Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters


Planning the interior of the future kitchen, many are in front of the choice, how to place furniture and equipment as convenient as possible. Stylish and functional planning is a compromise solution that requires a thorough approach to the arrangement of the room. Before purchasing and expanding the necessary furniture items, It is recommended to calculate their location and dimensions: the depth of the shelves, the length of the tabletops, the method of opening the doors on the upper and lower sections. It depends on such little things how comfortable will be a new headset in operation.

Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_2

Parameters of the lower modules

When choosing a headset for the kitchen advise to look, whether the dimensions of the floor cabinets correspond to the area.

The lower row is taken as a basis, depending on its location, there are later hinged cabinets, penalties, equipment and other elements.

Standard parameters:

  • The lower stands with the worktop have a height of 85-95 cm;
  • legs or base - about 10 cm;
  • Table top thickness - from 3.5 to 5 cm;
  • The size of the table tops from the edge to the wall - 60 cm, but there is wider - from 90 to 120, as well as more compact - about 50 cm;
  • The facade with the doors can be different in width, but there is no more than 90 cm;
  • Height between the shelves - from 15 to 40 cm (in one locker there are from 2 to 3 shelves);
  • Chest boxes inside - up to 14 cm;
  • The total size of the lower section is about 90 cm.

Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_3

Floor stand together with the table top is installed on the optimal height: too high arrangement will create an additional load on the brushes and elbows, low working surfaces are forced to be inclined over the table top.

    The depth of the drawers is consistent with the sizes of the table top - As a rule, the depth of the standard modules a little already parameters of the countertop. Outdoor pencils often have a depth of 50-57 cm. In width, each bottom box is about 40 cm, large dimensions are possible, for example, 60 cm. Kitchen cabinets are made in width, which is divided by 15 and 20 without a residue. Facades The headset can be narrow - 15 cm, often equipped with retractable baskets.

    Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_4

    Various manufacturers adhere to certain selected standards. Furniture from different manufacturers may vary by typical sizes. The headset parameters better clarify before buying.

    Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_5

    Dimensions of the upper row

    According to observations of kitchen furniture manufacturers, mounted modules use 3 times more often than the lower row. It is believed that wall sections are used to store frequently used products and objects, and outdoor - for cumbersome equipment and dishes.

    Selecting the upper cabinets, it is important to take into account the gap between the floor bed and mounted cabinets.

    Too low location of the upper modules can lead to injuries during kitchen work. Too high placement of wall boxes is uncomfortable: to get the dishes or products, you will need a stepladder or stool. The width of the upper section coincides with the bottom side. The standard for placing furniture in the kitchen is selected for growth in 165 cm, for low-speed mounted modules are descended below, they are raised for high. The upper shelf of the locker is placed Near the brush stretched up hands.

    Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_6

    Typical wall sections have the following parameters:

    • Place hinged boxes above the working surface at an altitude of 45-60 cm (the growth of the kitchen owner is taken into account);
    • The height of the wall sections is 70-90 cm;
    • depth - 30 cm;
    • Width - from 15 to 90 cm;
    • Corner design - 60x60 cm.

    Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_7

      A tier with a niche for placing a microwave oven is made in a height of about 35-38 cm with an open lower shelf, the depth of which is also 35 cm. Such a niche can be combined with the attached section or represent a separate module. The width of the shelf from 56 cm. Extraction is installed in 80 cm above the gas stove and at 70 cm from the surface of the electric. Having hung the hood above, reduce the speed and efficiency of its operation, low placement affects the duration of the equipment: from overheating the extractor can break.

      Correct calculations will allow you to comfortably and practically place attachments, equip functional and modern cuisine.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_8

      Accommodation countertops

      When drawing up a plan for a future kitchen It is important to find a harmonious ratio between the economical distribution of cabinets and their functional use. Typical headsets, delivered according to the scheme proposed in the store, can cause inconvenience. Before purchasing furniture It is better to plan the placement of each section. Measure depth, height, width to accurately be sure that none of the cabinets will create discomfort after installation.

      First, they plan how the countertop will be located with a stove and washing.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_9

      Standard table tops have:

      • The height of the facade is 85 cm;
      • The depth of the working surface is 60 cm.

      This countertop is designed for middle growth. Under the growth and length of the hand, the individual parameters of the working surface are selected: 70 cm deep, 90 cm height.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_10

      About 155 cm Working area is an area for heat treatment of food and cutting ready, a plate is located here, there may be a multicooker or microwave oven and a countertop. Approximately 100-120 cm occupies a washing and a product preparation area: defrosting, cutting.

      On some types of tabletops, countertops are in high altitude (often the role is more high, the bar rack performs).

      Low levels - from 60 cm - suitable for the preparation of meat and fish products, placement of non-standard equipment, such as meat grinders. High countertops - from 90 cm (such a format happens at the rack and wide foam) - suitable for the preparation of desserts and cocktails.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_11

      The parameters of the cooking surface are chosen under the sizes of the sink and the stove. The depth of the sections upstairs should be shorter than the lower cabinets one and a half times. Very wide countertops are suitable for tall people, in this situation the upper tiers rise above the table up to 75 cm.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_12

      Dependence of sizes from planning

      The ideal parameters of kitchen heads are selected on the area and layout of the room. There are standards for placing a gas stove - 15-20 cm from the window and walls, in half a meter from the refrigerator. In small-sized apartments, install a narrow plate on 2 burners with a compact hood.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_13

      In the process of cooking in the kitchen, you have to move to get or remove objects in place. The length of the headset depends on the size of the room.

      Too far from each other, the placed work surfaces and hanging cabinets will require more move during cooking.

