Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems


Each person seeks to create in his home unique and beautiful interior. Separate attention deserves the arrangement of the living room. Currently, modular furniture is often used for its design. Today we will talk about what kind of furniture items can be placed in this area and how to do it right.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_2

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_3

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_4

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_5

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_6

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_7


Increasingly, universal objects of modular furniture appear in the interiors of apartments. They allow to significantly save space space. As a rule, these designs differ in small dimensions, while they are pretty spacious.

Such models allow Maximum competently distribute the space in the living room and organize a sleeping and workplace. You can collect similar designs in almost any order, which greatly simplifies their installation and repair. Each separate item is independent of the other elements.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_8

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_9

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_10

Modern modular designs often consist immediately of several elements (table, dressers, shelves, secret steers, pencils). Such components can be combined in various versions. At any time, such furniture can be easily rearranged or removed at all.

Currently, modular designs are made of various colors and from a variety of materials.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_11

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_12

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_13

Advantages and disadvantages

Modular furniture for the living room has a number of important advantages.

  • Mobility and compactness . Modular products can easily be rearranged from one place to another, remove extra details, replace them with new ones. In addition, they possess small dimensions, which makes it possible to have them even in small rooms.
  • Ability to create combinations . Modular parts can be connected in a different order. Thus, from individual items, you can create a working area, a place for a TV, recreation or storage of books. They must be performed in the same style, but visually separated from each other.
  • Universality. With the help of new additional compartments and shelves, you can completely update the interior of the living room. Small modular chairs will be able to dilute style.
  • Capacity . Despite the fact that such furniture kits do not differ in large dimensions, they can accommodate a large number of items.
  • Aesthetics . Similar furniture systems look in the interiors as neat as possible and elegant, they will not be able to spoil the design of the living room too cumbersome and ridiculous elements.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_14

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_15

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_16

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_17

Despite all the advantages, modular designs have some drawbacks.

  • Often there is no decor. Most of the modular sections are produced without decorations and decorative elements. In the manufacture of such furniture, manufacturers prefer minimalistic modern design.
  • Simplicity. This disadvantage does not allow to create a unique design in the interior.
  • For installation, smooth walls are needed. If the surfaces even have small irregularities, then it will be difficult for you to install the product when joints of individual details.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_18

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_19

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_20

Review of species

Today in furniture stores you can find a large number of modern modular designs for living room design:

  • stands;
  • shelves;
  • Stands for living colors;
  • racks;
  • Banquette;
  • Dressers;
  • Retractable boxes.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_21

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_22

Often in the outlets you can see entire modular systems consisting of several items. Most often, such options are placed in the TV zone. Also a popular model is a straight design for the living room. It includes several straight and high spacious cabinets of one level with the wall.

But when choosing such a model, you should take into account the height of the ceilings in the room.

Such options are considered an excellent option for a small studio apartment. Most often they surround the central racks and the TV zone. Sometimes there are a separate workplace in such systems. They can also include roll-out or folding tables.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_23

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_24

Another popular view are Systems-Gorki . Such structures allow you to use compartments of different heights, each of them is intended for its specific functions.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_25

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_26

Many in the design of living rooms use Corner modular designs. They are considered a budget option for non-standard furniture. Such systems often close "dead zones" indoors.

But these items should be accurately placed in rooms with two window openings or non-standard layout.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_27

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_28

Currently produced and Modular sofas. Often, the functional mini-chairs protrude as such elements. The mini-wall under the TV is also considered an interesting and beautiful option for decoring living rooms.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_29

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_30


For the manufacture of modular kits, a variety of materials are used. Popular is Natural wood . There are glazed options in exotic design. Currently release Surfaces and leather.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_31

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_32

Often, such furniture is created from MDF and LDSP. At the same time, they are pre-thoroughly treated and covered with a special varnish. In addition, they can be used Glass bases and transparent plastic.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_33

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_34

Best manufacturers

To date, there are a large number of manufacturers of modular designs for living rooms.

