Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior


Despite the fact that the kitchen refers to the number of non-residential premises, it is unlikely that at least one modern apartment is able to completely do without it. You can completely not cook at home, but still you need to dine somewhere, keep at least the minimum set of dishes, wash the dirty plates. Modern kitchen simply cannot exist without a headset, which is its main detail.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_2

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_3

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_4

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_5

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_6

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_7

What it is?

The concept of a kitchen headset for each person may be different, but most often this term denotes a single, that is, a holistic furniture set that allows you to equip the kitchen with all comfort. Roughly speaking, it is almost all the kitchen furniture, which can only come in handy in this room, consisting of even individual elements, but made in general style.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_8

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_9

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_10

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_11

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_12

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_13

Thanks to this approach to the production of furniture products, the aesthetic effect of the coherence of all parts is achieved, since there are no objects that contradict each other in their design.

If you ask an ordinary person about how the headset looks like in his understanding, he will most likely indicate that it A number of lockers for storing various products and utensils . This method of furnishing of the kitchen room was not always used and this is understandable - in the old days, the poor people simply did not have an abundance of utensils, as well as money for good furniture, and most products cost stored in the cellar, not at home.

Because the kitchen headsets should be considered the norm only for the last two centuries - It was in the 20s in the 20s of the beginning of the century that began to furnish their kitchens regarding wealthy Americans. Initially, of course, each sample was an individually executed order, but already existing furniture factories that have already existed by the time quickly caught the tendency to popularize the newcomer and began to produce such structures by the factory method.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_14

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_15

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_16

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_17

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_18

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_19

It has reduced the headset and contributed to the fact that they, after some time, became a massive phenomenon.

Even if you have a wonderful taste and can pick up individual furniture items so that they are well combined with each other, In buying a headset still makes sense, as it will cost cheaper, and most importantly - will provide one hundred percent uniformity of the appearance. The components of such a set are absolutely compatible not only in terms of design, but also sizes, because everything that is required is to have confidence that the set will fit into your particular kitchen.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_20

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_21

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_22

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_23

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_24

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_25

What consist of?

Despite the holistic appearance, the kitchen head is by no means one piece of furniture - on the contrary, it consists of a large number of details, the individual selection of which allows him to fit perfectly not only in the dimensions of a particular kitchen room, but also in the personal ideas of the customer about comfort. The number of typical kitchen headset includes:

  • Low part in the form of cabinets, shelves and Tumb - This is the main part, without which the set can not do, because it is precisely the assembly that begins;
  • upper part - false furniture items which are also found almost in each kitchen, they are closed cabinets with opaque doors or analogs with fully open shelves;
  • Pencils - special high and narrow covers which can be used as vertical cabinets for utensils or as an additional "case" for equipment, for example, to embed the refrigerator;
  • Mobile furnishing items It is extremely important for pasty cuisines, they usually represent multifunctional transformer tables, furniture on wheels, and in some cases even sliding partitions;
  • independent, not built into the overall frame furniture - First of all, tables and chairs, as well as sofas.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_26

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_27

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_28

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_29

Materials manufacturing, their pros and cons

Determining with the choice of the headset, it is important to navigate not only in appearance, but also on certain operational qualities - it depends on how much durable and practical your purchase will be.

Materials that produce similar furniture, there is not so much that it simplifies the problem of determining the optimal option, But at the same time it is necessary to remember that almost any headsets are made of two types of material - one serves to manufacture the frame side, the facade is made from the other, that is, the facial part.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_30

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_31

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_32

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_33

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_34

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_35

Requirements for both are very high - it is assumed that the product must confidently withstand all the tightness and adversity of the kitchen life, which should include regular fluctuations in temperature, high humidity and hot evaporation, as well as mechanical loads and probable contact with fats.

Frame portion

The frame is the main detail of the headset, its body, on which the strength and durability of the entire design as a whole depends. While the frame side is held, actually holds the entire headset, especially if the facade is fully made of the same material because Special attention should be paid to the main raw material.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_36

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_37

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_38

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_39

For the manufacture of the frame, the following materials are used.

  • Chipboard. Wood-chipsticks in recent years are often criticized, nodding in the direction of more modern competitors, however, this option remains the most common and affordable. For kitchen conditions, this material, which is chips pressed under high pressure, depending on the manufacturer's approach, these can be simple flat plates or more complex curly elements created specifically for the headset of a particular model.

The chipboard is quite durable, such a stove is not afraid of either moisture, nor fire, but even easily decorated with decorative color and does not cause difficulties when installing.

