Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options


From the point of view of Soviet architects of multi-storey houses, a kitchen and a living room - the premises are definitely different and necessarily separate. Nevertheless, many modern designers (like the owners of apartments) do not think so - no wonder the studios are very popular, where the partitions between these two rooms are not at all, or it is at least not a full-fledged wall.

If you have a classic apartment at your disposal without such fashionable delights, it does not mean that nothing can be changed - With a proper desire for success, the redevelopment is quite real, but it is worth considering all aspects of such a decision in advance so that the result is not unsuccessful.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_2

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_3

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_4

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_5

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_6

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_7

Pros and Cons Combining Rooms

Until now, in our country, both full-fledged studios and apartments are built with separate kitchens and a living room, which means that both layout options have both advantages and disadvantages. Going to make capital changes in the concept of one's own housing and spend decent money for it, You simply must soberly assess all the risks and understand why you need it.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_8

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_9

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_10

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_11

Supporters of studio apartments consider the decision to demolish the partition very reasonable. And for this there are certain arguments.

  • Convenience. Many apartments, especially the old building, are not distinguished by the abundance of free space, and if not one person lives in a one-room apartment, there are no spaces catastrophically. With the furniture, yes, with the modern abundance of useful equipment in such a room, it simply will not be able to go out of the end to the end, nothing is ass. In such a situation, the kitchens, combined with the hall, significantly solve the problem, because the space released as a result of the suspension of the wall can be filled with something useful.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_12

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_13

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_14

  • Full control. Parents are usually written to this argument who are worried about their too playful children. The studio apartment is quite problematic to retire or hide, because Mom and Dad will immediately know if the baby took up something potentially dangerous or bad.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_15

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_16

  • Easy communication. Sometimes you want to do several things right away, and prevent these own walls. Suppose guests came to you, and you want to treat them with something delicious. You yourself are in culinary needs in the kitchen, but it is not possible to place them here - too little space. You can't go with the kitchen at all you can not, but moving there and back are also risky - you and you do not watch cooking, and do not really participate in the conversation.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_17

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_18

  • The possibility of organizing a party. The real ability of the apartment to host guests is not in the number of rooms or sleeping places, but how many people can simultaneously be in her largest room. This is understandable - any event requiring the collection of a company does not imply separation into individual groups that have no convenient opportunity to communicate with each other. The kitchen and living room, combined together, will and five, and seven, and sometimes even more people.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_19

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_20

  • Natural lighting. In most cases, sunlight in the apartment is considered an undoubted plus - it and the mood raises, and the temperature increases, and contributes to the production of vitamin D in the body. In the summer, he, of course, can promote a stuff, but in general the climate of our country is such that for most regions, natural housing lighting is more advantageous than a minus. When, inside your apartment, one of the central walls is removed, there is no barriers to penetrate the rays, which means that the houses will be light and cozy.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_21

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_22

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_23

  • The possibility of selection of the dining area. The full-fledged dining area will not meet in most old high-rise buildings - the quadrature of the housing is that it is simply nowhere to accommodate. As a result, the one and the same table is often used for meals, and if necessary, for its preparation, which is not always convenient for households. The combination of two premises increases the amount of free space, and it is in the area of ​​the former wall between them you can put a table that is located as convenient as possible to issue food from the kitchen, but still quite removed from the working area.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_24

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_25

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_26

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_27

  • Easy access to entertainment. Casual cooking is sooner or later bored, and the home cooking will want to occupy one who else interesting, except for culinary exercises. For these purposes, it would be good to watch the TV or listening to music, but all the appropriate equipment is usually located in the living room - where guests are most often taken and rest. Contrary to the development of modern technologies, the smartphone is still not able to fully solve even such tasks - its screen is too small, and the speakers are quite weak.