      This especially becomes noticeable in overall kitchens. In a square and rectangular kitchen, placing standard furniture will not be difficult. Non-standard layout with niches, beveled ceilings, the wrong position of the walls requires an individual approach, probably the furniture is completely or partially needed to be made to order.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_14

      Kitchen furniture manufacturers offer Standard settings designed for typical rooms. They also provide services for the creation of individual projects, taking into account the characteristics of the room. Experienced specialists will make the necessary measurements and take into account the wishes of the owner. For each room, you can choose the optimal version of the furniture.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_15

      The size of the kitchen headset also depends on its variety.

      • Direct kitchen. Place cabinets and couches along one of the walls. The refrigerator is recommended to be placed on the opposite side or side. This is done to create an effective working triangle.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_16

      • Corner kitchen . It allows economically to use the area of ​​the room, which is especially convenient in small kitchens. Corner accommodation requires a reasonable approach to the distribution of working zones (refrigerator, washing, stove) and to the selection of methods for opening lockers (swing options in the angular sections are replaced with sliding).

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_17

      • P-shaped kitchen. With such a layout, the use of working surfaces is most effectively. They advise in such a kitchen work areas closer to the middle. Often the middle part is located near the window opening.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_18

      • G-shaped. In square layout, it is often used by headsets with a bar counter. The furniture is placed along the three walls, from the end to one part is attached to the surface that is used as a working area or a dining table. Very convenient in the kitchen studio.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_19

      • Island kitchen. Island - a separate surface may be present in any form plan. Often on the island there is a cooking panel or washing.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_20

      How to choose the optimal option?

      Having stopped at one of the varieties of the kitchen headset, it is necessary to take into account the planning of the room, its area, the common dimensions of the lower and upper tiers, combining furniture and household appliances. Even if one of the options favorites will occupy more space than it was supposed to choose another. Centen the kitchen, given its area and layout. In small-sized apartments, the kitchen size is often no longer than 7 m2.

      For small premises, designers are recommended to perform a project headset for individual orders. Typical modules may not fit into small volume.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_21

      Creating the projects of the intended kitchen, designers include the most needed furniture and household appliances. Separate items can be excluded or making compact. The cooking panel to choose with two burners instead of four is an additional saving of free space. The refrigerator can be tailored to the balcony or pick up a compact built-in. Built-in equipment and furniture are perfect for small areas, saving free space. And it looks such kitchens quite stylish.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_22

      The premises of the size above 12 m2 allow you to choose any kind of headset. Slipping large areas, do not forget about the ruler of the working triangle: washing, stove and refrigerator are placed on its vertices. For the working area, they advise to be removed from 4 to 7 m2, so the process of working in the kitchen will become nicer and easier.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_23

      Standard kitchen headsets have a number of advantages:

      • Ready sections can be viewed and removed;
      • Select modules for a specific room;
      • Purchase and install furniture in a short time;
      • Save on costs.

      Typical furniture is calculated for a standard set of cutlery and technology. Length, depth, headset height picks under the kitchen area.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_24

      The minimum number of sections that are usually installed - three:

      • Tombu with a tabletop;
      • Box with washing;
      • Section with a hob.

      In the roomy kitchen, the washing machine and dishwasher, retractable refrigerator are assembled into the niches. Mounted different types of cabinets are installed: mounted, floor pencils, dressers, open shelves.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_25

      How to start developing a project of self-catering? Typically draw the plan of the room where the furniture is planned. For this measure the length and width of the kitchen, the depth of the niche, the size of door and window openings. All measurements are celebrated in the drawing. The locations of the sewage and water supply, power grids and ventilation are also contributed to the plan. Schemes will help when planning accommodation in the headset of equipment, ventilation and washing.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_26

      The headset parameters must coincide with the size of the kitchen area. Selecting the appropriate furniture and kitchen equipment, recommend to draw sketches of the alleged arrangement of objects. If the option is satisfied, the accurate plan for placing furniture is made. It is important to relate to the parameters of all sections with the layout and area of ​​the room.

      At this stage, you can make adjustments in choosing modules and their size.

      When creating a schema, take into account:

      • how to lay a sink, stove, refrigerator;
      • Where to put cabinets and equipment;
      • Distance between work areas;
      • The height of the placement of wall cabinets;
      • the area of ​​the apron;
      • The width of the table top and the depth of the boxes.

      Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_27

        The plan provides for another dining area and free space. Surplus cabinets and equipment will not add comfort in the kitchen and will prevent cooking. For the convenience of the housewife, dishes and products must be at a distance of not more than 1.5 meters from the working surfaces, washing and plates. This when marking cabinets on the plan is recommended to take into account.

        Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_28

        Optimally distribute furniture of different sizes, making it functional will help zoning the upper and lower parts of the headset.

        Several functional zones are isolated.

        1. Lower - From the base to the middle shelf of the couch (height 40 cm). Store items and dishes used rarely, it is difficult. Wide retractable shelves or boxes are suitable.
        2. Below the average - From the second shelf of the stands to the belt (45-75 cm). Not quite accessible, but looks well. Successfully place small household appliances and cutlery.
        3. Average - From the table top to the first shelf of the upper tier (75-180 cm). This is considered the most used part of the headset.
        4. High - Upper shelves of hinged boxes (from 180 cm). Little is functional, is in deficiency. Store light items to get them, you will have to get up onto the stand.

        Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_29

          Such a conditional division will help plan the placement of dishes and products at the preparatory stage. Perhaps, accurately determining where one or another item will be, it will be easier to make a choice of kitchen headset.

          Dimensions of kitchen heads (30 photos): headband projects with standard sizes, depth standard and kitchen widths, non-standard furniture dimensions, height and length parameters 9359_30

          In the next video you will learn how to make a comfortable kitchen, taking into account the rules of ergonomics.

          Read more