At the same time, cheap varieties of such a material on the wave of chase for the ecological materials are mercilessly criticized for the presence of harmful formaldehyde resins, and even the stove even after grinding remains rough and needs to decorate acrylic, plastic and so on.

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_40

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_41

Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_42

  • MDF. It is also an extruded chips, like a chipboard, but these plates are manufactured in several other technology - harmful resins are much less or even not even. Higher strength and reliability is achieved due to a more thorough press and heating of raw materials.

Experts argue that good MDF is not worse than the array of natural wood, but at the same time the price is significantly lower, and the durability is even higher! As is the case for the headset, Such a plate is indifferent to the change in temperature or high humidity, and is also well processed in order to impart an unusual carved form.

In fact, the material has no significant disadvantages, except that it is neither extremely cheap nor a sample of outstanding sophistication.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_43

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_44

    • Natural wood. This material in the furniture industry is still paying special honors, and no modern materials can exceed the useful quality of the array.

    Wood products are a lot, but the high price is due to the operational qualities: the furniture is very durable and completely clean from the point of view of ecology. Myself The material is not afraid of any external influences and is considered elite, perfectly combined with most popular design styles and with age can even acquire a more stylish appearance than at first. If necessary, wooden furniture can be properly renovated.

    Nevertheless, potential minuses also have enough and we are talking not only about the highest cost - so, under the influence of sunlight, the tone of the wood gradually changes, and since the sun illuminates different angles of one room in different ways, over time, the skews will become apparent.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_45

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_46

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_47

    In addition, high humidity presents a serious danger in the form of drying and formation of cracks, and although this can be resolved using special oils and waxes, difficulty care is also scared a part of consumers.


    The above types of materials for the frame are relatively rarely visible from the outside: if we are not talking about natural wood, then the appearance is unlikely to be an outstanding headset. For this reason, manufacturers resort to decorative facing, which not only gives a product of aestheticism, but also allows you to make it individual, unlike other models.

    As in the case of raw materials for the production of frame, The facade material directly affects not only the appearance, but also on practicality, and for durability, and the cost of furniture.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_48

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_49

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_50

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_51

    It is worth considering the available options as carefully as possible.

    • Film facade To date, you can safely be called the most affordable, and at the same time most common. Sustainability is clear, since the consumer attracts not only the low price, but also a huge variety of the assortment of the PVC film, which is characterized by color and texture, the presence of the crown and the possibility of subsequent repainting. Such a finish in factory conditions can be beautifully pissed even on a complex curly profile, The material is environmentally safe, as well as not afraid of burnouts and many other types of external influence and protects the material of the frame from them.

    Almost any contamination from the surface of the film can be simply washed away, including using detergents, but too launched the condition of the finish and therefore it is not worth it to drag it - the scratches will remain.

    Because of them, as well as because of the dents, remaining after strong blows, the material can rush, and if moisture or hot steam regularly falls inside, and constant temperature drops occur, the coating can compare and expose the frame.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_52

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_53

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_54

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_55

    • Plastic facade It will cost the buyer somewhat more expensive, but it is considered fashionable because it looks stylish and bright. A variety of choice here is also worthy - the material is produced by sheets and in rolls, may be glossy or matte, while in any case plastic thermosths and reliable.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_56

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_57

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_58

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_59

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_60

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_61

    • Veneered headset Let us like the connoisseurs of classical directions and natural wood interior. Veneer is a precast coating of thin sheets of natural wood, each layer of which does not exceed 3 mm in thickness. On top of the veneer is necessarily applied lacquer, allowing you to choose between the matte and glossy surface, as well as the extended surface service life.

    Advantages of such finishing mass - This is all the same natural wood that is environmentally friendly and stunningly looks, and at the same time, the product after the appearance of scratches can be overwhelmed, giving it the second life.

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_62

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_63

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_64

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_65

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_66

    Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_67

    At the same time, the veneer at a price is practically not inferior to the massif of the tree, but it is also not protected from burnout in the sun.

      • Glass facades Recently, unprecedented popularity is acquired, and all due to endless opportunities for aesthetic decoration - here you are simply transparent doors, and colored, including stained glass windows, and matte, and relief, and even with a photo printing applied. Thanks to such a variety of design, glass appropriately looks in any style, and in the interiors of the tech and high-tech directions, it sometimes turns out to be simply irreplaceable.

