Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy?


The design of the hall in the apartment is extremely important. Just on this room, members of the family are at first, and family members are judged. It's time to deal with this topic as it should and exclude a different kind of mistakes that usually allow the owners.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_2

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_3

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_4

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_5

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_6

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_7


The conversation about the design features of the hall in the apartment is appropriate to start with the study of its overall varieties. In a large space, you can take a variety of features, without risking to face negative consequences. But on a small area you have to do much more carefully.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_8

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_9

But in both cases, whether in an ordinary city apartment or in a private house, the final goals of the design work will always be alone and the same. Only practical techniques and main approaches differ.

In the living room, even the most modest sizes can not be limited when selecting color compositions and decorative elements. It is quite possible to ensure optimal conditions for all living in the house, but the interior overload is unacceptable. For visual adjustment of insufficient area, you can use maximum lamps. If there is little visual correction, the layout layout is applied with a balcony, that is, these two rooms are combined.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_10

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_11

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_12

IMPORTANT: This work is done only after consulting with professionals and attentive study of the house documentation. In modern halls, a functional, concisely looking atmosphere should be created.

In addition, you need to strive for:

  • comfort for all family members;
  • lack of problems with cleaning and cosmetic repair;
  • The exclusion of screaming and too aggressive decisions.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_13

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_14

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_15

The choice of a specific design option can be done only when there is a clear answer to the question: who will use the housing. Single people aged 50 and young families with children and pets impose completely different requirements for it. An adequate formulation solution always looks easily and unobtrusively. It is recommended to clarify the space on zones as possible with a specific circle of functions. Now let's see how the specific area of ​​the room affects these general principles.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_16

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_17

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_18

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_19

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_20

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_21

Consider the size

In the living room area of ​​14 square meters. M will fail to use panoramic windows and put the fireplace. However, this does not mean that the tenants of the old construction apartments cannot take advantage of modern design. They just have to look for a compromise between their aspirations and objective restrictions.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_22

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_23

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_24

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_25

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_26

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_27

In a similar way, by the way, you can solve the challenge of the living room of 12 square meters. m in an old one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartment.

The lack of natural light is corrected by adding electrical lamps. They should not be excessively much, it is important to clearly think out the location of each light source. You can apply:

  • chandeliers;
  • Modern ceiling lamps;
  • the highlight of the perimeter;
  • Desktop or put on the floor lamp.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_28

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_29

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_30

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_31

Other efficient use of the space expansion are mirrors. They are mounted near the doors or occupy a certain part of the walls. We contribute to visual expansion, undoubtedly, light cold tones in the design of the walls and the ceiling. Floors in a room of 12 or 14 square meters. M most often have comfortable natural colors. As for the furniture, compactness, practicality is very important for it.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_32

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_33

It is unacceptable to use the furniture in which there is no direct need. Almost always refuse cabinets. If they are still used, then the most compact options with mirrored doors are chosen. Otherwise, they come when the area of ​​the living room is 22 square meters. m. On such an area, 2 or 3 sleeping areas can be organized and even use the remaining space for a multifunctional guest zone with thoughtful storage of things.

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_34

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_35

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_36

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_37

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_38

Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_39

It is possible to achieve such a result, even without dismantling the bearing walls, simply zoning the space on a clear scheme.

For the most complete use of the area, the built-in furniture is advised. Lighting is clearly broken down by zones so that each of them do not interfere with other people. But now you need to return to the seating area of ​​12 square meters. M (or 13 square meters. m - the difference is small).

    On such an area, it is quite possible to realize your intentions and embody almost any designer direction. Visual expansion is achieved with:

    • bright finishing materials;
    • stretch ceilings with glossy tide;
    • proper selection of drawings on the wallpaper;
    • abandoning walls and large cabinets.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_40

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_41

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_42

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_43

    Workers and leisure zones are mainly performed in a single style. Sharp transitions are unacceptable. Although it is not necessary to use only one color, you need to choose a homogeneous color gamut.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_44

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_45

    When adding color accents, it is impossible to ignore the proportions. It is worth thinking how gracefully beat partitions.

    You can do this with help:

    • Bar racks;
    • dining tables surrounded by chairs;
    • decorative columns;
    • lighted panels;
    • Stands for flowers and other similar solutions.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_46

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_47

    About how to equip a small-sized apartment, see the next video.

