Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples


Beautiful and durable sliding table in the room becomes interior decoration and is always ready to receive guests. Simple movement of an area can be increased by almost half. If the kitchen combined with living room, dining table performs the function. For daily use, it is applied in folded form.

Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_2

Advantages and disadvantages

It is impossible to imagine what can be replaced by a sliding or folding table at the time the guests arrive, especially living in the "Khrushchev". Such constructs have numerous advantages.

  1. Sliding table is useful in any transformation, it can be considered multifunctional.
  2. Some models are folded up almost no space, which is very important for small living rooms.
  3. Mechanisms unfolding today so easily available and do not require much effort.
  4. Wide range of models in style, color, configuration can satisfy the demand of any buyer.
  5. Price category depending on the material from which the table is made, and the size and brand. Big price run-up allows you to purchase a transformer to people with different capabilities of the budget.

Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_3

Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_4

Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_5

    Models Russian production function razdvizheniya strong and durable, deficiencies can have only makeshift, non-industrial options.

    Buy better produce in specialized stores with a certificate from the seller.

    Some users refer to the shortcomings of the possibility of folding.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_6


    Sliding table for the living room there are dining, journal and coffee.


    When closed, the table is a beautiful piece of furniture, can support the stylistic direction not only in appearance, but also the content of the decor. On the table, put a vase of flowers, photos in a stylized framework, candlesticks and statues. Directions Provence and Shabby chic well designated bleached or embroidered tablecloths handmade. When folded, the dining table can enjoy a family of four, and if it is disassembled, the design capacity will increase up to 8-12 persons.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_7

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_8

    Coffee and coffee

    Externally, the specific differences between the two species can not see, coffee models are only slightly higher and decorative. Difference beautiful compact table is the appointment. On the coffee table is convenient to put a book, a newspaper, desk, phone, put a desk lamp. Miniature coffee table holds a coffee pot, a vase with sweets and a cup of coffee. If the compact products decompose, at least three people can have breakfast with them.

    Mechanisms for moving apart the large and small tops similar to each other.

    Tell them a little later. In addition to destination, tables are divided into form, design and material.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_9

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_10

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_11

    Types of structures

    Structurally sliding tables are less diverse than, for example, folding, but their mechanism is simple and understandable.

    • To decompose the table, you need to push two halves to the sides, the additional section is found in the center, which leaves and stacked into the resulting space.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_12

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_13

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_14

    • In some models, the central part of the table is divided into two halves. Sliding the table, the additional section manually lay out as a book.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_15

    • There are structures with a rather thick countertop, which means that it is folded in half. To enlarge the table twice, you need to pull the legs on the one hand, lifting the frame. The table top should be deployed, reveal and put in the prepared framework.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_16

    • Gybrid transformers have an innovative unique decay mechanism. It is worth pulling on a round, separated by the countertop segments, hidden "petals" will rise and put it, expanding its surface.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_17

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_18


    You can increase the countertop not only the square table, and other geometric farms are also suitable for the sliding mechanism.


    Square is a convenient and advantageous form. It will organically enter the corner and will look good at the straight wall, without taking extra centimeters, as it happens with rounded surfaces. Besides, Over the square table, it is convenient to dine, everyone takes his side that you do not need to share with anyone.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_19

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_20


    For interiors, the rectangle is the most natural form, since in most cases it repeats the geometry of the room. Even in folded form, the rectangular table can be seated more than the guests than per square.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_21


    This form is good for square living rooms, moreover, the round table can be appropriate in the center of the room and is not suitable for accommodation at the wall. The shape of the circle makes the countertop aristocratically elegant and rich. Beautiful tablecloth and vase with flowers will revitalize and decorate the interior of the living room. Decaying, the round table top turns into an oval and can take more guests than the same area is a rectangular model, since Smoothed angles allow, if necessary, to take a person for them. Guests sitting in a circle seem to see each other that It has to pleasant communication.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_22


    The oval table when adding an additional section in the center, takes the shape of an extended oval. Capturing guests around the table, Each one should leave from 60 to 80 cm of free space. Countertops with rounded corners are comfortable in families with moving children, as they are less traumatic.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_23

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_24


    Sliding tables in the living room in most cases produce from MDF or chipboard, richer options - from the wood array. Journal models are often manufactured from tempered glass. Apply other materials in the manufacture of sliding tables, we will tell about each of them in more detail.