      Manufacturers produce several types of such material. We use hardened and laminated options, but in some cases it is more appropriate to choose a triplex or acrylic glass. In any of the named options, the material is completely not afraid of moisture and does not absorb pollution, which greatly simplifies cleaning.

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_68

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_69

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_70

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_71

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_72

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_73

      Naturally, this is not the same glass that is installed in the window - it is much stronger and even straight blows tolerates much better, although it is still undesirable to experiment with this.

      Forms and location

      The headset is inevitably tied to the walls, and after all even in ordinary kitchen with 4 walls There are several alternative options for how to place it. From this directly depends on the convenience of staying in the kitchen, not to mention culinary exercises.

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_74

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_75

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_76

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_77

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_78

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_79

      When choosing it is worth paying attention to this item.

      • Linear option Surely at least once in life I saw every person - this is the simplest solution in which all components of the headset are located along one wall. It is believed that for close kitchen premises it is an optimal solution, not clinging space.

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_80

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_81

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_82

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_83

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_84

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_85

      • Double-minute headset It is a direct answer to the question of how to organize a workspace in a strongly elongated room, and if the door and the window are also located on opposite narrow walls, then it is at all a non-alternative solution. Furniture and technique will be occupied immediately in two parallel walls and although you have to twist, in general it is convenient.

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_86

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_87

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_88

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_89

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_90

      Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_91

      The rules of fire safety require that the passage of the passage is at least 120 cm.

        • M-shaped version Furnishing in recent years has acquired a special popularity, because he proposes to fill in furniture one of the corners, creating a working triangle - a tiny space, while in which you can reach 1-2 steps to reach anything. For such a layout, the long wall is chosen as the basis, along which cabinets and penalties are collected, the sink is often sent to the corner, and a shorter process is filled with the fact that it did not fit.

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_92

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_93

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_94

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_95

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_96

        Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_97

        For the smallest kitchens, such an arrangement will not fit, but it is suitable for medium and large quadrature.

          • P-shaped layout While it remains rarity and is suitable for apartments studios, where the transition to the living room involves a missing wall, otherwise the claustrophobia cannot be avoided. There will be no place here much, because the headitur is occupied by 3 of the 4th walls at once, and the designers advise each of them to give a separate function - storage of products, cooking and washing. There is usually no full-fledged dining area in such a kitchenette, but still you should not give preference to such a layout in the smallest rooms.

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_98

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_99

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_100

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_101

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_102

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_103

          • Island arrangement Recently, it can be considered a high fashion to be considered, but it is only suitable for those kitchens that they are definitely not defined quadrature. The meaning is that the headset, traditionally located at the wall, is complemented by the island - the functional part, which is located simply in the middle of the room, without contact with the walls. There you can make anything - most often for this purpose you choose a cutting table top or dining table, less often a bar or a buffet, but the most desperate hosts are not even lazy to communicate to arrange an island plate or washing.

          If you do not want to completely tear up such an element from the wall, make it a peninsula, leaning the narrow part to the wall (usually separate from the main part of the headset).

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_104

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_105

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_106

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_107

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_108

          Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_109

          The peninsula is often drawn up in the form of a bar counter, which allows you to zonate space, and special aesthetes even perform it with a semicircle.

            Style solutions

            Choosing a holistic headset, you almost fully furnish your own kitchen, and since the stylistic unity of the furniture is observed, it makes sense to immediately make an entire room in a single style.

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_110

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_111

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_112

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_113

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_114

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_115

            In combination with the correct floor trim, walls and ceiling will be a concept that allows you to make a kitchenette unforgettable, But for this you need to know the general rules for each direction and strictly adhere to them.

            • Classic Appreciates accurate geometry, here all the lines are clear and correct. Linear layout of the headset, which in many respects has already passed into the past, is still appropriate, since all alternative options for the arrangement appeared much later. At the same time, the rule according to which the linear headset is usually used in small rooms, it does not work here - the classical design in principle does not allow excessive tightness, it is designed for chic and, accordingly, the prospect of free space.

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_116

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_117

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_118

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_119

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_120

            Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_121

            Materials should choose natural or imitating them - plastic here is not a place, but in terms of shades, choose your own taste.

              • Country Largely echoes the classics, this is an alike old village at best possible form. Accordingly, it is also focusing on natural-product, especially on wood, which has traditionally been the main material for the production of anything in rural areas. Country new does not happen, therefore, a specially aged design (or a real rarity) will be very appropriate, and colors, like materials, should make the most harmonize with nature.