If you are tired of you have to choose between your favorite TV series and daily cooking, and the opportunity to buy more equipment is not expected due to the lack of money or space in the kitchen, simply remove the wall and use the gadgets that is in the living room.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_28

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_29

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_30

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_31

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_32

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_33

If you just realized that the wall between the kitchen and the living room was always in your apartment superfluous, do not hurry with conclusions. Discharge deficiencies less, but they are.

  • Smells and noises all over the apartment. Kitchen - a specific room. Not in vain, after all, it is usually chosen from other rooms - while there is someone there, others may interfere with the clouds, water splash and specific smells. While you live alone, and other people in your apartment does not happen, it may be the norm, but if you have at least two, you will have to somehow combine graphics, because it is not very convenient to engage in culinary exercises in the room where someone sleeps Or tries to focus.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_34

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_35

  • Bureaucratic difficulties. Well, if you started the restructuring in your own cottage, which they themselves built and planned so as to potentially re-post it in the future. But even in this case, the regulatory authorities may require you to receive documentary resolution of a specialist in a demolition of a particular wall. In an apartment building, such a procedure will be mandatory, because the partition interfere with you easily may be carrier, and its demolition can enjoy a whole building.

In addition, special permits require almost any communication operations, so that the transfer of washing or plates may require you efforts in controlling instances, and it is not yet a fact that permission will be obtained.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_36

  • The need for a special decoration for the living room. The kitchen is known as one of the most extreme places in the apartment - there are constantly dirt, fat, water and steam, complex cleaning chemistry and temperature differences, the same eating odors. All this makes you choose finishing materials from a limited circle of the most reliable. By combining the kitchen with a living room, you automatically create common conditions for them that will require sustainable finishes for a former living room. This not only limits you in the flight of the designer fantasy, but also puts the fact that every living room repair can now do more than before.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_37

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_38

  • The need to carefully follow purity. There can no longer be a speech about to leave in washing unwashed dishes or crumbs on the kitchen table - they will inevitably spoil the image of the living room.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_39

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_40

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_41

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_42

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_43

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_44

Subtleties planning

The demolition of the capital partition for the creation of a uniform kitchen-living room is not so simple to ignore the preliminary project creation. The cost of all works is quite high, so you will not have an infinite number of attempts to achieve an acceptable result.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_45

If your apartment is generally small, and it is possible to accommodate everything with considerable difficulty there, you should not count that a simple demolition of the septum in one fellible will solve all the problems. In this case, it is worth focusing on the creation of a hotel-type space, when the kitchen, and the living room have all the necessary furniture and appliances for everyday life, and all the "surplus", which are not used from day to day, should be eliminated from the project. Only in this case the difference will be noticeable.

Adding new numerous furnishing elements is allowed only in large apartments, in the closest you risk driving yourself to even more closeness than it was before.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_46

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_47

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_48

remember, that The best separator for zones under limited space is a table or bar counter. Its inhabitants and guests of the apartment will be able to put down both from the kitchen and the living room, thanks to which the problem of a separate dining area will be completely solved, and there will never be too many people in the kitchen. A separate dining area in a full-fledged version is usually isolated only if without it the resulting room seems too large and uncomfortable.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_49

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_50

Zoning space

The combination of the hall and kitchen in a single space involves removing the wall, but does not mean the complete merging of the two rooms. Agree, a comfortable stay after work or night sleep is badly combined with washing and a gas stove - I want to cook directly in the kitchen, but to rest and take guests - in the living room.

For this reason, the kitchen, turning into the living room, is usually divided by finishing on the functional zones. These most often allocate three: Actually kitchen area for cooking, living area for recreation and reception of visitors and dining room - A certain intermediate area where it is taken to dine.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_51

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_52

Even after the separation of the partition kitchen, connected to the living room, did not become quite spacious, theoretically you can donate the dining area . This is done in different ways: someone living alone and not accustomed to eat at home, can abandon her at all, another owner will replace the full-fledged dining area with a modest one-friendly bar with a bar counter, the third organizes the platform for meals in the living room, without selection In a separate zone.

