Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes


The realities of the modern world are such that it is very often formed to place a living room and a nursery in one room. The traditional design of space in this case is not suitable, as the personal zone of the child must be separated from the public place.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_2

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_3

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_4

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_5

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_6

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_7

Pros and cons association

When the living room and children are located in the same room, it is difficult to call it the most successful situation. However, a certain number of advantages in such a compatibility is still present. Of course, the speech first is about the necessary savings of free space.

If you combine the hall and children, then the parents can be left a separate bedroom, which is really important for an adult pair. For some families, the plus will be and the opportunity to spend time together, for example, when parents watch TV, and the child plays the toys next to the toy. Unusual layout may be even more interesting than individual rooms, and exactly functional.

Unfortunately, there is enough deficiencies in such a combination. If you connect the living room and nursery, then The child will never have his own personal space, the need for which increases every year.

Since the living room is most often used to view the TV, then in the room there will be constantly there will be such stimuli, like light, sounds, other people, that again the young inhabitant of comfort.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_8

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_9

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_10

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_11

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_12

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_13

Methods of zoning

To split one room for two, you need to apply one of the ways of zoning. At the same time, it is important that in the children's zone it turned out to be the most natural lighting, ideally from the window opening, as well as heating devices. Considering that the child is better spaced away from the door, His room is recommended to post by the window. Make a full separation will only be possible in the event that When the area of ​​the overall room allows.

If the existing metra is small, then the adult zone will have to be separated from the children with the use of light, colors and interior items.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_14

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_15

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_16

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_17

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_18

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_19

As partition, drywall or plywood forming the doorway of ordinary or wondrous form is often used as partition. If a glass canvas is used for this purpose, then you can be calm that both zones will be well lit. Screens made of plastic, fabric or natural materials are characterized by an affordable price and an interesting appearance. The same applies to tissue, usually used in the form of a curtain. In order for the partition to be multifunctional, It should be selected from the furniture elements, for example, racks or cabinets.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_20

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_21

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_22

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_23

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_24

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_25

High ceilings allow you to form a second level in the room, where the personal space of the child will be.

Visually, one room is divided into two by organizing multi-level ceilings and podium, using a warmed loggia or the use of different textures and colors.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_26

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_27

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_28

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_29

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_30

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_31

Selection and placement of furniture

In the living area, there should be a sofa with armchairs, a coffee table and any kind of vehicles on which the TV will be located. In the same room, it is appropriate to place a bookcase, a slide for dishes or a rack for decorative elements. From such elements, like puffs or bedside tables, it is better to refuse, as there are places in the living room-child and so little.

It looks good when furniture in the living room area is chosen dark shades, and for children's - in bright colors. Items located in the children's zone must be compact and most practical.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_32

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_33

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_34

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_35

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_36

For infants, you will not need anything except the bed, a changing table and a closet for storing the necessary things, But the adult becomes a child, the more he needs for life. Bed for a grudge child is better to take either in the form of a sofa, or a bunk, under the bedroom of which there is a desk and shelves for books. Well, if this item will have Additional places for storage, for example, drawers.

In addition, it is not without a written table, a small locker or rack, as well as places for games, if it comes to a small child. The style of the children's zone should at least differ slightly from adult to emphasize the separation.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_37

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_38

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_39

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_40

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_41

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_42

Decor and textiles

The decor in the combined room is present, of course, should, but in small quantities, so as not to overload and so reduced space. Materials must be chosen Environmentally safe, without any sharp corners or easy-to-eat elements.

Curtains are recommended to take Lightproof and rolled To ensure the child a full dream. In the bright time of the day, it is good to attend the window Light tulle. One of the walls of the children's zone makes sense to cover Brown paint Thereby provide the child a drawing place.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_43

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_44

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_45

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_46

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_47

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_48

The bed must be covered with a bedspread and a pair of decorative pillows in the form of animals or cartoon heroes. In the living room area, the pillows will also be worthless, but more stringent forms and suitable interior of the colors. And there, and there you can place poster on the walls, but in the child's room with cartoon heroes, and in an adult zone - with some abstract pictures or motivating inscriptions. Well look Decorative Wood inscriptions The words for which are chosen depending on the interests and preferences of the whole family.