  • Furniture factory "Shatura". This manufacturer makes a popular "British" a popular among consumers. It includes courses with two drawers and an open department, a compartment-penalty, a hinged cabinet with two shelves. Also, this factory produces the design of "Athena" and "Roven", consisting of a mounted module, two cabinets and a large stand.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_35

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_36

  • Furniture Factory "Interior Center" . She produces the "March" set. It can be two main colors: white oak and plum. In total, there are seven variants of such systems that differ from each other with dimensions, the number of cabinets with shelves. Also, separations can be glazed, open or deaf.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_37

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_38

  • Firm "Ronicon". This manufacturer creates the "Color Comfort" kit. It is a spacious section with a variety of small departments, a niche for a TV and a bed. The company also produces the design "Lime" - this is the furniture of the angular type, decorated in white and black color, diluted with the color of Lyme.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_39

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_40

  • The company "MST Furniture". This manufacturer sells a modular set "Adele". It is characterized by glazed doors and beautiful photo printing on the surface of the module. The company also produces the Juliet system, which is decorated in black and white colors.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_41

  • Firm "Evita". It produces modular section "Renata". They are created in classic black and white colors. The facades of the module are made up with thin white patterns.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_42

  • Firm "Interdesign". She produces Yoko's design. They include 20 small roomy compartments. As a rule, they have a beautiful backlight.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_43

  • BRW factory. It specializes in the release of the Somatic series, which are distinguished by a bright contrasting, but elegant design.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_44

  • Factory "Borovichi-Furniture" . This manufacturer releases the Solo kit. It consists of a small couch, two cabinets, several attached shelves.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_45

Styles of decoration

Today, designers offer a variety of seating areas with modular furniture designs. When creating the interior, special attention should be paid to the color scheme of the details.

An interesting option will be Sets with contrasting shades that are combined with black, milk or white color.

A wide variety of colors makes it possible to combine individual elements among themselves in almost any order.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_46

Modern and beautiful in the living rooms will look Models with wooden surfaces of different shades and glazed doors . Often the doors are additionally decorated with small drawings or patterns.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_47

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_48

If you want to arrange a room in style Minimalism or High Tech then then you should choose modular Sets with built-in hidden departments ("spies"). Facades are better to choose with matte or lacquered surfaces. It is interesting to look at completely transparent glass elements.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_49

Bold but interesting option for high-tech style will be completely Black furniture systems. Often such models are made of black wood. In order for the product to be too gloomy, glass elements, glossy large surfaces or metal parts add to it.

An excellent option will be mirrors built into the section. You can use several such objects at once.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_50

When making such styles will be able to approach and Black and white structures made of multiple cabinets of different heights . They may include a separate place to accommodate the TV. To dilute a little interior, you can buy products with light illumination or with small contour drawings.

Beautifully look and designs, fully made from treated wood with hidden offices. Such products can be diluted with glossy black surfaces or metal components.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_51

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_52

Glossy modules Excellent will be combined with large mirror surfaces. Also, such elements can be combined with metal parts.

Excellent option will be Placing LED tapes in modular cabinets. Often they are mounted in the glass doors of the offices.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_53

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_54

How to choose?

When buying modular furniture it is worth paying attention to some things. So, Be sure to take into account the color gamut of structures: it must be combined with the style of the room and with the intended color solving.

Often consumers choose entire furniture designs. They are manufactured by individual order. They fully correspond to the planned room design. As a rule, they are made from elite wood varieties. Similar options are made for complex and unusual interiors.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_55

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_56

Also consider the metrar of the living room. In small rooms, the best option will be corner cabinets that will help to significantly save space.

The angular structures are quite spacious, and they look compact. This option allows you to use the angle in the living room as rationally.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_57

Be sure to pay attention to the height of the racks. They should not only fit in the room, but also gently look in the overall interior of the room. Also, do not forget that along with large elements, the modules must include and smaller parts so that the product looks beautiful and interesting.

If you select individual sections from which a single modular system will be created, then you should select models made of identical materials and having the same coloring. Otherwise, the furniture will not be able to fit into the interior - it will become ridiculous and ugly.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_58

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_59

In this case, there are cases when materials are combined with each other to dilute the style. So, an excellent option can be a system that includes wooden branches and a small table with a glass table top. But the legs of the table must be made of the same material as the cabinets. A good option will be setting several transparent shelves..

Consider the cost of sets. Today in stores you can find excellent economy-class options. At the same time, they will not look in the living room too boring, because such furniture items are specially manufactured with small decorative details.

If you want to combine the TV zone with the module itself, then you need to choose models in which the TV is provided in advance to accommodate the TV. Often manufacturers make low headsets with place for equipment. At the same time, several large roomy shelves for storing or individual boxes are mounted on top, not connected to the rest of the furniture.

Modular furniture in a contemporary style for the living room (60 photos): Select modules for the living room in the TV area, shelves and other modular systems 9725_60

Review of modular furniture for the living room, see the next video.

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