    Now consider how to make a room from 18 to 20 square meters. m. The living room of this size must necessarily have a well-thought out ceiling. One correctly implemented ceiling system immediately changes the visual perception of space. It will seem spacious and luxurious than it really is. It is very important to think about the ratio of light and shadow, about normal lighting. An illiterate application of it on such an area very often provokes the appearance of sad interiors.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_48

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_49

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_50

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_51

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_52

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_53

    Many designers believe that in the seating area of ​​18-20 m² you can forget about clear plans and programs. They recommend placing furniture "on the Nativity", pushing away from comfort and personal opinion. It is advisable to apply beige tones. The use of paintings, interior luminaires and a variety of decoration is welcome.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_54

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_55

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_56

    But there should be no such elements unnecessarily a lot, otherwise the impression will be hopelessly spoiled.

    Experienced designers are recommended in the seating area of ​​17-20 square meters. M each surface decorate stages, starting from the ceiling. In decoration, unconditional emphasis is placed on the brightest coloring. Wall covering should be focused on visual expansion of the room. The floor is also covered with light coating, ideally the natural tree is played (if the budget does not allow it to be used in its pure form). When it is not possible to make overhaul, the following requirements are presented to the living room:

    • Equipping open racks and small magazine tables;
    • preference for transforming furniture;
    • Selection of modernist or ultra-modern styles;
    • changing opening doors to sliding;
    • The presence of an open window opening (with simultaneous filling with its light).

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_57

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_58

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_59

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_60

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_61

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_62

    Now let's see what the lucky ones who got a living room with an area of ​​25 square meters. m. Different zones can be highlighted in this room:

    • canteen;
    • study;
    • Corner for rest;
    • Personal library and number of other options.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_63

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_64

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_65

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_66

    The landmarks are the lifestyle, the needs and tastes of the people themselves. It is worth noting that it is more complicated for a narrow room for a narrow room of a 25 m², than for a square living room. It is necessarily taken into account natural lighting, in accordance with which the dominant color range and the need for lamps are determined. Living room style 25 square meters. m can be any, pick it up strictly individually.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_67

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_68

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_69

    The features of the stylistics are the same as in the rooms of another size.

    Finally, it is worth considering the living room of 30 square meters. m. In such a room, you can realize a variety of intentions, including all original. However, it will have to act very clearly and thoughtfully, seeking a harmonious combination of comfort, functionality and stylish appearance. It is strictly unacceptable to allow the appearance of emptiness and deviations from the main stylist.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_70

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_71

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_72

    Alca or deep niche can be used to accommodate built-in furniture. Since the extensive guest room excludes the appearance of corridors, Chulanov, will have to provide special storage zones. In one-room apartment, it will be necessary to add kitchen, sleeping and dining area to the hall. Therefore, it is impossible to do without a powerful hood. Household appliances should be the most silent, and an important requirement for materials of all surfaces will be easy cleaning.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_73

    Otherwise, dirt and fat propagating from a kitchen corner will be a serious problem.

    How to zonate?

    Zoning the hall in the apartment is necessarily different only his role. In a small room, the zones are isolated for the maximum functional use of limited space. If the territory is very large, separation to the plots allows you to avoid too monotonous impression. In most cases, 2 zones are isolated. The division of 3 plots is much less common, and the allocation of 4 and more fragments is practiced in isolated cases.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_74

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_75

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_76

    For distribution to zones, corner headsets can be applied. Such a solution is recommended for separating kitchen and guest zones. The root side of the headset is painted in the same tone as the walls, or glue the wallpaper. But much more often use for the kitchen separation from the Bar Rack. Most often, the breakfast table is used in designer purposes, and in practical quality.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_77

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_78

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_79

    If there is no desire to mount anything, you can resort to the separation of color contrasts. The kitchen segment is trying to make lighter, and the guest is painted brighter. This step will help visually increase the space and cope with closeness even on the area of ​​18 m². When the living room and dining room merges in the apartment with a small kitchen, use the composition of the dining table and chairs for zoning.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_80

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_81

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_82

    At the same time, the advantage will be the creation of opportunities for comfortable leisure.

    From other items suitable for separation in this case, you can call:

    • light racks from transparent materials;
    • Aquariums;
    • Dressers.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_83

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_84

    When the living room is 20 square meters. m and more combine with the sleeping area, there will be quite a lot of opportunities for zoning. The physical department is achieved by using curtains from various matter. Along with conventional tissues, light tulle can be applied. The choice largely depends on the surrounding interior. But it is worth mentioning about another way of separating the sleeping and living area: installation of a double-sided shelving.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_85

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_86

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_87

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_88

    In one part of the room, it will become a book shelf, and in another - a simplified wardrobe. The separation with the help of glass partitions is considered a modern and stylish option. However, it is possible to guarantee a cozy atmosphere only by combining them from:

    • curtains;
    • folding shirms;
    • racks.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_89

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_90

    The hall can be combined with children. But in this case, you will have to think where toys will be located, and where the playing area itself will be located. Both of these sites should be clearly separated from the guest space. In relatively large (from 20 square meters) rooms, the separation of zones is achieved by partitions. This capacity uses curtains or spreading doors.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_91

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_92

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_93

    The easiest option is the separation of the cabin corner. But it should be approaching thoughtfully. The design of the working area occurs most often in the corner at the window, where they put the desktop and chair. Increase the withdrawal of this place, you can install light racks or partitions, high racks with flowers.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_94

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_95

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_96

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_97

    A sliding door can be installed in the partition.

