright colors

For bold and bold interiors, it is such unusual racks. Modern materials (film, plastic) allow you to make structures in absolutely any color. And if the manufacturers are rarely solved on such experiments, then when contacting a specialized firm, you will be offered a large color palette and shades.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_42

Beautiful examples in the interior

The rack in the color of Wenge looks very stylish. Wherein The various direction of the shelves only emphasize its uniqueness and originality.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_43

A glass rack does not block the space. Do not be afraid that it will break, organic tempered glass can withstand heavy loads and even strikes.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_44

A bright rack will task the whole room. Such a bright emphasis will tell about the cheerful and friendly temper of its owners and will configure to a positive way.

Racks in the living room (45 photos): racks in a modern style under TV and dishes, stylish corner racks and other options in the interior 9739_45

About how to make a stylish rack, look next.

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