              The facades of the village-style heads usually do not suggest outstanding delights, they are pretty simple and permit perhaps the old methods of finishing - woven threads and glass inserts "A la vintage".

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_122

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_123

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_124

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_125

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_126

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_127

              • High tech It is intended to resemble the future, and they usually reach this due to the abundance of gloss and the presence of such materials such as steel and glass. Any decorations wearing a purely aesthetic character in this case are inappropriate, but the pencils with appliances, sewn right in them, including several "floors" - is what exactly add authenticity. The avid supporters of the High-tech style are usually repelled from the achromatic range of black and white tones and grayscale gradations, but other color solutions are allowed at the abundance of gloss.

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_128

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_129

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_130

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_131

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_132

              Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_133

              As a facade trim for a headset, which can be performed from any material itself, plastic, acrylic and PVC film are used.

                • Minimalism As well as high-tech, not at all attached to the beautiful baubles - on the contrary, one name says that the minimum of parts is extremely desirable for such design. Requirements for monotonance here are so strict that it is not even allowed to highlight from the total mass, be it form, texture or color. At the same time, no one forces to stop on the achromatic range - even though she acts as a basis, extremely bright accents of orange, red, green or blue are not only not forbidden, but also welcome.

                Minimalism, like High-tech, requires that the technique is built-in, because thanks to such a go, it does not come out of the total monotonance.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_134

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_135

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_136

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_137

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_138

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_139

                Color spectrum

                As it was possible to judge on the basis of the previous section, the shade of the headset is largely determined by the stylistic features of the designer direction to which you decide to give preference. If there are strict styles of the future like minimalism and high-tech are more focused on one-window, the same classic and the more colorful rustic style may allow combined color solutions. In general, the headset can be completely any color - both achromatic and bright.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_140

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_141

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_142

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_143

                It should be borne in mind that The headset will occupy a significant part of the visible space, which means that its color cannot be considered only an accent - it directly affects the total range across the entire room. In this context, it must be remembered that in the kitchen atmosphere, the tones of warm gamma are more welcome, since they, according to psychologists, are positively affected by the mood and increase appetite.

                Achromatic solutions In this regard, it is customary to be neutral, but the abundance of serness or black can put pressure on the psyche, but the cold shades are not used in most cases. - They dulp the appetite and are overly associated with the bathroom.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_144

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_145

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_146

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_147

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_148

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_149

                Using the choice of color, you can a bit of adjusting the size of the room, let it occur only visually. It is no secret that light tones in the design allow "push out" the boundaries of the room Therefore, such a coloring headset is especially relevant in close kitchenette, where it will perform not only aesthetic, but also a practical function.

                Respectively, The abundance of dark tones gives completely opposite effect - they seem to compress space, Therefore, experimenting with black or dark brown furniture costs only those owners who were lucky with a spacious kitchen.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_150

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_151

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_152

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_153

                It is quite difficult to argue about the fashionable models of the headrooms, since their names are not heard, and also consumers usually choose furniture not only in their preferences, but also in accordance with the size of their own kitchen space. Therefore, it will correctly say that Now there are not so many specific models in fashion how many specific characteristics that are welcomed by most potential consumers.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_154

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_155

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_156

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_157

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_158

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_159

                Above we mentioned that This Fashion Pyk is still unusual for the average man's samples of headlopes with an island . For a large kitchen, this approach is good if you have come up with non-standard use for the island, and it does not function in the form of a banal dining table or a working countertop. I take out the plate and washing there (or even both together), you create the original design of the room, and also greatly simplify culinary exercises in the event that in the kitchen at the same time two people are busy cooking.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_160

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_161

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_162

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_163

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_164

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_165

                Of course, the lodging of communications will fall out in additional costs, but almost all the space at the wall can be taken by cabinets for storing utensils and products.

                Many modern consumers see the most stylish and beautiful idea of ​​the arrangement in the fact that the headsets are extremely simple. Minimalistic vision of registration in our time should be considered rapidly gaining popularity and it is possible that in the coming years it will be the prevailing.

                It is necessary to recognize that it is quite difficult to achieve the limiting directness of the lines in the kitchen with its abundance of heterogeneous furniture and technology, but successful examples really look interesting samples and cause admiration. Minimalism headsets are the best and in the sense that they are extremely easy to care. - Once there are no hard-to-reach places, it means there is no place to accumulate dirt and microbes, and there is also nothing to break here.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_166

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_167

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_168

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_169

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_170

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_171

                For many owners of apartments in the houses of the old building, the kind is no more important than the ability of the headset to fit into the closest space. New models are often produced with the calculation of new buildings, where the kitchen square may be decent But the leading manufacturers do not forget about compact samples that can not clutter the space even in the kitchen in 4-5 squares.

