White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen


White kitchen headsets will probably be called universal, because they are suitable almost to all styles of interiors. White color always fills the room with light and comfort, makes it more comfortable for stay. Moreover, bright kitchens always remain in demand. In the article, let us know more detail with the advantages and disadvantages of white kitchen heads, learn their varieties and consider ready-made kitchen options for inspiration that can be taken as the basis of your future project.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_2

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_3

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_4

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_5

Advantages and disadvantages

Any object of furniture can be both their advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, consider the undoubted advantages of white kitchen heads.

  • Kitchen headsets in bright colors always look calm and neat. On such kitchens, you can safely place a different kind of color accents that will always look applemented on a white background.
  • With the help of a white kitchen headset, you can visually make the room more spacious, which is especially relevant for those residents who have small-sized apartments.
  • The kitchen headset with white facades can be without much difficulty as under any modern and classic interior style.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_6

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_7

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_8

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_9

The disadvantages include a number of moments.

  • Behind the white kitchen is quite difficult to care for. She is very brand, and any dust and dirt will always rush into the eyes not only by residents, but also to guests. Moreover, launder with bright kitchen any stains and pollution are more complicated than with any color.
  • Some residents have a white kitchen can cause associations with hospitals, especially when there is a lot of white in the room. To avoid such an unpleasant feeling, it is recommended to avoid white and translucent curtains (it is better to give preference to options with a pattern or milk), as well as light straps. But such combinations can be appropriate if the design is in advance well thought out, and there are other bright accents.
  • A small minus can be considered that white kitchens today became a lot because of the fashion on the so-called Scandinavian style of the interior, in most cases there is a white kitchen headset.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_10

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_11

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_12

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_13


To date, there are several types of kitchen heads that can be chosen for their kitchen depending on its area and ideas in the interior. Consider the most common varieties.

  • Linear models (i.e. direct headsets). Such options are especially relevant for small or slightly cramped kitchen premises. In this case, the furniture is located only along one wall.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_14

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_15

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_16

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_17

  • For premises that are stretched in length, it is best to pay attention to Double-minor kitchen headsets . Such options suggest placing along two walls at the same time.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_18

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_19

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_20

  • M-shaped kitchen headsets They can fit perfectly into small kitchens, and large. This species can be bolded to be called universal.

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_21

White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_22

    With this layout, the furniture from the kitchen headset is located along two walls, which are located perpendicular to each other.

    • P-shaped layout The kitchen headset is suitable for those who dream about combined with a bar with a bar or island. Inactive for small and narrow kitchen rooms. P-shaped kitchen headsets are considered very multifunctional and comfortable, because everything is located at hand.

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_23

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_24

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_25

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_26

    • Kitchen set with separate island. This layout is suitable exclusively for large premises, because in it, in addition to the main kitchen headset, part of the furniture (the so-called island) is usually made to the center of the room for cooking and storing the inventory.

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_27

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_28

    White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_29

    The area of ​​the room for such a headset should be at least 15 square meters. m, the recommended room form is square or rectangular.

      White kitchen headsets can be both glossy and matte. Immediately it should be noted that the second in the plan of the departure is more practical and less marked, because on the matte surface it is not visible traces from hands, unlike glossy options. Moreover, the glossy facades are more difficult to care if they do not have classic handles to open the doors.

      White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_30

      White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_31

      Material overview

      So that the kitchen set attracts not only outwardly, but also was very functional, durable and ergonomic, it is recommended to fit very carefully to the selection of material, From which the housing will be made and the facade headset directly.

      • The headset can be made of natural wood. This option, of course, is considered pretty expensive, but at the same time very wear-resistant and durable. Moreover, options from natural wood are environmentally friendly, and therefore in no way harm health. With proper care, kitchen headsets made of natural wood are not affected by moisture and perfectly tolerate care with delicate detergents. Often, kitchen headsets made of natural wood are complemented by glass facades, especially this is important for the classic interior style. Of the minuses - only the high price and the rather heavy weight of the natural product.
      • MDF panels. Such panels are usually made of environmentally friendly and safe waste, as well as with the help of a special decorative film. Headsets from MDF panels are considered the second in the ranking after the options from the natural tree.
      • Chipboard. Headsets from chipboard are considered very beneficial and common to acquisition. The chipboard is wood-chipped compressed products that enjoy wide demand due to its favorable price. Moreover, the kitchens from DSP are available in a wide range of colors. Only with high-quality installation of the DSP panel will be resistant to moisture and in general to the microclimate of the kitchen room.