Regardless of whether two zones in your combined room or three, it is necessary to clearly show where one room ends and another begins. For this, several methods are usually used.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_53

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_54

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_55

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_56

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_57

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_58

  • Furniture in the form of a separator. The same table or bar counter is perfectly separated from the other, and at the same time they solve the problem of the organization of the dining area. In addition, an imaginary former wall can be put a sofa or chairs, as well as a wardrobe - thanks to this, the comfort of the living room increases and the cuisine is reduced for those who sit, but if desired, it is possible to communicate "through the wall". Of the interesting variants of the separator, consider aquarium or high green plantings in pots.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_59

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_60

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_61

  • Falxture, racks, arches. Suitable as a separator, for example, a floor rack before the ceiling - there may be books, utensils, the same aquarium, while part of the through shelves can be left blank intentionally. The perforated partition with an intricate pattern at the same time hides the cooking details from those who sit in the living room, but does it not completely, without interfering with the contact. Someone using Falsten imitates the arch, but here you need to be careful - this decision is not for all styles, but only for the varieties of classics.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_62

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_63

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_64

  • The difference in floor covering. In the kitchen, the main requirement for flooring is the maximum practicality that allows in harsh operating conditions to make repairs as much as possible. In the living room, the conditions are softer, and therefore it is possible to focus on the aesthetic appeal of the finish. Though the walls between two rooms are no longer there, the rule on the choice of floor finishing still works if the line between zones you will spend away from the center of the working area. In addition, sometimes a kitchen floor is also lifted relative to the living room, because it is so easier to bring communication.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_65

  • The difference in the ceiling decoration. This item is generally similar to the previous one, with the only difference that the material here more often coincides, and the main difference is in the level. For the combined space, multi-level suspended or stretch structures are often used, additionally distinguishing the boundary of two zones. An additional element of distinction can be lighting - in the kitchen, especially in the working area, it should be bright enough to perform culinary tasks, but in the living room you can focus on the softness of the light and the overall relaxation of the atmosphere.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_66

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_67

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_68

  • Wide doors. It is not worth perceiving the doors as a product of a purely standard size - in a sliding version, they may be so wide to replace the full wall, but do not take unnecessary space in the open form. With such a designer move, you yourself decide when to combine the premises, and when to divide. If the door leaf is fully made of transparent glass, your apartment will become unique.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_69

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_70

  • Curtains. Instead of a dense and solid partition, in the form of a doorway, you can prefer easier textiles, which can also combine or separate space at the request of the owner. Only you choose what will be the material - the maximum dense curtain, weightless transparent tulle or something else.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_71

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_72

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_73

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_74

  • The difference in wall decoration. An example of how the wall finish can be combined in different colors and textures, is a classic kitchen apron - it always stands out against the background of the rest of the walls, is more practical and durable, but still fits into the overall picture of the interior. Similarly, with zoning of a single space - the kitchen area is separated by more resistant materials, while in the living room you can emphasize aesthetics and beauty. Differences can be additionally distinguished by color or coating texture.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_75

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_76

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_77

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_78

Color spectrum

Redevelopment of the wall with a suspension of the wall usually means that the owner is closed in the current size of the rooms. If the apartment is not enough, even the union of the premises in itself will not give the perfect result, and will have to additionally strengthen the effect due to the correct selection of color gamma.

In most cases, light colors are chosen in such a situation, as they have a property to visually expand the room. Thanks to them, you will no longer feel stronstly in your own home - in a bright sunny day, they will add a combined room a few extra square meters, especially if you and the furniture choose the same tones.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_79

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_80

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_81

In some cases, it is assumed to be the opposite - the owner as a whole she likes the concept of studio as space without unnecessary partitions, but the resulting "gym" seems too uncomfortable for habitat because of its too large sizes. There is such a visual defect with the opposite of the stroke opposite when the finish is performed in dark colors.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the recommendation of psychologists who do not advise to get involved in too dark tones when designing a kitchen - it acts oppressingly on the body, and therefore you will subconsciously suffer from the absence of appetite.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_82

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_83

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_84

Practically probably kitchen and living areas will be performed at least in different shades - This requires the same zoning of the room. In this case, it is logical to make the kitchen slightly lighter and bright, as it expands the traditionally close room and increases your activity, contributing to digesting food.

