Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options


In modern society, more and more people appear, which in principle do not go to service, and perform certain tasks at home and get money for it. This requires the conditions and a cozy homemade place where you can perform drawings or write an article. It is not always possible to highlight the space for work in the form of a cabinet due to the lack of an extra area. But to arrange a living room with a workplace maybe every person even in a not very large apartment.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Before you begin to solve the arrangement of the working area, it is necessary to weigh everything in and against. Of course, these issues should be solved by the whole family, especially if it is large, and each of the households is engaged in specific activities (learns, knits or prints on a computer). It is necessary that each family member express his wishes. And it will be right.

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First of all, you need to discuss and think about all the pros and cons of this venture. Let's start with positive moments.

  • You will be able to start updating not only your interior, but also perhaps change the lifestyle.
  • You can work in a positive setting, in a circle expensive heart of people. The main thing is that they do not interfere with you.
  • You will not search for a place for fruitful work in other less comfortable places.
  • The main advantage here will be saving Square. You will not interfere with relaxing close, for example, in the bedroom. Kitchen space will remain in complete disposal of the hostess.
  • Especially such a decision should like women who are accustomed to combine work and care for children. In the overall space, you can put a child near and download it to an interesting occupation. At the same time, my mother will be able to work quietly and only occasionally distracted to look at his child.
  • By the way, you will see more often to see your loved ones and, if possible, communicate with them.

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Now consider the moments that you may not like.

  • Your activity can interfere with the rest of the family members relax in a relaxing atmosphere. For example, a sewing machine in most cases makes unpleasant sounds. The same problem will occur when working on the keyboard from the computer. The noise data is although unobtrusively, but still affect the psyche and deliver the inconvenience.
  • At the same time, your households will interfere with focus on work. Little children are very noisy if they plant the game. The TV will also "burst" and distract your attention.
  • The litter of work space will be annoyed. You will have to constantly remove all the working tools. Especially thoroughly need to be done before the arrival of guests. In addition, if there are children in the house, then the left scissors or other sharp items in a prominent place can carry a real threat to the child.

Of course, to be a working area in the living room or not to be - to solve only you. This question is not easy, but if there is no other exit, then quite solved.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_14

Selection of a zone for work

Working in the home environment is convenient and practical. You can always afford not to be distracted by a trip to the place of your service. So you just need a living room with a workbath. However remember that At the same time, the space where you have to perform professional tasks must meet all the requirements: to be light and placing fruitful activities.

The living room is the place where all family members feel comfortable. Under this space allocated the brightest and large room. People are commonly engaged in their professional activities during the day. So, it is in the living room you will be comfortable to do this because of the large amount of light and space.

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If we talk about the night time, then in this situation there are its advantages. Usually, at this time, the children sleep, and no one will interfere with you (except for someone from adult loved ones - a lover to sit stay late and watch TV, can turn on the sound at full power). But to eliminate this problem there are certain tricks. For example, you can wear headphones or fasten the sound of the gadget.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_17

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_19

So, you weighed all the pros and cons and decided to remake the living room so that it was highlighted for a work area. Then you will have a question, in which place is better to place the table and the corresponding equipment. It can be different from the computer and ending with the sewing machine.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_21

Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_22

It would seem that it's easier? But the living room is usually forced by furniture "under the eyebreaker". And there is everything you need: chairs, table, chairs, racks and more. And you need to dilute this "cluttered" place also to the working area. Definitely from extra things will have to ruthlessly get rid of. To make it easier for you to decide on, you need to take into account a few moments.

  • First of all, you should look at and understand where the lightest place is in your living room. Perhaps there are several windows in the room, and only one or two windows throughout the day are quite highlighted with sunbeams. And this area will become the perfect space to arrange a conceived project. In this case, you should order a desktop with such a configuration that will allow you to connect it with the window space. And if the room is small, then make a built-in worktop right in the window opening. By the way, you can "stretch" the working surface of the table along the wall. Then you will receive the necessary additional place for your activities.

This solution is well suited to the cutters and those who are engaged in the design of various objects.

