Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment


Develop a comfortable and beautiful design of the kitchen in a studio apartment is indeed difficult, and the same opinion has professional designers. However, theoretically studied the rules of registration, it is still really to realize their ideas to life and create a cozy and functional space on a small area.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_2

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_3

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_4


The organic of the kitchen space depends on the correct separation of the room to different zones - this allows you to rationally use each square meter, and what is known, this deficiency in onexels. Unfortunately, the kitchen in such an apartment is often used not only for the preparation and eating, but also for relaxing, performing school tasks, reception of guests.

Therefore, in the room it is necessary to design and compactly follow all the necessary furniture and accessories for this.

  • First of all, it is, of course, a kitchen functionality consisting of working surfaces, household appliances, refrigerators, plates and sinks.
  • Since the room in the apartment is only one, breakfasts, lunches and dinners should also take place in the kitchen, so you need to highlight the dining area. With a sufficient area, it can be equipped with a compact corner sofa, a table of small sizes, sometimes additional chairs and a TV opposite.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_5

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_6

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_7

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_8

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_9

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_10

However, in fact, with the absence of unnecessary space, the table is chosen dining, as it replaces students to children a regular writing desk. If the kitchen is too small, and do not want to overload it to the sofa, many choose a more affordable option - a bar with chairs.

Of course, much depends on the planning, but in any case the kitchen in odnushki rarely there are more than 8 square meters. M. And for accommodation will require compact technique, folding or transforming furniture, the purpose of which is easy to change with a few simple movements.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_11

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_12

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_13

Basic ways of separation of zones:

  • materials of another texture and color, including gender and walls;
  • Curtains fixed on the ceiling eaves;
  • Screens that can be easily folded or pushed off;
  • Bar stand, by itself serving the border of the sectors.

Another option for an apartment with small dimensions is a kitchen podium, such a design can be equipped with many compartments and drawers for utensils, and in some cases it provides sleeping places.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_14

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_15

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_16

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_17

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_18

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_19

Placement of furniture

It would be possible to expand the kitchen space of a small kitchen in the odnushka using the union of the room and the kitchen. In other words, To turn an apartment in the studio is so it becomes more functional, increases visually, acquires a more modern and original look.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_20

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_21

But unfortunately, due to compliance with the safety and availability of bearing walls, the implementation of this project is not always possible. Therefore, it is possible to optimally plan the space of the kitchen, only competently by filling it with furniture.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_22

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_23

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_24

Since there is a restriction of its number and dimensions on a small area, it will be necessary to choose the most rational options:

  • linear placement of work surfaces, but it is suitable for large kitchens;
  • Corner layout that will require a solution to the issue where to put the sink and refrigerator - there is the possibility of installing the washing in the corner, the refrigerator - near the door, and the cooking panel - by the window;
  • The headset, established in the form of the island with household appliances and sink located on it, is also appropriate, but, again, it requires a large time.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_25

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_26

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_27

It turns out that for one-bedroom apartment with a separate small kitchen, the best solution is an angular layout. However, even with such a scheme, it is desirable to unload space.

  • Save the place will allow the acquisition of a headset made by independently or to order - non-standard dimensions imply a smaller width of the bedside tables and cabinets. The latter should be higher. Finishing the interior of the prefabricated table and folding chairs.
  • Corner models of cabinets, patellas for washes, refrigerators and plates, sofas are no less relevant. The sofa in this case can perform the storage functions of various things: these models are usually equipped with boxes inside the seats.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_28

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_29

An important point in the design is also a lifestyle of the family living in a 1-room apartment. This factor is often not taken into account, but it is directly related to the planning.

If households do not eat at home, doing cooking homemade food is extremely rare, then the dining area can be safely reduced, replacing the traditional table with a multi-chairs. This will free the room in the room, will make the appearance of the room more attractive and convenient.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_30

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_31

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_32

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_33

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_34

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_35

Color palette

Those who are going to independently make a kitchen in a studio apartment, We should adhere to the recommendations of professional designers.

  • Take into account the location of the room. This means that in the room overlooking the windows to the East and South, you can use all shades of white, blue, gray, lavender and lilac tones. In the kitchen, located on the north side, such colors like golden-yellow, beige, gentle-green and peach - they make the shaded space with more air and light, become relevant.
  • Dark tones and ornaments are undesirable on areas of less than 6-8 square meters, they are used only as separate decor elements.
  • A small room should not overload the abundance of patterns and small details. The background should be monophonic, and any ornaments are small and almost imperceptible.
  • Black, brown and other dark colors are used with caution and minimal quantities.
  • Visually enlarge the room will help the wallpaper in the vertical strip.
  • The kitchen set can be performed in the same shades as the dining area, or using contrast tones.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_36

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_37

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_38

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_39

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_40

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_41


The decor has no less important than the design of the walls and the choice of furniture of a certain color. Decoration of the room can be:

  • Competently selected lighting in the form of a layered lamp under the ceiling, point illumination in the area of ​​the functional part of the room and the dining room, a small sconium near the dining table, included during rest;
  • blinds, simple Roman or rolled curtains from textile or natural materials;
  • several statuettes or other shelves and table ornaments;
  • utensils of the original shape on the open shelves;
  • Vase with live flowers or indoor plant in a beautiful pot.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_42

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_43

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_44

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_45

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_46

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_47

If there is a desire to hang a picture, then you can do only with one copy - this is quite enough, otherwise the interior will look Alyapovato.

What should not be done - it is to clutter the space of a mass of useless and birds, which are able to blur light and concise design, so important to the kitchen in the odnushka. Any excesses in the form of stucco, thread, bizarre molding, which are designed for large rooms and halls.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_48

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_49

Style solutions

It is easy to guess that the style for the kitchen room should be chosen easier, and does not provide configuration elements. A few directions are more suitable in this sense.

  • Scandinavian style , which is the advantage of which is considered an abundance of light, dominance of simple proportions and pastel tones. The kitchen in this style suggest white monochrome color of the headset facades or their finish "under the tree". At the same time, the walls are a composition combining unprocessed wood and ceramics.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_50

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_51

  • Minimalism - truly beautiful and laconic image that increases space. It is characterized by built-in kitchen elements, the correct geometry, the minimum decor. The main finishing materials are glass, metal and plastic in combination with ceramic tiles, wood and stone.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_52

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_53

  • Ecosil has an unusual charm based on the combination of natural materials, natural forms and colors. It is ideal for a small space. The main colors in his palette are natural, like nature itself - it is white, brown, beige, pale green and soft blue shades. In this case, decorate the kitchen with decorative products from materials such as clay, stone, wood, natural fabrics and glass.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_54

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_55

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_56

In the design of the kitchen interior in the odushka, you can also use such a modern and universal style like High-tech.

Unfortunately, the classic does not suit, because it is simply inappropriate for the kitchen room of a one-room apartment.

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_57

Kitchen design in one-bedroom apartment (58 photos): options for designing a separate kitchen in the odnushka, a simple kitchen interior in a 1-room apartment 9416_58

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