Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset


Modern kitchen facilities in apartments and private houses are difficult to imagine without some household appliances. To the category of the most sought-after equipment it is worth attributed to the microwave, the placement of which in the room has its own nuances.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_2

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_3

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_4

General installation rules

The arrangement of household appliances in the kitchen is performed taking into account a number of features. This also applies to microwave ovens. So, when placing such equipment, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances.

  • In order for the ventilation from the device to be opened, It is important to determine which removal should be a microwave from other instruments or surfaces. This applies to the walls, especially the distance between the rear wall of the microwave oven and kitchen head. It is more correct that it is at least 15 centimeters between them.
  • The optimal option for placing the microwave in the kitchen It will become an angular cabinet or a low penalty. In this embodiment, finding the device in the room will look more harmonious.
  • Install the furnace can be on the brackets, But the support of the support is allowed as the fastening system. However, such ideas should not be carried out near mounted cabinets. It is best to hang a microwave near the dining table.
  • Place a headset in niches only built-in techniques To avoid condensate formation during operation.
  • Hide the microwave oven can be inside a deaf cabinet with sash, But provided that the inner space will be greater than the technique itself, which is relevant for the proper functioning of the electrical appliance ventilation.
  • An important nuance concerning the location of the technique is height. If you put the furnace too close to the floor, then in terms of comfort of use this option will be less successful. The optimal removal of equipment from the floor is considered distance in the range from 50 centimeters to one and a half meters. If the microwave is set above, there is a risk of burning during operation about preheated food. Usually the height of the installation is calculated based on the growth of family members.
  • Manufacturers do not recommend installing a microwave oven Near the stationary oven or near the heating devices. And also correctly will put the technique away from the refrigerator and other household devices.
  • To conveniently place the microwave oven in the kitchen headset, It is important to define the door opening angle in advance. It is worth avoiding her contact when smasted with any horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Suspended models must be mandatory to stand on a rigid and stable metal support. This is relevant for those cases when a stationary thin or fragile surface may bend or deformed under the weight of household appliances.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_5

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_6

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_7

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_8

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_9

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_10

Suitable places

In order for the technique to take at least a place on the working surfaces, especially in a small kitchen, it is recommended to install it under the table top. Usually for such purposes partially rewor outdoor cabinets, forming a full-fledged niche. If in advance to think over the project planning and placement of household appliances in the headset, it will be possible to achieve a harmonious and functional design of the kitchen room.

However, this idea is not devoid of some drawbacks - first of all it concerns the discomfort of the microwave operation for high family members. And also not quite successful option will be a similar choice for families with young children.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_11

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_12

Installation of the device on the kitchen countertop - an option used in most urban and country dwellings. Conducted similar popularity by ease of operation, since the technique will always be at hand. And also after use from the device, it will be easier to get a preheated food, placing it on a comfortable tabletop. If necessary, from this place the furnace can be quickly rearranged to another without prejudice to the planning and interior of the room.

However, this option will be unsuitable for kitchens cramped in its sizes, as the device will take a lot of useful space.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_13

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_14

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_15

A relevant and fashionable installation option today is the principle of built-in household appliance.

In this case, it is necessary to acquire techniques in advance so that the model is harmoniously fit into the interior, and also fit in height, depth and width in the place allotted for it in the headset.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_16

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_17

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_18

It is possible to successfully place the microwave when used, as a rule, less functional angular space kitchen. In most cases, deep angles are capable of accommodating even the largest-sized devices, while the furnace will be quite accessible to the worktop.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_19

Shelves are another idea that will save space in the kitchen. Open structures of different types will be an excellent option for installing the microwave at the top of the kitchen. Typically, the instruments put in the work of the working apron, since today such a technique is involved in many stages of cooking.

Such options are not deprived of their indisputable advantages, but the basic rules for safe installation of electrical appliances must be respected. In particular, this concerns the availability of sockets, as well as durable surfaces to which the furniture design for equipment will be attached.

Plasterboard, which often cut the walls, may not withstand such a load.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_20

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_21

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_22

An interesting solution will be the installation of hard structures with two tiers to accommodate two main household appliances on them. . This option will be the most suitable for small kitchen premises.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_23

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_24

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_25

Fastening on special brackets - no less functional way to install than shelf which will allow the microwave in the suspended version, placing it without the attraction of working surfaces. However, the brackets also require durable grounds for mounting. This is usually brick or concrete.

Supplementing beams are used for additional fixation.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_26

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_27

The microwave can be put on the tube, which will look no less attractive. In addition, convenience from such an idea will be a similar option to install the device on the worktop or table, but in this case the functional space will remain free.

The cabinet is a mobile version of the furniture design for the kitchen, so if necessary, it can be rearranged into any part of the room. Among the special ideas relating to the microwave bedside tables, modern multifunctional models can be suitable, as well as ordinary products with simple design and internal device.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_28

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_29

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_30

Neighborhood with other devices and furniture

There are certain rules for placing a microwave oven together with a kitchen sink, a cooking surface (stove) or TV. So, according to the standards, the minimum distance between them should be 50 centimeters. Placement over the stove is not the most successful option for a microwave oven, since hot steam will be raised during the cooking process, which will significantly reduce the operation of the electrical appliance.

The neighborhood with the TV can cause interference in it. As for the refrigerator, the likelihood that vibrations emanating from it will adversely affect the operation of the microwave oven. If we talk about the refrigerator itself, the temperatures above average can lead to its malfunction.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_31

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_32

Interesting interior decision will be The location of the microwave over the oven. In this case, the oven can be located just below the usual level, which is fairly quickly used.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_33

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_34

As for the planning relating to the combination of microwave and certain furniture structures, some ideas provide for the installation of the device on the bar. In this version, the furnace is convenient to use, since it will be located at an optimal height. To supplement a similar idea, you can consider using a special box in the color of the tabletop or headset, where the technique will be.

As for the dining table, everything will depend on its location and shape: for large rectangular tables, such an idea turns out to be relevant, as for small dining areas or folding structures, the installation on them microwave will not always be comfortable.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_35

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_36

Interesting solutions

An open regiment located in the working area will become an excellent solution for the placement of the microwave oven. Such an idea will be appropriate even in a small kitchen , and the location of the washing and electrical appliances at different corners of the table top will perform the operation of the technique completely safe.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_37

In order to save the useful area, it is worth considering no less functional options for installing a microwave oven in a closed hanging cabinet of the upper tier. Convenient rising doors will perform the operation of the device as convenient as possible and accessible even with the hidden placement of the stove.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_38

The installation options for the electrical instrument in a special niche can be an interesting solution in terms of interior arrangement, in addition, thus It will be possible to save the useful area in the kitchen, What will be relevant for small spaces. As well as a similar solution will be successful for spacious kitchens and kitchens.

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_39

Options for placing microwaves in the kitchen (40 photos): Where to put it on a small kitchen? Ideas for the location of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset 9421_40

The following video will tell about the nuances of the placement of the microwave oven in the kitchen headset.

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