The living room, on the contrary, assumes rest, and if you are not an avid activist, it can be made pastel or decorated soft tones. Such a combination of colors will allow you to switch from one type of activity to another.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_85

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_86

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_87

Considering the options for combinations, pay attention to the fact that warm and cold groups of tones usually combine only with each other, without crossing groups. Most designers are advised to refuse excessive contrast of bright colors. However, it is not always worth it to focus on other people's advice, if you know your tastes well and are able to clearly imagine what happens in the end. Practice shows that in some cases, even incomprehensible combines, and so well, that it remains only to envy.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_88

Style solutions

Determining with the future style of the design of the connected room, We need to take into account some nuances.

  • At first If your apartment is far from limited to the kitchen and the living room, and in general, it is already inherent in a certain direction, it should be adhered to and when finishing the combined space, or at least not contradict what is already there.
  • Secondly, Some design features of the building or room can give a direct tip to choose a style - so, the ceiling beams can be hidden under low-lowered suspended ceiling, but it would often be wisply simply to beat them in the Loft style.
  • Thirdly Your designer fantasies must be agreed with the planned budget, because the project, abandoned halfway, will look sorry.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_89

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_90

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_91

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_92

Recently, modern styles have enjoyed great success. Sometimes they are very comfortable.

Nothing needs to be inventing with household appliances - hide or look for models in an old style, because modern equipment fits as it is impossible . Lovers of brightness, strange color combinations and asymmetries will be able to release their innermost desires to the will - all this is allowed by modern styles. This direction does not require a scrupulous selection of the decor, since the emphasis is largely done on practicality.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_93

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_94

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_95

Especially often use such directions.

  • Loft Imitate the former industrial workshops, he has nothing to refine. Especially for it imitate brickwork, concrete blocks and other types of poorly processed walls, inadequately high ceilings and large windows are welcome. Here it is focusing only on the convenience that you will like the people practical.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_96

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_97

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_98

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_99

  • Scandinavian style Visually shows what the most lack of Northerners - Lights. The brighter will turn out the decoration, the pointless it will look like in terms of stylistic conformity. There are no extra decorations here - everything is in the best traditions of minimalism and practicality. Choosing materials, focus on natural raw materials, especially relevant wood.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_100

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_101

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_102

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_103

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_104

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_105

  • Neoclassica - This is a kind of attempt to replace the classic individualism of things with elements of factory production. Lepunin and monogram, as well as mirrors - things are almost obligatory, but at the same time they may also be mass production. The emphasis is done on strict observance of symmetry and accuracy, but modern materials, unlike the "normal" classics, are not prohibited.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_106

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_107

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_108

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_109

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_110

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_111

  • Minimalism It is extremely simple - the less extraneous and impractical things, the better. He does not receive bright spots, nor bizarre bends, nor even the protruding handles in the furniture - the eye is not caught, but this is comfortable.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_112

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_113

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_114

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_115

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_116

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_117

  • High tech - This is the direct opposite classic. The outlines of the entire setting should be straight, literally chopped, but no one should doubt the useful functionality of each individual subject. Natural materials are not happy here, inclusive with textiles, but the success of chromed surfaces will be successfully used, it is desirable - monophonic with the release of careless accents. Style texture completely does not imply roughness - the walls must have perfect smoothness.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_118

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_119

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_120

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_121

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_122

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_123

Classic directions in recent decades have noticeably passed, but modern opportunities allow gourmet from aesthetics to recreate the atmosphere of any historical era. You can experiment with the following directions.

