Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design?


The small area of ​​the kitchen in the "Khrushchevka" is a stumbling block in order to make the space for cooking and its reception is most convenient for the hostess and households. But correcting the redevelopment and competently adding elements of the design, it is possible to transform even a tiny room.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_2


The small size of the kitchen in "Khrushchev" is distinguished by the projects V. Lagutenko, who developed this type of planning for mass settlement into new houses during the position of N. Khrushcheva. The houses assumed the foundation of bricks and panels, sometimes these 2 types of structures were combined. Such prefabricated buildings, as a rule, had no more than 6 floors, did not equip themselves as a garbage chute and elevator.

However, even in these housing there were always a toilet and a bath in contrast to the "Stalinok".

It made it possible to leave many citizens, finally hated communal apartments and to heal a happy life separately from unauthorized persons.

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But here, many faced the problem of small space, and if the hosts of small-sized kitchens treated this fact more or less calmly, Now, if necessary, equipped with additional technique, the minimum member of the kitchen space became a real problem.

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To have an elementary idea of ​​what kind of kitchen sizes in Khrushchev, remember its standards:

  • Kitchens Series No. 1-464 with an area of ​​5.8 m 2;
  • Series No. 1-434 in different periods had dimensions from 5.7 to 6.2 m 2;
  • Series No. 1-335 - 6.2 m 2.

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Regardless that the kitchen was located in the middle of the apartment or in the corner, its dimensions remained identical to these parameters. In addition, such tiny kitchers could have not only a square, but also the wrong form, because of which their redevelopment was strongly complicated. But this is not the saddest, even the size of 5-6 m 2 can be beat.

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However, the feature of the Soviet layout was placed plates on the left or right of the window , often there was a set column, and the washing was placed in an angle, closer to the bathroom. It turned out that the dining table can be installed only on the opposite side, while he also served for cooking, which, of course, was inconvenience.

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Standard layout

Distinctive features of such apartments are not limited to only a member of the kitchen room. You can allocate other characteristic nuances.

  • In combined, as a rule, the bathroom, there was a window located at the level of the kitchen window, it could be opened for ventilation space. The tiny size (about 40 cm long and width) gave the possibility of weak daylight lighting in the bathroom without switching on light.

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  • Most homes attended a gas column Due to the lack of hot water, but such an attribute appeared slightly later.

Despite the fact that old models differ in bulky and not too presentable species, such an equipment is relevant and now, as it continues to be productive and more ergonomic compared to modern electric heaters.

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  • A mezzani was often located above the kitchen door where it was possible to store stocks of dry products, croup, as well as canned food and marinades, cooked with their own hands. The pantry for these purposes came little, because in many cases there was no either located in the far room, and for this reason, inedible things were stored.

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  • Another confused attribute of the "Khrushki" panel - tiny refrigerator having an opening in the form of a hole, which was located near the window, more precisely, under it.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_11

At the moment, the main problems are on the issue relating to the refrigerator: Leave it within the kitchen and transfer the dining area to another location, or refrigeration equipment to remove, for example, in the hallway to free part of the space under the table and chairs. But not only forces it to think about the owners of a small-sized apartment.

There are many later devices such as dishwasher and washing machines, so necessary in the farm, it is impossible to squeeze into the kitchen - simply do not allow its size.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_12

How to save place and increase space?

In the brick, as, however, in the panel house of the old construction, it is important to calculate each meter and try not to post extra things in the kitchen, not possessing useful functionality. In this regard, you can spend some optimization.

  • Install a 3-storey kitchen set , the most spacious in order to store in it not only dishes and some products, but also to electrical engineering. In the lower shelves it is desirable to keep what you need constantly. Things that are required for operation in more rare cases - on the upper shelves. Small accessories can be made from the shelf equipped at the level of the base tier.

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  • The wall remaining free It is better to place a light table for food techniques, for example, folding or folding.

There is an option when such an attribute turns into a small wardrobe, where you can put folding chairs.

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  • Many scares the cost of mobile blocks With high capacity, which can be used to create a cozy kitchen.

However, this furniture of the future for small-sized kitchen facilities is a real solution to the problem of space.

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  • As for household appliances This, too, will not be difficult if you choose for your home miniature compact models: a washing machine with vertical loading, a microwave, equipped with a high-quality oven with the microwave-irradiation option.

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Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_17

  • Fridge In fact, it can take a lot of space, so his removal will be released into a hallway or other room.

If you have the possibility of combining the kitchen with a loggia or a balcony, install it best there.

For single people or couples that do not have children can also be purchased mini fridge.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_18

  • Large size plates are undesirable For so small area. However, it is possible to replace the standard model with a small cooking surface, then there will be much space for cooking.

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  • Use as a working zone can even sink If you buy a special board, which can be put on top when you need to cut products.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_20

In the end, you can redevelop the goal of combining the kitchen with a loggia or a living room.

In the latter case, you can achieve the creation of a kitchen-studio, especially popular recently.

To do this, eliminate the wall or some part of it, while the door to the kitchen is immuting and put refrigeration equipment near it.

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Little Square Design

In vain, some think that it is unlikely to be able to create something interesting on the tiny kitchen in 5-6 m 2 . The compactness of a small kitchen does not mean that it can not be transformed in accordance with its plans. You can make sure that you see a lot of photos of successful projects. The case is only in the desire, inspiration and support for loved ones.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_22

The room can be issued in different versions.

  • In modern style. It involves the presence of 3 and more tones of the color palette, rounded flange of furniture, glossy and smooth surfaces painted with acrylic paint or varnish.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_23

  • No less attractive Country style With the presence of beautiful covers on chairs, curtains made of natural fabrics, pots and porridge with domestic flowers. To decorate the walls and the table, any items made by your own hands from natural materials are suitable: wood, straws, cones.

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  • Geometric clarity and abstract forms will also become an excellent design of a small kitchen, if you choose minimalism . The main tone in this case is neutral, but at the same time some bright details look stylishly.

The main condition is the surface of the countertops, the headset and walls should not have any ornament.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_25

  • Suitable for the kitchen in "Khrushchev" and modern High Tech Style . At the same time, the solution is better to adhere to strictness in the colors, and the materials use only artificial. For such an interior, it is characterized by steel, brown and gray tones, a laconic decor in the form of urban panels, unusual "cosmic" forms of objects.

Kitchen sizes in Khrushchev (26 photos): What is the standard area and how can there be a small kitchen design? 9477_26

With possible errors when planning a kitchen in "Khrushchev" and advice on their overcoming, you can get acquainted in the next video.

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