Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime?


The color scheme is largely affected by our mood. Therefore, designers and furniture factories are often chosen for furniture calm and unshakful shades, which will not be annoyed, distract attention. But the monotony of calm, in places of cold motives is bored with time. And therefore, bright and juicy shades are becoming increasingly popular.

Citrus and playful motifs create in the premises of the Summer Notic. The monotony of the palette is collapsing at one glance in the kitchen of the lime color. Cooking in such a room ceases to be monotonous due to the magic of overflow of light and paints. After all, it is proved that bright colors contribute to the flight of fantasy and encourage creative gust. And in rainy weather, this motive seems to carry us on some island where the noise of the surf is raging and palm trees are visible on the horizon.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_2

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_3

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_4

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_5

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_6



What you need to know about color?

Many still can not accurately get into a lime shade when choosing an interior for the kitchen. Someone more goes into yellow, someone, on the contrary, in green or salad. But the lime itself is brighter and juicy itself, has impurities of each of the above shades.

Probably, many will seem like lime, as color in the interior, began to use recently when everyone has bored simple cozy, but without raisins, white or pastel kitchers. But everything is wrong, the first mention of this color was dated in 1890. And another turn of the popularization of Lyme fell in the 60s of the last century. Indeed, among the rigor of the forms and abundance of plastic elements, a lime tint was dynamic and filled the space of genuine energy. It turns out that history, like fashion, indeed, cyclical. And now, more and more people, people prefer the riot of paints in choosing furniture.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_7

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_8

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_9

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_10

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_11

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_12

But it is worth remembering that the lime color itself is far from being simple, the same type and light. He, like any other, has its own characteristics.

  • Any shade from this palette has a feature to expand the space due to its natural depth. Therefore, this option is suitable for kitchers of a small area.
  • If on the background of Lyme change the shades of companions, then every time a new design is obtained, and everything starts to play with other paints.
  • Many designers offer to make a greater emphasis of this color on those walls, which goes the least light. It most likely affects the psychological factor, there is a process of some replenishment of the game of light, because if everything around is gray and dark, then in this case, Lime is revealed by magic, filling the space.
  • Many people who have already used this shade claim that he contributes to a good appetite.
  • Lychee Koler enters the color line called "color therapy" and helps to fight such feelings as oppression, stress, apathy and depression.

It is worth noting that if you move to this unique juicy color, then, most likely, it will irritate the eye with its brightness, freshness. From this color, with incorrect use, you can quickly get tired.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_13

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_14

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_15

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_16

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_17

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_18

Combination with other shades

What good qualities would have a lime color, many of it still consider a capricious tint. In addition, what exactly to choose Lyme is, it is also worth viewing all the moves with combinations of other colors and textures. Consider with what colors are the color of the lime. Black and white are two unique shades that are not bored and almost always harmoniously looks with any other shades. . Therefore, many choose these two colors as companions to the main, in our case - to Lyima.

First of all, it is necessary to decide what shade will be a headset. If the furniture will prevail a white motive, the lime walls will be more juicy and deep. And if, on the contrary, the lime shade will be present in the furniture on a white background, then it will be bright and playful accents that will not be annoyed.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_19

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_20

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_21

If the design prevails black, then all interior will be felt the severity, bordering minimalism. But it is worth noting that the black color in combination with lime is not suitable for too small kitchens, or in this case, black should be quite a bit, for example, it can only be a headset. After all, this composition of colors is very deep and rich, and in a small space, with time, the combination of these shades can "put pressure."

In the style of Modern lime color is irreplaceable. It is used on the gloss facade . Basically, there is a combination of lime body furniture with some other tint, for example, white. It will be a winning option for corner kitchens. A variety of interesting prints, for example, flowers, grass, berries in the context - and everything on a green background. The surface can be matte or glossy, and all this can be performed on a glass surface.

You can decorapitate the surface of the cabinet, wall or apron itself.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_22

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_23

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_24

Besides, Lyme shade may not be the only striking solution, it is quite well combined with other juicy citrus hues . For example, you can choose two dominant colors - lime and orange, and a diluting tint to choose gray. Gray will act relaxing and soothing, as well as separate these two playful colors. With light vanilla color or light cream tint, the color of Lime will be perfectly harmonized in the style of Provence or Country. Using open wooden textures, the color becomes more gentle, and if you add an olive shade accents, then the lime will open in a new vein.

Wood facade can be colors of wenge or chocolate. It should not go to the too dark shade, as mentioned earlier, the lime color becomes more saturated. It is not suitable for kitchens, where I would like to use lighter and unobtrusive color gamuts.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_25

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_26

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_27

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_28

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_29

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_30

Good combinations and with flowers such as purple, pink, fuchsia . Of course, such combinations are not suitable for everyone, and not everyone will taste the picture. But if you like non-standard solutions, you want to bring brightness and freshness in your life, then pay attention to this option is still worth it.

In this case, it is necessary to choose modular lime color furniture, and the table, for example, make an emphasis in Fuchsia color (dilute such a screaming shade can be a glass surface).

Or emphasis on the upholstery of furniture, such an imperious option will not only be very catchy and extravagant, but also memorable.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_31

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_32

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_33

Where is it better to post?

Before purchasing paint and furniture, you still have to decide exactly where lime color will be present. This will make it easier not only to work, but also the choice of all components for the perfect design. Most often, one-piece, undefected lime color is used in the kitchen apron . If your design is directed toward the modern or modern style, then the apron is to choose from such a material as glass. If the apron itself is not linous, then it is worth choosing such shades as lemon or peach.

Adding floral or fruit prints to the apron shall no longer use any prints in design, because then it will greatly waste the interior, and the test of small parts will be slightly obsessive.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_34

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_35

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_36

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_37

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_38

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_39

Beautiful design options

To lime tint not boring, it can be combined with other colors. Well with lime will look white splashes. It may be a print on the facade of the cabinet or on the apron (for example, a drawing of a dried lime with mint leaves on the background of ice cubes). White strip of the apron against the background of bright cabinets of a lush linoma hue will help expand the space.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_40

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_41

Those who annoys the abundance of bright colors, but at the same time you want a variety in the usual atmosphere, color accents are suitable. The bright facade of the cabinet will be a good option, which will dilute the space and lift the mood.

The options for placing a linime shade set. This is exactly the color that will delight you every day.

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_42

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_43

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_44

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_45

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_46

Kitchen Lime (52 photos): Lyme-colored kitchen headset with wenge, white and other shades in the kitchen interior. What other shades are combined with lime? 9551_47

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