  • Provence Literally created for those who love French romanticism and tenderness. This style is a variety of rustic, only with notes of France, therefore should not be surprised that in the finish, much attention is paid to natural materials and the natural light. In terms of shades, preference is given to mild light tones, the abundance of flower motifs and textiles is considered a mandatory norm.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_124

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_125

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_126

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_127

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_128

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_129

  • Classic - This is a thoroughness and high cost, this stylistic direction does not imply the imitation of the poor dwelling of the antiquity, but your apartment will look like a very wealthy nobleman lives here. The key element of the style is the use of expensive materials and decorations of handmade. Do not be afraid that the classic kitchen-living room seems to be an anachronism - it looks equally well regardless of what age in the yard.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_130

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_131

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_132

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_133

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_134

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_135

  • Country, or rustic style, - This is a whole set of directions imitating the rural situation of past times for a specific country. Provence usually allocate as something completely separate, but the more original owner can imitate Russian or Indian, Italian or American, Egyptian or Japanese drawing and decoration features.

Emphasis in all cases is made on traditional natural materials, and the necessary notes make an authentic for the selected country antiques and stylized textiles.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_136

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_137

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_138

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_139

  • Modern It is another new-fashioned interpretation of the old good classics. In principle, this is all the same classic interior, with elegant things causing delight, but with a gross violation of the symmetricality principle and the correctness of the forms. Experiment with furniture arrangement, replace the glass on expensive stained glass windows, do not avoid optical illusions, and still - follow the combination of white with blue, and you will get such a welcome result. At the same time, modernism does not cause to refuse modern technologies or rushing them roughly - enter them so that they are not very rushing into the eyes.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_140

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_141

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_142

Selection of furniture and technology

Furniture and technique should be chosen in this way So that they do not violate the holistic arrangement of your combined room. Specialists advise not to start finishing the kitchen-living room, without having a complete and holistic idea of ​​how the ready-to-use space should look like. Even at the stage of selection of the finish, you should already know which furniture and technique will be immaculate fit into the interior design.

Naturally, it is worth checking in advance that in the stores of the corresponding models or the ability to order their individual manufacture. The second option, of course, more expensive - that is why it is so important to calculate everything in advance.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_143

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_144

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_145

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_146

The objects of the requirements of the requirements are not so much - they must comply with the general style requirements in terms of color scheme and form. If you strive to achieve compliance with the style of Provence with its soft lines and tones, then the chrome-plated chromium of the refrigerator will be completely knocked out of the overall picture and will simply spoil the room.

In most cases, independent study of the future interior does not make sense - the average owner is usually lacking for patience or experience in order to draw up a full-fledged project, and as a result, some detail is knocked out of an interesting intent. Usually, An ideal solution will be an appeal to a professional designer to compile a competent project or copying seen in the photo with minimal deviations caused by the features of the situation or the wishes of the customer.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_147

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_148

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_149

Successful examples

Interior design is not the topic that can be discussed without visual examples, Therefore, we highlight a few bright samples.

  • On the first photo - stylish neoclassic. Here we see many elements hinting at the owner's wealth - here are interesting chandeliers, and a real fireplace, and the use of expensive natural materials. At the same time, the cordlessness is not too much - it is just right as she did not interfere with comfort and combined with modern technique.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_150

  • The second example can be an excellent example of a Scandinavian style, if you assume that it allows shades of green. In the interior there is no absolutely nothing, all things are purely practical, inclusive with a tree in the corner, which provides an apartment with fresh air. In combination with an abundance of natural light, such minimalism does not only seem dry, but also imposes the elusive feeling that you are in the zone of absolute comfort.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_151

  • And for those who appreciate the original ideas, we slipped amazingly authentic and beautiful example of the design of the kitchen-living room in African style. Hot, solar color palette, imitation leopard skins and worked patterns on the walls will become for the owner the reason for real pride, because his kitchen cannot be forgotten.

Design kitchen living room (152 photos): interior of combined rooms in the apartment, examples of kitchen projects, combined with the hall, design options 9515_152

Review of the interior of the kitchen-living room in the video below.

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