Striped pants (52 photos): What to wear striped pants


Striped pants - one of the bright trends of the recent seasons. However, such a wardrobe subject is not the easiest option to create an image. To facilitate the task, let's figure it out in order.

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Types of stripes

Sticks of trousers are diverse: Skinny skinnie, classic straight, clash, shortened 7/8, culwood and others.

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This is one of the most difficult items of the wardrobe, so you need to choose a print only after you have decided on the fabric of the trousers.

Strips can be straight, oblique, vertical, differ in volume - wide, narrow, combined.

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Wide horizontal strips are easily suitable for everyday socks, parties or walks. Vertical - option for office, study, important meetings. Thin strips - the trend of the last season.

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Stylish is considered a combination of wide bands with thin, as well as diagonally. Designers do not stop at these versions and invent all new and new combinations.

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The classic is out of time - a combination of black trousers into a white stripe and vice versa. This is a universal choice for creating a business style. Combinations can be completely different - narrow, wide, combined. In the fashion, the stuff of pastel tones with a vertical beige strip. This is a quiet option, suitable for a date, work, study.

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Option for bold - contrasting shades. But with these you need to be careful. It is better to choose not screaming colors, but, for example, red, blue, olive, burgundy. Popular combination of blue or blue on white pants.

As a rule, designers adhere to a maximum of two or three shades, otherwise the image is harmonious.

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Tips for choosing

Everyone knows the fact that the strip pants are able to change the proportions of the body. Remember the wider strip, the more visually seems silhouette.

Pants in a vertical strip emphasize the slightness of the legs, make the focus on the length, pulling the shape. The horizontal strip, on the contrary, runs down the figure in width.

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Thus, girls, with bulk and hips, should be abandoned from the horizontal strip.

These features need to choose models with a vertical print. It will help to visually lengthen the legs and make a shape slimmer.

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The ladies who have a horizontal strip will fit the narrow shoulders and the bulk thighs, it will make harmonious bottom and top.

Girls with thin physique can afford any options, including with a vertical strip of any width.

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What to wear?

After the choice of trousers is finally done, it's time to create time! An ideal addition to the image is a monophonic top in the form of a top, blouses, tunics, etc. Preference is given to neutral shades of pastel colors: light blue, gentle pink, beige, lemon.

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For a business image, pick up trousers in a black and white strip of classic style and add a blouse from a thin flowing material with a V-neck.

Striped pants are already our main focus in the image, so do not try to wear some screaming things, otherwise you risks look ridiculous and not stylish.

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With striped trousers, jackets and jackets are combined, it is better in monophonic. An option is possible with a jacket with a similar strip, and so we get the kit. If suddenly you have chosen the top with a floral or abstract print, then the color should be echoing with the gamut of the Niza.

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For a walk or evening outlet, skinnie trousers or free cut into striped, for example, blue. You can pick up a white shirt or top that can be fed into trousers. If it is a free cut or tunic, wear to issue, it will make an image more free.

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If you want to create a bright image, you can experiment with a riding coral or turquoise. But be careful with the decorations - selected not in the tone of the jewelry can spoil all the color contrast. In cool weather you can throw a cardigan. With black and white pants, the leather jacket-root will look great.

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Speaking about choosing shoes, it is worth repelled from Leson's trousers. With the aligned and strict options we carry shoes on a heel or shoes on a high stable heel. With free cut models, choose ballet shoes, slippers, leafers, shoes on a wedge.

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Do not forget about accessories. The black and white ensemble can be emphasized by bright details, and vice versa - a motley image is to dilute only with neutral ornaments or products from noble metals.

It looks perfectly with a vertical strip of decoration on a long chain and elongated forms of pendants.

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Spectacular images

Classic black and white image. Pants in black and white stripe with a strict white shirt. The focus is made on bright yellow shoes on heels, add a bulk bag of neutral shades.

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Pants with bright yellow horizontal stripes. Excellent combined with a sweater with a starry bright yellow print. This is exactly what we talked about in our article about the combination of drawings.

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Related image with pants free cut. An example of a combination of wide and narrow strips. The product is made in calm colors. Add a free cut blouse, exposing my shoulders.

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Informal image. Denim pants with a print from a combination of wide and narrow strips. Good combined with a denim shirt. Luke highlight are gold shoes on a small heel.

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So, we dealt with all the peculiarities of the striped trouser. You can safely start creating your own image! Follow our main recommendations, and you will not be unnoticed.

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