      White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_32

      White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_33

      White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_34

        And the facades can be made of such a durable material, as acrylic, and often from plastic - cheaper, but no less sustainable analog, which is often used instead of acrylic.

        Color combinations

        One of the most common combinations is white top headset and dark bottom (black, brown, dark green). This option is very wins even on the basis of practicality and care.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_35

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_36

        Black and white kitchens always look very original and is not intertwining the space.

        White kitchen headsets are perfectly harmonized with silvery appliances and dishes. In terms of colors, you can experiment with the kitchen apron from the tile. So, on a common white background kitchen headset, it can be chosen bright. Very original solutions are welcome, for example, lemon tile or bright green.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_37

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_38

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_39

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_40

        The gray-white kitchen headset, as well as any options for metallic color perfectly fit into any modern interior, especially in the style of high-tech or minimalism. But the red-white, purple-white or blue-white headset is ideal for the style of contemporary.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_41

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_42

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_43

        For classic interiors, it is relevant to choose white-brown or white-dairy kitchen headsets with facades, supplemented with glass.

        Design options

        White color is universal, and therefore he is without any problems Suitable in almost any design interior of the kitchen room.

        • Classic. For classic kitchens, the most frequently experts recommend choosing options for cabinets with swing doors, it is also possible for the presence of a servant. Very spectacularly this kind of classic bright kitchens look at the island for cooking, rendered to the center of the large kitchen.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_44

        • For kitchens made in Scandinavian design It is common to use the wooden surface of the headset, painted by varnish glossy or matte paint, and the second are most in demand because of their practicality.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_45

        • Country and Provence. Bright kitchen headsets in such styles are often decorated with an original ornament and even a pattern, in them, as in classic versions, an original wood carving may be present.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_46

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_47

        The pleasure is not cheap, but it looks like such a headset, really, impressive.

        • For modern interiors Actually use bright kitchens (with matte or glossy facades) with integrated handles and fully built-in equipment. This especially applies to high-tech styles and minimalism. Most often, this kind of headsets are made of acrylic, plastic or varnish.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_48

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_49

        You can make a special accent in the design of the kitchen headset with the help of a contrast apron or countertops. Most durable and practical countertops are considered artificial stone.

        White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_50

          Especially recommend paying attention to the stone countertops with the washers integrated into them.

          How to choose an interior?

          The most successful option today is considered a combination of a white furniture headset with light trim indoors. And this course in creating the interior of the room does not depend on the selected style. Although it is especially true for the classic interior, as well as for the style of Country and Provence. To avoid monochromicity, it is recommended to skillfully express accents, which can be used, for example, dark technique, especially if it is unintended.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_51

          When creating an interior, the color of the walls must be successfully harmonized with the chief of the headset , After all, white is very multifaceted, it has quite a lot of shades. If the room is made in ecosyl, then the white kitchen set can be supplemented with finishing materials (walls) with green shades, or choose the natural color of the floor. Parquet and various laminate are welcome.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_52

          In a modern interior, where white headsets are combined with white appliances, as well as light walls, as an accent, you can make a yellow apron, which can also be added to chairs with yellow upholstery.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_53

          The combinations of wallpaper, as well as the ceiling and floor coverings, are quite important, even white and "friendly" is "friendly" with all the palettes of shades. To create a beautiful interior, it is recommended to design a future room with a kitchen on paper or using a special program. Sometimes the help of a specialist can be useful.

          Beautiful examples

          It looks very expensive with a black and white straight headset with a matte texture and a bright red glossy apron. At the same time, the countertop can be made in black and in white, but black will be more practical.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_54

          This option will be won even for a small room.

          Classic style is very attractive looking options for kitchens with apron under marble. Successfully marble is combined with natural wood. Usually marble imitation makes from large porcelain stoneware so that the joints are invisible.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_55

          Fashionable white kitchen headsets are usually done with the upper shelves under the ceiling. As well as in them, built-in equipment, integrated handles and exquisite large extracts, which are a kind of accent in the headset.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_56

          Designers recommend paying attention to modern black and white headsets with a properly selected backlight. In such light headsets, it is often possible to meet a stone countertop with a decorative crumb or sequins.

          White kitchen headsets (57 photos): straight and corner kitchens of white in the interior. Sermon, red and blue and white headsets in the design of the kitchen 9542_57

          In the next video, see the white kitchen headset.

          Read more