Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter


The kitchen set with a bar counter - this is a popular solution that the owners of small-scale kitchens especially like: however, in a spacious room, such a design can look stylish. Similar kitchens are very diverse. In this article, we will look at the main design options, arrangement rules and stylish examples.

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_2

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_3

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_4

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_5


The design of the kitchen headset with a bar counter has its own characteristics and can be very diverse - it all depends on your desires and needs. In the choice, you need to proceed from you, do you have a kitchen or a small-sized, do you often cook, a lot of people in the family and what layout you want. The kitchen with a bar stand can be suitable for the studio, and for the ordinary apartment. The headset parameters are as follows.

  • The most popular option - a set of washing in the corner, one side of which - a work area for cooking, and on the other side - a bar counter which can be used instead of the table. This is a convenient, simple and universal option for both large and small cuisine. Depending on where exactly you will place your kitchen, the work area may be greater or less. Bar rack, replacing the table, often put near the window.

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_6

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_7

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_8

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_9

  • Bar rack can be a very small combined with a working area - This model is suitable if your apartment is large enough, and in addition to the bar rack there is another table. In such a design, the rack is divided along - on the one hand, you can sit down and have a snack, and on the other hand there are a worktop. A similar option contributes to competent zoning of the room and perfectly fit if you have conceived to equip the kitchen-living room.

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_10

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_11

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_12

  • Now in modern headsets often make built-in household appliances - It can be a brass cabinet, a stove, a fridge or a dishwasher - everything that you will be comfortable. Embedded technology has a mass of advantages - this approach allows you to most effectively use all available space in your kitchen. In addition, the built-in technology makes facades the same as for ordinary cabinets.

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_13

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_14

It allows the whole kitchen to look very much - especially this is relevant for small rooms.

  • All sorts of transformers are popular - For example, in some headsets there are additional retractable countertops or folding bar racks. It is also very convenient in conditions of limited space - you can only spread them if necessary.

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_15

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_16

Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_17

    It should be borne in mind that in the headset with a bar counter, this rack and cabinets constitute a single integer. Sometimes they are important to be visually divided, but they must have any common elements. In addition, it is necessary to take into account practical features - for example, between the bar counter and the headuit sometimes there is a fairly narrow passage, and the rack itself is convenient for the replacement of the table only for a small number of people.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_18

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_19

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_20

    Weigh all the nuances and make sure you need a kitchen with a bar counter.

    Types of structures

    Modern technologies allow you to create furniture for every taste - most often in stores sell modular kitchens, in which parts can be easily changed one to another, creating your design - the exception is permanently making non-standard cuisines: for example, if you have a very small area.

    The kitchen is straight, angular, P-shaped or may consist of two heads that are parallel. In some parts, it happens without top cabinets - it is characteristic of a large kitchen. If you have a small kitchen, the cabinets at the top should be used to the maximum.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_21

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_22

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_23

    Bar racks were loved by many thanks to their diversity - Their design may be no less variable than the design of the headset itself . Indeed, you can choose a model for every taste.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_24

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_25

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_26

    First of all, the bar rack is a rather high narrow tabletop. What it will be - to solve only you.

    Bar rack size can be any. We are accustomed that the rack bars are long, but in the design of the kitchen it is completely optional. For a small kitchen, equipped for a family of two people, a bar stand can be very short, this is a mini option as a small table.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_27

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_28

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_29

    The shape of the bar counter can also differ significantly in different headsets. Most often it is a rectangle - such a linear form is simple and comfortable, it is easy to put along the wall and ensure maximum savings of space and a wide passage. Nevertheless, The rack can bend in any directions and have a bizarre form - If you have a lot of space in the room, you can consider such a highlight in your kitchen interior design.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_30

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_31

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_32

    In addition, the bar rack can go in a circle or be a semicircle - for some types of planning it is quite convenient.

    Sometimes the bar rack is used as practical as possible by placing boxes and shelves for storage - indeed, this place can be successfully used if you lack cabinets headset. However, sitting behind the rack, at the bottom of which solid cabinets may not be very comfortable. If the rack replaces the dining table, it is worth doing under it except that one or two small drawers. Place cabinets until the floor stands only if the rack is supplemented with a full-fledged dining table.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_33

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_34

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_35

    Materials manufacturing

    Bar racks can greatly differ by the material from which they are made. Many interiors fit well Racks of wood - It is possible to consider the dark tree wenge, a red or light tree and even combine them together - it will give the interior of ecology and allow you to feel part of the nature.

    Also often to finish the bar racks use fake diamond - It can be matte, glossy, imitate marble or have any inclusions and colors. Also sometimes make racks from plastic, glass, with metallic coating or ceramic tile - It all depends on your imagination.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_36

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_37

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_38

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_39

    Wooden array is one of the most expensive materials. - He will fit into many styles in the interior and with proper care will be very practical. Artificial stone is also very convenient if you choose the quality option from acrylic. Plastic is preferably suitable for modern interiors and is quite a capricious material. - In particular, special supports are required under hot.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_40

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_41

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_42

    How to choose?