                Such compactness is achieved due to several simple tricks, among which Creating cabinets with sliding doors, the use of "multi-storey" penalches for vertical embedding of small equipment in several levels and the use of angular sinks.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_172

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_173

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_174

                All these moves are interesting not only in a practical sense, but also from the point of view of the formative originality.

                How to choose?

                A good headset for the house must match several criteria at once - at a minimum, it should be functional and convenient, while its quality should contribute to the durability of the product. Many aspects of choice have already been considered above, now focus only on those who are still not considered earlier.

                • Content. In most cases, standard sets are just a box, a frame with shelves and no more, whereas the needs of the kitchen would be satisfied to a greater degree if there were retractable boxes, dryers, special hooks for hanging, special cutlery storage containers devices or seasonings and so on. Of course, all this is sold and individually, but the acquisition of the kit always gives two invaluable advantages: financial benefits and full compatibility of all parts.
                • Legs. In the case of outdoor cabinets, this part pay less attention, and in vain - even too much depends on it. First, the furniture keeps on them - while they are in order, you can not think about changing the setting. Secondly, the adjustable legs effectively solve the problem of uneven flooring - using the mechanism you can level the skew. Most often you can meet one of the two options for the material from which the legs for kitchen heads are made: plastic are good with their low price and simplicity of washing, chrome-plated look more aesthetically and are characterized by higher strength.
                • Method for opening doors. Some challenches of the heads are completely deprived of any doors, but in most cases it is impractical at least because the available overview of the entire filling is unlikely to be listed with ideas about the comfort. Because the doors are obligatory, but the question is how exactly they will open - it can affect the cost of the product, and the number of space it takes with the open doors:
                1. Use maximum popularity Ordinary swing doors because they are simple and cheap, but about saving space in this case can not be speech, and when they are arranged at the top, it is possible with a lot of probability to injure your head;
                2. Folding - these are the same swing, only in the vertical plane;
                3. Lifting Tighten up the upwards using a gas lift, they almost do not occupy places and are not attendable, but they are quite expensive;
                4. Sliding The doors are used in the headset rather rarely, because they need guides, and it requires a lot of free space on the sides of the opening of the lumen.

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_175

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_176

                Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_177


                  Separately, comment on the choice of manufacturer of kitchen heads. The factory name is unlikely to seem familiar to you, therefore, usually simply indicate the country of origin. Each state is attributed to certain stereotypes in terms of the production of heads and although they are in most cases valid, you still do not lose vigilance when choosing.

                  • Germans It is obsessed with the high quality of their products, because the high cost should not scare - it is justified. In this country, a modern style love, but be careful - in Germany do not know about our "Khrushchev", because compact headcards are not released.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_178

                  • Italian cuisines We must be stylish and elegant - this is a country of designers and refined handmade. In search of a classic headset, it should be considered primarily an assortment of goods from Italy.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_179

                  • Swedes and Finns Highly appreciate simplicity and practicality, their products are the most for minimal design of the kitchen. At the same time, the northern nations special attention is paid to ecology, because they have more painted cuisine than competitors are made of natural materials.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_180

                  • Russian and Belarusian cuisines In terms of quality - a mystery: a successful sample can also be caught, and consumer consumers in the worst value of this word. But fellow citizens offer their products at affordable prices, and have an adequate idea of ​​the typical dimensions of your kitchen.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_181

                  Successful examples

                  The first example clearly shows what compact can be an angular kitchen - In a spacious apartment, it seems only a small part, but it remains completely functional.

                  • Here we see a bright example of a working triangle, when everything you need is very close.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_182

                  • The second example shows that the design of the design headset can be any and one can boldly use even the brightest options for ideas. In the interior it looks fresh and stylish And if the equipment is also built-in, associations with a non-farming future of your kitchen simply will not be avoided.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_183

                  • M-shaped kitchen Usually appreciated for On a relatively small space, you can place a huge amount of useful furniture and techniques. . Just take a look at all these lockers - there are so many of these that the owners may well remove the morally outdated mezzanine. The feature of the room configuration itself solves the question of what to do with an angle.

                  Kitchen headsets (184 photos): kitchen design options, samples of beautiful heads of different types, stylish and unusual models, interesting ideas in the interior 9564_184

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