Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors


Owners of small apartments with small cuisines every time, starting repair, try to free a little free space that can use with benefits. There are many ways to improve the functional of the room, and one of them is the transfer of the washing. Many modern designers offer to arrange it near the window. However, in the process of redevelopment, you can encounter some difficulties. We will try to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of such work.

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_2

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_3

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_4

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_5


Many owners of apartments sooner or later decide on redevelopment with the aim An increase in the working area, optimization of ergonomics and an increase in free space.

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_6

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_7

The transfer of washing to the window has a lot of advantages.

  • Increase the functional space of the kitchen. In most cases, the location under the window is unfolded, in the rare cases, the windowsill combine with the worktop and there are a bar rack or a dining table. Equipping the wash near the window, you can free up at least 50 cm 2 of the useful area, where you can place household appliances or an element of a furniture headset.
  • Reduced electricity costs . The standard washing is usually installed in a low-almeanted area of ​​the kitchen, so requires additional backlight. When installing washing near the window, you can not include the lamp throughout the light day.
  • Maintaining a healthy microclimate. The sink is a place with high humidity, so the mold often appears here, and the medium is created to reproduce the fungus. Due to the possibility of natural ventilation, water dries quickly and removes almost instantly.
  • Psychological comfort. An important argument in favor of transferring the sink to the window will be able to favorably affect the user's mood. In this case, it will be arranged so that the glance can stop at the landscape outside the window, which is much more interesting than to lick on a deaf wall in several centimeters from the face, as it happens when using standard sinks.

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_8

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_9

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_10

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_11


Even with the most original and competent planning of the movement of the washing to the window, you can encounter With some difficulties that should not be ignored.

  • Placing radiators. The main question that occurs from the owners of the kitchen is heating the room. Standard layout and wiring of communications involves the location of the heat exchanger immediately under the window to install a heat curtain that protects against cool air. When installing washing, radiators will have to be removed, and it can significantly reduce the average air temperature in the room.
  • Pipeline elongation. It is unlikely that you can move the sewer and water risers, so you will inevitably have to spend additional funds for elongation of the pipeline. Be sure to take care of the installation and the highest quality materials: only in this case, the life of the entire kitchen block will be significantly extended.
  • Stop deformation. In winter, it is far from rare temperature fluctuations. This often leads to cracking and swelling of tabletops made of wood and its derivatives. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, you will have to take care of making a sink sink from moisture-resistant materials, such as stone or plastic. If no material, in addition to the tree, you do not want to see in your kitchen - perform the coating processing with a special hydro-stroke composition.
  • Splashing on the window. This problem will stand in front of you constantly, you can fight it in 2 ways: rack equipment with a small apron, which protects the glass from splashing, or install the washing on the distance from the window, for example, the distance from the window. By the way, in the old buildings, the window frame is usually located just above the level of the tabletop. This height difference plays only the user to the user, as it creates additional protection against constant splashes.
  • Difficulties with ventilation . Often, the placement of the mixers prevents the free winding of the window sash.

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_12

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_13

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_14

Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_15

    It should be noted that there are no major minuses of sink transfer to the window, all emerging difficulties are quite easily eliminated.

    Features of the transfer

    If the complexity of redevelopment is not terrible to you, you can safely begin to transfer the washing. Be sure to use some recommendations.

    • To preserve heat in the kitchen, they usually advise you to use the "Warm floor" system. A similar type of heating will perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it and will heat the kitchen even better than traditional batteries. If this option does not like you, and you are firmly intended to leave the radiator in a starting place, then do special slot on the windowsill and on the surface of the sink, so that the heated air was where to climb. Note that part of the heat in this case you will still lose.
    • Calculation drain must be based On the competent calculation of the corner of the pipeline Otherwise, frequent blocks are not excluded. It is accepted that on each traffic point meter, the slope of the pipe should be at least 3 cm. Thus, the longer the pipe - the greater there should be a slope. Best pipes are fixed to the wall, otherwise they will begin to fake.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_16

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_17

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_18

    However, even if you place the pipe under the right slope, it is still It does not exclude the risk of blocks , so it will be correct to purchase a dispatcher - Chopper food waste. Thanks to this small adaptation of the peel, small cleaning and other products of products will fall into the plums in the form of Cashitz and will not create any difficulties for the outflow of water.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_19

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_20

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_21

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_22

    The problem with ventilating is eliminated very simple. Famous manufacturers of sanitary equipment have long been and successfully solved it, Obtaining folding mixers . If it is necessary to open the "Hussak" window, it is simply closed by a sideways, and then returns to the initial position. Another way to eliminate this problem can be Purchase a mixer with lowraged expulsion. It will allow you to open the window of the window, not touching the sanitary and technical device.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_23

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_24

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_25

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_26

    When redeveloping the kitchen and moving the zone with high humidity under the window should be taken into account not only by the wishes of the owners of the room, but also the technical capabilities of the functional zone.


    There are a lot of different options for washing verses near the window, so regardless of whether you live in a Khrushchev or in a large cottage, you in any case can choose the option optimal for your kitchen. First of all, you will have to take into account the features of the location of the kitchen window.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_27

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_28

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_29

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_30

    Depending on the type of construction, it can be very large, narrow or high, have 2 or more flaps and even be located in the corner of the kitchen.

    The design of the room will also be Fully depend on the shape and size of the kitchen. For example, if you have an elongated space, then by placing the sink under the window, you can visually bring its shape to the classic rectangular. If you are the owner of the square room, then with the help of a P-shaped or an angular headset, you can visually pull out and lengthen the room.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_31

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_32

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_33

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_34

    We offer a small photo generation of original and functional design of the shell near the window. It will help you find aesthetic and practical option that will fully fit your wishes and opportunities for the interior.

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_35

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_36

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_37

    Kitchens with washing at the window (38 photos): Kitchen design with sink in the windowsill at the window, pros and cons kitchens with washers near the window. Examples of interiors 9495_38

    About the error in the design of the kitchen with the sink at the window look next.

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