Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options


The use of a tension-type matte ceiling for designing one or more rooms in the apartment is a good solution. Such a surface is able to refresh any interior. It is important to choose the correct type of web and select the desired color in accordance with the features of the room.

Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_2

Features and advantages

Interesting solution are matte ceilings for the design of the hall. The room is transformed, and the interior is refreshing. Some features and benefits are characteristic of matte suspended webs:

  • Universality and ability to supplement any interior;
  • Giving the room with conciseness and special style;
  • durability and non-durability in terms of care;
  • excellent resistance to moisture;
  • relatively low cost, which makes this option more than many others;
  • The ability to withstand a large amount of water when flooding the room.

Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_3

Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_4

Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_5

    Not only positive features are characteristic of matte powders. There are several drawbacks:

    • The ceilings in matte texture are not enough bright shades;
    • Errors in the process of installation and care can damage the canvas or cause a decrease in its operational properties.

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_6

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_7


    Matte stretch structures are becoming increasingly popular. There are many varieties of matte cloths that need to be dealt with at least at least. These knowledge will make the right choice.

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_8

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_9

    There are several classifications based on different factors. Depending on the material, the following varieties of matte structures are distinguished:

    • PVC film It is the most affordable option, similar in appearance with the ceiling, which was plastered and twisted;

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_10

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_11

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_12

    • Fabric cloths Created from textile material with polyurethane impregnation, distinguished by high performance characteristics, but have a high cost.

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_13

    Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_14

      Not the last role plays seam, or rather, its absence or availability:

      • Seamless canvas may have a maximum width around 5 meters, but they are a solid smooth surface without flaws;

      Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_15

      • with seam You have to choose matte stretch ceilings for finishing large rooms.

      Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_16

        Constructions from matte stretch ceilings may differ in the number of levels:

        • One level It is the easiest option that is not volumetric, but it is ideal for any room;

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_17

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_18

        • Design with two levels Attention attracts attention, because such a ceiling is the main emphasis in any interior, if it is properly designed, then we can take the disadvantages and allocate the advantages of the room;

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_19

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_20

        • Options with multiple levels are complex structures that are often similar to the work of art.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_21

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_22

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_23

        Color options

        There are several successful options that look well in matte texture.

        • White matte The ceiling visually expands the area, adds to the interior lightness and space. This room is pleasant to be. It is possible not to be limited to snow-white color, because it has a lot of shades, for example, isvori or dairy.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_24

        • Black ceiling - This is a bold solution that can make a stylish and bright space from the usual room.

        With this color you need to be careful because it will visually reduce the room. If the area allows, and experiments are not frightening, you can safely order a black ceiling in the living room.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_25

        • Gray matte The ceiling is an unchanged classic that does not lose its relevance, despite the course of time and the emergence of new directions in interior design. Such a canvas will look advantageously in any room.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_26

        • Beige ceiling Matte execution allows you to create a soft, light design. Lighting is important. The muffled light will make a beige ceiling mysterious and soft. But it is worth adding brightness to lighting, and the coating will become solemn.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_27

        • Blue ceiling Always causes associations with heavenly blue and sea stroke. Due to cold shades, you can visually expand the room.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_28

        • Freshness and ease green color. Green shades can be gentle or bright, soft or expressive.

        Whatever the shade did not like you, the interior will look fresh and original.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_29

        • Yellow ceiling It is one of the most positive options. Matte texture gives such a canvas of depth and softness. Premises with such a ceiling will always look light.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_30

        • Brown cloth matte texture - Noble and just gorgeous. Such a designer solution fills any room with a special style and luxury.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_31

        • Red matte ceiling You need to select carefully. You can easily overshadow the room with bright colors and expressive elements. But if you try and thoroughly think over every detail, the result will be stunning and spectacular.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_32

        • Pink cloth increasingly used in the design of the living room. Such a decision underlies modern design, which is both bright and easy.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_33

        Tips for faithful choice

        Color and even shade decides everything or almost everything.

        It is worth only a little mistaken with a shade of the matte ceiling, and the interior of the room will be spoiled.

        The selection of the color of the ceiling needs to be paid great attention and take into account the rules that will avoid common errors.

        • Want to create a bleached surface effect? Then you need to pay attention to the matte stretch ceilings in white. The effect will maximize the desired result.

        • Small premises will be better to look at the ceilings in light colors.

        • If the windows come out on the south, the upper coating in the room is better to choose in cold shades. Among the successful options - blue or green matte ceiling, blue or gray, you can also pay attention to unusual lilac shades.

        • For room with the north side, you need a ceiling in warm shades.

        You can safely choose from orange and red, yellow and olive. An interesting option will be a beige or salad ceiling of matte text.

        • In small rooms, it is contraindicated to install a black suspended cloth. This decision will make an already small room even less.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_34

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_35

        Interesting examples

        Our selection of successful examples of matte ceilings will be useful and interesting.

        • A gentle shade was selected for the ceiling canvas. This solution is suitable not only for the living room, but also for a bedroom, kitchen or children's bedroom. The peach shade of the stretch matte ceiling unequivocally should be adjusted.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_36

        • Two-level ceiling in which two colors are successfully combined - This is exactly what is needed to create a stylish interior with original design. Here the shade of yellow is successfully chosen - it's bright and not pale. Depending on the lighting intensity, the general view of the room will change.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_37

        • Matte ceiling with a pattern, as in this example, always looks original. Such an element of the interior attracts his eyes, therefore is the main emphasis in the room. The drawing must elaborate with other elements of the interior and correspond to the selected stylistry.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_38

        • Combination of different textures - A win-win solution that many interior designers are taken for weapons. In this example, there are no complex design solutions, but due to the combination of a gloss with a matte surface of the ceiling looks very stylish.

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_39

        Matte stretch ceilings for the hall (40 photos): How to choose a stretch ceiling for the living room in the apartment? White ceilings with drawing and other options 9636_40

        About what to navigate when choosing a stretch ceiling, look next.

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