Plants should be placed only on surfaces inaccessible to a small child, or located in large floor pots, which are difficult to overturn.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_49

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_50

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_51

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_52

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_53

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_54


Despite the fact that in the combined children's living room it is necessary to carry out zoning, the specialists are still recommended to adhere to a single design. The style of the children's zone must either differ from adult, or be one, Especially if the space is separated only with the help of low furniture.

The style itself can be any, but to create a harmonious atmosphere, preference is made to give to Scandinavian, Provence, Country or Classical.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_55

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_56

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_57

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_58

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_59



Registration of rooms of different sizes

The design of the rooms of different areas occurs with some differences. For example, in a one-room apartment, the number of square meters remains small, and it is necessary to accommodate into space, it is necessary not only a living room with a nursery, but also an office with a dressing room. In this case Each item must be multifunctional For example, the TV is located on the dresser, and not on the usual rack, and bed linen and towels are stored in the living room sofa.

In a room of 18 square meters. Mr. Curtains are better to hang lungs and light, and furniture to choose a modular, which can be modified or easy to modify or remove. As decor by 16 square meters. m or 17 square meters. M is used mirrors and glass elements that contribute to visual expansion of space.

In addition, if the area is less than 19-20 square meters. m, it is recommended to do without full partitions or complex structures, as they "decorate" important square meters.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_60

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_61

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_62

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_63

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_64

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_65

Beautiful examples

The living room combined with the children's room can be decorated stylish and multifunctionally despite the complexity of the task. One of the most common ways to zoning space is considered Design from drywall, which acts not only by the separator, but also the place for storing books and any decor. Both wall and sexual coating is one in the whole room. The floor is decorated with a light parquet, and the walls are painted into a pleasant gentle-salad color. An unusual design of drywall is mounted on the ceiling, which also meets the zoning task.

The lighting in the combined room is one and consists of point lights around the perimeter, the designer chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, as well as backlighting on the plasterboard design. In the children's zone, there is a folding sofa for a beige shade schoolchildren, a desktop with lockers, a chair on wheels and suspended shelves. For furniture, shades are applied, united for the entire interior: gently salad, white and beige.

The windows decorate the canvas of a dark salad shade, as well as light tulle. The living area is a pretty large sofa of beige color, a small brown rug with bright patterns and a TV. As a decor, there is also a pillow and poster on the wall.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_66

If in one room it is necessary to place, in addition to the living room area, as many as two children, you have to show creativity. The presence of numerous plasterboard structures is perfectly coping with this task. Children's herself is located on the podium with nominating boxes used to store the necessary things. On the left there is a two-story bed, again with drawers, which is blown from the living room with a double-sided locker, allowing to have the necessary things on both sides. The windowsill is transformed into a large desk, next to which a couple of bright chairs on wheels are placed.

The window the window itself hide bright blinds. On the entire left wall there is a long modular cabinet. In the children's zone, in addition to ordinary storage spaces, there are open shelves, and in the adult zone there is a niche for the TV. Spot luminaires are placed around the perimeter, lighting and children's, and living room. In addition, an unusual lamp is on the desktop, and the living room decorates the designer chandelier.

In the hall of the furniture there is only a leather sofa of a calm beige, standing opposite the TV. Behind his back is an unusual composition of bright pink canvases. The cozy space adds a striped rug of calm shades.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_67

In order to ensure comfort to all residents of the apartment, zoning can be carried out using light curtains in the floor. The presence of a chandelier with four light bulbs in each zone will provide an opportunity to provide good lighting in both parts. In the children's zone, the Metrah allows you to place a bunk bed with lots of cabinets, a cozy chair, a desk and storage space for textbooks. The living room has a sofa, a coffee table, a tumbler with a TV and a series of suspended cabinets.

Living room and children in one room (72 photos): How to combine the hall and children? Zoning with curtains. The design of the room is 18-20 square meters. meters and other sizes 9618_68

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