    Style solutions

    Decide with the style of interior design in the hall is very important. At least once a day there will have to be there. In most cases, the living room is visited even more often. That's why Preferences need to be given solutions with a relaxed atmosphere and comfortable furniture . The vintage and unnecessary avant-garde compositions are equally unacceptable.

    • Recently enjoys recently Fusion . It implies a harmonic combination of heterogeneous styles. The characteristic feature of Fusion is also the elegance of design. Animal skins can be combined, masks from various ethnic traditions and sophisticated elements. But we must not forget that expressive details should not disturb the overall harmony or create a contradictory feeling.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_98

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_99

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_100

    We have to put up and so that the situation in the spirit of Fusion is created quite difficult. Only prepared people with a subtle aesthetic taste can implement this program. It is enough to make a single oversight, and as a result, the next absolutely tasteless room will appear. The seeming chaos is hiding a very complex and sophisticated system.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_101

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_102

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_103

    Communication between individual elements is sometimes caught.

    • Another attractive modern style of the apartment hall is Loft. Everyone knows that it is characterized by the use of coarse unwitched walls, but there are other features. Plots in the living room are made up of heterogeneous tones. Typically, the sleeping area makes darker. Bright paints are used for dinner corner.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_104

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_105

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_106

    The floor is allowed to decorate with wood materials or covering the carpet. The ceiling in the room decorated in the spirit of Loft must be painted in the same way as the walls. This solution will ensure the completion of the interior. It is recommended to use for a bedroom bed zone with wrought-iron details. Disarming functional parts of the room usually try to book racks, often supplemented with antique decor.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_107

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_108

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_109

    Living room with office in the spirit of Loft can fill:

    1. books on the shelves;
    2. statuette;
    3. Collections souvenirs.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_110

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_111

    For decorating rooms in the spirit of Loft, carpets and other elements that meet the personal taste are used. Another indispensable feature of this style is the use of as many advanced techniques as possible.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_112

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_113

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_114

    Plasma TV with large screen diagonal is quite appropriate.

    • With regard to the popular situation of minimalism, it is recommended to focus on such features:
    1. products and decorative elements with the highest colors;
    2. Use just looking accessories;
    3. geometric correctness of individual elements;
    4. Design of furniture in purely natural colors.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_115

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_116

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_117

    Curtains in a minimalist living room are selected only those that do not contain any patterns or visual decorations. Only a strict concise canvas will fully comply with the formed canon. Flax, cotton, light cheese will be a practically optimal choice.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_118

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_119

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_120

    • Looks like minimalism and style High-tech. However, in this embodiment, more sparkling metal surfaces and other catchy elements are used, if only they emphasized the technological perfection.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_121

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_122

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_123

    Materials and colors

    Practically impeccable way to finish the hall - the use of wallpaper. They are not inferior even to the most modern materials. Wide distribution received design options using wallpaper combinations. It is optional to combine exactly different types: sometimes the difference is expressed in color or used ornament. If photo wallpapers are used, it is necessary to allocate one wall, which should not be overlapped with furniture or other decorative details.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_124

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_125

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_126

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_127

    But it is possible to place a hall with paint. It is not appreciated not more difficult than wallpaper, while even more profitable in terms of saving a useful place. The paint may have the shade that is given to it when sheltering, while the color of the wallpaper is immediately given in production. High resistance paintwork is very valuable for owners of the house, where there are small children.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_128

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_129

    And if the coating is damaged, it will be not too expensive to update it.

    An attractive solution is to use an accent painted wall, which is capable of increasing the overall scope. When choosing paint should be guided not only by the dimensions and stylistic orientation of the room, but also its position in relation to the parties of light. Light, the more bright light colors are recommended to use to expand space. It is also necessary to take into account, however, that under the paint you need to prepare an extremely smooth work surface. This is especially important when creating glossy coatings.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_130

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_131

    Cold and plasterboard are considerably popular. Wall-covered walls look very attractive and create a favorable impression. For the greatest savings, it is recommended to use pine-based lining. But this decision is not suitable if the kitchen area is highlighted in the living room. Pine fibers poorly carry moisturizing and strong heating.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_132

    As for coloring, the dark colors should be approached as carefully and thoughtfully. What looks attractive in the photo will not always be perceived in real life. Designers are also cautioned from hobbies red when designing rooms. If windows come to the West or north-east, it is advisable to apply tone from beige, cream or honey palette.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_133

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_134

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_135

    Such colors will make the room optimistic.