    The Millenniums tree was used to create furniture. This is an environmentally friendly natural material, it is easy to work with it, products can be decorated with curved threads. Wooden furniture is considered universal, it suits almost all interiors.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_25

    MDF, chipboard

    Wood-chip plates are much cheaper than wood, but thanks to a thin veneer, which are covered, you can get an excellent imitation of any variety of wood up to exotic. A large selection of color and a pattern that repeats the cut cut, allows you to pick up a table to any living room design, and the affordable price is significantly expanding the circle of consumers.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_26


    Dining tables are infrequently produced with a glass countertop, but the coffee or journal with the function of sprinkling in the living rooms are found. Especially they are important for interiors in style Fusion, minimalism, high-tech, modern.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_27

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_28


    Chrome metal prefer the same styles that are listed in the description of glass products. There is also a wrought iron with beautiful openwork elements, it is used to create Gothic and country (country) styles. Models from copper, brass and bronze are used in directions Retro, oriental, colonial, any historical. From the metal you can create beautiful, strong and durable products.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_29

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_30

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_31


    Modern material with a large selection of drawings and colors. Tables have a variety of shape and texture, but it is unlikely to be a decoration of the living room in an apartment, a house. They are often used as dacha furniture.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_32


    The table in the living room is always in sight, it has aesthetic and functional importance, and the choice should be taken seriously. When buying, you need to take into account a number of moments.

    • Choosing a table in the living room, first of all decide for himself its purpose. If the product is needed as a backup option and will be used only for receiving guests, you should choose furniture with a minimum table top folded and maximum - in the unfolded. By purchasing a dining group for everyday use, the size of the countertop is calculated for each family member. A disassembled table will be used to receive guests. In the tiny living room, the hosts prefer to install magazine tables with the surface of the surface sliding.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_33

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_34

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_35

    • Before purchase, choose and measure the place, while the state of the table is taken into account in the unfolded form. For a magazine or coffee table, it is not necessary to leave a large space, in folded form it can be squeezed literally in common.

    If you need to increase the worktop, the slight model is rearranged in any comfortable living room.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_36

    • Pay attention to the sliding mechanism, it needs to be simple and easy to perform

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_37

    • The functionality of the model is important, the countertop can have a different area added by shelves or boxes.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_38

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_39

    • Be sure to pay attention to the material, color and style of the product - they must fit the living room design.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_40

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_41

    • When buying, you need to examine the table on the quality of the assembly. You can familiarize yourself with the certificate, since some models from chipboard have a sharp smell. In the accompanying documents, there is a degree of toxicity of adhesive impregnation of a wood-chip base.

    Perhaps you have to overpay a little and buy a product from a safer material - MDF.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_42

    • If we are talking about dining table, it is more convenient to acquire it complete with chairs. Furniture collected separately, can create a disharmony in the interior of the living room.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_43

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_44

    Beautiful examples

    A large number of types of sliding tables makes it difficult to choose. To help stop at one, best, we give examples of unique, beautiful, functional tables.

    • The standard coffee table in an enlarged view looks unusual. It consists of different sections and is convenient for use by people sitting from different sides.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_45

    • Stylish sliding table for modern interiors.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_46

    • The basis of this unusual table is taken a sliding system based on the central attachment and rotation of the countertop.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_47

    • Spectacular respectable sliding table in neoclassicism style.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_48

    • Round glass table is spread out by a non-standard way. Ideal for minimalist interior in black and white tones.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_49

    • Convenient sliding design, assembled almost does not occupy a place in the living room.

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_50

    Extendable table for living: tips for choosing the oval and round the large dining table. Overview beautiful, modern tables of Russian production. Interesting examples 9732_51

      The table in the living room is able to organize a holiday in the house, combine everyone around him, and everyday life decorate with spectacular appearance.

      About how quickly and easily change the space using sliding tables - transformers, see below.


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