Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi


Modern fashion is very eclectic: dozens of different styles and directions are at its disposal, whose elements sometimes be mixed with each other. The result is often incredibly stylish and harmonious - so new relevant trends appear.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_3

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_4

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_5

Today, the use of elements of various directions of fashionable underground in casual clothes is particularly popular. One of them is the style of Buggy, originated at the end of the 20th century, and who gave the name recognizable tanks. What are the buggy pants that they are, and with what things should be combined with, you will find out by reading this article.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_7

What is it?

The word Baggy can be translated from English as "baggy." This is the name of one of the directions of the American street culture, which appeared in the 1980s of the last century.

The Hip-Hop and R'n'B Music performers wore free, baggy clothes, including wide pants and jeans with a very low landing. This style and began to be called Buggy.

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_8

Buggy trousers may have many varieties. Authentic buggias were closest to the very free sports pants on a rubber band or Kulisk. The line of the waist was lowered so much that he sometimes seen underwear from under her. They sewed such pants of soft knitted fabrics, so they quickly stretched and lost the form. However, it was also a kind of fashionable trick.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_10

Today, the model range of Buggy's trousers is highly varied. Fashionmented this convenient style is available not only in the sports style. Read more about the existing varieties of Buggy below.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_12

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_13

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_14


Summer trousers - Baggy sew from the lungs, colorful fabrics. Free silhouette and thin, natural materials - what is needed for hot weather. In addition, the top to such trousers is very easy to choose - it is enough just to wear a simple monophonic shirt or a short top.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_16

Casual Buggy Pants - One of the most successful finds of fashion designers. Simple cut, discreet coloring, convenience and comfort - everything that modern girls are so appreciated, combined in one trouser model.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_18

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_19

Business style Clothes, too, did not go around the impact of street fashion. Buggy's business trousers look surprisingly elegantly and perfectly combined with strict shirts, fitted jackets and office shoes.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_21

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_22

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_23

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_24

Denim Buggy Trousers They are not very popular with those who have relevant to youth street culture. In many respects, this is associated with the characteristics of the material. Wide denim pants visually weighting the lower part of the body, disturbing the proportions of the shape.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_26

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_27

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_28

Buggy trousers have become a very popular view of sports and home clothing. . Free silhouette does not shine movements, and soft, elastic materials are very convenient for everyday socks, so it's not to find for sports sports better option. Also large love of girls enjoy practical and cozy pajama type buggies, which are comfortable at home.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_30

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_31

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_32

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_33

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_34

What to wear?

Stylists and fashion fans have long learned to combine buggy pants with clothing in a variety of styles. Not only baggy T-shirts, sweatshirts and sneakers can make a set with a given trouser type. Stylish and elegant things can also be an excellent pair for buggy.

Universal top for trousers-buggy is a free topless sleeveless, which refills for the belt. On top you can wear a jacket, an elongated cardigan, a sweater on buttons, jeans or leather jacket.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_36

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_37

Buggy trousers are also perfectly combined with fitting riding - turtlenecks, thin shirts, jerseys on straps fitted with shirts and blouses.

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Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_39

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_40

Footwear to the alongside should be chosen, depending on the general style of the image: not only practical sneakers or slips are suitable, but also shoes and high-heeled sandals. In the summer, buggy trousers can be worn with sandals or shale.

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Spectacular images

As a visual example of how buggy trousers can be combined with other things, we have compiled for you a selection of interesting and bright images. You can repeat the onions you like or come up with your own outfit, inspired by our ideas.

Stylish everyday life: gray pants, simple white top, elongated black jacket with leather inserts, bulk bag and classic jacket tons.

Buggy trousers (46 photos): What is it, with what to wear Baggi 955_42

For hot summer: light-pink buggies with free snow-white t-shirt and elegant accessories - shoes-boats in the tone of trousers, a small white bag and a long gold chain.

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Contrast game: bright red wide trousers with a white sleeveless blouse, black sandals on high heels and a black clutch.

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Intricate ornaments: pants with a multi-colored print with a tiger blouse and a free silhouette blazer, the same tiger ankle boots and a light bag.

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In bright colors: beige pants, white top, gray pullover on buttons and neutral shades Accessories: Thin leather strap and sandals on a heel.

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