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  • If you do not want to use the window opening, you can equip the working area in the niche, in the simplest or in the adjacent storage room. In this case, you will be able to disguise your working disorder on the principle of a wardrobe, if guests will suddenly come to you. Just close sliding doors, and Niche acquires the view of the wall with the original finish. Yes, and if the sash will be quite dense, then you will get complete sound and light isolation from the main space of the living room.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_30

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  • If your living room is equipped with a balcony, and it has a strong design, then this option will be optimal. You can equip a whole cabinet in this place, where you can select space for both the computer and other furniture components. A complete set of advantages will be present here: good daylight, complete sound isolation from other rooms.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_38

Methods of zoning

Here, first of all it is necessary to think about your needs and desires. If you do not want the household to be hampered, or you yourself can make noise when working, then you should create a complete or partial insulation of the working area. It should be done in this way So that your space does not stand out against the background of the overall interior of the living room. In this case, you can order and install a sliding structure, which, if desired, can easily extend and move.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_42

In another position, for example, when your activity is not related to noise (you knit or sew toys manually or do something like that), then you can simply separate the workplace on one side with rather dense curtains (for example, from velvet).

If you do not hinder noise, and you yourself, doing your favorite thing, do not interfere with this close to people, then the zoning of the living room will be a pure interior task.

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Here are some secrets, with which you can spend a good separation of the zones of a large or small room:

  • Rachets partitions - They are easy and transparent;
  • Foldable Shirma - It does not take much space and can serve as a decorative addition;
  • Rack - It can accommodate various things that you need to hide for security purposes;
  • Huge aquarium - the solution is expensive, but very spectacular;
  • podium - under it can be stored accessories for work;
  • Light screen - will perform decorative and practical functions;
  • Flower shelves and much more.

Here everything will depend on your imagination.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_49

Interior design

In this issue, the main task is to place furniture, where the original corner will be. In the recreation area and reception, a TV, a table and chairs should fit (including the available area). In extreme cases, if you have little space, the table and chairs can be replaced with a comfortable sofa, a coffee table with a sliding design and chairs.

In the working area you can put furniture on wheels. When guests come to you, it can easily "roll out" from one room to another. However, this is not a very optimal option.

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Therefore, choose furniture that will not be too cumbersome for both the recreation area and for the working area. When you proceed directly to the placement of the desktop in the hall or living room, then try to put it so that it is diagonally towards the room. So you will take a completely angle, and it will be convenient. This instance should not be cumbersome, but at the same time have different niches and lockers.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_55

In rather small spaces Use retractable designs. Modern manufacturers have come up with many options for furniture transformers. You can not even imagine how many options will be offered by specialists from beds, sofas, seating sites and ending with tables and corners.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_58

When there is a comfortable table, then you need a comfortable chair. Do not forget about this accessory. These items will be in harmony with any interior, if they are made of transparent glass or plastic. Be sure to place a socket and not one (better to be more). Usually, when working there is a need to connect a large number of gadgets. Adapters do not solve this problem since With an excess of the plug-in technology in one outlet, it begins to warm up, and a fire can occur.

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And remember that The sofa in the corner where the workspace is located, it looks inappropriate. The best solution will be the manufacture of furniture under the "order". Yes, it will cost a little more expensive, but then she will "rise like a botheted" where you will be comfortable.

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Design ideas

Before proceeding to arrange the design of any room, It is necessary to decide on the total color scheme that will be present in this place.

  • The most bright colors increase creative activity. If you are a creative person, choose yellow, green or blue shades for your workplace.
  • Cold color gamut contributes to focusing at work.
  • It excites red, so he will give you some energy supply. Just do not overdo it with him.
  • Blue shades soothe and configure the concentration of attention.
  • Activities that provide accounting for accounting calculus should not be held in the situation where warm shades are present. They will be suitable for the bedroom.

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When it comes to styles that must be present in a room that combines two functions at once, then need to choose restrained directions . In the living room having various purposes, perfectly fit styles like Minimalism, High Tech, Loft.

These styles will not distract from work, and if you use the living room by purpose, then guests will feel a special atmosphere of your home environment.

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For needlewomen works well Provence or Shebbi-Chic . Part of the crafts can be advertised in the living room, showing in practice how well they will look in a particular place.

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Colonial style Also fit into the interior of people who are accustomed to creativity. As well as creative activity contributes Style of medieval England, style of postmodernism.

Tip: Choose furniture having natural shades of wood.

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Man's interior with various additional details that will delight the eye all the time. It all depends on the preference of the owners. You can put an aquarium with fish, and you can accommodate decorative plants.

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Do not forget about the lighting of your room. In addition to the beautiful chandelier, it is necessary to supply the space of the living room as many additional lamps. They must have separate power sources so that you can always adjust the room lighting at your discretion.

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Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_81

      In the working area, the lighting should be scattered. Gray or table lamp will be suitable here. The most creative and convenient choice will be the use of LED ribbons. They can highlight the shelves and racks, and also placed in the niches of the ceiling.

      Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_82

      Living room with workplace (83 photos): Work zone design and room zoning options 9623_83

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