Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior


On what color the room is decided, the attitude towards it is depeted: whether it is pleasant, whether it is comfortable in it, I want to stay longer or, on the contrary, to escape.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_2

Turquoise is one of the latest and fashionable trends in interior design. Especially often this tone is used to decorate the living rooms. Traditionally, these rooms are taken neutral: beige, dairy, white, light coffee. Such rooms add peace of mind and pacification. However, for refreshing emotions and feelings, the originality needs bright color accents, and the turquoise in this situation is perfect.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_3

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_4

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_5

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_6

This tone is not sharp, does not hit the eyes, but it is rather saturated to be called neutral and remain imperceptible.

Color shades

Do not think about turquoise, as the only tone, the gamma of his subtocks is quite extensive. You can select several basic.

  • Heavenly. This is a clean and bright shade, giving energy, cheerfulness. As the basis of the interior is too saturated, and as an accent is ideal. The most effectively in the living room will look at the textile of the sky-blue color - curtains, pillowcases of sofa pillows, decorative capes on the armchairs.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_7

  • Blue blue "This tone is significantly deeper than the previous one and unlike him configures on a calm way." It is suitable for the design of the walls - both with wallpaper and paint. If the walls are decided to leave in neutral colors, the blue-blue will be good for the upholstery of sofas and seats, as well as on the floor - whether it is a carpet or tile, or on the windows as a curtain.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_8

  • Green blue. This is a very brave color, it is not for indecisive. Ideal for the creation of bright color "spots", can act as a solo as a companion to a neutral interior, and to be combined with other bright colors - for example, canary, ecru, or orange.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_9


Since turquoise is a color that simultaneously gives calm is unnecessarily active, and it is beyond those who bored, it is quite versatile. Symbulating himself generosity, creativity, healing and love, it eliminates depressive states, borneless fears, anxiety.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_10

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_11

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_12

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_13

Restrictions in style solutions turquoise has no. She can act as the basis of the entire design, and be an additional color, and then altogether to arrange bright accents. With their help, you can "stir" any of the most boring interior. First of all, because associations with turquoise - sea, beach, vacation, harmony.

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_14

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_15

Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_16

In such a situation, the mood rises steadily, and the thoughts are moving in the direction of positive by themselves.

    But the most frequent and successful combinations with turquoise in the living rooms.

    • White. This is a classic combination, simultaneously simple and luxurious. If there is not enough sun in the room, you can use it with yellow, mustard or lemon accents. Equally spectacular as turquoise as the basis of design, and white is accent and vice versa. The living room will be filled with air and freshness.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_17

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_18

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_19

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_20

    • Silver and gold. Any of these tones gives luxury and sophistication to the interior, in which is used. The most spectacular in gold or silver will be details - vases, decorative figurines, lamps, fittings, mirror frame. No less interesting interstitations of golden or silver in textiles - upholstery of furniture, curtains.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_21

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_22

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_23

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_24

    It is important to remember that gold, and silver should be used as an accent, and therefore dosage.

    • Shades of gray In combination with turquoise, a very spectacular combination gives simultaneously and the nobility and the sophistication of the living room. It is important to consider that the room for such a combination should not be small.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_25

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_26

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_27

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_28

    • Orange - Not the simplest "companion" for turquoise, however, it can give a very beautiful result in combination with it. The living room will definitely become very warm from such design, but two saturated colors will need a third - neutral, which will soften the sharpness of the combination.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_29

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_30

    • Shades Pink Refresh turquoise, but it must be precisely shades, and not a bright rich pink. With this combination should be careful, and in the correct dosage it is very beautiful.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_31

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_32

    • Chocolate - Another non-typical companion for turquoise, but very original and beautiful. The combination of bitter chocolate with green-blue gives a truly European, stylish, spectacular result. In such a living room, it is pleasant to be, since the brown, "earthly" tones soothe, harmonize the situation, and the heavenly - configure the thoughts about pleasant.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_33

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_34

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_35


    Shades of green-blue are universal, they harmoniously fit into any of the famous interior design styles.

    In the classic style recommended latch tones of turquoise , they are perfectly combined with gray, chocolate, golden. It is better if the turquoise will not be the main tone, but as the upholstery of the sofas and the chairs is suitable wonderful.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_36

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_37

    In the room, resolved in a modern style, turquoise can be both the basis - on the walls and / or sex, and the additional color in the form of furniture.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_38

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_39

    The retro-style living room is ideal for turquoise furniture, original lamps "under ancient", as well as curtains and sofa pillows with brushes.

    One of the most spectacular styles for filing turquoise is Mediterranean. In the company with white, emerald, ultramarin and yellow, it looks truly bright and rich. Turquoise is better to express accents.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_40

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_41

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_42

    In the Scandinavian monochrome design of turquoise can be used in microscopic doses, but they are quite enough to give the interior of the missing "raisin". Against the background of white, gray or light blue, the sea wave will look very expressive.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_43

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_44

    Eclectic style, as follows from his name, there is a mixture of all style directions. Therefore, there can be no primary color here, each of the shades used plays a role. With the help of turquoise, it can be placed as large color accents - for example, painting one of the walls and small - with textiles, frames for paintings and mirrors, small details of the decor.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_45

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_46

    Shades of wood, yellow, orange and brick-red are suitable for turquoise.

    For ethnic african style, a combination of heavenly blue with red, yellow and brown. The living room is issued in these colors, you can get a room filled with color, light and energy.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_47

    Design options

    Deciding to issue a living room in turquoise tones (or with a small use of this color), it is important to take into account the location of the room in the apartment and its common style. If all other rooms are decorated in a modern or classic style, then the living room, solved in ethnic, will look strange. Especially if it is located in the center of the apartment or is a passing room.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_48

    Variants of bringing turquoise to the interior mass. You can paint in this color wall (or one wall), you can save wallpaper. It is interesting to the combination of monophonic walls and gender laid out by mosaic or hex tile in the same color. Especially appropriately unusual tile looks in the Mediterranean style, creating a complete feeling that you are not in the city apartment, but somewhere in the cottage in Sardinia.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_49

    Upgrade with turquoise fabric furniture is also a kinda solution. Depending on the style of the living room, the texture and pattern on the fabric, as well as the sofa model and chairs are selected.

    For the arrangement of turquoise accents, any details of the interior are suitable - from textiles (curtains, capes for furniture, sofa pillows, carpets) to statuettes and mirror frames. Speeciously look at the lamps in this color.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_50

    Beautiful examples

    And some more interesting ideas for imitation:

    • living room in modern style;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_51

    • The combination of turquoise and yellow gives freshness and energy to the room;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_52

    • Lemon - also an excellent companion for turquoise in the interior;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_53

    • Paul in chocolate tones makes great tying of turquoise parts in the interior;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_54

    • Details - this is what makes this interior so stylish;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_55

    • a little orange always by the way, including for turquoise living room;

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_56

    • Mediterranean style is ideal for turquoise.

    Turquoise living room (57 photos): turquoise color interior design. Hall in turquoise-brown tones and other combinations in the interior 9644_57

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