    Beige color is considered universal and suitable for almost any stylistry. He adds comfort. Gray color is better suitable for living rooms in the spirit of Loft, Modern. But in the classic environment, it is quite appropriate. You can seek other colors:

    • lilac;
    • blue;
    • white;
    • green;
    • Yellow.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_136

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_137

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_138

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_139

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_140

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_141

    Selection of furniture and curtains

    The situation in the living room depends not only from style and color, but also from the furniture used. The optimal composition includes:

    • sofa;
    • pouf;
    • chairs;
    • chairs;
    • TV stand;
    • coffee table;
    • Modular set of racks, walls, shelves and boxes.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_142

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_143

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_144

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_145

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_146

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_147

    To properly equip the hall, you need to think about the dimensions of the upholstered furniture. In a small space, you can use only double sofas. Only with a significant area you can put the stuff and chairs. Modular sofa structures are recommended for medium-sized rooms. They can be placed in different angles of the room.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_148

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_149

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_150

    A good choice is the combination of a pair of small double sofas. In the smallest rooms there are 1 sofa and a couple of chairs. The back side of the upholstered furniture in the living room should not have coarse seams and plywood parts. As for the walls, the use of modern models is quite pleasant.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_151

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_152

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_153

    They are significantly improved compared to previous samples, which were produced until 1985.

    It is necessary to know not only about furniture, but also about the curtains that should be used in the hall. For the northern windows, they advise the use of canvas from organza. For a visual increase in the height of the ceiling, it is recommended to apply matter with vertical patterns. To expand the room, a horizontal pattern is suitable.

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    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_155

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_156


    In the living room, as in other rooms, allocate general and local lighting. Those parts of the room that should be made above will be covered as efficiently as possible. It is necessary to take into account the color of the lamps. Blue and blue tones soothe away, but in such light items may not look too pleasant. Where to use green lamps more correctly.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_157

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_158

    Red lighting contradictory. Light shades contribute to a positive attitude and concentrate attention. But the dark options will only create a feeling of anxious uncertainty. Of course, the naturally lit the hall, the better. "Naturalness" is expressed in the fact that the illumination should decrease as the extension from higher to lower tiers.

    The ceiling, like the sky, is highlighted as much as possible. The walls are weaker, and the floor does not need special lights at all. It is categorically unacceptable to use very bright, "blinding" lamps.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_159

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_160

    It is recommended to give preference to models with manual or automatic regulation. And another advice - the most organic lighting structure is created when it is in the light temperature corresponds to the distribution of the tones in the room.

    Decorative elements

    Decor is the last in the list (but not in importance) the design element. Classic is the use of paintings and posters. You can get rid of the events of their perception, if you carefully pick up the style and color of the images. No less attractive option is the use of photographs.

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    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_162

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_163

    The choice of the frame is not less significant than the selection of a suitable image.

    In recent years, the Renaissance is experiencing such a decoration of the walls of the hall as embroidery. It will be especially relevant in the interior, where there are other things made by the things. In Country atmosphere, it is recommended to use porcelain plates. So that they look individually, buy blanks, and then paint their homes. Hanging plates with flowers recommend using Shebbi-Chic stylistics.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_164

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_165

    Beautiful ideas

    • If you need to place a hall in the apartment simply and without excesses, it is worth seeing to this photo. Light yellow floor, diluted only with a light carpet, looks very attractive. White sofa and slightly darker pillows on it do not create any drawing complaints. The noble wall color interrupted only by dark yellow curtains, adds charm. The plant in the frame and the objects grouped along one wall perfectly complete the composition.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_166

    • The alternative is presented here. Thanks to the use of relatively low table, the space is not climbing, the prospect is fully open. Gray walls and wood floor form a very attractive contrast. The original furniture composition, placed close to the wall, makes the room even more interesting. It is impossible not to note, of course, the abundance of sunlight.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_167

    • And this room clearly refutes the opinion that the red-black space will look too defiantly. Due to the competent introduction of accessories and painting one of the walls in a dark gray color, it is possible to eliminate all negative effects. The decorative items and chairs of the original form are not rushing immediately into the eyes, but accurately attract attention. A pair of equally located suspended chandeliers looks in this composition is quite appropriate. And even tearing gray monolith walls The light woody door does not produce alien impression.

    Design Hall in the apartment (168 photos): nuances of interior interior of living rooms. How to make a hall in a regular apartment beautiful and easy? 9682_168

    On budget repairs and design hall in the apartment, see the video below.

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