    Models of possible kitchen headcards are very diverse. First of all, when choosing a specific headset, it is worth repelled from the size of your room, as well as from its planning and the need for zoning. Kitchen can be rectangular, narrow, elongated or square - These features are largely affected by the placement of furniture and choosing the right headset. In addition, if you are equipping the kitchen in the studio apartment or you want to combine space from the living room, these nuances should also be taken into account.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_43

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_44

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_45

    Many cuisine occupies a relatively small room: owners of apartments in old houses may be encountered with such a problem, and residents of new buildings. For design, the kitchens are suitable for the following solutions.

    • Choose the most light set, if you have little space - pale shades visually help expand the space. In the interior you can use white, cream, pink, blue, light green and other shades. If the kitchen is large, you can give preference to dark colors - but do not forget about good lighting.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_46

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_47

    • If you have a spacious kitchen, you can use both dark and bright shades. It does not need to choose too much different colors - try to take 1-3 main shades as a base, and the remaining use only as bright accents.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_48

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_49

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_50

    So you will ensure the integrity of your space.

    • Proof of practical considerations. If you are two, it may be suitable for the narrowest bar counter, combined with a tabletop, and for a large family a rack should be wide and large.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_51

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_52

    • Pay attention to the materials from which the kitchen headset is made: they must organically fit into your space. One of the most popular materials for countertops and racks is now considered an acrylic stone - it is pretty universal, it can be successfully painted in any desired color and give the desired texture. Nevertheless, plastic, wood, ceramic tiles are also considered.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_53

    • Consider both the convenience of cleaning the room. On glossy surfaces often remain fingerprints, which spoil the appearance of the headset. It is also better to avoid pure white color, replacing it to more complex pastel shades.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_54

    White surfaces are very quickly dirty, and in the cuisine conditions it is especially inconvenient.

    Placement rules

    In the placement of furniture it is very important to effectively use space - this is especially true for small-scale kitchens, but also important for spacious premises. In a large kitchen need to competently zonate space - This can be done using differences in decoration, lighting or color of furniture - the border can pass in the middle or divide the room to unequal parts. At the same time with the arrangement of a small kitchen, on the contrary, It should be combined as much as possible.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_55

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_56

    If you have a small area in the kitchen, its layout will be especially important. It is most convenient to think through the design project for rectangular cuisine. Such a location leaves a lot of opportunities to vary kitchen headsets - you can come up with a straight and corner, and even an island headset with a bar counter - it all depends on how many wardrobes you need, what kind of size from the refrigerator and how much space is required for cooking.

    At the same time, the bar rack itself is often placed by the window - this is a beautiful, convenient and practical option for the arrangement.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_57

    In a large kitchen, a headset and a long rack can take all the space or combined with a living room or dining room.

    If you have a square kitchen in your home, using a direct kitchen headset, you can turn it into rectangular. This form is more harmonious and convenient from the point of view of location. Bar rack can be placed along the opposite wall or at an angle to your headset. In these cases, you will have a lot of free space for pleasant meals, and for cooking.

    Such layout options will be optimal even for a large family. In a spacious square kitchen, you can try to place a bar rack around the perimeter, putting the chairs along the walls - this is an interesting option for any style in the interior.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_58

    Usually a problem in design becomes a narrow kitchen. For convenience, it is also worth trying to lead to the classic rectangle. A good solution will be an angular kitchen set and an angular bar stand, located at opposite ends of each other. Also in a large narrow kitchen, you can consider two parallel headset, which will be held along short walls, and along the long wall can be placed the Bar Rack itself - direct or curved.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_59

    In small-sized studios, the issue of saving space in the kitchen is also very important. Bar rack In this case, it is very successful for zoning space, allowing you to separate the kitchen zone directly from the dwelling. The headset can be direct or angular. It also concerns a combined kitchen-living room.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_60

    When placing furniture, consider its color and texture. For example, matte and glossy materials together do not always look good, but they are excellent, if you zonail the space - for example, the kitchen itself can be a glossy, and the zone for meals is matte. Also, if you need to visually expand the space, you should use cold shades in the depths of the room, and at the entrance - warmer.

    Do not try to combine too many colors and textures immediately in a small space - the main colors should be no more than two.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_61

    In the spacious premises of the main colors can be three or four, but they all have to harmonize well among themselves.

    Successful examples

    Consider the works of designers and inspire your ideas:

    • Modern black and white backlit headset looks very concise and will suit everyone who appreciates minimalism;

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_62

    • Stone imitation finish can be interested in contrast with glossy plastic on cabinet facades;

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_63

    • Bar rack - no interference with traditional style, carved wardrobes in retro style can look very interesting.

    Kitchen set of bar with bar (64 photos): Modern direct built-in and ordinary kitchens without top cabinets and with them complete with bar counter 9606_64

    About the design bugs kitchens with a bar counter. See below.

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